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Just in case there was any clarification needed. He is falsely representing himself as a doctor on his blog while working as an administrative professional on a college campus. This is a setting in which he would have access to more women to abuse and take advantage of. 
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Joshua David Estep is falsely representing himself as a Doctor once again. If you visit http://csu-cvmbs.colostate.edu/academics/mip/Pages/default.aspx you can go to their directory and look him up by name. He’s an administrative professional. Dr. McFliesthePaperwork at it again.
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Em also reached out to Amber of last year after speaking with Josh. She kindly provided that conversation as well in light of his current posts. What happened to the woman that wanted to leave him if he fucked up again in September of last year? There's been at least 4 of us since. On top of that, here's information from his wife that shows everyone what he really is.
The rest of the conversation can be found here:
Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering, here's some more photos of them together all the way back in 2012. Thanks again for the links and screenshots, everyone. It's good to know there's people willing to help us on here to out him for what he really is.
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Em, whose story can be found here, recently contacted us again here at WLCP. She has felt exceptionally haunted by Josh since the age of 14 when he took advantage of her. He was 21 at the time. She felt the need to help us even more than she already has because of his recent actions.
You can see just how hard it can be to get away from him once you're in. A lot of the girls that he's lured have had a terrible problem with actually getting away from him once they've stopped. She sent us these conversations to try and show who he really is and what he is doing. Apparently he was only married for 4.5 months to Amber as of September 2013, and you can clearly see her ask him about why he's wearing a wedding ring in 2012. In his post calling this blog out, he clearly states that he is married to Amber, who came rushing to his side commenting about what a great husband he is.
He had also started speaking with Carolyn and Alexandra at this point.
The rest of the conversation can be found at the following links:
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Oh, and just a heads up. Amber and Josh were never "separated". He has been married to her for years. He has also been dating, talking to, and sleeping with different women that entire time. This was never a vendetta or a "scorned ex" issue. This was about uniting the women that he had hurt.This was about him admitting that he is married and has been manipulating people for years.This was about outing him for the scum that he is. This was about putting out there what he does to people.
The second picture is not from March, it's from when he visited me in January. We may have only been official for a month, but Josh and I were sending sexually explicit texts and pictures to each other since December of last year and he visited me in January as is stated in my post about what happened to me.
I have been through therapy and through more panic attacks than I can count because of this situation. I have met SO many good people on here. So many brilliant professionals who just want to be nice and share information, and it unfortunately turned into something so sour in one false swoop by one awful human being. Everyone who is involved knows everything that has really happened. I have tried to be exceptionally open about the situations surrounding WLCP. Again, if anyone would like to contact me at any time for clarification, my personal email is [email protected].
Everyone can choose to believe what they want, and that's fine. We have posted what we can about this person and we will continue to support the women that were caught up in this. I am in therapy and I am doing so much better. My panic attacks and triggers are still there, and I am fighting with them every day, but I am honestly really happy with where my life is. I've moved past this awful human being and I am dating someone else again, although the idea of being intimate with someone is terrifying. Him feeling the need to suddenly attack us when we wouldn't respond to the anonymous questions he was sending us using a proxy.
At this point, I want to move on from this point in my life. As previously stated, I know what I have done. I know what is and isn't true in this situation, and we have all put out more information than necessary to say who and what he really is. Choose sides, that's fine. At this point it doesn't matter. This information is available to anyone who chooses to view it.
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For someone who gets mad about selective editing of communication, it's very funny that you chose to only post a piece of what Amber and I spoke about.
Here's the last two emails between Amber and I since tumblr doesn't like 10+ pictures posted.
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Thank you for sending me the link to your blog. I’ve never talked to Josh, I just followed his blog for the medical information. I feel so awful for everyone he’s hurt, but it’s so wonderful that you’re taking the time and effort to protect women from him.
Please spread this information like wildfire. He should not be allowed to hurt any more women.
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White-coat/compoundfractur/Josh Estep/Josh Boyd/Josh Finch has changed his URL. The new one is: Ragincontagion.tumblr.com/ He has not left tumblr- just tried to run from the white-coat/compoundfractur names that have followed him. As you can see on the new blog, he only claims to be. A third year medical student with no affiliation with his previous blogs. Be careful out there, ladies. This one's hiding things.
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I’m have no background in medicine, I only know there’s a place called St. Kitts because of a video…
If anyone here has ever had any interaction with white-coat/compoundfractur/Josh Estep/Josh Boyd/Josh Finch then you know how funny this satire blog that last posted in 2010 really is.
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Dissapearing Act
It has been recently brought to our attention that Josh Estep/Josh Boyd/Josh Finch/compoundfractur/white-coat has recently disappeared off of tumblr. While this is exceptionally good news, it does not mean that he’s not still around under another URL or anonymous name. However, his leaving tumblr after everything should speak volumes to he medical community here and they should not endorse him whatsoever if he returns.
He deleted his white-coat blog around 2011 after several women found out that he was using them and confronted him. He couldn’t handle the heat, so he got out of the kitchen. The same thing is most likely happening here. He’s going to wait for everything to calm down, and then he’ll be back. He used the excuse that he was doing rotations last time, but if anything has become evident since then, he is in no way a medical student and was just laying low until the fire died down.
All we ask of you here at WLCP is that you keep spreading information about him and contact us as soon as there’s any hint of him preying on women via any website again.
Again, we advocate not contacting him in any way or threatening him. Giving him any power in a situation like this is not okay, and everything we have done with this site has been perfectly within the bounds of the legal system. We are spreading information.
This is not over though. He is still exceptionally active on reddit and twitter. His wife, Amber, is currently following him as well as misseviscerator. If you can provide us with a link to his reddit, it would be appreciated.
Be careful out there, ladies. We’re still here for all of you.
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Josh/compoundfractur/white-coat is now using this as his profile picture on Twitter. If you have a twitter and you can link this blog into one of your tweets, it would be exceptionally appreciated. We would like to warn as many people as possible about what he has done and continues to do over and over again.
Also, he’s shut off most of his tumblr because he knows that we’re onto him on here. Before deciding to stay away from tumblr, he shut off his ask box because too many people were asking him for proof that he was actually in med school.
Just so there’s no question about what his Skype username is, we took the liberty of posting that too. It’s the same as he uses for his email for school and on gmail. However, he has recently changed his icon from the Green Lantern to a photo of himself. Since he promptly blocked all of us when we started calling him out, we do not have current screen shots.
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Legalities, Part 2
A lot of women are furious at Josh, and understandably. However, it is important to not contact him directly, or send him or anyone related to him hateful or threatening messages, as this is not only illegal but constitutes harassment. Remember, HE is our target, and our objective is to warn people about him and hopefully take away his means of targeting and victimizing women. We are not in the business of harassing other people, or doing anything illegal to achieve awareness of his lack of a conscience.
Rather, if you feel he is breaking the law, or has assaulted or harassed you, or otherwise done something you believe to be illegal contact your local authorities immediately. If you are afraid for your safety, don’t hesitate to call or attend the front desk of your local police department and ask for advice. If he has been contacting YOU in a harassing manner, bring all correspondence with you.
Other things to consider if you are fearful for your safety and do not wish contact with him are doing things like changing your email address, phone number, and blog URL so as to prevent him from getting in touch with you. If you are going to the police because he’s been attempting to contact you, let them know you have done these things as a precaution, as it shows you are serious. If you are afraid he may come after you physically, tell the police this. Be aware of your surroundings, lock your vehicle doors, and, if legal, carry pepper spray or keep some other kind of defense on-hand.
Even if you have nothing to ‘back up’ your fears, but are afriad, go to the police anyway. Be open, honest, and file a report. Ask for a copy of that report. That way, if he ever decides to contact or harass you, you’ve already made a complaint. This solidifies reason for the police to follow-up, and protects you.
As always, be safe. Let’s keep everything above-board, for everyone’s integrity and safety.
Please refer to our previous post on legalities if you have other questions.
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Keep victim blaming, Josh. You will see my face and know what you did. You will know what you’ve done to other women, You will know what you’re doing to your wife.
The night I found everything out, you bought me a vanilla shake and oreos while I cried my eyes out uncontrollably. I sat in the shower for 45 minutes sobbing so hard I thought I was going to throw up. I got out of the shower and stood in the hotel room with a towel wrapped around me, my head on your chest, crying my eyes out. You couldn’t do a thing but stand there. You didn’t even try to hold me.
The day before that, I had met your father and you acted like everything was fine. This was the same day that you called me “freckles” for the first time and I smiled and blushed thinking that you really cared.
The day after I found everything out, you tried to crawl into bed with me and hold me, apologizing the entire time. I told you to get away from me and not touch me. The day after I found out I reached for your hand when we were hiking hoping to desperately fix everything because I thought I was the one that was broken.
You can’t fix everything by crawling back into bed with someone and ignoring the things you’re doing. You can’t keep victim blaming. You can’t continue to pretend like we’re not here and that there aren’t so many of us that you can hardly keep your stories straight. You can’t keep hoping that someone will reach for your hand and continue to put up with your shit.
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Life’s been weird lately, tumblr. It really has. Josh claims to think that he isn’t really hurting the people he preys on. That they should be smarter. That they shouldn’t let themselves be victimized. When someone is so charming, it’s hard to resist not falling for the things he does.
I’m gonna get a little personal tumblr, I hope that’s okay and that it helps some other ladies that he’s hurt.
I’ve been in several abusive relationships. Mentally, emotionally, physically… I’ve been through it all. When someone as charming comes along and tells you that he just wants to make your life better and just wants you to succeed in life and in your career, it sounds perfect. When he’s telling you that he would just curl up with you while you study and would play with your hair and calm you down when the world seems too much, it feels like you’ve met the perfect person that understands how hard it is to balance everything. Right now I’m balancing a job, school, and an apprenticeship. He said that he understood how busy I was and just wanted to spend time with me when I had the time for him. I believed him. I trusted him. I wanted nothing more than to make his “tough” life better. I felt like we could help each other. I felt like what was wrong with me was good for what was wrong with him. Now I know I was so terribly wrong.
The thing is, I’m afraid to trust anyone now. I have a friend that I hurt last night because I just wanted space and he wouldn’t give it to me. I’m afraid to let anyone into my life. I’m afraid to let someone cuddle with me. I’m afraid to be vulnerable because if I put myself in that situation then I’m opening myself up to being hurt again. Josh made me terrified to trust. Made me terrified to put my feelings out there. Made me terrified to open up to someone and feel like it’s not all going to be thrown in my face. There were nights where I laid awake blaming myself for him hurting or him being mad at me for finding everything out. There were nights where I was so sick to my stomach that I couldn’t sleep. There were days where I woke up and had to run to the bathroom and throw up because the stress hit me so hard so fast.
Josh likes to blame his victims, but we were never the ones making him stay up late sick to his stomach. He was never so upset that he had to stop and throw up half way to work on the side of the road. He never had to cry himself to sleep blaming himself for everything going on in his life. He slept soundly. I was there. I saw it happen.
Yesterday I found a new hiding spot to run away from, but my mind always follows me. I am haunted, and I feel like it’s not going to stop any time soon.
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Here’s his KIK account. That photo is from 2007-2011 when he was using the same one for online dating.
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Thank you for whoever contacted me. I almost fell for it. It's unbelievable how he lures girls into his pathetic, little game using the exact same pattern with every one of us. Sending light and love your way, and every other hurt girl's way.
I’m sorry that this has happened to you. He is an awful human being who should not be allowed to use this website (or the internet in general) to pick up women.
If you need someone to talk to, we’re all here for you and any of his other victims. Email us at [email protected]
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We made a post about the legalities of the situation as we get this question a lot. Your answer pretty much sums it up, though.
I don't want to sound dumb and I'm sorry for annoying you but why haven't people contacted the police? I'm scared for them guys:/ I'm sorry for bothering you but I just hate the fact he's doing this. I'm sorry if I don't make sense
People probably have contacted the police. Unfortunately, the police can be extremely unhelpful in these kinds of situations.
see also: sexism, rape culture
- Kit
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I'm so upset. I just read the stories and I can't even grasp what I'm thinking. Why does he feel the need to do those things to women. I'm sorry for just going on but I really am upset
It’s alright to be upset. It’s unfortunate that people can be that cruel and borderline animalistic. Unfortunately, things like this happen to women and other minorities in disproportionate amounts. For now, the best you can do is spread the word and support people who have been affected by abuse.
- Kit
I know anon, I’m reading through the blog right now too. I know a lot of us joke about how old people think everyone on the internet is a 40-year-old predator, and obviously that’s not true because we have real relationships with people we know online, right? We know how to make sure the people we’re talking to aren’t lying about who they are: find them on Facebook, Skype them, send Snapchats so you know they’re not just using the same 5 pictures they found on Google for every account, etc etc. We all have legit online friends. Hell, all the admins of this blog are online friends.
But sometimes people can be honest about who they are, what they look like, etc and still be a predator. Any one of the girls who shared their stories on that blog could’ve been me, because I met my boyfriend on Tumblr. I just got lucky. Please everyone be careful and stay safe
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