Hello there Friend...
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Hello there my dear old friend, it’s been a long time since I have heard from you. I think the phone is broken since I have not heard from you in months yet it seem that it’s not just the phone as it appears Discord has stopped working too but sadly even Battle tag as well. I know my comments are going through well minus the phone because all I ever get is ‘The person you are trying to reach is no longer in service if you feel you have reach this error please hang up and try again.’ My texts to you is like a bird shitting on a wall, it’s there and seen but all it’s doing is just sticking to the wall. I guess from the many messages I have sent you that wall must be a stinky mess by now.. Yet I still poke, I still hold my hand out in the darkness waiting to hear from you to take your hand. I know the world is going to hell right now, you are not alone as everyone is pushing to get through this. We may be absent friend, I still care about you and even though others have told me that I do not deserve to have a void of a friend in my life yet even if they are right I can not help but to worry about you. Send my thoughts and hopes that you are well. I miss my dear friend, I miss the smack talk we would do, the long talks  over random things. I miss the smack down of our pvp rage in the Battlegrounds, but most of all I miss my friend. I still see you on my battle tag, I see you here on Tumblr but why are you punishing me? What did I do wrong to be cast out like this? Are you mad that I refused to pick sides? You know I am passive, everyone knows this. I will always be there for folks and listen to them when they need one to rant to or to just cry on my shoulder. I am sorry that I stayed neutral between the drama and I am sorry that I would not pick a side to be on. I get that both sides are hurting yet both sides are close friends. Yes my dear friend, I am that fence always there to be someone to lean on yet not one to break and favor one over the other. O’where o’where have you’ve gone my dear friend, the nights are getting lonely as my poor mind wonder thinking of so many ill things to happen to you. My anxiety attacks have been through the roof, no it’s not that the schools are close even though it was fun the first few weeks to become a teacher for a child with special needs but I got through it. Staying in doors, yes the stress levels are high but with oak pollen in full swing I am stuck inside. I am a gamer so it does not get to me, I sneak out a few times mainly for my child’s sake. Yet I do my best to keep tabs on my friends.  Sadly you might have noticed, I rarely turn my battle tag on anymore yet for the past few days it’s been all about Diablo 3 .. season 20 folks, I put my beloved Wow-crack on hold and gotten back into Final Fantasy 14 yet my discord is always on.. Please my dear friend, please maybe this letter can get to you.. maybe a response.
Sincerely your dear friend... @aranyaphoenix​ @helryder666​ @eclipse-syndicate​
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Ironforge Winter Craft Fest - 1/18/20
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The Ironforge Winter Craft Fest returns for it’s forth year! Come celebrate with us Saturday, January 18th, from 6-9 pm in the Great Forge of Ironforge! Want to host a booth? There’s still plenty of time to sign up.
@wraconnect @wracentral @warcraftisastage @the-royal-courier@wowrpevents
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Just enjoy the game, I know you do not mean to hurt people no one ever does.  your comment: “See you all again soon, I hope.” - No, we will get to see you again there is no hope in that when you have people that care about you. Right now you do you, enjoy that game.. bring chaos all around the damn world of Azeroth and enjoy the fact that  Boy-King just gave a nasty right hook punch to our Black Prince.
I know I've made various announcements and grand plans on this, my ooc/personal blog, before but this one is for my own sanity and mental health. Due to recent events and some major aggression leveled at me through other blogs and other people, I've decided to take a break from Tumblr. I'm not 100% sure I will be returning at all. My blogs will remain as will my muses. I'm not saying I'll never return or have given up on role play. I will still role play my various characters but through different mediums. Discord will be the main one while I take my break. My discord id will be at the bottom of this post. Also, in-game will be done if that is what you enjoy. My btag will also be listed below. I, more than likely, will return but for now I will be not here.
I know some people might think this is a way of running and hiding but it is not. Know this, I am not the asshole that some people have been painting me to be. Other than that, I'm not going to press the matter. I'm not using this to start conflict because no one wins and everyone involved ends up hurting. So, see you all again soon, I hope.
P.S. This is not a veiled cry for help nor am I going to do anything terrible to myself or others. I'm just going to enjoy the new patch, play the game like a game, and let the dust settle.
Discord: Halenvar#4781
Btag: Baalagor#1141
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Sharm ~ Tomorrow & Tomorrow (FFXIV Shadowbringers Cover)
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This song is known as ‘Answers’  it’s one of THEE major songs from the online game known as Final Fantasy 14 online. This is something that many folks get to listen to with the music rolls in the game to play at their house/ apartment or free company ‘guild’ house. This song is a major part for when the A Realm Reborn came to life, or how many of the folks that played before this part knew it as ARR2. A realm reborn is the game that many folks know now at present point to be the main. Please listen to the words, because in truth it talks about the game but it always fits for other games. Yet not just game, the words to this song fit for so many different ways including life itself. I hope you enjoy it, this is one of my favorite songs.
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A change of pace...
Many of you know the characters that I play in the game that I call ‘Wow-crack’, I have been playing that game since Pre-vanilla as well the Warcraft series itself and just like many folks that have yrs under their belts with this game (or well any) they need to take a break. I still log into the game from time to time, yet right now I have been taking a break from the game which means I have been back in the swing of playing FF 14 again. I still have the Shadowcrest Free Company on Mateus world, but right now I have been on the world Coeurl more since that is where I took a character that I’ve had since Burning Crusade and brought to life in another game. Yes, Phyi Silverfox is now an Elezen in the FF14 community. The break from WoW is needed but do not fright.. I have Shadowlands already pre-ordered and ready to crack into the new expansion when it comes out.
I also have been playing the Battleground beta system for Hearthstone and having a blast, I truly believe folks will enjoy this more and maybe even more than their Arena one. 
Yet other than playing other games while I am in a nasty burn out mode with my Wow-crack, there is something else that has taken a hold of my life as well. For 7 yrs I have been a single mother and well back in late September I am no longer on the market of single life and started dating. He’s been my best friend, a personal rock through all the good things as wall the nasty things that have taken place in my life. He was there when I needed a rock when I went through my nasty divorce as well as there to deal with the loss of a very close family friend. He treats my daughter like a person and accepted her apart of his life without me saying anything. I met his parents are awesome and mine is happy, the most important part is that my own child says “about time mommy”. My feelings for him grew over the years yet kept pushing them away because I did not want to lose that friendship. Yet now we are even stronger together, I’m happy that I kissed my best friend and did not second guess myself. 
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Thank you, really thank you, hun. I have been telling you this for several years when I got to know you as a person than a player in wow, through the many head butts as well the wall of pride. The tears and frustration.. even if it took another person to tell you and you actually listen. Thank you. 
Hopefully, now you can finally see why I kept telling you that your life is something important to have, that there will always be someone that thinks of you dearly. A bond that is stronger then most things that a person would cherish, I love you dearly and no matter what path you take I will always care about you. As well call you, text, message you on btag or even on Discord. Yes through what has taken place in your romance life, I stepped back and took a long break to check up on you because the two of you are very close friends to me. I care about you both, yet you two know for DAMN sure I will not pick sides or be pulled in things. I will always be here, the same worry-wort person that I am.. I wear the emotions on my sleeve and care about the folks that I hold dear to my heart... So once again thank you for finally doing something then just brushing it off thinking I am just my normal worry wort self again. 
An Open Letter to those I've not talked to.
First off, I still love you. I still care about you and everything going on in your life. I'm sorry I have no responded to you, even as you watch me run around Tumblr line an idiot. The truth is I have started a new medication to hopefully deal with my overwhelming depression. My body is still getting used to it and I'm having some side effects, nothing major and the same ones my doctor warned me I would have during the process of acclimating to the medication.
I'm have mild panic attacks, they are growing less and less as time goes on. So, if I have not got back to you it is because I tried and had a panic attack. So to avoid these, I have not tried again until my body gets used to the medication. It's not you, it's not me, is the medication and my body's time to adapt.
For those of you just finding out about this, and why I'm posting it on a public forum, it is the same. Even if we are currently talking, the ability to tell you about the meds and small panics causes panics. Posting it here, publicly, for some reason does not create these small panics.
So to everyone I didn't tell, for everyone in not talking to, for everyone that cares, please be patient. My body is working as fast as it can and soon I'll be a happier, less depressed asshole. 😊😊
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RB please if you’re WrA RP?
Going through the people I follow and wow, most have been inactive for a WHILE. I’d really love to follow more blogs, honestly you don’t even have to be WrA. MG is okay too, or another smaller server. Horde or alliance.
Please, please, PLEASE reblog!!
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To all my Coffee lovers out there...
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To all my Coffee lover nuts out there, I think I found a Coffee mug that fits you all so nice when you do not have that Cup ( or many) to consume the day with. The scary part, you all really do scare the shit out of me when you do not have your coffee in you!
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I am a mother to a child that is Autistic, as well many folks I know that have Autism. People like this, THIS is what turns my stomach and people tend to wonder why I am so protective of my child and defensive at the same time. I truly hope this guild is banned, blacklisted.. removed from the game. Yes, we have many types of folks on WrA server from both factions, I can handle some of the special snowflakes we have but this no.  “Bless their Hearts” I mean it.., “Bless their fucking heart.” Karma will love sinking their teeth in these people. Thank you for being the sleeper and reporting this. I stand with @aranyaphoenix on this. This is just as bad when folks go all blind eye making bad jokes, and assuming things about Autistic folks thinking they are ALL the same when they are not.
so watch out for (elven supremacy) on WRA
SO here we go again…. 
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I figured i’d do some back and forth cause im a shit
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….. okay bubby…. another fascist elf guild but this time “ITS JUST MEMES XD XD XD” like…. yeah wheres the punchline?
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Mad funny bro… ECKS DEE
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…. having a guild… with red eagles on a white background for a banner… for like a month is a little more than “just memeing” if you ask me.. also nicejob using autism as an insult lol?
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so yeah here’s the list of people you should probably avoid if you’re looking to have a chill time on ur rps… only one here with an exception is Drokani cuz thats me, being a sleeper agent B) 
as tumblr famous user @swampgallows​ once said… “would you stop making elf nazi guilds for FIVE MINUTES????”
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-Nods head like a goof agreeing-
🔥 What is your hottest take on your fandom?
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This term’s thiiccc female pinup pieces. ;3 got something else in the works too! nsfw/sfw psd,hd jpg, video process etc-https://patreon.com/sakimichan
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Ally event coming up!
Jac's Boralus Bartending
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Join Jacquell Jenkins the Wandering Bartender as she provides drinks and fare, this week at Scully’s Catch of the Day! Hot food and hearth to warm autumn’s chill at this cozy little shed-turned-pub. Win the shots game for a lifetime of free drinks!
Date: Friday, November 15, 5pm server time/PT
Location: Scully’s Catch of the Day, Ashvane Docks, just west of Tradewinds flight master. - /way Boralus 63, 17
Frequency: Typically two Fridays in a row, but every other week for Oct/Nov (in different locations).
Info: Warmode off. Whisper Jacquell-WyrmrestAccord for an invite. Any level can attend by taking the boat to Boralus from Stormwind.
For one year, Jacquell has made part-time employment contracts with restaurants, cafés, bars, and taverns in Boralus and rotates establishments to keep things interesting and bring more parts of the city to life. The menu in her bio boasts in-game drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), food, and dessert. The mission is to create that authentic feel and lively atmosphere of a classic, old-fashioned pub when you walk through the door — a familiar face, warm hearth, new tales, and spirits aplenty. Welcome home.
For full info, music playlists, or to hire her or trade for catering/supplying, visit the WRA forum post: tinyurl.com/JacBartending
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Up and coming event folks! Next month but still mark those calendars!
Ugly Sweater Party
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Come to The Howling Owl for an Ugly Sweater Party with great drinks, bar food, spending time with friends and meeting new ones!
When: Thursday, December 19th, 6PM WrA Server
Where: The Howling Owl (Mistfall Village, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria)
-Make sure you bring your Elixir of Tongues!
-Please leave your weapons at the door when you arrive!
-No fighting on the premises and please be respectful to staff members!
-Have some fun! Hang out and enjoy some music and a lively atmosphere downstairs or spend some time on the dance floor upstairs!
Menu coming soon!
Join us on Discord to keep up with our future events!
@the-royal-courier​ @wowrpevents​ @wracentral​ @warcraftisastage​ @wrahordeevents​ @wraallianceevents​
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For everyone that can see this, you are ALL pretty to me. I take it in a good tone. ♥
Why is “pretty boy” considered an insult like call me a pretty boy Call me a pretty boy right now I want to be the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen
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