whitmansgrass · 3 days
Am I tripping or are there a lot of rusame fanfics being posted more recently??
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whitmansgrass · 2 months
Almost forgot to mention here but I have a new fic out! It's Ghost in Uniform on AO3 and its a rusame + time travel story
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whitmansgrass · 2 months
it says 'ask me anything' so. is ivan ever going to ask al who killed him (the time he passed out at the restaurant)
He did! America evaded the question, but in Ch 6, the scene goes:
“Who killed you?” Russia demanded. 
America was at a loss for words. He was starting to think that somewhere along the way, they had misunderstood each other. America couldn’t see how that could possibly matter in the grand scheme of things. “They’re not a threat to you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he offered reluctantly, not willing to admit that he had killed himself in an attempt to see how strong their soul bonds were. Russia didn’t need to know that. “I’ve dealt with it.”
Russia narrowed his eyes. “It was someone you trusted.”
“And how’d you figure that out?” America asked, losing interest as he turned back to the coffee.
“Because you were not afraid when you died,” Russia said. 
A few scenes pass, but then America eventually admits that killed himself. He also gives a rational as to why, but Russia may or may not be satisfied with the explanation he was given. Either way, America's tendency toward self-destruction (as well as that scene) will probably be referenced and revisited in later chapters. At the time, Russia probably didn't want to press too much since he'd already taken so many liberties (among breaking and entering), especially since he knows where they stand; they're enemies, and both of them are reluctant to share anything with each other. He probably assumed he'd gotten as much information as he was going to get. If their relationship continues to change, I imagine they'll start being more comfortable sharing more things with each other.
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whitmansgrass · 3 months
Dare I say rusame
the best kind of ships are the ones where the characters make their relationship everyone's problem
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whitmansgrass · 3 months
Does anyone else read the kith and kin series (wendigo, elferingewort, gramarye, banyoles monster, sirena) by AnAppleofDiscord on fanfiction.net bc that series rewired my brain chemistry. It influenced me so much I really started listening to a centuries-old murder ballad named long lankin/lamkin 😭
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whitmansgrass · 3 months
i was going thru my likes and came upon this post:
and i was like 😋 because al gets no rest. not after chapter 11 of history is on our side. i am waiting for the day he wakes tf up because it’s going to be 2 am in a cold sweat, russia’s going to feel the bond from the other side of the globe shift, and all hell is going to break lose. better get it over with al!! you thought all this media practically pointing a big red arrow to your person broadcasting to the world “i’ve found my soulmate and he’s an insane country which also happens to be my enemy!!!” was bad. what’s gonna happen to your people when you realize your feelings?? freaky shit.
poor boy is still a little puritan fool at heart, waiting for his distant lord father across the pond. he says all he wants to say, but the bond which russia can feel will turn into against him. russia on the other hand 🤭
soulmatism suits rusame cuz who is doing it like these insane bitches? mutually assured devotion to one another…sprinkled in with a little imperialism, neo-colonialism, and cold war tendencies?
ur a genius writer!!!
bro that fits them so well omg. america and his relentless pursuit of freedom ... at the expense of everything else. thank you for sharing cause that was magnificent lol.
yes, chapter 11 was the start of a turning point! after that little exchange between russia and america, as well as with the meeting coming up, things are going to escalate!! bc with the whole world congregating in one place, there are just some things that people can't hide lol. and people are starting to notice that strange things are afoot
when alfred finally realizes whats going on, all hell is going to break loose. lol. because when one of them realizes their feelings, the other partner is FOR SURE going to realize that something strange is going on! and when they both realize?? chaos. the possibilities are endless
and the denial stage was already bad for alfred; his people went CRAZY and they're only getting worse! when he realizes?? strange things are going to happen. concerning things. the world will be in distress
ya, homeboy is *still* working through some father issues and will be working through that for the entirety of this fic. alfred and ivan are dealing with situation in very different ways lol
mutually assured devotion AND mutually assured destruction!! theyre both going so off the rails that they deserve each other
thank you for reading + commenting as always!!!
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whitmansgrass · 3 months
I love your writings so much! Happy to see you on tumblr!
ahhhh thank you so much!! im glad you like them!!! :D
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whitmansgrass · 5 months
oh man oh man!! I want to say that I am so happy to see you here on tumblr and I absolutely adore your work! I hope the tumblr space is to your liking and the rusame fiends are so proud to have you here! (':
omg thank you that’s so sweet! I definitely didn’t expect the hetalia fandom to be so active on tumblr … it was a crazy whiplash to see so much discussion about it online lol. I was like “hetalia fans?? They’re active and they exist??? And this whole time they’ve all been hiding away on tumblr ??” I was shook :O but pleasantly surprised! It’s good to be here! :D
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whitmansgrass · 5 months
welcome to tumblr :p love ur cold war fic, while i was reading this was the general vibe i got while reading ur fic: https://x.com/zhongerweiyuan/status/1728060774021562704?s=61
hello!! :D thank you sm your comments always make my day lol, and honestly that is such an honor bc that drawing is just like WOAH! that's so intense and so them, i am honestly so obsessed with the love-hate train that they have going on!!
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whitmansgrass · 5 months
Additional Links That May Be Useful Reading + Interesting Quotes For History Is On Our Side
Chapter Ten
The Purchase of Alaska
"Stoeckl asked the President whether the [American] Mormons were going [to Russian Alaska] as conquerors or colonists. To this the President laughingly replied that it mattered little to him which, provided that he got rid of them ... [Stoeckl remarked to his government] ... that if the Mormons should come, Russia would be obligated to either fight them or give up territory to them" (Golder 414).
"By the handing of Alaska to the United States England would be greatly discomfited. The conquest of California by the Yankees was the first effective blow to Great Britain's ambitions in the Pacific, and the acquisition of Alaska would put an end to them altogether. Sandwiched in between Oregon and Alaska, British Colombia could have no great future" (Golder 415).
"Not only is the [Russian American Company] not advancing the interests of Russia, but it is actually alienating the good-will of a friendly people. It is easy enough, the writer goes on to say, for Europeans to sneer at the Monroe Doctrine and "Manifest Destiny," but if they were better acquainted with the Americans they would know that these ideas are in their very blood and in the air they breathe. There are twenty millions of Americans, every one of them a free man and filled with the idea that America is for Americans. They have taken California, Oregon, and sooner or later they will get Alaska. It is inevitable. It cannot be prevented; and it would be better to yield with good grace and cede the territory to them. Let them have the Alaskan mainland, the Aleutians, the islands in the Bering Sea—geographically all these are American—but let us retain the Commander Islands so as not to have the Yankees too near us. Russia, too, has a manifest destiny on the Amur, and farther south, even in Korea. Expansion in that direction will not weaken us in a military way" (Golder 416).
The Purchase of Alaska, 1867
9 Things You May Not Know About The Ancient Sumerians
The Love Suicides At Amijima
Because this story was written in 1720, Japan, the pdf is available for free online.
British Pleas For Alliance Rejected
"It was known that Catherine [the Great] personally disliked George III and believed England brought the crisis in America upon itself."
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whitmansgrass · 5 months
My Fics!!
History is On Our Side (Russia x America, enemies to lovers [???], slowburn)
In the midst of the Cold War, America's soulmate leaves their marks on his neck.
Russia's soulmate leaves their soul marks wrapped around his wrists.
This is a problem of catastrophic proportions.
In Progress.
Ghost in Uniform (Russia x America (kind of), enemies to enemies with mutual understanding [???], time travel shenanigans, late-Cold War and American Civil War periods)
Sometimes, ghosts don't stay dead.
Russia learns this the hard way.
In Progress.
Veins Full of Poetry (historical, no pairings)
“They call you fey, they call you magic, they call you a witch, and they comfort themselves by thinking they have defined you without realizing that they’ve fallen into your trap—to deceive them into believing they have found some measure of you when all the while what you truly are is much, much worse. I won’t let you lead them to their deaths. I swear to the Lord, Alfred, that I will kill you before you do!”
Tracing America’s interactions with nations and humans throughout time, from colony to country.
In Progress.
What Does Your Mom Think? (familial England & America, nations revealed, one-shot) [Part of series: They Came For the Smoke and Found the Fire]
When confronted with questions about war, America turns to his mother for answers
In The Spotlight (nations revealed) [Part of series: They Came For the Smoke and Found the Fire]
In a world where nations have been revealed, America has a photoshoot on top of the White House.
In Progress.
Godzilla (Japan & America, platonic enemies-to-begrudgingly tolerant of one another, Hetalia x Godzilla Minus One)
A monster in the sea wants to destroy Japan.
Somehow, this becomes America's problem.
In Progress.
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