whipwiielder · 1 year
maybe my biggest canon divergence is that izzy IS a good cook
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whipwiielder · 1 year
ok ok idk who is even active anymore but i would love to find other ppl who are in the tmi fandom and still rp :) on here or discord but discord if you wanna get shit going quickly
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whipwiielder · 3 years
i said i'd do this and now i'm mildly stressed BUT HERE WE GO FOLKS!! sender is the one sending the meme, etc, etc, and as always, ONLY use these memes if you're of an appropriate age. okay have fun ily all!!
" stay. "
" don't go... "
" are you sure you want to do this? "
" come closer. "
" i want you. "
" i wanna make tonight all about you... "
" take your clothes off... slowly. "
" god, you're beautiful... "
" we don't have to do anything tonight. would you rather cuddle, instead? "
" maybe you could... show me what you like? "
" lock the door... i don't want anyone disturbing us tonight... "
" i won't break, you know. you don't need to be gentle. "
" no, no... don't stay quiet. i like the sounds you make. "
" i... i want you. i want to feel you... "
" hey, hey... take it easy. we have all night. "
" here's my key. room 206. oh, and please... don't be long. "
" you drive me absolutely crazy, in the best, most wildly frustrating way... "
" you have no idea what you do to me, do you? "
" what would you do? if you and me were all alone, nobody to interrupt, nobody to see... or hear... the things we'd do together? "
" you're definitely over-dressed for what i had in mind tonight... "
" oh, i'm definitely gonna make you beg for it... "
" meet me in the restroom in ten, got it? "
" i love you... "
" you have no idea how badly i've wanted this... "
" i want you biting down on my shoulder so that all those people can't hear you screaming my name. "
" a bed? who needs a bed? i can think of thousands of different places before we'd ever need a bed... "
" i don't care if they hear us... "
a few lil actions for ya:
[ TUG ] : sender tugs receiver closer to them by the waist.
[ NECK ] : during a make-out session, sender begins to move their kisses down to the receiver's neck.
[ LOWER ] : sender takes receiver's hand and slowly guides it down below their waist.
[ GLANCE ] : sender can't resist glancing down at the receiver's lips as they're talking.
[ LINE ] : sender presses a long line of kisses from the receiver's lips, down to their waist.
[ INTERLOCK ] : sender interlocks their fingers with the receiver during sex.
[ LOUD ] : sender whispers, gasps, moans, or cries out the receiver's name during sex.
[ MUFFLE ] : sender muffles their voices by pressing their mouth into the receiver's shoulder or their pillow.
[ QUIET ] : sender covers receiver's mouth during sex so as to avoid other people hearing them moaning.
[ BOUND ] : sender uses lengths of ribbon or scarves or ties to tie the receiver down during sex.
[ RELENTLESS ] : sender practices edging on the receiver.
[ BATHROOM ] : sender and receiver engage in sex in the shower.
[ LEAD ] : sender takes receiver by the hand, and leads them on to the bed.
[ OUTSIDE ] : sender and receiver have sex outside.
[ FINALLY ] : both sender and receiver, having been teasing and flirting for a considerable length of time, finally give in and have sex for the first time.
[ CAR ] : sender and receiver have sex in the backseat of a car.
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whipwiielder · 3 years
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@blueberrywarlockchild asked: “Can you tell me about the first max, aunt Izzy.” (Blueberrywarlockchild)
he's teaching her to play mundane video games, his small hands occasionally reaching over to direct her inky ones over the correct buttons when she needed extra help. his question caught her off guard, the way it always did when someone mentioned her late brother. it seems like a lifetime ago when the mere mention of her youngest sibling would sour her mood instantaneously, pain & guilt overwhelming her to such an extreme that it manifested in some turbulent times. in reality, however. that had been a mere couple of years back. max's arrival had certainly helped unpack some of the trauma she carried within herself. to say the beautiful blue-hued child had a special place in her heart was putting it mildly, she adored him to the ends of the earth. so when his curiosity exhibits itself as such an innocent inquiry a smile lights up heavenly features, despite the sadness that still lingered within her chest when she talked about max. "sure, i'd love to tell you all your namesake. your uncle was so protective of those he loved, and his possessions. he didn't like people touching his shit. but who does? he slept like the dead, not even tickling him would wake him up. he also had a bit of an arsonist streak. you can't tell grandma i ever told you this, okay? you're sworn to secrecy. i showed him how to use a lighter once because he was the only one who thought my lighter collection was cool. then he stole one from me and almost burn down an institute. oh! because of him, i got into these books called manga. my favorite series is angel sanctuary. he bought one... right before he passed away. it took years, but i finally read them all while i was traveling for work. if you like them, you can borrow them any time you'd like. i still have his copy, but i know you'll take good care of it. oh, one more thing. he had such a huge heart, just like you. "
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whipwiielder · 3 years
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Source: This
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whipwiielder · 3 years
im dead i was in tumblr jail but i was so inactive i only noticed it a few days ago anyways that's done and over with so im back bitches what's up
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whipwiielder · 3 years
i said i’d do them and here we are, a list of prompts set either before or during sex. as always, if you want to reverse the roles, add “+ REVERSE” to your chosen meme! so, [ STRADDLE ] + REVERSE would mean the receiver straddles the sender! okay, now, have a wonderful day!
[ UNZIP ] :     sender unzips/unbuttons receiver’s dress/shirt - s l o w l y
[ STRADDLE ] :     sender straddles receiver.
[ PULL ] :     sender pulls receiver closer to them.
[ PUSH ] :     sender pushes receiver against a wall during foreplay.
[ PIN ] :     sender pins receiver in place during foreplay/sex.
[ TRAIL ] :     sender presses a trail of kisses from receiver’s chin down to their waist.
[ HOIST ] :     sender lifts receiver on top of a counter as they have sex.
[ BENEATH ] :     sender moves a hand beneath an item of receiver’s clothing to touch their skin.
[ SCRATCH ] :     sender trails their fingernails against receiver’s skin during sex.
[ TUG ] :     sender tugs receiver’s hair while making out or having sex.
[ TILT ] :     sender tilts receiver’s head to the side to kiss their neck.
[ NECK ] :     sender wraps a hand around receiver’s neck during foreplay/sex.
[ LIFT ] :     sender lifts receiver up, so receiver’s legs wrap around sender’s waist.
[ LAP ] :     sender pulls receiver into their lap.
[ BEHIND ] :     sender arrives behind receiver and begins to kiss them from behind.
[ DOWN ] :     sender gives receiver oral sex.
[ HUSH ] :     sender and receiver try to keep quiet during sex.
[ PUBLIC ] :     sender and receiver have sex in a public place.
[ YANK ] :     sender rips off an item of receiver’s clothing.
[ COVER ] :     sender uses fabric to cover receiver’s eyes during foreplay/sex.
[ ICE ] :     sender uses ice cubes against receiver’s bare skin.
[ MARK ] :     via gentle biting or hickeys, sender leaves a mark on receiver.
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whipwiielder · 3 years
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he’s caught off guard by the stranger approaching him with such confidence, long hair and rather pretty eyes. he stands a few inches taller than her, though her personality almost already seems larger. “isabelle?” he glances around the kitchen so see how many people are around, not wanting too many people to overhear how she’s speaking to him. it wasn’t something he was used to, nor did he particularly enjoy the rude introduction. “i don’t believe we’ve met. although i’m not surprised you know me by name, everyone does.” he leans in with a smirk, his body nearly pressing up against hers, hand grazing against her elbow before he grabs an empty glass from the countertop behind her. “is gin to your liking? most of the people here prefer vodka, i can’t fathom why that would be their drink of choice but the people want what the people want, i suppose.” he takes a step back, handing her the glass half full and perching himself on the granite, leather boot clad feet dangling a few feet above the floor. “i think the noise is something you’re just going to have to get used to, sweetheart. not to be impolite but i’ve been throwing the city’s most talked about parties for years. you only just got here.” he takes a sip from his fluted glass cup, smiling down at the other. “i mean, i assume so, considering this is the first noise complaint i’ve gotten in so long. you also have a face i wouldn’t easily forget.” he clears a space next to him on the countertop, motioning for her to join him. “relax a little with me, enjoy all of the white noise. i think i’d like to know a bit more about my new neighbor.”
She shakes her head, about to answer when he decides to step closer to her, nearly causing her breath to hitch in her delicate throat. He's close enough that she can smell his cologne. Grudgingly, she must admit its deliciousness. Thought not to him. Not yet. A part of her wants to shove him away, but the other has to resist pulling him in for closer inspection. the only hint to her sudden shift in demeanor is the controlled smile that breaks across formerly scowling features as he complies with her wishes. It slowly grows as she takes the glass with a raised brow. She could do with a little study break, and he seemed like the perfect opportunity to blow off some steam. Besides, it wasn't like all-nighters were unfamiliar to her. "Gin is nice enough, I suppose. though tequila is probably my favorite." Isabelle admits, sipping on the smooth liquid before setting the cup down & effortlessly sliding up on the counter, their thighs brushing against each other. She sips her drink thoughtfully, a well-manicured crimson nail tapping on the glass as she briefly considering just how familiar she was willing to get with this new neighbor of hers. A small shrug is accompanied by a taunting grin, reveling in how easily she captivated their attention. "Well, for starters my noise-canceling headphones were supposed to arrive two days ago, so I'm bitterly awaiting that delivery. I'm also in school, forensic pathology. & I'm damn good at it, too. Trust me, I earned the bragging rights through a lot of hard work. Maybe too much, if I'm being honest. Which I am. Blame the liquor. What about you? Any particular reason you're often in a party mode?"
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whipwiielder · 3 years
She's beyond fatigued. Isabelle is new in the building, & it wasn't until the lease was signed & the last box was unpacked that she realized her next-door neighbor had some undesirable habits that were now leaving her sleep-deprived, all before an exam vital to her final grade. She had challenged herself to obtain a nearly perfect score. A goal that would be completely unattainable if she didn't get some rest soon. When she realized she was fed up enough with the noisy celebrations to DO something about them, sneaking into the party had been easy enough. The door had been unlocked & the guests nearby had simply glanced at her with intrigued fascination but no immediate distrust, if Isabelle had to guess they must have assumed she was simply another guest there. She uses this to her advantage, keen ears eavesdropping on various conversations, trying to spot where the host is at as she blended into the background with minimal hassle. The name Jonathan keeps popping up, but it's not until she enters the kitchen and spots the young man pouring himself a drink with such comfort & ease that she decides there's no way he's not the culprit she's been searching for. He's rather handsome, though she won't admit it thus far & his good looks are most definitely not enough to soothe her irritation. Yet. "Isabelle Lightwood. I'm your new, pissed-off neighbor. You're Jonathan, right? Will you pour me a drink, too? I feel like that's the least you can do after keeping me awake for nearly half of the week. Seriously, how many parties can one human have?"
@whipwiielder​ // based on x​​
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the crowd of people in his east village apartment seemed entertained for now, split off into small groups and taking up every piece of furniture as they sipped on drinks and danced in his empty foyer. it was loud, full of chatter and bass shaking the wooden floorboards beneath his boots. jonathan couldn’t stand the quiet. he thrived in chaos and noise, not left alone with his thoughts for too long. the only part that scared him was when they’d all eventually leave. he makes a lap around the living room, straightening frames filled with polaroids from other parties, his last birthday, a friend’s wedding. it was all for show, honestly. he kept nothing personal, maintained no real attachment to anything or anyone, just didn’t like when people asked why his home felt so cold. a friend walks behind him, her hand brushes against his waist and he bends down to kiss the top of her head, calling after her, “save me spot on the chaise, will ya?” as he heads to the kitchen to pour himself his fifth, or sixth, gin and tonic. 
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whipwiielder · 3 years
30 Not-so-SFW prompts! (Top/Dom)
“I’ll fill you up to the brim.”
“You’re so tight.”
“Choke on it.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Filthy cockslut.”
“Do you want to cum?”
“Don’t cover your mouth, I want to hear you.”
“On your knees.”
“Stop talking or I’ll gag you.”
“Look at you.”
“Who’s your daddy?”
“Remember your place.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Make yourself useful.”
“Work for it.”
“Beg for it.”
“I’m going to ruin you.”
“Ride me.”
“You’re so filthy.”
“Touch yourself.”
“You won’t be able to walk after I’m done with you.”
“Do you think you deserve my cock?”
“Tell me what you need.”
“Come here. Now.”
“Your ass is so soft… imagine how pretty it’ll look with my handprint on it.”
“I’ve had it with your attitude.”
“Good boy/girl.”
“Don’t let a single drop go to waste.”
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whipwiielder · 3 years
Send me  🔥 + a word and I will write a NSFW headcanon for my muse.
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whipwiielder · 3 years
nsfw prompts that don’t sound like a bad porno
i’m always tired of seeing the cringiest sentence starters for smut so i’m back at it again kids. feel free to adjust sentences or specify who does the action. 
ACTIONS: 1. for one muse to give the other oral 2. to skinny dip with my muse 3. to shower with my muse 4. to take a hot bath with my muse 5. for sex in public 6. for sex in the car 7. to catch my muse naked 8. to undress my muse 9. for sparring to turn into sex 10. for an argument to turn into sex 11. for make up sex 12. for friends with benefits sex 13. to tie up my muse 14. to blindfold my muse 16. to make one muse watch the other masturbate 17. for a threesome (specify muses) 18. for one muse to wake the other by fingering them/giving a handjob 19. for one muse to deny the other orgasm 20. for angry sex  21. for break up sex 22. for sex after a near death experience  23. for after battle sex 24. for sex to get revenge on an ex 25. for one muse to give the other a lap dance or strip tease  26. to make my muse whimper 27. for one muse to take the other from behind 28. for sex against the wall 29. for sex on a table/counter/desk 30. for sex in a pool/hot tub 31. for one muse to choke the other 32. for rough sex  33. for our muses to try a new position 34. for our muses to try a new kink together 35. for one muse to use a toy on the other 36. for one muse to sit on the other’s face
WORDS:  “touch me.” “kiss me here.” “you have to be quiet if you want to cum.” “say my name.”  “oh fuck-” “i need you so bad.” “i’m so wet right now.”  “i want you to touch yourself for me.”  “let me hear you, baby.”  “come for me.” “i want to hear you cum.” “harder.” “i need to feel you.” “i want you.” “you’re so hot.” “can i come yet?” “please, baby—” “i’m so close.” “i told you to be quiet.” “i told you to stay still.” “are you gonna be good for me?” “i promise i’ll be good.” “i’m not done with you yet.” “i’ve been waiting all day…” “you’re all i want.” “just kiss me, i can’t take this anymore.” “just shut up and fuck me.”  “i’m gonna fuck you until you beg me to stop.”  “say please.” “i could’t stop thinking about you all day.” “your fingers feel so good.” “your mouth feels so good.” “i want your fingers inside me.” “i want it to hurt.” “more—” “i want you to forget everything and everyone else but me.” “make me forget.” “i just want to feel something.”  “make me.” “be quiet.”  “they’re gonna catch us—” “yes— right there.” “that feels so good.” “does that feel good?” 
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whipwiielder · 3 years
She delivers expert lashings to the lanky humanoid creature's tentacled arms. Incapacitating it almost as soon as they encountered it. The greyish, red-tipped appendages ooze a toxic sludge she avoids with the grace of a ballet dancer on stage. Her final blow is quick & lethal, shimmering electrum weapon embedding itself in the demonic beast's scaly chest only to YANK out its misshapen heart a second later. She finally turns to face Elijah when her world becomes more than just the whip in her hand & the adrenaline pumping through her body. "Not cryptically. Just admiringly. You look very handsome," Doe eyes scan him with a small smile, still on edge from her recent struggle as she swallowed and cleared her throat. "That ugly little bastard was a Raum demon, you could tell by the red suckers on the tentacles, the circular mouth, & the hooting noises. They're retrieving demons, which means some asshole summoned it to bring them something or someone."
       As soon as the monster–demon the woman had called it a demon when she rushed in between it and its claws minutes ago– seemed to disintegrate into the pavement leaving thick scoring marks in its wake from critical injuries Isabelle left on it. Eli’s dark eyes follow the silver snake headed whip as it recoils back to her side then up her arm to return back to its unassuming appearance as a bracelet meanwhile he keeps his triangle shaped shield out and ready on his forearm. Despite it being the middle of the day with enough sunlight illuminating the alley the world feels inverted, like one big breath is being held in by the world until one of them speaks.
       With an uncertain step forward Eli clear his throat and addresses Isabelle finally. “So, are you going to explain to me what that was or are you going to continue standing there looking at me cryptically?”
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@whipwiielder​ // starter call
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whipwiielder · 3 years
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whipwiielder · 3 years
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whipwiielder · 3 years
enemies to lovers? enemies AND lovers
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whipwiielder · 3 years
Isabelle was fond of starting off her day with either a rigorous workout or solo training session. A calming habit developed over years of struggling with her emotional control and trying various outlets. She's somewhat startled by his presence before realizing just who it was that occupied the training room before the sun had even risen. Though, if she was surprised, Simon appeared even to be even more so.
She finds his awkwardness endearing, mirthful eyes shinning as an amused smile sits comfortably on divine features. Inky hands gather the dropped staffs, taking one for herself before holding another out as a friendly offering. "I get it. But, Simon. I don't think you're a liability. Maybe a little undertrained, but that's what you have me for. If you'll take me, that is. Fair warning, I won't go easy on you but out of Jace and Alec I'm probably the nicest trainer you're gonna get."
@whipwiielder​ checked into the hotel
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❛ heeeeey— ❜ simon whirls around totally not suspiciously, a boyish grin plastered to his face, exposing his naturally sharp eye-teeth. the bo staffs behind him topple with a loud clatter that sends the vampire’s shoulders shooting to his ears. you know, simon’s watched a ton of monster mash movies growing up, but none of them mentioned just how sensitive a vamp’s sense of hearing is. he feels unprepared. unbalanced.
his grin turns a little pained through his grimace.  ❛ i-i didn’t expect you to be here, izzy, not that you wouldn’t be here. i mean, why wouldn’t you be? i was just… ❜ he deflates, holding up his empty hands palm up. ❛ look, i know i’m more liability out in the field than help, but i want to help. that’s gotta count for something, right? ❜
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