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I wasn’t crazy about this piece so I wasn’t intending on publicly posting it again, but it keeps getting stolen every five minutes so I figured I’d put it here so people at least know who to attribute the original thing to lmao
[Digital illustration, Procreate App, 2020]
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hey you know these comics that always have the signature cropped out
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yea i found the original artist and
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1, these dudes have names 2, theyre happy now 3, the dude is still making these comics
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4, theres a shop
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so basically what im saying is buy me pon and zi merch thanks
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You’re not in London now, Dr. Garth, with your police. You’re in Transylvania, in my castle. DRACULA’S DAUGHTER 1936 | dir. Lambert Hillyer
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After a colony collapse due to topical flea meds, I'm 90% adult beetles and the rest are tiny babies. Here's the team enjoying a kune kune piglet skull.
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Bunny :(
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I Will Be Made a New Creature - Brendon Burton
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how long have I been out
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I simply don't think that's true eBooks.com but thank you anyway
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I feel bad for people in bands who have falling outs bc imagine that one horrific coworker you have and then you quit the job and you’re so relieved to never have to work with them again. But then imagine that for the rest of your life the public never stops haranguing you to get back with that coworker and do one last report/audit/case/equivalent whatever just for old times sake. And you’re like wtf no I hate that guy. Want to check out my cool new job though? And everyone’s like no please make amends with that guy you hate from your old job. And it never lets up until one of you dies
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when programs fucking autocorrect <3 to ❤️ and :) to 😃,,,, do you have any idea what you’ve just done?? what you just fucking destroyed ?
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Fabulous cottages near St. Petersburg, Russia.
P.S. Photographer unknown.
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