whiskeypascals · 1 year
Ellie Finds Out
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Summary: Ellie sees you and Joel smooching and he comes out to her.
(established relationship)
Being alone in the apocalypse is hard, thankfully there were some people that Joel could have with him, he would never admit it, but Y/N and Ellie were two of the very few reasons he kept fighting to live. he had to protect the two of them.
The three had been out of the QZ for at least two months, it was admittedly difficult at first, one because Neither Y/N or Joel had taken a liking to Ellie yet and hadn’t learned to trust her, but after the infected had almost got Y/N in the museum and Ellie fought one of them off, it changed for Y/N, Joel soon trusting her slightly more.
The three were camping out for the night in a small town, Y/N found a house that was long forgotten and Ellie and Joel followed in after him. Joel decided before it got too dark to see without a flashlight, he would set up some sort of mechanism to alert the group if anything were to approach the house in the middle of the night.
“You two stay here.” he said as he left the room they chose to sleep in that night
Y/N and Ellie set up all three of the sleeping bags on the floor and set up a small lantern in between them.
“Why are your sleeping bag and Joel’s right next to each other?” Ellie asks Y/N
She was right, Y/N had set up Joel’s sleeping bag only a few inches from his own.
“It’s incase someone comes in here in the middle of the night, Joel’s bad at setting up traps, you remember Henry and Sam getting in and we thought they were about to kill us.” Y/N explained to Ellie, who snickered to herself
“But why would that be necessary if someone got in?” she asked again
“Joel’s right, you ask way too many questions” Y/N said before moving to a window to look outside for Joel. He was almost done with the trap outside and looked up at the window right as Y/N was looking out.
Joel came inside when it started to get dark, he didn’t want to risk anyone or anything coming out in the cover of night.
Ellie and Y/N were just starting to get into their sleeping bags as he opened the door to the room. Joel went to lock the door but was stopped when Y/N said
“Door doesn’t lock.”
He tested it earlier when they first came in and found that out.
Joel sighed and made his way to his “bed” for the night and yawned.
“We’ll be okay old man” Y/N whispered to him. He knew Joel was tired but he didn’t like to sleep in fear that something would happen to the people he promised himself to protect.
Y/N looked over at Ellie, who was thought to be sleeping or just about to sleep, she was turned to face the opposite side of the room. He looked back at Joel and gave him a small kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“I’m only a few years older than you Y/N” Joel whispered laying down and letting out a grunt when his head hit the hard floor.
They both heard Ellie shift in the sleeping bag but chose to ignore it, again, they thought she was sleeping. Truth was that she was awake, listening to the two older men talk, she kept her eyes closed to not blow her cover, the shifting was her turning over to look at the pair across from her.
Y/N laid down soon after Joel and curled up to Joel’s abdomen. Joel turned on his side and put his hand on Y/N’s hip and went in to kiss him. Ellie heard the shuffling of the two men and opened her eyes to see that they were kissing and Joel had a strong grip on Y/N’s t-shirt. Her eyes went wide and she quickly closed her eyes and turned over again to face the wall, being as quiet as possible.
Ellie woke up first, she waited on Joel to wake up because she knew he would be the first.
It look about 15 minutes for Joel to sit up, he rubbed the back of his neck and went to pop it. he turned it to the side and saw Ellie sitting up on the wall, wide awake.
“Mornin Ellie, are you hungry at all?” he asked motioning to his backpack.
“No, thank you though.” she said standing up and stretching her arms above her head. “Hey, I have a question.” she said walking over to sit criss-crossed on the floor next to Joel.
He raised an eyebrow, “What’s up kid?” he replied, grabbing a thermos out of his bag and opening it to take a swig of coffee.
Y/N shifted and Joel looked down to check on him, he was still sleeping, but he did pull the cover of his sleeping bag up to his shoulder, Joel looked back at Ellie and took another drink
“Are you gay?”
Joel nearly choked on his coffee. he cleared his throat and set the thermos down.
“Y’know, I would lie to you but I know you would eventually find out if I did.” he said looking her in the eyes.
Ellie nodded and pursed her lips.
“And… are you and Y/N… together?” she said with long pauses
“I-is that a problem?”
“No I had a sneaking suspicion, saw you guys kissing last night and it would be awkward if you all weren’t together.” Ellie laughed out
Joel cut his eyes, “you were asleep when i got back Ellie.” he said with a quizzical look
“I was pretending, I was just gonna see if you were talking about anything serious, which I’m glad you weren’t but… yeah..” she rambled, pursing her lips again.
Joel crossed his arms and looked at Ellie for a minute, opened his mouth as if he was about to start talking and then closed it again.
“How long have you known? ya know, that your gay?” Ellie broke the silence.
“No more questions after this, ‘kay?”
Ellie nodded
“College.” Joel said
“So you’ve known for like eighty years, cool, I just found out a year ago.”
“Hey. I’m not that ol- what?”
Just as Ellie was about to answer Joel, Y/N sat up and yawned, he saw Ellie and Joel were already awake and sent Ellie a small smile.
“Can I have some of that?” he asked Joel, pointing at the coffee.
Joel handed him the thermos and he took a long drink, handing it back to Joel he noticed that both he and Ellie were staring at him.
“What?” he asked.
Ellie stood up and walked over to her sleeping bag and started to pack up her things while Y/N and Joel talked.
“We’ll be right back Ellie, don’t go anywhere and-“ Y/N started
“Yell for one of you if there’s trouble, got it.” Ellie smiled as Joel and Y/N started out of the door.
Right when they got out of the room, Y/N grabbed Joel’s hand and walked him down the hallway.
“I told Ellie about us.” Joel said breaking the silence apart from their shoes on the hard ground.
“Did she see anything?” Y/N asked quietly.
“Just us kissin’ last night, nothing else.”
“Fuck, okay good.” Y/N huffed out a laugh.
Joel laughed and pulled him in for a kiss, both of their lips tasted like coffee. Y/N was the first to pull away, “Sorry about my morning breath,” he smiled “Lets go pack up our stuff.” he reached down and grabbed Joel’s hand and led him back to the ‘bedroom’.
The group finished packing and left the house, Ellie walking in the middle and Joel and Y/N on either side of her.
Joel couldn’t help but wonder what Ellie meant when she said that she only found out last year, he shook off the thought, adjusted his backpack straps and kept on walking to wherever they would be going next.
A/N: IM SORRY IM SO SLOW AT GETTING REQUESTS OUT!!! I’ve been hit with massive writers block and i’m posting a draft this week 😕
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
Quick question, do you take requests?
I do! I’m in the middle of writing one right now but if you send it in i’ll try to get a fic written out by next week!!
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
Can we please get reader feeding Joel when he's sick?
Soup and Long Drives
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(not my gif)
Here you go!! Hope you like it 🫶!
Summary: Being alone in the wilderness with a teenager and a grumpy old man is hard, especially when one gets sick and refuses to take care of himself. Ten points to whoever guesses that one is. (takes place in between episodes 3 and 4!)
A/N: This can be seen as platonic or romantic!
Warnings: throwing up, sickness
Joel woke up with an extreme pain in his stomach, he tossed the cover of his sleeping bag off of him and walked over to the truck parked several feet away. Y/N heard him get up and start walking and immediately sat up, unlike the older man, he had ears like a bat.
After a few minutes Joel hadn’t returned to the group, Y/N looked over to check on Ellie and saw that she was dead asleep so he got up as quiet as possible and walked over to Joel.
“Joel? You over here?” He heard Joel gagging from where he stood and kept walking over.
Joel coughed and spit out the remaining vomit in his mouth, “You stay over there Y/N.” He said, he absolutely refused to let anyone see him sick, he’s always been like this, even before the outbreak.
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked
“Yes I’m fine, go back over there.”
Y/N knew to listen to Joel and turned around to go back to his sleeping bag, meanwhile Joel was wiping off his mouth and collecting himself.
The next morning, Joel was back in his sleeping bag, laying on his side presumably sleeping, and Ellie was curled up in her own. Y/N thought he was the first one to wake up and he got up to start packing. Joel groaned and sat up the moment he heard movement. “Mornin’ gramps.” Y/N said with a smile.
Joel groaned again.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Y/N asked, his demeanor changing when he noticed Joel’s skin tone had taken a slightly green tint. He walked over to Joel and crouched down next to him before putting the back of his hand on the man’s forehead and then each of his cheeks.
“Christ Joel, you’re burning, lay down right now, I’ll be back,” Before Joel could protest, Y/N was getting up and grabbing a piece of cloth from his backpack, “Keep an eye on Ellie, I’ll be as quick as I can.”
Thankfully, they had camped out next to a creek so Y/N could dampen the cloth to put it on Joel’s forehead.
He returned to the camp and Ellie was still sleeping,
“Y/N this ain’t necessary.” Joel said putting out his hand to try and sway the cloth away.
“Shut up and let me take are of you.”
Joel exhaled deeply, “Fine.”
“Holy shit, Joel are you okay?” Ellie said from behind them
Y/N jumped, “Fuck Ellie, you scared the shit outta me.”
“Sorry, I shoulda said good morning first, but is he okay?”
“I’m fine.” Joel kept insisting.
Y/N craned his neck to look at Ellie, “He’s the ‘s’ word.”
“Stupid? Both of us knew that already Y/N.”
“Shut up.” Joel said, still laying on the ground with the cloth on his forehead.
“Sick, Ellie.” Y/N explained
“Ooohhh.” Ellie replied drawing out the whole word.
“I’m not-“ Joel went to talk but gagged. He threw his hands over his mouth and swiftly got up to run and puke.
“That is the fastest I’ve ever seen him move.” Ellie joked, Y/N shot her a glare and got up to help Joel.
He got over to Joel and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Let it out Joel.” he rubbed the spot where he had put his hand and looked over at Ellie who was fishing around in her bag for something.
Joel stopped throwing up but stayed hunched over with his hand on a tree and took a few deep breaths before spitting out the remaining throw up in his mouth onto the ground.
“You all done?” Y/N asked, his hand still on Joel’s shoulder.
“Yeah.” Joel said straightening out his back and cleared his throat.
“I HAVE SOUP!” Ellie yelled from where all of their stuff was.
Y/N looked at Joel and smiled weakly, “C’mon, you need to eat.”
They started to walk back over to Ellie and out of nowhere, Joel doubled over from his stomach pain.
“Shit,” Y/N grabbed hold of Joel’s arm before he fell over, “We’re almost to your sleeping bag just a couple more feet.”
They made it to his sleeping bag and Ellie helped Y/N lay down.
“Ellie, can you hand me that soup please?” Y/N asked.
Ellie got up and grabbed the can opener from Joel’s bag to open up the soup. She got it open and handed it to Y/N along with a spoon, also from Joel’s bag.
“Can you sit up on your own?” Y/N softly asked Joel.
He shook his head. Y/N had never seen him like this but in his head he knew that if Joel kept hiding that he was sick, it would’ve gotten a lot worse than this and he’s just glad that Joel’s letting him take care of him.
Ellie watched Y/N take Joel’s hand and help him get off his back, and she sat down criss-crossed on the ground next to Joel.
“You’ll be okay big guy.” she patted his shoulder and held him up while Y/N sat down on the other side.
“We’re gonna let you eat and then Ellie and I are going to pack everything up and I’m gonna drive, kay?” Y/N explained putting a spoonful of soup up to Joel’s mouth, he took the bite and nodded as he swallowed.
After a grueling 15 minutes, Y/N had spoon-fed Joel three fourths of the can and he was feeling the tiniest bit better after getting the food into his system, it might have been cold, but in the world they live in right now, food is good and beggars can’t be choosers.
Now the biggest question was how Joel was going to get into the truck, after talking it out for a little bit, Joel decided he was strong enough to get up and with Y/N’s help, he got into the back seat and a little bit later, the three were driving out of their camping site and getting back onto the road.
“You cold or anything?” Y/N asked him, looking in the rear view mirror to see him when he answered.
“Nah I’m alright Y/N.”
“If you get cold, you can grab my jacket from the floorboard.”
Y/N put his eyes back on the road and kept on driving.
About two hours into the drive, Joel had fallen asleep with his head tilted back on the headrest of the seat, Ellie noticed this and found it hilarious.
“Damn, he really is an old man.” She laughed, which drew a chuckle from Y/N. The two of them sat in silence for a little bit and then Ellie spoke again,
“Is he gonna be okay?”
Y/N glanced over at Ellie and smiled, “Have you met the man, he could get a limb chopped off and be just fine the next day.”
“I know, he was just so weak back at the camp site and it worried me.” Ellie sighed.
“I know kid, he probably just caught the flu, he’s gonna be okay.”
Ellie looked out the window and watched the scenery change from woods to fields to woods again and closed her eyes.
“Thank you by the way for helping me out earlier.” Y/N said just as she was about to fall asleep.
“Anytime Y/N” Ellie smiled and he let her go to sleep.
He let out a long and heavy exhale and kept on driving.
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
tlou writers reading that the diva cup was invented in 2003
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
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how i’m handling the new episode
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy
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(not my gif)
pre-outbreak and happy Joel :)
Summary: It’s nearing Halloween and Y/N invited Joel over to hand out candy and have a few drinks after helping him put out decorations, Sarah was out trick or treating with some of her friends and wouldn’t be home until morning and things end up getting spicy between Joel and Y/N wink wink
Warnings: smut, bottom Y/N , alcohol, dirty talk, biting, multiple orgasms, teasing, praise.
It was the Monday before Halloween, 2002 and Joel was excited to say the least, he loved the holiday and he loved seeing the subdivision full of life. He had got an early start on setting out decorations when he noticed that his neighbor, Y/N, was also starting early.
Y/N was chaotically putting out stringy fake cobweb decorations and it looked like he was struggling quite a bit.
Joel laughed to himself, noticing how Y/N kept getting his fingers caught in the fake webs and started to walk over to ask if he needed help.
“Hey! One second I’m almost…Fuck.” Y/N said before getting the decoration caught up by his shoulder somehow.
“Must’ve caught a thread, here, let me get it.” Joel offered up, reaching up to Y/N’s shoulder to grab the string. He pulled it off of his shoulder and handed it to him.
“Thanks, I can’t believe I’ve lived here for almost three months and never got your name, I’m Y/N.” He reached out his empty hand.
“Joel,” He smiled and went to shake Y/N’s hand, “Hey uh, I’m almost done over at my place if you need a hand.” he offered up.
“Oh, that would be really nice” Y/N smiled back at Joel.
The pair finished right as it was getting dark and after Y/N reached down to plug in the purple and orange lights, the two simply marveled at the decorating job they completed.
“Thanks Joel, I appreciate it.” Y/N rolled up his sleeves and looked over to the man next to him before speaking again.
“Hey, would you like to come have a couple drinks on Halloween and hand out candy? I mean it’s only fair because you helped me do all of this.” He motioned to the decorations.
Joel looked over at Y/N and thought for a second before replying with a simple, “Yeah that’d be nice”.
Flash forward to that Thursday and Y/N was sitting out in his driveway in a lawn chair watching Joel say goodbye to Sarah.
“If you need anything you tell Veronica’s mom to call me alright baby?” He said going to hug his daughter.
“Okay dad, love you!” She said turning to run towards her group of friends huddled on the street.
“Love you too baby! Have fun!” He yelled as she crossed to greet her friends.
Y/N noticed Joel run back inside his house and for a split second thought Joel had forgotten about their plans but then a group of trick or treaters started walking up his driveway and the thought slipped his mind.
Inside, Joel was running around his house finding all of the pieces for his costume, he dressed up every year and since Y/N had just moved in in July, he’d never known about Joel being one of the only adults on the street dressing up. He found all the pieces of the set as quickly as he could and looked in the mirror after he put all of it on. He smiled to himself and grabbed his cell and went outside.
Y/N was still sitting out in the lawn chair set up in his driveway when Joel walked over, “Hey Y/N sorry if I’m late at all, had to change real fast.” He smiled.
Y/N was absolutely awe struck. Joel was dressed up in full cowboy attire, decked out with a bandana around his neck and a leather hat on.
“No it’s all good Joel, there wasn’t any rush or anything. It’s still pretty early.” He said standing up to go grab a second chair so Joel could sit.
Joel found two cans of beer, one unopened and he assumed it was for him, but didn’t want to make himself too much at home and waited to wait til Y/N got back to ask to drink it.
Y/N came back with Joel’s chair in his arms and unfolded it so he could sit down.
“So, I’m guessing you dress up every year?” Y/N asked as he sat.
“No these are my normal clothes, is there something wrong with them?” Joel asked looking down at his clothes, looking up at, Y/N and laughing.
“You look nice Joel.” Y/N smiled.
“Oh, I almost forgot, here’s the drink I promised, we could always go inside and get more later if you want.” Y/N said, grabbing the can next to his own and handing it over to Joel.
“Thanks.” Joel grabbed the beer, opened it, and took a drink.
More kids came and went and then came and went again before Joel’s phone started ringing. He answered and talked for a few minutes before hanging up. Y/N glanced over at him while he was putting his phone back in his pocket, Joel looked over at him and started explaining the call.
“Sarah’s staying at her friends house tonight, so if your offer from earlier is still up we can go on inside.”
Y/N nodded and smiled “Yeah, we can go”
The pair stood up and Y/N got the chairs while Joel got the nearing empty cans and the candy bowl with about a handful left of candy to the front door and they went inside.
Joel was met with a pleasant smell as he walked in, Y/N’s house was beautifully decorated and incredibly clean. Joel thought back when he remembered that he has never seen a kid or another adult come in or enter and it hit him that Y/N lived alone.
“It’s uh, nothing special.” Y/N said noticing Joel looking around like he’s never been in a house before.
“you have a nice house, Y/N.” Joel said following the other man into the kitchen area.
“Are you a whiskey and coke man?” Y/N asked
“Take a look at me.” Joel said sitting down at the bar.
Y/N chuckled and grabbed two whiskey glasses and opening up the fridge to grab a two liter of coke. he brought the glasses and soda to the bar where the bottle of whiskey was sitting.
Joel was still sat in his costume, he took off his hat when he sat down but kept everything else on. Y/N couldn’t help but smile as he poured the drinks, Joel took a notice and smirked at the man in front of him.
Y/N finished pouring and scooted one of the glasses to Joel and watched as he took a swig. He swallowed thickly and felt the burn he’d grown to love go down his throat. He set the glass back on the table and raised both of his eyebrows
“Goes down smooth.” He said as Y/N finally took a drink, who nodded after putting his glass down next to Joel’s.
A few drinks later, almost half of the whiskey bottle was empty and Y/N and Joel were sitting on the couch watching a movie that Joel insisted was ‘the best thing to come out’. The first two buttons on Joel’s shirt had come unbuttoned and the bandana he had around his neck had disappeared. The two men had a very pleasant glow inside of them from the drinks.
Out of seemingly nowhere, Y/N had gotten hungry and remembered that he had bought cereal the day before and got the best idea on the planet.
“I’m gonna get some cereal, you want a bowl?” he got up to go to the kitchen.
“I’m good.” Joel replied from the couch.
Y/N saw out of the corner of his eye that Joel stood up and started walking over to him.
“You need something Joel?”
Joel sat down at the bar again and just watched as Y/N made his cereal.
“You sobering up?” Y/N asked, he was himself so he was curious about Joel’s state.
“Yeah.” he said.
His voice was deep and it sounded like he was tired, Y/N found it incredibly attractive.
Y/N sat his bowl down on the bar in front of Joel.
“Your costume looked really good tonight Joel.” he said not trying to hide that he was eyeing the man across the bar up and down.
Joel was taken aback by the sudden change in Y/N’s demeanor, he went from an awkward dude who kept getting stuck in fake cobwebs, and now he was talking him up.
It wasn’t a bad thing to Joel though.
“I bet you’d like it better if it was off, huh?”
Joel smirked and stood up
Y/N was suddenly speechless.
“Can’t be all quiet now, Y/N.”
Joel walked his way around the bar and stood in front of Y/N, who swallowed just as thick as Joel when he took the first drink of whiskey a few hours prior.
“Saw you eyeing me up all night pretty boy.”
Y/N said nothing again.
It was his turn to be shocked, he had never thought that Joel could get like this, but he could honestly get used to it.
“Joel are you completely sober.” it was less of a question and more like a demand to know.
“Yes Y/N, swear.” Joel replied.
“So you won’t regret kissing me?”
“Will you regret letting me kiss you?”
Y/N shook his head no and Joel leaned in to kiss him. As he deepened the kiss, Joel pushed him back to lean against the counter top. His arm snaked around Y/N’s waist and he took a sharp breath in through his nose.
Y/N was the first to pull away, but he took one look at Joel’s lust filled face and went right back in for another kiss. This one felt different from the other, there was a hunger in it. Both men knew that this wouldn’t be a kiss that lead to nothing.
Joel pulled away first this time.
“You tell me now if you don’t want this to go any further.” He said, he could one hundred percent tell that Y/N wanted to go further but he just wanted to make sure.
“I want to Joel, please.” Y/N whispered.
Joel moved off of Y/N and let him lead the way to the couch.
Y/N sat down and took off his thermal shirt and Joel un-buckled his belt and pulled it off before sitting down next to Y/N.
“How do you want to do this?” Joel asked looking over at Y/N.
“Can I sit on your lap?”
Joel nodded slowly and smirked once again as Y/N threw his legs over his own thighs. Y/N put his hands on Joel’s shoulders and pulled him in for another kiss.
Almost immediately Joel’s tongue prodded ad Y/N’s lips, he turned his head to the side a little bit to get a better angle to be able to let Joel into his mouth.
After the kiss, both were left breathless.
“If you keep smirking like that I’ll explode.” Y/N said as he panted slightly. Joel chuckled in response. He said nothing as he shrugged Y/N’s hands off his shoulders and leaned forward. He put his arms on Y/N’s hips to hold him in place and went straight for his neck. He kissed lightly at the space where Y/N’s shoulder and neck met. Y/N gasped as Joel bit down, it wasn’t hard enough to draw blood, but it was hard enough to make Y/N buck his hips up towards Joel.
Between Joel’s mouth and the friction in Y/N’s jeans, he let out multiple small whines and pleas. Joel pulled off of Y/N and looked at his neck, admiring the red blotches and bite marks on it.
“Joel please do something!” Y/N begged, grinding his hips down onto Joel’s, feeling everything in the process. Joel groaned at the friction that he caused between them.
“Fuck.” is all he said in response.
Joel reached down to un-button Y/N’s jeans as fast as he could. When he got them undone, he pulled the band of his boxers down and let his dick spring free. he spit in his palm and finally gave Y/N what he wanted the most.
Y/N’s head flew back as he let out a groan, his eyes screwed shut and he furrowed his brows.
“Look at me, Y/N.” Joel demanded, stopping his hand right at Y/N’s base.
Y/N pulled his head back up and opened his eyes, “Joel, please. Please don’t stop.” he whined.
“I don’t want you cummin’ yet baby,” Joel took his hand off of Y/N, “I want you comin’ completely undone with me inside you.”
Y/N was speechless for the second time tonight.
Joel leaned in to whisper to him, “Get up and take off your pants.”
“I know you’ve got lube and condoms around here somewhere, go get ‘em.” Joel said.
Y/N nodded and Joel watched him turn away and almost sprint to his room. He got everything and went back into the living room and saw that Joel had rid himself of his tight jeans and was slowly stroking himself with his head leaned back. Y/N tossed the lube and condom onto the couch cushion and finally got a good look at Joel’s dick. He for sure thought he would start drooling if Joel didn’t snap his head up when he heard the items hit the couch.
Y/N got back into Joel’s lap and went in for another kiss, after they pulled apart, Joel grabbed the lube from the cushion beside them and opened it up one handed. He squeezed a little bit onto his fingers and rubbed them against his thumb to warm up the gel. He decided he wanted to start slow and reached around to prod at Y/N’s entrance, maintaining eye contact with Y/N the whole time.
“Joel please stop teasing me.” Y/N’s hands ended up on Joel’s shoulders again and he dug his nails into the skin there.
Joel fit his middle finger next to his index and started scissoring them to stretch Y/N out. He writhed as Joel kept his movements at a steady pace.
“Joel ‘m gonna cum.” Y/N said as white hot pleasure took over his body.
He came with a long stretched out moan and Joel pulled his fingers out.
“D’ya think you could give me one more babe?”
Y/N nodded and looked down to see Joel’s dick leaking pre-cum onto his stomach and reached to wrap his hand around it. and Joel hummed in satisfaction.
“You’re being so good for me.” He said as Y/N picked up his speed.
Y/N stopped his hand and reached over for the condom. He opened it and started to roll it out onto Joel. The condom itself was pre-lubricated and there was still lube on Y/N’s hole so after it was rolled all the way on, Y/N lifted himself to give Joel room to reposition himself.
Joel held his dick in place as Y/N sat himself on it. The both of them groaned as Joel bottomed out.
“You’ve done this before, huh?” Joel asked moving Y/N’s hair off of his sweaty forehead.
“Mhm.” he nodded.
“So ya know how to ride?”
“Yeah.” Y/N breathed out heavily.
He put his hands back on Joel’s shoulders and used his arms to help himself lift halfway off of Joel and pushed himself back down with a whine, he kept us this rhythm for a couple minutes before Joel took his hand down to wrap around Y/N and stroke him in the same rhythm as his bouncing.
Y/N was squeezing around Joel’s cock and his jaw dropped to make an ‘o’ face.
“‘S so good keep goin’ baby” Joel’s hand had moved to Y/N’s waist and his jaw had tightened.
He thought for a second before slamming Y/N down onto himself and fucking up into him.
Y/N let out a stream of curses and Joel’s grip only got harder as he relentlessly slammed into him. Y/N brought a hand to his dick and started stroking with Joel’s thrusts. He let out one final ‘fuck’ as he came into his fist.
Joel didn’t stop though, “I’m almost there baby, c’mon.”
He let out a grunt when Y/N started grinding down on his dick. Small chants of ‘ah’ left his mouth as the man on top of him kept going. As Joels thrusts got sloppier and his grip on Y/N’s waist got tighter, Y/N knew he was close.
Joel came into the condom mere seconds later, “Fuck Y/N.” He panted.
Y/N got up off of Joel with minimal struggle, both of them were sensitive and neither wanted to hurt the other, and Joel pulled off the condom, tying it off and going to the bathroom to throw it away.
“Do you want to stay the night? It would be rude of me to tell you to go home.” Y/N said, grabbing his pants and boxers to throw them in the dirty laundry bin.
“Yeah, if it’s not too much trouble, can I shower though?”
Y/N nodded and brought him to his bedroom to shower in the en suite. He got into his dresser and got out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt for Joel to put on after he got out and laid it on the bathroom counter.
About ten minutes later, Joel left the bathroom in the pajamas Y/N had put out for him and saw that he was already in bed.
Joel got into the bed on the side that Y/N wasn’t on and got under the blanket. Just as he went to close his eyes, he remembered.
I have work tomorrow.
“I’ll call in sick.” he said to himself, seemingly forgetting he wasn’t alone.
“Hm?” Y/N asked, his voice filled with sleep.
“Nothin’,” Joel scooted closer to Y/N and closed his eyes “Goodnight.”
“Night Joel, thank you for staying.”
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
As you wish you dirty heathens.
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
https://at.tumblr.com/aristotlecoyote/give-me-a-spark/en8ar3zxjcfn please take this <3
show stopping. amazing. beautiful. I LOVE IT SM 🫶
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
i’ll be like “need him so bad it makes me stupid” and it’s this guy:
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
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Just rip my bloody heart out with middle-aged queer romance why don’t you, popular entertainment
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
I have covid so expect me to be WAY more active LMFAOO I might post a second fic this week if i have some good ones drafted up 🫶
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
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i love them sm.
i 🫶 bella ramsey
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32K notes · View notes
whiskeypascals · 1 year
Let’s talk about this. Let’s talk about the fact that Henry has a gun pointed at Joel’s face, but Joel hears Ellie screaming his name, and he tries to go help her anyways. This man is already willing to risk it all for her safety and well-being. I’m ILL.
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
Open Arms
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Request from anon!!
Warnings: Major character death, mention of Y/N panicking, Joel blaming himself, somewhat ooc Joel (he’s so insecure please get him a therapist jfc), not necessarily a warning but this can be seen as platonic or romantic!
Summary: It was 10 years after the outbreak, Y/N left his home town and found Joel, who was on a smuggling mission. After completing it, Joel decided that keeping Y/N around would be helpful in the long run to get to Tommy, who was in Wyoming as of the last time Joel had heard anything. On the way out west, Joel opens up more to Y/N bit by bit and they found love in a the wasteland that’s left of the planet. They get to Wyoming and Tommy isn’t there, no trace of him even. it sparks something in Joel and things take a complete turn and Joel ends up leaving and as soon as he goes, they get trapped by a group of fireflies and Joel really regrets what he says
On the day of the outbreak, Y/N had no choice but to stay where he was, but after ten years, he couldn’t stand to stay in this place anymore. The QZ was full of fascist FEDRA officers who would do anything to keep ‘order’. The streets would be patrolled all night long, there would be casual searches of apartments where they claimed they would look for criminals but all they would do was go in and take people away from their families and shoot at any sign of protest. There were many nights where Y/N was awoken by screaming from his neighbors but he couldn’t get up and fight for them.
He couldn’t fucking take it any longer.
So, he left. He snuck out of his building under the cover of night fall and made it out like he’d seen smugglers do so many times from the window.
It was nearing a year since Y/N left the QZ, he’d come and go from different groups of people and ended up alone and scared for what seemed like the millionth time.
That’s when he came.
He was on a smuggling trip and was making his way to Michigan, and got caught in an ambush and found Y/N hiding.
“No don’t shoot!” Y/N exclaimed, throwing his hands up “I’m unarmed.” he said, keeping his hands where Joel could see.
“Please help me, I don’t know who those people are. Please.” He started to beg, “I escaped my QZ about a year ago.”
Joel looked around and put his finger up to his lips. Y/N stopped talking and Joel moved to hide in the same spot that Y/N was just minutes ago. Y/N crouched back down next to Joel and watched as a few trucks passed by.
“Name.” That wasn’t a question, it was a demand.
“Y/N.” Y/N whispered.
“Where did you come from.” Another stern demand.
“San Francisco QZ.”
Y/N didn’t know why he trusted Joel as much as he did in this moment, it was probably because he was in a life or death situation right now and he was his only chance of making it out alive.
“Listen, I’m goin’ to get us out but you have to listen to what I say, and then you’ll be on your way Y/N.”
Y/N nodded.
The two stood up and Joel pulled the gun off of his hip and held it out in front of him as he slowly treaded into the street, it was dark outside but he couldn’t pull out his light because it was an obvious death wish.
Joel heard shooting behind them. He turned around and shoved Y/N back behind him and cocked his gun. There was someone shooting at them from afar.
“Shit aim.” He said to himself before he himself started shooting.
“Stay behind me.”
Joel walked toward where the person was shooting from, luckily it was only one person and Joel one shotted them.
“God damn idiot.”
Joel turned back around and the two kept quiet as they walked out of danger.
“Thank you.” Is all that Y/N could say when they were far away from the town.
“Keep quiet, there might be some more of them out here.”
“I think you’re overthinking”
Joel turned around, “I’m thinking rationally, we have no idea what’s out here.”
Y/N sighed, “Yeah, sorry…” He thought for a second, “Hey I never got your name.”
“Why do you need to know, we’re splitting our ways, I’m goin’ to finish my job and you’re gonna keep surviving.”
The two did not split ways.
It was a week later and Joel had brought Y/N all the way to the city in Michigan where he was taking his cargo to, and in return he got another gun from the person he was selling to.
“Here, you must know how to use it if you’ve been out here for this long.” Joel handed the pistol to Y/N, who nodded in agreement.
“Where are we going from here?”
Joel said nothing.
“I’ve got a brother out west, I was thinking that I could get there easier if I had you navigating the way.” It took him ages to finally reply to Y/N’s question.
“What if he’s not there?”
“He will be.”
The two men walked out of the abandoned building that Joel met his buyer in and Y/N spoke up.
“The distance is a good fifteen hundred miles so if you have a truck hidden somewhere like all that ammo, it would be best to find it.”
“We’ll make do.”
The first few days went by cruelly slow, back and forth bickering between Joel and Y/N and sleeping in the middle of the woods feet apart, but as the days went past, the two started to open up more to each other. It was easier said than done for Joel, but Y/N had no issues with sharing his most of his story.
It was day twelve of walking and Y/N had found themselves in the middle of nowhere, it wasn’t like Y/N hadn’t been going this way before, but that was a year ago, so to say the least they were lost.
“Joel, I hate to say this to you but we might need to find a map.”
“Y/N tell me where we can find a map, look where the hell we are.”
“I sort of remember this area, there should be a truck stop somewhere.”
Joel said nothing and just kept walking.
Five miles later there was indeed an old truck stop, worn away by time and taken over by wildlife.
“You swear it’s empty?” Joel said, looking for an entrance.
“Well, I can’t promise anything, so pay attention to everything.”
“Save that advice for yourself Y/N” Joel found a loose board covering up a broken glass door and the two went inside.
They were met with the smell of mold and decay, the only sounds that could be heard were their footsteps crunching on the debris on the floor.
“Let’s find the map and get out, ‘kay, I think I remember the layout of this place” Y/N said quietly.
Joel nodded, it felt good to Y/N for Joel to agree with him for once, even if what he said was common knowledge between the two.
‘Oh you have to be fucking kidding me.’ Joel thought to himself, looking around seeing two dead bodies of what looked like smugglers based solely on what they were wearing. Y/N’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped
“Fuck.” He mouthed
He pulled his gun out and Y/N did the same. They both held their weapons out and started walking, it got to a point in the building where the sunlight stopped leaking in and the both of them had to pull their flashlights out too.
That’s when Y/N heard the clicking.
He turned to Joel and put a finger over his mouth. Joel turned to look forward and took the smallest steps he possibly could to not make any noise and Y/N walked in the same manner.
They got to the back room where a clicker stood. Joel went to line up his shot, but before he even got his finger on the trigger, a gunshot from Y/N rang out. The clicker turned and screamed a guttural sound, Joel let out two quick shots from his gun and the clicker fell to the floor.
“We have to get out of here. Now.” He said bluntly, Y/N turned to run out of the truck stop and made it to the doorway they came in before realizing that Joel wasn’t behind him.
“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.” Y/N started to panic.
“JOEL?” He yelled out.
“Y/N GO.” Joel yelled back, he sounded far away from where Y/N was standing, there were two gunshots and then the sound of heavy boots on tile floor, Y/N got out of the door and waited for Joel to make it and slammed the board against the door.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ.” is all Joel said between heavy breaths.
“What happened back there?” Y/N grabbed onto Joel’s arm, “Scared the fuck out of me man.”
“Those smugglers turned, they almost got me.”
“Thank god they didn’t, I don’t want to be out here alone again.”
“Thank you for waiting, I’m not 100% sure if they’re dead so we have to get going.”
“What about the map?”
“Fuck that map, we need to go, Y/N.”
The two kept walking West. It would take at least 6 more days for the two to even make it to Wyoming, let alone find where Tommy was.
Just as it started to turn to night, Joel and Y/N decided to stop for that night and set up camp in the woods so if anything was coming, they would be able to hear if a branch snapped or leaves rustled.
“Hey, Joel, can I ask you something?” Y/N asked, setting down the lamp that Joel brought.
Joel looked up from where he was laying out their sleeping bags.
“Do you have any other family out here besides Tommy?”
“M-mm.” Joel shook his head.
He really didn’t, he would have Sarah if he could have saved her that day, but things didn’t go the way he had planned to that night.
“D’you?” Joel asked, getting into his sleeping bag.
“No. My sister died the night of the outbreak, we’d planned to get to LA but it was so damn crowded in the streets, the runners got to her before we could run out of the town.”
Joel turned to see Y/N starting to tear up.
“Sorry, talking about her makes me so emotional, she was only 17. It almost felt like I was her dad, or at least in that moment.”
Y/N sniffed and laid down in his sleeping bag.
“I know how you feel,” Joel turned off the lamp and laid down too.
“You said you didn’t have family out here?”
“I lost my little girl when the outbreak started.”
“How old?”
Joel turned away to face away from Y/N
“Fuck I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have asked if I knew it would upset you.”
Y/N sat up and looked over to Joel, he’d never seen the older man so vulnerable.
“Joel,” Y/N moved closer to him “I’m sorry. I know how you feel, I know that you feel like you need to protect me, and I need you to know that I’m gonna survive this and we’ll get out asses to Wyoming and find your brother.” He said putting his hands on Joel’s shoulder. He felt the man tremble slightly under his touch.
“You don’t need to apologize, Y/N.” Joel shrugged Y/N’s hand off his shoulder and turned to look at him, Y/N got up and kneeled by Joel’s side to hug him.
Joel didn’t know what to do at first honestly, it was the first time he had felt any empathy in 11 years. Just as Y/N was going to pull away and apologize, Joel swung his arm around his side and hugged him tightly.
“Okay, shit Joel, too tight.” Y/N struggled to say, Joel took his arms out from around Y/N and mumbled a small ‘sorry’.
“Tell me about her in the morning.” Y/N said, scooting back to his sleeping bag.
Joel nodded and reached to turn off the lantern behind the two of their heads.
Joel didn’t get much sleep that night, he kept waking up and falling back asleep to only repeat the process until morning. That was a common occurrence for him lately. When the sun came up, Joel started getting all of his things together to be prepared when Y/N woke up. It was only about a half an hour before he did wake up though.
When he woken up, he saw that all of Joel’s things had gone and he started to think that Joel left him like he had done with so many different groups of people.
“Morning.” Joel said from a few feet away, he was sitting on a tree trunk that had fallen down a long time ago.
Y/N let out a sigh of relief and got up from his spot. He noticed that Joel had packed all of their stuff up into their backpacks except his sleeping bag. He rolled it up quickly and fastened it so it wouldn’t come undone while they were walking.
“What was she like?” Y/N asked after a while.
“She was a lot like her mom, same eyes and smile y’know, things like that.”
Joel kept what he said about Sarah short and sweet and they moved on from there.
It felt weird to Joel to be this open with someone he met less than a month ago, but it somehow felt right to him at the same time.
The two kept walking, and walking, and walking some more for a full day and a full night. They reached a sign that read
“Welcome to Nebraska!” In massive letters, it was covered in graffiti and rust from all the time it was out there with no one to keep it pretty.
As day turned to night once again, Joel and Y/N found a place far from any life that would be out there, and called it a night.
Joel watched Y/N lay out his sleeping bag and turned to do the same, he thought for a second and decided to speak on his thoughts.
“Y/N, bring your sleeping bag closer.”
“Uh, okay,” He moved his stuff closer and sat down on top of it. “Is everything alright Joel?”
Joel nodded, “Yeah just thinkin’” He said quietly.
“So you wanted me to move closer to you because you’re thinking?” Y/N laughed a little.
“Yeah about you idiot.”
Y/N looked and Joel confused
“Why are you so nice to me?”
Y/N went to speak but Joel cut him off
“I’m mean and I’m bossy, I have no redeeming traits.”
Joel finished and Y/N sat there for a minute thinking of what to say.
The hardened man he had grown to know just spilled out to him and he honestly didn’t know what to do.
“Joel, you saved my life, you’ve kept me out of danger that would have killed me by now, yes you’re mean but that’s who you are.” he finally said breaking the silence that seemed hours long.
Joel hugged Y/N, just like they hugged when Joel told him about Sarah.
“Can we uh, sleep like this?” Y/N suggested, still hugging Joel tight, he was enjoying the human touch just as much as Joel was.
“It’s kinda complicated with two separate sleeping bags Y/N. How big is yours?”
Y/N tensed at those words and Joel noticed.
“Your fuckin’ sleeping bag Y/N.” Joel said flatly.
“Oh it’s big enough for both of us I think, we’d have to squeeze together but it would work.”
Joel let go of Y/N and scooted out of his own sleeping bag and Y/N got in and opened up the zipper to let Joel squeeze in next to him. It was kind of uncomfortable at first for both of them and they knew they would wake up with aching backs but they repositioned themselves and got comfortable.
That was one of the first nights Joel had slept fully through.
‘I’m fuckin’ losin’ it.’ He thought when he woke up with the heat off of Y/N’s body radiating onto his back and an arm around his waist.
He was again, the first to wake up and the moment he moved to try and get up, Y/N woke up.
“You feeling better Joel?”
Joel hummed in response, as much as he hated feeling vulnerable, he really liked having someone not tell him that he should fix himself.
“Good, let’s get going.”
The two packed up their stuff and trekked through rain and sun until they reached a sign that brought a smile to Joel’s face.
It was the first time that Y/N had seen Joel smile a genuine smile.
“Kay enough ogling the sign let’s go find Tommy.” Y/N smiled.
“Welcome to Wyoming.”
As Joel and Y/N walked further into the state, they were awestruck about how beautiful the landscape managed to stay,
“Joel listen,” Y/N whispered
“It’s just deer Y/N.”
“No those steps are too heavy.”
“Well, whatever it is I’m sure they don’t need us to help, there’s no screaming.”
Y/N nodded and they kept walking.
They had finally reached Casper, the last place Joel had heard from Tommy, the city was desolate, not a single form of life as far as the eye could see. Joel’s joy suddenly disappeared.
“Where is he?” Y/N asked quietly.
“I- He-.”
Joel screamed out Tommy’s name, he didn’t want to think that he wasn’t here anymore, he needed him back. Ten years was a long time without your brother.
“Joel we’ll find him don’t worry,” Y/N went to put his hand on Joel’s shoulder, put Joel pushed it away before it even made contact.
“You don’t know dangerous this place is for him, Y/N. He could be dead.” Joel started getting angry and Y/N backed away from him.
“Joel, I do know.” Y/N assured
“You only survived because I helped you, you were unarmed and you would have died, and do you think Tommy is armed?”
“Yes Joel, he was a firefly of course he would be armed.”
Joel sighed and stopped talking and Y/N scanned his face for any emotion.
“I need to go, I dug myself too deep and I need to go and you need to go back to San Francisco.”
“Joel, I can’t go back, they’ll kill me, and I know you’ve been smuggling for a long time but you were just as lost as I was when we needed to find a map, I can help you Joel.” Y/N begged.
“No, I’m going to look all around here and find my fucking brother.”
Joel walked away and Y/N just watched him,
“Joel, don’t fucking leave me here.” He started to get choked up.
Joel said nothing and kept walking.
Y/N accepted defeat and turned away so he wouldn’t have to watch Joel leave.
Just as Joel reached the door of the building they were in, he noticed a group of people walking towards it, he turned around and ran back to the room Y/N was in.
“I thought you were leaving, Joel.” Y/N said, he was sitting on the floor with back against the wall.
“There are people coming towards here, we need to hide. Right now.”
“Right now, Y/N.”
Joel helped Y/N stand up and they found a smaller room off the room that they were already in and crouched down behind boxes.
They were in the same position they were the night they met. Joel was crouched in front of Y/N and pulling out his gun, and Y\N was behind Joel, he was armed this time, but it still felt the same to him.
“Joel, let me go out there I can protect myself.”
“No. You stay he-“
Before Joel could even finish his sentence, Y/N was getting up from behind him.
“Fuck. Y/N, get the fuck back behind me!” Joel whisper-shouted.
Y/N didn’t listen and he made his way back into the room they were in moments prior.
It was almost cliche how Y/N was struck down as soon as he walked into the open area. Joel heard the gunshot and booked it into the room.
“Holy shit.” is all he said when three firefly members stood in front of the door to leave.
“Joel?” Y/N asked weakly.
“Hey, stay with me Y/N don’t fucking do this, I’m sorry for what I said earlier please don’t fucking do this to me.” Joel started tearing up.
Four shots rung out through the building, Joel shot all three of the members, he missed one but almost instantly got them down with the fourth shot.
“Joel, who were those people?”
“I don’t know Y/N,” Joel looked down to see blood spilling onto the floor. “Fuck, c’mon we have to get you up.” Y/N winced as Joel tried to slide his arm under his waist.
“Joel stop.” Y/N said, pushing Joel’s arms off of him.
“Please, Y/N I- I’m sorry for saying you would have died back in Chicago.”
Joel just broke down at this point, he gripped onto the front of Y/N’s shirt and held him in his arms, just like he did that night in Nebraska it hit him, he realized that no matter how much he tried, people around him would keep getting hurt or killed, it happened to Sarah, God knows what happened to Tommy, and now it’s Y/N.
All Joel could think about was how he said that Y/N would have never survived and that’s why he got up when he had told him to stay behind him,
He wanted to prove to Joel that he could save himself.
And that’s what killed him. Words that came out of Joel’s mouth. Words that Joel said to him. Joel thinking that he was weak.
The man would never forgive himself, he would never let anyone close to him ever again in fear of the pattern repeating.
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
the only thing that's getting me through the week is knowing that Joel Miller & TLOU are waiting for me at the end of it
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whiskeypascals · 1 year
the look of pure rage on joel’s face when henry prevents him from going to help ellie as she is being attacked… pedro pascal you fucking asshole. the look on henry’s face as he realizes what he has done… the way he says “sam”… lamar johnson you fucking king. the little scream ellie does when henry shoots himself… bella ramsay you fucking angel. THAT scene was brutal.
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