whirlwindsprint · 10 months
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WHIRLWINDSPRINT ⸺ an extremely spur of the moment AU sideblog for my sonics, lmao. follows from cynicallyscorned!
Sonic the Stead-Fast. ⚔︎ Cynic the Deft-Hand.
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whirlwindsprint · 10 months
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aaand cynic's biography.
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NAME: Cynic the Deft-Hand RACE: hedgehog, biracial / wood elf & nord inspired CLASS: dual class - rogue / thief ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral PLACE OF ORIGIN: small fishing village that has now been turned into a bandit hideout, just on the outskirts of riften's hold RELIGION: apathetic towards most most religions as a result of feeling out of place with his own heritage OCCUPATION: a rogue dragonborn SKILLS & PERKS: ★★★☆☆ one handed (dual wielding focused) ★★★★☆ sneak ★★★★★ speech (persuasion, intimidation, & seduction) ★★★☆☆ light armor ★★★☆☆ archery ★★★☆☆ lockpicking ★★★★★ pickpocket SPELLS (if any): one (1) destruction spell…frost SHOUTS (if any): MID VUR SHAAN - battle fury ZUN HAAL VIIK - disarm FAAS RU MAAR - dismay SU GRAH DUN - elemental fury ZUL MEY GUT - throw voice WULD NAH KEST - whirlwind sprint WEAPONS: two ebony swords elven dagger long bow (weak paralysis enchantment) ARMOR & APPAREL: chitin armor + minor health enchantment chitin boots + minor stamina enchantment chitin arm guards + minor lockpick enchantment thieves guild hood amulet of kynareth ring of khajiit (artifact of mephala) wearer is faster and harder to detect while sneaking. also grants temporary invisibility. POTIONS: fuck ton of health & stamina potions bc this idiot never learned restoration or alteration cure disease potions fortify carry weight potions INVENTORY: lots of stolen items that he's quick to pawn off, typically jewelry & gemstones stolen food & mead torch, journal, ink pen, lock picks, trip wires, bed roll BACKSTORY: - grew up in small fishing village on the outskirts of riften hold. mother was very neglectful & not good to him. cynic had to learn from an early age to survive on his own, which lead to him being a good sneak & pickpocket. - home was ransacked by bandits & he was captured as a boy. they kept him alive because he proved to be a slippery little fox that could be useful for future heists - bandit leader threw him into a pit full of saber cats to test his strength durability, this is how cynic got his scars. he prevailed but just barely. as a reward the leader tossed cynic his mother's kynareth amulet - ran with the bandits for a few years, they taught him everything he knows. they would often throw him into suicide missions and other challenging situations because they didnt want to do it themselves, cynic had no choice but to swallow his fear if he wished to survive. - at one point he gets captured by the whiterun guards and thrown into dragonskeep. it is there where he comes across the ring of khajiit and hears the voice of mephala, daedric prince of manipulation & sower of discord begin to speak to him. she reveals that the bandit leader betrayed him and is responsible for his capture, and that said bandits had no intention to come looking for him. rightfully angry, cynic donned the ring of khajiit and used his wits to break out of prison & made his way back to the bandit camp. begrudgingly welcomed back with open arms, cynic waited until night fall before slaying every single bandit in their sleep & proceeding to go his own way as a rogue thief. - eventually discovers that he is dragonborn, winds up using these gifts for his own gain. mephala also still occasionally speaks to him because she's 👀 @ the fact that he's dragonborn & wants him to become her new champion. cynic keeps leaving her on read.
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whirlwindsprint · 10 months
sonic biography!
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NAME: Sonic the Stead-Fast RACE: hedgehog... biracial / wood elf & nord inspired CLASS: dual class - rogue / scout ALIGNMENT: chaotic good PLACE OF ORIGIN: small fishing village that has now been turned into a bandit hideout, just on the outskirts of riften's hold RELIGION: fairly open minded & mixed due to having different cultures in his heritage, but mainly gravitates towards kynareth (the human god of wind/sky/rain) and y'ffre (the bosmer god of storytelling & the now.) OCCUPATION: dragonborn adventurer SKILLS & PERKS: ★★★★☆ one handed (dual wielding focused) ★★★☆☆ sneak ★★★★☆ speech (persuasion focused) ★★★★★ light armor ★★☆☆☆ archery ★★★☆☆ restoration ★★★☆☆ alteration SPELLS (if any): fast healing healing hands iron flesh water breathing SHOUTS (if any): WULD NAH KEST whirlwind sprint KAAN DREM OV kyne's peace SU GRAH DUN elemental fury ZUN HAAL VIIK disarm VEN GAAR NOS cyclone LOK VAH KOOR clear skies WEAPONS: two ebony swords elven dagger long bow (weak paralysis enchantment) ARMOR & APPAREL: dragon scale armor + minor health enchantment dragon scale boots + minor stamina enchantment dragon scale arm guards + minor archery enchantment novice mage hood amulet of kynareth ring of the wind (artifact of kynareth) wearer's movement speed increases 40% & is said to grant incredible agility POTIONS: so..so many magica potions…… INVENTORY: cooked salmon, rabbit haunch, & pheasant breast juniper berries, snow berries, & mountain flowers bed roll & tent cup, plate, fork, ink pen, journal, torch, his father's lute BACKSTORY: - grew up in small fishing village on the outskirts of riften hold, home was ransacked by bandits & his mother sent him away with a blessing from kynareth that would grant him the speed he needed to always get away safely - as he got older & began to understand what happened he made a vow to never run away again, now travels the land in search of new adventures and people that need his help - got caught up in an imperial ambush & was taken prisoner. they planned to execute him despite the fact that he clearly was not with the stormcloaks. before he could be executed, alduin attacked and he was able to get away in the midst of the chaos - goes through main dragon born quest line !
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whirlwindsprint · 10 months
i still can't believe this url was available holy shit
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