A smile lit up her face as Regina snuggled deeper into her embrace, and she nodded enthusiastically at her wife's suggestion, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. "I think that sounds wonderful love. I think we should also add to that decree, that no one... Not even royalty... can be forced into a marriage against their will, for any reason, political, or otherwise. Hopefully it will keep anyone else from ending up the situation that we both very nearly ended up in. I hate the thought that someone might be forced to marry someone they don't love, simply because someone else does not agree with who they fall in love with... Or because their marriage to the other person would be a good 'business arrangement'."
Deciding that the time for serious conversation was over for the evening, she shifted, sliding one arm behind Regina's back, before bending to slide the other behind her knees, scooping the brunette into her arms. Carrying her wife back to their bed, she set her down gently, a wide smile lighting up her face as she gazed down at the woman she loved. "We should sleep sweetheart... Tomorrow the real work of running the kingdom begins, so I want to spend tonight holding my wife close, simply enjoying being together."
History in the Making || Emma and Regina
Regina smiled happily and leant into Emma’s touch, then against her chest, and cuddling into Emma’s arms as she looked out over the gardens.
"Our first order of business should be to decree that any two consenting adults over seventeen be able to wed, regardless of whether they be male or female," She muttered, sighing a little, content. 
"And that we will personally congratulate the first couple to do so."
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Sighing softly, Emma tightened her arms around Regina, placing another gentle kiss on her cheek. "To be perfectly honest, I'm not really sure how we are supposed to go about ruling a kingdom... And in a way, I've been preparing for this my entire life."
Following her wife's gaze, she smiled as they watched the lightening bugs dancing for a few moments, a comfortable silence settling over them. After a few heartbeats, she moved to stand in front of Regina, bringing her hands up to cup the brunette's cheeks, "All I know is that with you by my side, I feel as though I can do anything."
History in the Making || Emma and Regina
Regina turned her head to the side to look at Emma, reaching a hand up to stroke her cheek.
"I’m seventeen. My body is still growing and changing… And yet in a few meek hours I must be ready to rule a kingdom."
She looked out over the gardens again, admiring the glowing flies fluttering around the flowers so many floors down.
"How are we supposed to rule a kingdom at such a young age?"
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Forcing herself not to react to the news that Charlie had gotten into this trouble because she was still turning tricks, Emma reminded herself that she had bigger problems to deal with at the moment, and that they could deal with that once they got out of this mess. 
Her heart hammering in her chest as her door finally gave under the assault, and crashed open, Emma kept her arm out, determined to keep Charlie behind her, and out of harm's way if it was at all possible.
The thugs burst through the door, and she felt her stomach twist. There were three of them, the big guy in the lead looking a little worse for the wear, but also furious, and she knew in an instant that he would be the biggest obstacle. All three men advanced on them, all three looking more than a little murderous.
They moved quicker than Emma anticipated, and before she could do anything more than brandish the knife at them, she was flung aside. A grunt was forced from her throat as she collided painfully with the sharp edge of the counter-top.
Growling low in her throat, she pushed herself off of the counter, and started for the big man who had his hand wrapped around Charlie's throat, only to hiss in frustration as she was grabbed and restrained by the other two goons. Twisting furiously in their grasp, she managed to scrape the heel of her boot down on the shin of one of the men, before slamming it into his instep. 
He grunted in pain, and let her go just long enough to allow her to twist, and land one well aimed kick directly in the crotch of the second man, who immediately released her arm, and dropped to the floor.
[text-Charlie] Thse butons are fuking tynie
[text] You could always call instead. 
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The moment Charlie looked to the door, the color draining from her already pale face, Emma's senses went on high alert. She wasn't sure how the girl did it, but she always seemed to be able to tell when people were near, and if the terrified expression on her face was any indication, the people who were currently trying to break through her thin apartment door.
Charlie tried to push Emma behind her, but by virtue of the fact that she was taller, and outweighed the girl by a good twenty pounds, and the fact that she was uninjured, Emma quickly stepped back in front of the girl, her hand wrapping around the handle of one of the knives in the knife block. 
Her voice was low, and laced with fear and anger, "Charlie, who the hell are these people? I need to know who we're dealing with here!"
[text-Charlie] Thse butons are fuking tynie
[text] You could always call instead. 
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Emma winced in sympathy as Charlie held the ice to her ribs... She knew how badly injuries like that could hurt. Continuing to do her best to be as gentle as possible, she worked on cleaning the blood from Charlie's face, trying not to let her mind wander to any of the other scrapes and bruises littering her fair skin.
Tucking a lock of hair behind Charlie's ear, Emma smiled softly at her, rising and moving back to the kitchen to wet down another fresh dishcloth, this time with cold water. Handing it to Charlie, she directed the girl to hold it lightly over her black eye, in hopes of keeping the swelling down a bit.
"It is a big deal Charlie, you don't deserve to be treated like this... Ever... and anyone who thinks it's alright to do... this... to you, deserves to meet the business end of my fist."
[text-Charlie] Thse butons are fuking tynie
[text] You could always call instead. 
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Charlie leaned heavily back on the couch and coughed again and remained quiet until she finally had her breath back. She winced as she leaned forward again and pushed her hair out of her face. She knew she looked like shit. She was dressed like, well, like a whore. Shorts so short they were practically underwear, a sleeveless top that hugged her like a second skin, and the remnants of some kind of makeup smeared across her face under an already colorful growing black eye that was starting to swell shut and a bloody, busted lip. 
She shifted carefully in her seat and huffed and winced and held her ribs through the thin material of her top. She groaned lightly and tried to get up to go to Emma’s kitchen to help herself to some ice, but her legs wobbled and gave out quite promptly. She sat back down on the couch with a grunt and groaned once again. She didn’t have the strength to get up again at the moment after all that running she’d been doing the past hour. And the fact she hadn’t eaten in days certainly wasn’t helping.
"I told you…I ran into some trouble at uh..work."
Putting a hand on Charlie's shoulder to keep her on the couch, Emma moved quickly to the kitchen, filling a Ziplock with ice, and wrapping it in a towel, and wetting down a fresh dishcloth. Handing the improvised ice pack to Charlie, Emma sat beside the girl, biting back the comments she wanted to make about the way she was dressed. 
Reaching out, she gently brushed a loose lock of hair away from Charlie's face, and started to dab lightly at the dried blood around her lips. 
"Charlie, who the hell did this to you?"
[text-Charlie] Thse butons are fuking tynie
[text] You could always call instead. 
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In the moments of silence before Charlie answered her, Emma's heart started to thunder in her chest, and the girl's answer did nothing to alleviate her mounting worry. She started to ask what sort of 'work trouble' when Charlie swore again, and before Emma could scold her for her language, informed her that she was close by, and was coming over. Emma hardly had time to process the panic in Charlie's voice as she made the request that Emma have the door unlocked when Charlie hung up on her, leaving her standing in confused silence. 
She knew Charlie was strong, and didn't often as for help... It was a trait she admired, one she had herself, so she knew that if the girl was asking, she truly was in need of help. Quickly unlocking the door, she paced the entryway for a few minutes, before losing patience and stepping out into the hall, leaving the door open behind her.
It took longer than she expected, and she was about to head out to look for Charlie, when the girl bolted around the corner, thumped off the wall, and slumped to the ground, gasping for breath.
Rushing to her side, Emma kept a wary eye on the door to the building as she knelt down at Charlie's side, her eyes widening as she took in the injuries littering her body. Wrapping an arm around the girl, she hauled her to her feet, trying her best not to jostle any of her injuries. Moving as quickly as she could into her apartment, she slammed and locked the door behind them.
Helping Charlie settle on the couch, Emma paced in front of her, arms crossed over her chest, "What the hell happened kid?"
[text-Charlie] Thse butons are fuking tynie
[text] You could always call instead. 
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Emma was confused by how out of breath Charlie sounded, there was something in her tone that made Emma realize there was no time for hesitation, "I'm at the apartment. Why?" She could hear how hard the girl was panting for breath, and the soft curse worried her, "Charlie, what's going on? Where are you?"
[text-Charlie] Thse butons are fuking tynie
[text] You could always call instead. 
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When her phone almost instantly started to ring, rather than sounding with the text tone she was expecting, Emma started a little, staring at the screen in surprise for a moment before realizing she needed to actually answer it. 
"What's up kid?"
[text-Charlie] Thse butons are fuking tynie
[text] You could always call instead. 
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[text-Charlie] Thse butons are fuking tynie
[text] You could always call instead. 
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My edit with new amazing promo photos of Regina & Emma! Cool girls!) Hope you’ll like my edit*
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[text-Charlie] Emma? I dnt lyke ths fucking thyng. Hou do I uze it?
[Text] You press the letter you want to type...
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Emma's heart thundered in her chest as the sharp squeal of the heart monitor sounded from behind the curtain she knew was concealing Charlie from her gaze. As the doctor turned and rushed to the girl's bedside, shouting orders at the nurses around him, Emma stepped closer, desperate to do something, desperate to help the girl, only to be stopped by a pair of strong arms wrapping around her. The orderlie who had helped bring Charlie back to the ER was holding her back, trying to calm her, reminding her that she would only get in the way, that the doctors knew what they were doing.
She fought, hard, twisting in his arms, desperate to get out of the restraining embrace, desperate to know that she hadn't been too late, that her own hesitance to help hadn't cost the girl her life. When the muttered curse from the doctor reached her ears, her struggles doubled, and it was only due to the sheer amount of size he had compared to her, that the orderlie was able to keep his grip on her. 
Finally, the sound of the steady beep of the heart monitor, once again indicating that Charlie was holding on, that she was fighting, reached Emma's ears, and she sagged, all the fight draining out of her. Waiting another minute to make sure she wasn't going to do anything stupid, he let her go. The doctor pulled the curtain again, but knowing that it would only make Emma angry not to be able to see Charlie, to have visible proof that the girl was alright, the orderlie moved a chair to her bedside, and told Emma that as soon as she had the full report from the doctor, she was welcome to stay at Charlie's side until she woke.
Glaring at the doctor as she waited for him to finish his report, Emma shifted from foot to foot, too full of rushing adrenaline to stand still.
I dunno, some little one with kid stuff everywhere. Snows falling faster now, you should probably hurry.
Growling, Emma shoved the stranger away, muttering under her breath, “You are about as useless as a snow blower in Florida.”
Storming away, she grabbed her coat, as well as a spare coat and a couple of blankets, and headed for the car, determined to find the girl
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Regina sighed as she saw the light still on in the bathroom, knowing her lover had been the one to forget. "You know, the switch turns the light /off/ too!" She called to her as she stepped in to clean up the small mess that had been made from that morning. When her eyes fell onto an unfamiliar item her brows knit together and she carefully picked it up, her heart hammering in her chest when she saw what it was. "Emma?!" She shouted, unable to hide the concern and anger in her voice. Pregnant?!
Rolling her eyes as she caught Regina's comment about the light switch, Emma continued to search through the closet for the blue jeans she was sure she had left there at some point. While she was sure Regina wouldn't mind if she spent the day in her tank-top and boy shorts, she wasn't sure how the rest of the town would react. "I didn't turn the light off because I wasn't done in there."
Stepping out of the closet to ask Regina where her jeans had gone, her heart sank as with a single word, her lover managed to sound so utterly hurt and angry at the same time. 
It only took her a moment to realize what had Regina so upset... She had meant to hide the test, at least until she could figure out a better way to tell her lover, but of course Regina had chosen the few minutes she had left the bathroom to search for her jeans to decide it wasn't clean enough.
Stepping to the bathroom door, her eyes immediately fell to the test in Regina's hand, "I... I can explain..."
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“The way this fandom tosses around ‘soulmates’ and always equating it to ‘true love’ makes me unsettled. It doesn’t have to be the same. My best friend is my soul mate, as I am hers, but outside of the unconditional love we feel for each other, we aren’t in love, and therefore not each other’s true love. She has her true love, mine was taken from me by Death. But if weren’t for MY soul mate, I would have never had the will to get out of bed again and live life.”
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Your muse just found a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom after my muse was just in there. Leave your muse's response in my askbox.
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Growling in frustration, Emma threw her hands up in the air. She couldn't make Regina talk if she didn't want to, but she hated the idea that there had been people around who could have stopped the attack, and they simply walked away. She hated even more, the idea that her wife wouldn't tell her who was responsible.
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"Alright, don't tell me who did this. I'll figure it out, one way or another, and they won't get away with it."
"So, instead of helping you, they ran off the moment they saw what was happening?"
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"I really don’t want to talk about it, Emma. Please just—let me sleep."
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