whiledreaming · 4 years
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whiledreaming · 4 years
ily fofa
ily more than everything 
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whiledreaming · 4 years
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i think it’s safe to say that things have been pretty rough for all of us lately, in the light of that,  i decided to spread some positivity & make a mutuals appreciation post.  here’s some love from me in honour of my birthday month, i also apologize in advance if i forget anyone. 
(i made the gifset on my personal blog like a decade ago (literally), i was too lazy to make anything new, but i guess it’s the thought that counts. )                          please, remember to stay safe and take care of your love ones. 
♡    MY ABSOLUTE FAVES               
having threads with you is a pure blessing . you are such beautiful individuals and the world is definitely a better place for having you in it. you have touched my heart in so many ways, through your wonderful writing or your beautiful hearts, and for that i will be forever grateful.
@ncbulochaotic @smittenhearts @lekxngs @requicms @unhoneyed @whiledreaming​ @landslidcs @neonheartc @heroexxs @cocained @compulsivc @stayliquid @lcvish​ @ladygenie @mclodrma @orangeshues @crovnprince @chrryemoji​ 
♡    MY BEAUTIFUL MUTUALS            
 we don’t interact as much i would like to, but i truly appreciate you and your writing. i absolutely love seeing you on the dash. ♡
@dearsmelancholy @canyonmoone @hvneymoons @collcgiates​ @flatlincrs​ @wearyhands​ @jupitcr​ @heirbud​ @lxveleexinsxnity​ @bloodiedsaints​ @butterflylieds​ @excelsicrx​ @cheatcodcs​ @rcseglds​ @alcska​ @flowcrbomb​ @pxachscone​ @invcntion​               “when given the choice between being right or being kind choose kind.”                             
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whiledreaming · 5 years
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa plsssssss lets i love uuuu
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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i. park kiana ♡ kim minho / @whiledreaming !
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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i. byun malia ♡ chang shinwoo / @whiledreaming !
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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40/100 days of min yoongi
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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Love in the Afternoon (1957) dir. Billy Wilder
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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Mean Girls (2004)
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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it was very typical of him to disappear on her for a few days; to delve into his self-destructive behaviors before his heart beat harder and he found his way back to her. history repeated itself two days ago — but this time around things were different because he never got a reply from autumn. and, he wasn’t used at all to her not responding when he tried to reach out to her; so to say he was losing his head over this would be an understatement, as hypocritical as it was. anger started to build up again, all over-consuming — and it just got worse as time passed by. no new texts from her, no phone calls. no nothing. two days honestly felt like an eternity; no alcohol or drugs could distract him from how frustrated he was getting. showing up at her doorstep uninvited was a bit of an impulse, but nothing too surprising when it came to him. “autumn!” he shouted as he slammed his fist against the door over and over again. “why the fuck have you been ignoring me?" it was clear he couldn’t care less if he was making a scene, “if you have a guy in there i swear to god he’s dead,” he warned, still in a quite audible tone. it was definitely something that crossed his mind as a reason why she wasn’t talking to him — which was only natural considering how possessive he could be over her. // @silvrmoon lua da minha vida 🌙
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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their ‘date’ went quite well despite it not ending on a goodnight kiss like he was certainly hoping for. soomin was well aware that suzie was different from any other girl he’s ever pursed before, so he was patient for a while and kept texting her with his usual flirtatious remarks. she didn’t seem to be that into him however, and it was especially hard to tell over messages and not in person. the situation was getting somewhat frustrating - which only showed that he cared more than he first realized. as he walked into the party, his attention was immediately captured by his group of friends that were hanging out in the living room. he greeted everyone, from sooji to minho, leaving suzie for last, “hey you,” he gave her a small cheeky smile, but it was somewhat noticeable that he didn’t seem too flirty and instead was a bit down. his eyes left her beautiful features, then slowly trailed around the party out of habit to search for the hottest girls around, but in his heart he knew that no one came even close to suzie. // @disappcintmvnt​ fofa fofa love my fofinha
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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she was afraid of asking that question – it was a similar one that has haunted her in the past. it was beginning to feel a little bit of a deja vu. this time she wasn’t going to be strung along and allow her mind to play the ’ what if ’ game. luna didn’t want to beat around the bush over what they were and could be. she knew that in her heart she wanted to be with him to the very end. she didn’t just give up everything she had for nothing. her hand slowly loosens from the handhold and returns to her lap. “right,” a bitter laugh passes through her lips unpleased with his comment, “so was all of this just hanging out?” slight tone of annoyance began to filter her words in attempts to hide the fact that his words began to hurt her. “because hanging out just feels like its whatever… as if all of this was nothing and we were just hanging out.” 
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the moment she pulled her hand away from his, he knew his words didn’t sit well with her. a heavy sigh rolled off his tongue as he turned to look at her, “i didn’t mean it like that...” his voice was laced with frustration - matt was never any good at having ‘the talk’, one of the main problems they had back when they were dating. terrible at dealing with other people’s feelings and his own, he always avoided certain conversations because that was simply easier, but it wasn’t like he could walk away from this one. “who knows what’s going to happen in the future?” matt knew she wanted a better answer from him than that, but he didn’t feel like he could provide it because he couldn’t lie to her. he wasn’t going to make any empty promises like other guys might have in his shoes; he was way too sincere with her and that may just be his downfall. “i love you. isn’t that enough?”
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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she wouldn’t just go on any sort of spontaneous trip with just anybody. luna was happy to have spent all that time with him and it felt as if their trip away was like they filled up the gaps in their relationship while they weren’t together. now that the trip was coming to an end she stares at the display screen it reads delay for the second time. a sigh escaped her lips as she leans her head against his arm. it was pretty frustrating to encounter so many delays. she tried to be positive and instead thought back on their trip.   she began to smile to herself and began to look up at him. “ you make these delays somewhat bearable. ” luna chuckled giving their handhold a little squeeze. she began to wonder what things were going to be like once they go home. she wasn’t sure how things were going to play out after this and a part of her was afraid. “its ashamed that we have to go back…” luna states nodded her head. “but what does that mean for us?” – my fofa 3000 @whiledreaming  
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the past couple of weeks were by far the happiest ones he’s ever had his whole life. to say matt was impulsive would be an understatement, but it was rare of him to direct that towards something good and not self-destructive. travelling around with her without a care in the world, just enjoying each other’s presence as if there were no tomorrow. but, unfortunately, all things do come to an end sooner or later; he couldn’t say he was excited about going back to his old life, but at least he now had with him what he’s been missing for so long - luna. “i’m glad i’m useful to you.” he jokingly responded and squeezed her hand back while his gaze mindlessly wandered around the airport. once his attention returned to the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen, matt took notice of the concern in them. and then - a subject he wasn’t exactly fond of had to be brought up. “nothing. we can just keep hanging out.” he vaguely replied with a shrug of his shoulders, as if the ‘future’ was no big deal - he clearly hated making plans.
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whiledreaming · 5 years
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smol munching baby
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