from dream bitch 09.16.24
I was on a rooftop in brooklyn very randomly, like something had clued me in to go there somehow. I may have been with andrew h. Suddenly there was a big spaceship passing overhead, which was sort of visible then invisible because of fog. The sky was a kind of pinkish sunset color. I could tell the spaceship was hot because the air around it looked wavy. It got closer and closer and then it was apparent that it was going to fall down onto a nearby section of brooklyn. It fell but kind of slo-mo and then took awhile to really catch fire. The impact caused one of the two residential buildings next to it to collapse. Both buildings had glass windows from floor to ceiling and from my vantage point I could see lots of hipsters in colorful indie sleaze spandex clothing in the remaining building, and they were all freaked the fuck out. Some of them started to jump out of the building. I started to document it with my phone then felt horrifically guilty at being a bystander and put my phone away.
Later I knew it had been not real. There was nothing much on the news but part of me thought it was because the media was covering up the aliens bit.
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whileyouweredreaming · 2 months
from dream bitch 07.28.24
Dreamed that I was in a shower placed where the toilet was in the place I grew up in but as an adult. I guess I was clothed.. I was telling my dad that people said there was a band that reminded them of a dream bitches called Blue Heaven. my dad left for a moment and when he came back he had brought me a pint of blue ice cream called Blue Algorithm that was also somehow screen printing ink. In the dream it was somehow the same thing.
It had white chocolate chunks that stayed liquid until you printed them. (5:00am today)
Also, 3 nights ago or so I had a dream that the Puck building had been remodeled and what is the front door was more towards the left side of the building. They had cut out huge chunks of the left side and back. I was disturbed.
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whileyouweredreaming · 5 months
from dream bitch 04.21.24
I dreamed that I grew up in a strict family with 2 siblings and 2 cousins, and we lived outside of New York City. There were a lot of words we weren't allowed to say such as "whatever, whenever" and some others. We were trying to ask for permission to go to the Big City, unsupervised, but every sentence we asked with, our parents and grandmother denied because it contained a word we weren't allowed to say. Finally I said, "Family... Carol (my sister), Peach (my brother) and I, along with our cousins, seek permission to do some city-going this weekend, with no adult supervision." That sentence had none of the no-go words and I felt very proud. I went on to say that as a 16-year-old it was very important for me to learn to navigate independently and that it would be for my siblings and cousins as well. It seemed to do the trick and they considered the possibility after months of shutting us down. I felt pleased.
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whileyouweredreaming · 7 months
from dream bitch (various dates, 2024)
March 11
Perfect Coriander
I dreamed that I was walking down the street with Lila and there was a barefoot hippie girl (petite, blond, maybe with dreads) banging away at something, it sounded like a guitar or stringed instrument. I asked if she was making guitars and Lila said no, strings. She wanted to ask if the girl was making “perfect coriander “ which was a type of method where one made two strings at once, strung in opposite directions and one had the black part underneath exposed. I asked if she wanted to ask the girl but she said she didn’t want to bother her bc she knew what it was like to be interrupted In public for working on something artistic.
March 9
Dreamed that Annabelle and James were at a restaurant where there was one specialty dish made just for you. They neglected to tell the waiter about their dietary restrictions. When the food arrived it was mystery meat. They asked what kind and the waiter said they didn’t know. Annabelle said “I don’t eat beef or sugar” and in the dream James was vegetarian.
March 1
Had a dream that I took over a room that Leah had been renting. It was way out in the sticks- like the equivalent of going to Staten Island, but I think it was the east bay.
One roommate was Tyler and the apartment was owned by an older Asian guy who lived next door.
I went there to sleep for the first time and immediately realized that the two hour bus ride commute was not going to work. I dreaded having to tell the roommates.
Later in the dream I was at a hotel where most people spoke German.
At some point I was maybe even at cafe 78, telling someone about the room but as i retold it I said that the room I was renting was actually behind a coffee shop !
Jan 22
Dreamed that I was invited to be in an art show here in Portland but it was also sort of the bay because Jessica drove me and when we got there for some reason she refused to come inside. My art piece was a photo, and I put it in the frame outside the gallery right when the opening was beginning. At the last minute Jessica told me I should put a different photo in so I did. Then she refused to come inside the gallery even though it was a lot to carry (my photo was in a large frame with real glass and I also had a portfolio of other photos.) At the end of the opening I realized embarrassed that I had put the wrong photo and as I took my photo down to switch it out, I told everyone what had happened. Everyone was drinking and no one cared. It was John James from secret room here in Portland. The photo I had put was of the inside of the gallery, during the opening?? The one Jessica had told me to put was a pic of the gallery from the outside.
My dad showed up and started talking to this one guy. He said “thanks for talking to me the other day, I really prefer phone calls over text!” I don’t know why they had talked on the phone. Then the guy told us about some place with Korean “sake tacos” and they were this fusion thing that was like quesabirria and I wanted to try some but that part of the dream ended just then.
Then I was in a store with some new hipster guy friend and he was picking out clothes for his girlfriend based on sight- he said he could tell if they would fit or not. I told him I usually try stuff on since r and I are similar sizes. In the back room of the vintage store we were at was a wall with a lot of recent crewels for sale, by local artists. None were appealing for the price.
Jan 18 (NSFW)
Dreamed I was talking about a series and everyone kept indicating that there was one really disgusting episode. I got to it one day - it was about a pair of men who suddenly realized they were into necrophilia because they worked as nurses and some of their patients died. These two men just happened to be roommates upstairs from the hospital they worked at. Their apartment was strewn with corpses eventually/ each of them had a “girlfriend” but then they got “mistresses” and then eventually they were so crazed that every time someone in their care was a vegetable they squirreled them back to the room.
Then they had scrambled to get the next person but he was really lucid and one of the nurses was very confused because the guy was assigned to him and he didn’t know how he would add him to the “collection.” Luckily the lucid guy, who was wheelchair bound, noticed a sign that the guy was a sicko- he had loose skin around his elbow with a black gaping hole, which was an indication that he was s*xually involved with unalive ppl.
In the end I woke up very freaked thinking that I had to spend the night in a shelter cot but I was pleased to find it was like a Miyazaki film.
Jan 6
Just dreamed that there was a needlepoint in the store that spelled out CREMPERS Cafe
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whileyouweredreaming · 8 months
from josh
i ran into emily carmichael, who tried to get me to donate a vacation day to someone i'd never met. i was skeptical & asked to know more about the person & why they need my vacation day donation. emily seemed unimpressed that i wasn't just ready to give up my vacation time to this person. i tried to change the subject by asking her how she's doing lately, since i know she's famous. she said she's good & has been doing "letterist" work recently
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whileyouweredreaming · 9 months
from dream bitch, 12/16/23, 4:44am
First off, I was in my backyard at 825 in Oakland and I finally got to meet a possum! I got to play fetch with him/her/them and give treats as a reward! It was so cute. I wanted to do more, but I got pulled away and later it turns out they had bitten the next person and was being punished (no play time).
Sam (my friend from college) really didn't like this boy Austin. I found out thirdhand that he had gone to her room to ask her to marry him and she turned her face off her pillow and looked right at him, saying, "I don't know if you know this Austin, but, I hate you!"
I found this out because I woke up in a room with Austin and I think Joe? When Austin woke up I asked him how he was and he looked terrible, and Joe was the first person to tell me what had happened.
Later I heard it from Austin himself, or at least from a more reliable source. It turned out that she had really said, "I don't know if you know this Austin, but you suck!" I said I was sorry to hear that and that he didn't deserve that! (For some reason I've forgotten if it was a direct interaction with him, but by the next part I think it may have been from a reliable non-Austin source, bc I would be less likely to be so eager to gossip... right?!)
In the dream I really wanted to go tell this gossip to Laura (it wasn't the Austin she dated, but for some reason she knew him). When I got to her room she was in bed with two men and their babies. She was sitting up in bed facing the two of them, and each one in turn held out his baby for her to kiss (as anyone would kiss a baby) and at the end she told each dad how much she liked him. One of the dads was a black man named Marlon and the other was a white guy whose name I've forgotten. I wondered if it was the M I went to HS with. In any case, she told M she liked him 84% and the other guy she liked 116 (I think)%! So she got together with that guy and ended up raising his kid with him.
There was another part where I was going to miss my train. Some guy (maybe J. Reiber?) had given me too many compliments on the cleanliness of the contents of my luggage (which were in a clear trash bag) and it made me late.
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from dream bitch 09.06.23
Dreamed Julie D. landed a plane I was with her on. We were both relieved that the wheels were actually down when we touched down.
Annabelle brought up the song Effort by Phoebe Kreutz and we sang what we knew and then listened.
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from dream bitch 09.04.23, 2 am, to kate
Just woke up from a dream in which you lived in an apartment with a bunch of fire features that were all installed by the previous owner. By that I mean little fountains and funny little sculptures that all had flames involved that ignited when you flipped a switch. Erich had picked the apartment. The lighting in it was purple and it kind of seemed more like an aquarium than an apartment. 
The front door was a tiny door at the top of a vertical row of 4 square apartment doors that were about 18”x18”. The previous owner was named A. Corning and his name was still sort of scratched into the paint on the front of the door. The paint was dark red. You had given me the key and I was standing up on a ledge below the row trying to open the door. The apartment was normal inside as in regular ceiling height, but the door was tiny and I wondered how the furniture had gotten inside.
We were talking and we laughed about how the apartment was kind of weird.. We also talked about a guy you kind of had a crush on and his name was “&And.” or at least that’s what you called him as a code name when talking about him.
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from dream bitch 08.28.23 (icha-bō-bō)
I dreamed that there was a song that was part of Swedish culture that you would sing someone if they bought you ice cream.
The song went: “Icha-bō-bō-bō-bō-bō-bō-bō, icha-bō-bō-bō-bō-bō-bō” but the bo was pronounced more like a cross between bo and bong and sung in a very nasal voice.
The song basically sung the praises of the person who bought you the ice cream, it talked about their virtues and how well and tidily they ate their ice cream, all in a very Swedish accent (or so it seemed.) the song was in English other than the Icha-Bo part. The last line was, __(insert person's name)__ does! As in they do eat their ice cream well! In the dream my name was used as an example, but instead of being pronounced yoko it was more like “yochh”.
I woke up laughing hysterically and tried to sing the song to R but couldn't without dying laughing.
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from dream bitch 07.20.23
I dreamed R and I were walking around a city in Canada we had never heard of. The city was called caliber (pronounced cally-bear) and we were gasping at the beauty of every tower we passed. It seemed like every building we passed had a tower that seemed to sparkle. I said wow, this is just some random city we've never heard of, imagine all the beauty in the cities that are famous for it!
We kept walking and saw towers that were more and more beautiful on hills that were greener and greener and more fairytale-like. R told me her favorite human-made thing other than pretty towers was seeing when someone worked with some kind of natural rock deposit, like mineral or gemstone, and kept its natural beauty intact while carving it into a functional structure. In my dream-mind I imagined a church organ that had been carved out of rock that had precious metal deposits. Then I woke up.
=== There was also a more mundane part of the dream where we were in a supermarket and I accidentally put granola, quinoa and buckwheat in the same bulk bag. I had to separate them by tying a twist tie dividing the granola from the uncooked grains. Elsewhere in the store I found a Din*tte Guitars poster that looked like it was designed in the 90s when faerie shit was cool (or has it always been cool?)
The background was yellow and it had this curly-style writing that reminds me of the 90s always.
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From dream bitch 01.30.23
I dreamed that the MEW prompt for the week was “AKS” or All Known Songs. Then in the email, M kept on writing it different- All Known Songs became Zll Znown Zongz or Zll Znowz Zongz. The email she wrote was exceptional as usual. At one point I was getting ready for an event they were having and I was emptying my garbage into a donation pile which just looked like trash. Someone took my original garbage can when I wasn’t paying attention. I was outside the Valencia Whole Foods (not affiliated with Whole Foods the supermarket).
(found in my notes app today, 2/22/23)
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From dream bitch 02.17.23
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from dream bitch 02.16.23
I dreamed that my mom told me that my family owned stocks in the Madonna Inn and that I could stay there for free any time I wanted!!!
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from dream bitch 12.23.22
I dreamed that I was hanging with my mom and we were talking about something that required an opinion so she gave me a number to call and when I called it it was my aunt. She picked up and I said hi it’s yoko and she said something that I interpreted as “I miss you” so I said I missed her too. Then she got on my case about how I sounded insincere or deadpan and that she had said I love you not I miss you. I was like, uhhhh mom do you think I sounded deadpan? and I put one of my earbuds in her ear so she could hear my aunt. She said no I hadn’t.
Then my aunt started to talk shit about R. and called her a “jump.” in the dream a jump meant kind of like a scrub from the TLC song, basically a loser because R had expressed anxiety about not having enough money. All my mom said was a weak “stop it” and then I stood up and put the second earbud back in my ear and told my aunt, “The world looks EXACTLY the same BEFORE and AFTER your opinion.” Then I called her a snob and an elitist before hanging up. My mom looked amused.
IRL I can kind of imagine this situation happening except she would never talk shit about someone in front of their girlfriend, only behind everyone’s back, which annoys me so I guess that’s why I dreamed that.
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from dream bitch 12.9.22
I dreamed that D invited me over and basically said that he would be playing a game with his girlfriend’s ex, but that I was welcome to hang out with S (the gf) while he did that, who is also someone who used to be my sort-of friend irl.
Over the phone I heard her say she’d rather spend the time alone.
I went to their house which was some kind of motel-looking apartment complex (with doors all in a long row) and was composing a text in which I told D that I thought she was being a bitch, but I hesitated in sending it and when I got there she was outside alone hanging laundry. Only she sort-of morphed into Milena.
I gathered my courage / slightly impulsively said “Hey, can we talk?” and initiated a conversation about our friendship. I said I felt like we used to be friends and I wasn’t sure what happened and that I wanted her to like me and was curious about what happened on her end. She didn’t really give an answer and instead opened the door and tried to invite me in for snacks (maybe her way of putting in a bid for connection? but I wasn’t done and I insisted on the talk, which she was clearly uncomfortable with.)
During my attempt at continuing, D came out and I asked for more time and then he told me that DD had cancelled our plans only he said “Double Booby cancelled” and I woke up thinking that was real.
Side note: Is this a Dream Bitch dream? Does she really not like me IRL? Or is it my brain telling me that because of past trauma? OR is it me who doesn’t like her?
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from dream bitch 11.07.22
Dreamed the phrase, “Lilliputting the pun of the American Dream.”
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from dream bitch 11.04.22
I dreamed that I went to a nightclub slash queer punk party campground that everyone I knew was at. Nell and Nicole and a bunch of people were having a party in a restaurant that was in a converted boxcar. They said they’d been about to send out invites.
X showed up and kissed me excitedly! We both had on makeup and it was our first night “out” together. She showed me a bunch of clothes she’d found for us to dress up in. I was happy.
Later I was sitting at this kind of “reception” table with S (X had gone to do something else) showing them some photos (some were old stereographs, like my dad’s!) I said they could keep some if they wanted... Some were cute pix of X suddenly. Then X showed up and said hi, giving S a kiss in a friendly way (but on the mouth) and then after another few seconds of talking she leaned in and gave me a longer kiss, to show that she was my gf i guess.
Right before the dream ended I had gone over to do something like say hi to my other friends... I came back and X and S were standing together by the bar, which was at the end of this dark corridor and they were on the left side of the bar against the wall. X looked guilty and she came to hug me but was all heavy falling on me out of it. I was like, “What’s wrong? Are you drunk?” and she told me that S had given her the drink in her hand because she didn’t have any money. It was some kind of bright blue cocktail in a plastic iced coffee cup with a straw, and had gotten her totally plastered. I got really angry and yelled at her but then realized I should be blaming the other person...
I had the inclination to go smash S with the bottle and yell at them too, but I woke up all sweaty at noon on a Friday before I could do that. Nightmare!
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