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On Saturday 21st  September 3-4pm. Please join David McDonald at the gallery underneath the studio,  for a walk through and discussion about his work  and  influence of  Zen on McDonald's work. Directly afterwards David, who is the Abbott at the Korean Dharma Zen Center in Los Angeles will teach a basic introduction to zen meditation class for all who are interested.  Free or dana offered to the zen center. 
Image is from David’s “supported self” series
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“I am enough” is the topic for this Tuesday’s breathwork. It’s quite easy to feel shame and lack around never quite having/doing/being enough when we live in a culture that constantly points us in the direction of attaining more things and accolades... all of which are external to us. Feeling that we are enough and we have enough lead to us to inner satisfaction - and contentment. A new dress or car or kitchen sink can only take you so far... as a mother of two teenagers in LA, I battle with the shine and glamour and work to feel worthy and show my kids that their good characters and values are all they need to feel pretty good... 7.30pm - 9pm
Painting by @jennifersullivanstudio a breathworker and feminist and the best inner worker ❤️✨💃🏻
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Vulnerability BREATHWORK Tuesday 3rd September 7.30 - 9pm $35 exchange
After the last few breathworks about being seen and past ones about receiving. I realized the missing x-factor is to do with being open to receiving and being open to being fully seen. This can make one feel vulnerable...As often thiis means putting aside some past trauma or grievances you may have around these topics and being vulnerable enough to take a risk on your self and trust that the universe is going to have your back. The change starts inside us. So if you’re ready let’s focus our own awareness on our ability to be vulnerable and breathe into that... pranayama breathwork
‘Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection’ Brene Brown
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SUNDAY Two hour Autumn Soundbath Sunday September 8 th 5.30 - 7.30 pm $40 exchange 
2 hour soundbath of 2019 on Sunday 7th with sound master/healer Dominic Moore. As always we will do the breathwork for 15 or so minutes first to clear the cobwebs and then Dom will play the bowls for 90 minutes and then 15 minutes of meditation at the end. if you love sound as much as I do this is a chance for deep cellular healing and relaxation. A great gateway into a meditation practice and good start to the week.
The quartz crystal singing bowl is one of the most dynamic forms of sound healing. Studies have shown that their sounds have a powerful impact on muscles of the body, mental activity as well as the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. The notes of these crystal singing bowls are tuned to specific vibrational frequencies within the human body. When the sounds from the bowls ring into our bodies, our cells; our total being moves to the rhythm of the soundwave. This puts us in harmony with the soundwave and assists in returning us to an optimum healthy state of being. The sounds penetrate the body and the cells so hearing is not a requirement to benefit from the bowls’ healing properties. Rsvp to reserve spot $40 exchange Please note we need a specific number of people to hold the soundbath, so need commitment upfront - please try not to cancel at the last minute, it’s letting the team down. As with all of these groups, the minute you commit we begin exchanging energies as a group. If you do cancel up to 24 hrs beforehand, we appreciate payment in full.
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The Garden Portal...How an artist channelled growing a garden and then the paintings for her exhibition...
For months Anne kept randomly seeing a woman she felt certain was a medium. On the 7th occasion at a local grocery store, Anne plucked up the courage to ask her if she was indeed a medium…and as it turns outs, she was! So Anne asked if she had a message for her. 
After a reading, the medium told Anne (who had already begun painting and working in the garden) that she was connected in spirit to a mystical gardener who communicates with plant and flower spirits/devas.  She created books with complex and detailed instructions.  Anne bought these books and set about creating the garden based on many of the principles presented in the books.   A flower/deva dialogue ensued, a garden grew and all of the the paintings in this exhibition emerged… To see the works in person and find out more including the medicinal benefits of the flowers in the garden. Please join us on weds for a walk through, Q&A and meditation  28th August 6-7.30pm FREE!
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BREATHWORK Tuesday 27th August 7.30 - 9pm
Topic: BEING SEEN and allowing yourself to be seen and releasing any contracts we may have from family members or though shyness or introversion or shame, where we knowingly hide our light. My Great Aunt frequently told me I was “hiding my light under a bushel” and in my British family there were plenty of instances where I was told as a child to not occupy to much space, which is probably why I ‘hid my light’..So please think of anyways where you want to change a dynamic of being seen and we will create some lists to let go of things and new ones to  allow our selves to be seen more....
We will then breathe out the old and breathe in the new using pranayama breathwork.
$35 pls rsvp
ok to ask for a reduction if you are struggling!
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Sunday September 1st 4-6pm $80 rsvp [email protected]
Japanese healer & psychic Ree will be flying in from Japan for this group event. Here is a link to the sessions she does: yourdreamsallcametrue.com Her sessions are always conducted over Skype voicecall from Japan so this will be a very special opportunity to meet her and have a session face-to-face. Last year, in Mt. Shasta, Ree met the host of America’s most popular spiritual radio program Out of this World Radio. Ree was told that her vibration comes from one of the highest dimensions and that she is an Earth Angel. Ree can reveal and remove any energetic blockages that are getting in the way of the reality you wish to create, and give energetic, emotional, and concrete steps to take to manifest your desired experience.   The two hour event will be $80 and includes participating in a group session channelled by Ree. It will start with in a circle with 20 minutes of breathwork led by Emma Gray, to open an clear everyone first  and later include  a very special meditation. Everyone will have time to ask any questions. It also includes special tea from Mt. Shasta that we will be drinking during the group session. It will be a really wonderful experience! bring pen and paper yoga mat and blanket and eye pillow if desired? cash or venmo (to Anthony-Fedorko) If you would like to purchase special salt taken from an energy power spot in Japan, or Japanese incense that can cleanse your heart and body, please RSVP to the event by August 25 and comment if you would like one (or both). Ree will buy them in Japan and bring them. The salt is $11 and the incense is $30. 
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Tuesday night breathwork is on the theme of PATIENCE. 7.30pm - 9pm June 16th $35 exchange (email me if you need $ reduction)As I have mentioned before, I always chose the subject I need to bring thr most awareness to in my own life. For me it's about not rushing, being patient and accepting of my life right here and and right now.SLOWING STUFF DOWN. Having faith that everything will come when it is meant to and trusting that the universe has TRULY got my back. Patience. After meditation I feel wonderful moments of centeredness and not wanting to change a thing about the status quo. I want to extend this feeling, alot. So if you are having problems with rushing and panicking and forcing the flow. Let’s talk about patience…and then breathe any of the anxiety or worry or extremism that maybe causing the rush and breathe into slowing down and being patient.
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Summer solstice sound bath Sunday June 23rd - 5.30 - 7.30pm
2 hour soundbath with sound master/healer Dominic Moore. As always we will do the breathwork for 15 or so minutes first to clear the cobwebs and then Dom will play the bowls for 90 minutes and  then 15 minutes of meditation at the end. if you love sound as much as I do this is a chance for deep cellular healing and relaxation. A great gateway into a meditation practice and good start to the week. The quartz crystal singing bowl is one of the most dynamic forms of sound healing. Studies have shown that their sounds have a powerful impact on muscles of the body, mental activity as well as the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. The notes of these crystal singing bowls are tuned to specific vibrational frequencies within the human body. When the sounds from the bowls ring into our bodies, our cells; our total being moves to the rhythm of the soundwave. This puts us in harmony with the soundwave and assists in returning us to an optimum healthy state of being. The sounds penetrate the body and the cells so hearing is not a requirement to benefit from the bowls’ healing properties.
Rsvp to reserve spot $40 exchange Please note we need a specific number of people to hold the soundbath, so need commitment upfront -  please try not to cancel at the last minute, it’s letting the team down. As with all of these groups, the minute you commit we begin exchanging energies as a group. If you do cancel up to 24 hrs beforehand, we appreciate payment in full. 
What is a solstice? Ancient cultures knew that the sun’s path across the sky, the length of daylight, and the location of the sunrise and sunset all shifted in a regular way throughout the year.They built monuments, such as Stonehenge, to follow the sun’s yearly progress.Today, we know that the solstice is an astronomical event, caused by Earth’s tilt on its axis and its motion in orbit around the sun.
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I spent the last couple of days with some power women who have faced and shared some pretty tough moments when the earth seemed all scorched underneath their feet! It was their belief and faith that got them through some incredibly tough moments ... Breathwork this week is all about clearing the usual cobwebs and also examining your relationship to belief and how much you believe the universe has got your back! I’m going to share a couple of stories on this topic. Tuesday 4th June 7.30 - 9pm $35
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Alison Blickle
 Saturday June 8th :  2 - 3pm 
and  Saturday June 15th:  2- 3pm
Nourishing Our Bodies & Spirits the Wise Woman Way
Join us for a magical journey into plant spirit medicine and the nourishing ways of the Wise Woman Tradition. Plant spirit medicine teaches us how to connect with the intelligence of the plants, which deepens our personal relationship to working with herbs. Together, we will create sacred space and meditate with one nourishing plant ally in the gallery where Alison’s current show The Three Fates is taking place. We will learn about one specific herbal infusion, the difference between teas and infusions, and the ways these gentle yet powerful medicines can support us physically and spiritually. 
Alison Blickle is an artist and green witch. She studied herbalism and Plant Spirit Medicine at the Gaia School of Healing in Los Angeles. Ritual and a spiritual connection to nature are important to Alison’s artistic practice. 
Alison has exhibited extensively across the U.S. and Europe. One-person exhibitions of her painting and ceramic installations are upcoming in Los Angeles, New York, and London.
We will provide cups and cushions, but maybe bring a notebook. This event is free so please RSVP with your preferred date and time as soon as possible. [email protected] 
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Emma Gray + The Energetic Residency
Pranayama is a healing modality. From the Sanskrit; prana or breath is the life-force; yama, means to suspend or restrain. It is a two part breathing, through the mouth that opens up and activates the chakras, releases blocks and takes you into a deep theta state of relaxation and healing. The modality of breathwork brings you to a still place where you get into the moment. Through breathing we create an experience for people to feel their spirit coming into their body as a vibration. When people feel that they heal and unblock. They let go of the past and of all the stuff that they are holding onto to thats keeping them stuck and out of the moment. I trained with Breathwork Healer David Elliott and have been leading weekly groups and private sessions since 2015. 
I have also trained to become a Reiki Master and can combine this in the session if needed/desired.
Private Breathwork 1.5hrs $150  with/without reiki 
Master Blaster Breathwork with reiki 2 hours $200 [email protected] to book.
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All of my thoughts have been in alignment with the topic of Tuesdays Pranayama Breathwork on grounding and earthing.  While we investigate our own relationship to the earth and how it supports us, I strongly believe we have to re-imagine and re-affirm how we support it and the elemental energies who are working hard to remind us that we are responsible for abundance and beauty…it’s an exchange! Please bring your thoughts and ideas on the subject and I will offer a few tips and exercises on how to ground and release stress, before we breathe. Pranayama is a healing modality. From the Sanskrit; prana or breath is the life-force; yama, means to suspend or restrain. It’s a two part breathing, through the mouth that opens up and activates the chakras, releases blocks and takes you into a deep theta state of relaxation and healing. I was taught this by healer David Elliott. Pranayama breathwork Tuesday 9th 7.30 - 9pm on grounding and exchanging with the earth. $35
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SUNDAY Two hour Soundbath April 14th 5-7pm $40 exchange 2 hour soundbath of 2019 on Sunday  April 14th with sound master/healer Dominic Moore. As always we will do the breathwork for 15 or so minutes first to clear the cobwebs and then Dom will play the bowls for 90 minutes and  then 15 minutes of meditation at the end. if you love sound as much as I do this is a chance for deep cellular healing and relaxation. A great gateway into a meditation practice and good start to the week. The quartz crystal singing bowl is one of the most dynamic forms of sound healing. Studies have shown that their sounds have a powerful impact on muscles of the body, mental activity as well as the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. The notes of these crystal singing bowls are tuned to specific vibrational frequencies within the human body. When the sounds from the bowls ring into our bodies, our cells; our total being moves to the rhythm of the soundwave. This puts us in harmony with the soundwave and assists in returning us to an optimum healthy state of being. The sounds penetrate the body and the cells so hearing is not a requirement to benefit from the bowls’ healing properties.Rsvp to reserve spot $40 exchange Please note we need a specific number of people to hold the soundbath, so need commitment upfront -  please try not to cancel at the last minute, it's letting the team down. As with all of these groups, the minute you commit we begin exchanging energies as a group. If you do cancel up to 24 hrs beforehand, we appreciate payment in full.
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Hi all
Breathwork on Tuesday 12th 7.30 - 9pm is on the Topic of “Radical self love”! For me it has to be radical as I was so indoctrinated into a codependent framework of being that it can seem utterly radical to put myself before others...
There are historical voices dancing around in my family stories that “I’m not of value/moral /worthy unless I’m helping others”. And, I love to help others... it’s also a convenient way of not attending to one’s shit (to be radically honest).
And while I’m getting better and better at this topic I could always use a radical kick up the you know what to step it up a gear. If there are ways in which you are not loving/honoring and attending to yourself first - pls join us Tuesday night and confess your radical badness and then we will breath 😍 deep and send it all off the cosmic transformation machine !
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Sunday 10th March 5-7pm
Two hour aligning SOUNDBATH with breathwork and meditation at the end. 😊😃😁😍 More info below
The quartz crystal singing bowl is one of the most dynamic forms of sound healing. Studies have shown that their sounds have a powerful impact on muscles of the body, mental activity as well as the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. The notes of these crystal singing bowls are tuned to specific vibrational frequencies within the human body. When the sounds from the bowls ring into our bodies, our cells; our total being moves to the rhythm of the soundwave. This puts us in harmony with the soundwave and assists in returning us to an optimum healthy state of being. The sounds penetrate the body and the cells so hearing is not a requirement to benefit from the bowls’ healing properties. Rsvp to reserve spot $40 exchange
If you can not come pls let us know 24 hrs before hand or be prepared to pay for your spot.
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Breathwork on Thursday 7th. At 7.30 - 9pm The topic is about trusting that what you have now, is exactly what you need! I have had so many situations recently where I have trusted what is in front of me and have moved forward confidently on those confirmations and great things have/are unfolding… It’s very much in line with the thinking in Michael Singer’s great book “The Surrender Experiment”
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