whihakayda · 6 days
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whihakayda · 2 months
Anyone who's been paying attention knows where I stand when it comes to the freedom of Palestine. As a roleplay help blog, I've tried to best keep up to date and avoid suggesting z*onists. After many requests I'm now posting the links publicly. The lists have been researched by not only myself but credit goes to the user leepacey for her amazing list which you can find here, and the Instagram users z*onistsinfilm and z*onistsinmusic.
Please note that the lists are ever growing and evolving as new information comes to light and I take suggestions (with proof) for both lists.
celebs who have shown support for isr*el / z*onists 👎
celebs who have shown support for palestine 🇵🇸
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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whihakayda · 4 months
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whihakayda · 5 months
"cant boycott McDonald's because it's my comfort food"
"cant boycott Starbucks because it's convenient for me to eat breakfast there and I need my little treats uwu"
"cant boycott Eurovision because I like the music"
damn. cant do shit. almost like it means nothing to u
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whihakayda · 5 months
Zionists love talking about how Palestinians turned to violence and killing, as if they didn't have countless peaceful demonstrations. Why don't Palestinians act like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks? That's because the Palestinian Martin Luther Kings and Rosa Parks are dead. Massacred by Israel.
Oppressed people have a right to armed resistance. Israel has always wanted to destroy Palestine and to genocide it's people, they've just been waiting for an excuse.
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whihakayda · 6 months
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Please help the family of a non-verbal autistic child (who has been losing weight because he only eats certain kinds of food, largely unavailable during this time) leave Gaza!
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whihakayda · 7 months
I wish for Palestinians to have ordinary days without artillery and i want them to eat their cuisine in peace on a mundane morning. I want their children to go to school and i want them to go to work in peace in their own damn fucking country and their own damn fucking land. It's all theirs. It will never be Isntreal.
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whihakayda · 7 months
Aaron Bushnell died. The active duty US soldier who self immolated in front of the Israeli embassy died of his wounds - he died screaming “Free Palestine” as he burned. He said he no longer wanted to be complicit in genocide. This is the second person to self immolate because of Palestinian Genocide and I hope his story doesn’t get swept under the rug like the first.
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whihakayda · 8 months
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whihakayda · 8 months
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I'M PART OF THIS! I'm offering high res lineart of some of my complex artworks for you to color in + coloring feedback! Feel free to send me your colored version of my inks and you can ask about colors and feedback.
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So check out THIS LINK or the twitter link above and scroll through the artists to find me or other great artist and art that speak to you!
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whihakayda · 8 months
guys i actually beg of you to not let palestine become an unpleasant flashback, a transient tumblr trend, a hasbeen subject that just faded away. as an arab—and specifically iraqi—girl, i know what it feels like to have family displaced all over the world as a result of western imperialism. i know what it feels like to not be able to step foot into your homeland because it’s no longer safe. as an american iraqi, raised in the us and insulated from my roots, it wasn’t until last summer that i was able to visit iraq for the first time, and even then my family was worried for my safety—in my own blood country. although nothing like what palestinians are experiencing right now, it might be the tiniest semblance of what it feels like to watch your country disintegrate in front of you.
and this is a universal arab experience. i volunteer weekly at a refugee center that serves middle eastern refugees, and every day i see the longing in their eyes when they speak of where they hail from. it’s safe to say that we will be getting a wave of palestinian refugees very soon: just another generation of arabs who can’t inhabit their own country.
arab culture is so rich, so profound, so beautiful. i am tired of being told by the world—through literal genocide—that it doesn’t mean anything. please never let this be forgotten. free palestine. free palestine. free palestine.
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whihakayda · 8 months
Liberals are gonna shift the goal posts as more and more people publicly turn against Isr.ael,
specifically they are already pointing to N.etanyahu as a the face and focus of their actions, and while I personally think he should have been 🔫
It is completely ignorant and disingenuous to believe (and tell others that) Bibi is unpopular in I.srael because he is too far right, especially when more extremist politicians like B.en-G.vir (who is actively handing out govt issued arms to settlers in the Westbank) are far more popular than Bibi
And also to ignore that many "left leaning" Isr.aelis still believe in the right of the state to exist
There is no one face to what Isreal has done, this is backed by government, carried out by soldiers, supported by large numbers of the public
Just like Germany has done, they will slide back into their old ways if all they face is a slap on the wrist and a handful of people branded as war criminals
The only justice is the abolishment of the state and the restoration of Palestine and "Isra.elis" who lived there pre 48/ those who wish to stay must do so with the mindset of decolonisation and actively rebuilding and restoring what the previous regime destroyed
From the River to the Sea, Palestine MUST Be Free
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whihakayda · 9 months
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"Gaza is now a different colour from space. It's a different texture."
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whihakayda · 10 months
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whihakayda · 10 months
just got a second official warning for my use of "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free" on the OTW volunteer slack
people are also currently asking board to ban saying that the founding of israel was colonialism—equating this to saying racial slurs—and were complaining about my status back when it was "palestine will be free", too
suffice to say, fuck that place, don't give the OTW your money, and don't fucking volunteer there
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(the second screenshot is from the warning I got a few days ago)
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whihakayda · 10 months
I feel like in the midst of all of these daily tragedies we might forget that the people of Gaza are literally not superheroes and they do not possess special powers that we don't. I know Palestinians have been dehumanised but it also feels like sometimes this dehumanisation comes in the form of attributing superpowers to Palestinians.
Palestinians don't want to die.
Just like you, they look forward to weekends, to their morning coffee. They plan birthday parties for their kids and they complain about the laundry. They have a favourite chocolate brand and they hate not being able to get that tune out of their head. They have preferences and arguments. And just like you, they hate the sight of blood.
Palestinians don't want to die.
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whihakayda · 11 months
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