whiitenoize · 2 years
debating bringing mauri over to my multi muse bc i cannot for the life of my balance more than one blog
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whiitenoize · 2 years
if you softblock me, please just hard block me, bc i will NOT realize you did, and i'll probably follow you back thinking i made a mistake. i'm not being persistent or annoying, i just have an awful memory.
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whiitenoize · 2 years
TW: death, accidental m*rder of a teenager, descriptions of lethal wounds.
The death of Mauri's mother, Jennifer Taylor.
Mauri and her adopted older sister, Kasia, were studying at Xavier's Institute, learning about and how to better control their powers. It wasn't enough, not to hold back Feral. That's what Kasia called the beast inside her that forced its way out and caused destruction. Death.
It seemed to follow them.
Professor X gave the girls the bad news. Jennifer had been found by a neighbor, days after her death. He spared them the cause; she had been murdered. His sparing them, however, did not stop the tragedy that followed.
Mauri remembers glimpses. She remembers her heart shattering in millions of tiny pieces. Screaming until her throat bled. The whole mansion, maybe the whole block, went dark. She must have blacked out, because the only thing she remembers after that is seeing his body.
Kasia's boyfriend was a nice guy. He was charming and kind, always tried to do the right thing. Ironic that was what killed him. He had tried to talk Kasia down. Well. It wasn't Kasia.
After the news, Kasia blacked out, too. Feral had taken over, distraught that the woman who took her in, cared for her, loved her, was dead. Feral had shifted into the large, monstruous beast she is and tore out into the darkness of the night. He found her in the courtyard. Didn't realize this wasn't Kasia. Feral must have deemed him a threat. Mauri to this day hasn't gotten much info out of Kasia about that day, not that she'd remember the moment exactly, but regardless, Kasia didn't talk about it.
Mauri remembers the fear on the other students' faces as they found the three of them: Feral, Mauri, and his body. Bloody and shredded, face beyond recognizable. There were screams, gasps, scared whispers and pointing fingers. Mauri took off after Feral when she ran. Managed to create enough of an electrical shock to knock Kasia out before Professor X intervened.
They had both been politely kicked out. Kasia was a danger to everyone, and even though Professor X insisted he could help her, Kasia couldn't stand to stay there anymore. Mauri doesn't think she could have either.
Sometimes she wonders how different her life would be had they not left. Had Kasia not lost control. Had their mom lived.
Mauri's habit of deflection Serious Things with humor, along with keeping people at a safe distance from her heart, stems from that moment: losing the most important person in her life, losing the trust of her closest friends and mentors, truly learning how dangerous her sister was. She's still healing, day by day. She still doesn't know the truth about her mother's death.
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whiitenoize · 2 years
send REFLECT for me to explain a traumatic event in my muses’s past and talk about their perception of events,  which parts have stayed with them longest and how it affects them now.  (  sender can request specific scenes/backstory  )
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whiitenoize · 2 years
#INTERSTICEMORTEM ;; studies in life, death, and everything that lies in between.
independent, medium activity multi-muse with muses from literature, tv/movies, and original characters, lovingly penned by GRAY (29, EST, they/them). CARRD.
the following triggering content will have a HIGH if not 100% chance of being on this blog: death / dying, grief, hauntings, s/upernatural beings, drugs, alcohol, existentialism, family trauma, sexual themes, and the like. follow at your OWN RISK. 21+ ONLY.
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whiitenoize · 2 years
hello all, I’ve been busy with work and getting ready for a convention this weekend, but I’ll be around more next week!
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whiitenoize · 2 years
idk how to do a read more on mobile but here’s my E/ddie M/unson cosplay for Midsummer Scream 😝🤘🏻
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whiitenoize · 2 years
hello all, I’ve been busy with work and getting ready for a convention this weekend, but I’ll be around more next week!
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whiitenoize · 2 years
fangedscience​ ;;
“It’s not that I wouldn’t want to join you,” Henry clarified with a smirk. The use of the nickname he’d given to her as a joke that had ended up sticking made his eye light up in a way that he would continue to deny for eternity, thank you. 
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“But it’s important you know your worth. And while I appreciate the possibilities of that bribe offer, I’m afraid that I need to remind you that paying employees in anything other than traditional currency tends to be frowned upon. Wouldn’t want your tech empire to be brought down by a lawsuit, would you?”
Mauri didn’t want her own tech company. She didn’t want employees or a building of her own to house them in. She was perfectly content building her own tech in the comfort of her cluttered office, or even tucked away in a corner of Henry’s lab, a more common occurrence now that Mauri had moved in. Regardless, teasing Henry was a favorite pastime of hers —
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Gasping loudly, Mauri feigned offense, lashes batting sadly up at him. “You would sue me?? You wound me, Momo. Wound me,” she punctuated the word with a few sniffles, but the inability to hold back her grin took their affect away. “Ugh, fine. Guess I’ll just succeed on my own then.”
— and God, did she miss his smile and that glimmer in his eyes when she teased him.
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whiitenoize · 2 years
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Wow. Yeah, that— That must be one helluva long version, then.
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:。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆  ||  @whiitenoize​
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              The  short  version?  He  sought  to  kill. I  sought  to  protect.
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whiitenoize · 2 years
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@whiitenoize​​ asked:  “ hey, come on now… you’re okay. you’re good, right? “ meme // accepting. 
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he was on his knees, hunched over, rips and tears along his suit. he has clearly had better days, but at least it was over now. peter had managed to get everything under control, despite being sent throw a shop front and having a car ( or two ) thrown at him. 
“ never better. “ he turned his head up to look at mauri. after a few seconds of looking at her, he slowly pulled himself up off the ground, but clucking his side. there had to be a few bruised ribs. nothing that wouldn’t heal in a day or so, but it still hurt nonetheless. 
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“ are you okay? ” his eyes remained on her for a few before turning to the man with the insanely high powered tech. peter had managed to subdue him in a cocoon of webs at the end, but he was curious as to where this guy came from and how he came into possession of such a weapon. it was like nothing he had seen before. “ have you seen this guy before? ”
a rush of relief floods through her as peter stands. mauri should know a few cars were nothing for him if not a challenge, but she can’t help feeling protective over him. the adrenaline of the fight starts fading, and mauri feels a headache coming on. had she hit her head or was she dehydrated, she’ll never know.
holding a thumbs up to peter, she stands and makes her way closer. “yeah, yeah, i’m fine. part robot, remember?” her grin is quick, attempting to lighten the mood, but the situation is more serious than she likes, especially once she gets a read on the energy signature of the weapon. “him? nah. that tech? absolutely.”
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it’s been modified quite a bit, and considering she can’t break through it’s basic functions, a sinking feeling fills her chest. “that’s old s.h.i.e.l.d. tech,” she tells peter once she’s close enough to not be overheard. “i worked on that tech. or, what it used to be. how the hell did he get a hold of it?”
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whiitenoize · 2 years
@whiitenoize  : [ BANDAGE ]:     the sender sits down across from the receiver and begins to bandage their wounds.
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Despite  insisting  he  was  fine  on  more  than  one  occasion, Eddie  still  found  himself  sat  on  the  couch  in  his  trailer  with  his  arm  pulled  out  from  the  sleeve  of  his  jacket.   “ It’s  a  scratch,  Mauri.  It’s  not  even  that  bad. ”   The  bandage  was  pulled  just  a  little  tight  and  his  eyes  shut,  a  deep  breath  in  before  a  long  dramatic  drawn  out.  ‘ ouch. ’  left  him.  His  eyes  rolled  just  as  they  opened.  “ You  wanna  do  that  any  tighter?  Are  you  trying  to  cut  off  my  blood  supply? ” 
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     Okay, maybe Mauri was overreacting a bit, but only enough to rival Eddie’s flare for the dramatic. “It’s a little more than a scratch, Eddie.” Luckily, there was no exposed muscle or bone. She wasn’t sure what she would have done had he needed stitches. The bandage wasn’t that tight, but even so, Mauri unwrapped it a little to loosen it around his arm, narrowing her eyes at him. “Stop bitching. You want this to get infected?” she huffed, tone holding far more exhaustion than annoyance, as she finished up. “Be careful. Don’t make me have to sew you up next time, okay?”
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whiitenoize · 2 years
all drafts and asks are queued! gonna work on my multi and side, but i’m still here
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whiitenoize · 2 years
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“      i   suppose   no   one   can   run   that   fast.   ”         time   ticks   perilously   down      ;      each   SECOND  means   more   than   it   can   hold   within   its   clicking   hand   on   the   clock.      maeve’s   sense   of   duty   is   making   a   slow   resurgence,   clumsy   in   its   awakening.      determination   hones   itself   into   the   hard   harbor   of   her   jaw   as   she   looks   off   past   @whiitenoize​​.      all   her   fast-twitch   muscles   TWANG   in   preparation.   “      but   we   can   fucking   try.      ”      //      STARTER   CALL.
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there’s a glow in mauri’s blue eyes as the fear sets in, any nearby electronics flickering with it. she thought she was past that nervous tick, but the impending doom creeping into her bones proves otherwise. “yep. yeah. totally.” mauri isn’t a hero. panicked breathes and an at random fawn response doesn’t cut it in that department. but she sees maeve tense and ready to go, and what’s she gonna do? stay behind and die? no fucking way. her own muscles tense, gear up to take off. “you lead the way!”
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whiitenoize · 2 years
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— Halsey
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whiitenoize · 2 years
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— Halsey
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whiitenoize · 2 years
@vuulpecula asked : “Whose blood is that?”
"Hm?" The voice of her roommate sounds muffled, Mauri barely registering that she was being asked a question. "Oh. It's mine." There's a small laugh and roll of her eyes. "Got a nose bleed at work earlier."
Technically, it's true, though she skips the part where she punched a customer who had the gall to flip up her dress. The nose bleed started right as the lights in the diner flickered ominously, but she needn't mention that part.
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