wheresduusu · 5 years
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Doodled my faves when I was supposed to be paying attention in class. Adrien really said Nathalie is basically family in this episode huh
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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Oh god, my heart.
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wheresduusu · 5 years
"You know your uncle's never been the physical sort" lmao excuse me?
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Sure bud
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wheresduusu · 5 years
nathalie seemed sad/remorseful when she told gabriel chat noir was adrien meanwhile gabriel goes full on psychopath and gleefully beats his son's shit in
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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wheresduusu · 5 years
I’m I the only one or has someone seen Felix there as well? Nathalie KNOWS who’s witch she knows who’s her *son.. such a mama bear so proud
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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my dear mayura
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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-lays down, cries into carpet-
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wheresduusu · 5 years
Feast: Is full of important plot points, confirms various theories abt Emily, will have Marinette and Adrien go after the thing without their miraculous my only focus and takeaway: “Oh my god I cant believe Hawkmoth called her “My dear Mayura”.
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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Adrien and Plagg playing piano together o((*^▽^*))o
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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filed under: things that probably weren’t even deliberate storytelling decisions and that i’m probably reading too much into, but that give me Emotions anyway
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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wheresduusu · 5 years
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Nathalie listen please
(i may have one day off this coming weekend... but i'll be back with the mlb funnies i promise)
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wheresduusu · 5 years
Also, here’s my attempt at transcribing the French lyrics if...anyone was curious? more like I typed this out and just want to throw it onto the internet lol Be warned that there are most likely spelling mistakes (and probably other mistakes too, haha) - again, feel free to correct me! ^^
Elle est debout juste derrière moi Elle me sourit, et tourne détourne les yeux Je crois comprendre son drôle de jeu
Quand je le vois, je ne suis plus moi Je deviens rouge et parle tout bas Le souffle court, j'ai le cœur qui bat
M'éloigner, c'est la seule chose à faire J'ai le cœur à l'envers Je sens comme un pouvoir qui me tire au-delà du mur qui nous sépare
Mais pourquoi je n'ose rien lui dire ? Je le veux que pour moi Sa lumière, son sourire Traversant pour un soir ce mur qui nous sépare
Mais pourtant Lorsque je pense à elle Je me sens infidèle Je veux fuir dans la nuit Pour voir ma coccinelle J'ai le cœur en duel
Toi et moi Si nous pouvions nous voir au-delà du miroir Bas les masques pour un soir Brisons de part en part ce mur qui nous sépare
Je ne comprends pas ce que je veux Je ne peux pas tomber amoureux D'où vient ce sentiment mystérieux ?
Un jour viendra tu découvriras le bonheur d'être à deux, toi et moi Lorsqu'on se serrera dans nos bras
Mais pourquoi, si mon cœur est ailleurs, je sens dans mon âme une chaleur, un frisson qui me porte bonheur ?
Pourtant je le ressens, ce tourbillon de sentiment qui nous emporte au firmament, dans le soleil et dans le vent comme une chance unique, un tournoiement magique
C'est fort quand je le vois Je veux crier sur tous les toits notre amour qui nous tend les bras Mais je sais que je ne dois pas Ce n'est pas le moment Il faut être patients Être patients...
Je sais qu'un jour on s'envolera Car mon amour, un jour tu verras qu'auprès de moi, tu deviendras toi
Je ne comprends pas ce que je veux Je ne peux pas tomber amoureux D'où vient ce sentiment mystérieux ?
Nous serons réunis dans la nuit Comme dans le jour où tout ce qui brille sera notre amour à l'infini
Malgré ce grand mur qui nous sépare, l'amour traverse de part en part Nous sommes ensemble, une force rare
Pour toi, je patienterais toute une vie Car, oui, je t'aime à la folie Je t'aimerai à l'infini
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wheresduusu · 5 years
Did a rough translation for practice again - feel free to chime in with corrections if you notice mistakes! I put a couple parts in parentheses that I was especially unsure about.
Link to the song (Ce mur qui nous sépare) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAdZZBigm2E
She's standing just behind me She smiles at me and looks away I think I understand her strange game
When I see him, I’m not myself anymore I turn red and speak quietly Short of breath, my heart races
Get away It's all I can do My heart is upside-down I feel like a power is pulling me beyond the wall between us
But why don't I dare say anything to him? I want him all to myself His light, his smile Crossing through, for one night, this wall between us
And yet When I think of her I feel unfaithful I want to run away in the night to see my ladybug My heart is torn
You and I If we could see each other On the other side of the mirror Drop the masks for one night Let’s break right through this wall between us
I don't understand what I want I can't fall in love Where is this mysterious feeling coming from?
A day will come You'll discover the joy of being together, you and me When we hold each other in our arms
But why, if my heart is elsewhere, Do I feel a warmth in my soul, A thrill that brings me happiness?
And yet I feel this whirlwind of emotion that carries us away to the heavens, into the sun and the wind Like a unique(once-in-a-lifetime) chance A magical whirlwind
It's a strong feeling when I see him I want to shout from all the rooftops Our love that's reaching out to us But I know that I must not It's not the time We have to be patient To be patient...
I know that one day we'll fly away Because, my love, one day you'll see That with me, you'll become you
I don't understand what I want I can't fall in love Where is this mysterious feeling coming from?
We'll be reunited in the night (Like in the day, where everything that shines will be our endless love)
Despite this great wall between us, love is crossing right through We are together, a rare force
For you, I'd wait a whole lifetime Because, yes, I love you madly I'll love you endlessly
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wheresduusu · 5 years
Actually I take that back, I don’t want angst.
I want Duusu driving Gabriel nuts that first night because they refuse to get back into their brooch on the shelf because it’s uncomfortable, he can’t let Nooroo handle them, can’t renounce them back and they’re determined to keep talking incessantly about how: ‘-he needs to check on Ms. Nathalie to make sure she’s really resting because Ms. Nathalie likes to say she’s resting but than she keeps on not-resting instead and they didn’t get to tell her to have a good night and what if she doesn’t have a good night because of that and she is just so nice and what if she feels awful tomorrow and it would be all their fault -‘ and there’s only so much of her incessant rambling and worrying before he’s just slapping his damn phone off the bedside table and making a call at 3 am to plead his half asleep assistant into telling this little kwami that she is fine and to finally let him sleep.
Yeah, I want that more.
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