whittlewitchypoo · 8 months
look I know I KNOW people are all for Jaskier and Radovid especially after Radovid was about to give it all up to be with Jaskier but this moment right here
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I will never cease to believe that Jaskier’s first love was Geralt and part of him will always be with Geralt no matter what
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whittlewitchypoo · 11 months
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
CW: nsfw
Jaskier and Yennefer both started a sexual relationship with Geralt before they started a romantic one. They skipped the foreplay themselves and just started dating after realising they didn’t need to fight over him and could just share him. It’s because of this they both know how Geralt works, what turns him on and off, what he pretends doesn’t effect him, all of it. So, when the three of them agree to be a thruple, the two instantly begin scheming. Geralt is thrown off guard at first when they both begin making out in the corner of a booth at a tavern, but quickly accepts the sight as a frequent occurrence that will never fail to arouse him. He gets used to the fact that the two will run off and go shopping together, but never fails to be surprised when they were matching lace panties and straddle each of his thighs and soil his pants through the fabric. Geralt is used to waking up in the morning with lipstick kisses on his cheek or chest, used to them casually touching his neck because of how much it drives him crazy, used to the fact that these two beautiful people known him so well it’s dangerous. It’s fun, there’s no doubt, but at times it’s so heart warming it makes him feel as if he could actually cry. When a hunt goes bad and a child dies, they whisper praises at him and assurances that he couldn’t only believe from their mouths. When he’s tired and angry and just wants to be alone, they stay quiet but still touch him so he can feel their love. When he’s too out of touch with his body one of them will squeeze his throat tight and kiss him slow or overstimulate him in a way that makes him feel so inside his body that everything else ceases to exist. And when he feels insecure about caring for them, giving them the love they truely deserve, they let him fall to his knees and pleasure them for hours, sometimes even over a whole day. Jaskier and Yennefer know Geralt in and out and want to show him their love, their favourite love language? Pleasure.
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Just saying now I don’t like Radovid, he’s being shown to be smart in a more subtle or sneaky way and I don’t trust it. Even if it does turn out he’s fine, I don’t care for him with Jaskier and will forever be a Geraskier girly!!!!!
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Geralt X Yennefer X Jaskier but Yen and Geralt are both extremely protective and jealous. Their fine with his past lovers, but only if they respect that he’s now off limits. He’s fine with it at first, adores the way they smother him to keep him safe yet trust him to take care of himself when need be. He enjoys how wild they both get when someone flirts with him, how he will end up pressed between them with love bites being littered all over his body. Geralt is very much an animal at times, only wishing to bite and mark and claim, while Yennefer is the same but more because she’s a little fucked in the head. It’s good, makes him feel pleasure yes but also validated in a way he only ever dreamed about. When issues arise with his lovers protectiveness, he handles it well, scalding them for ruining his little gig in the tavern just because a man complimented his arse, even telling them to put a little trust in him for once. He’s truely grateful when they protect him from the more ill meaning folk, but they can’t drag him away just because they feel intimated. It’s fine at first, then arguments become common until eventually Jaskier breaks down and tells them that he can handle it, he has handled it for years! He’s dealt with abuse, slander, shaming, ridicule, false rumours, the whole lot! He dealt with it from his own family since he was born for fucks sake! He breaks down and tells them things he’s never told a soul, that he thought he was over, that he had hoped lost his power over him…
His lovers are quiet, both seething as they take in his words, before promising to be more understanding and patient with his fans and the idiots that aren’t. To prove that he has love, that he has people who will stay and want to be with him, they ask him to mark them too, only this time a littler more permanently.
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Geralt and his brothers have always held the ability to shift into a wolf. The form they take is usually as tall as they are and shares their hair colouring, but the strength and agility they hold is doubled. They don’t always use these forms as they are more trusted as people than dogs and, while teeth and claws are useful, most creatures are easier to kill with a blade. When they take their potion their wolf form is affected as well, eyes changing and fur growing tinted around their face and maw. All Wolven Witchers can shift…
Except Geralt.
As he trained and fought, as he beat the trails and started the path, he never managed to do it. He was mocked by his brothers but earns a name for himself they couldn’t doubt, which lessened the teasing words. (He pretends that it’s, not that they all kept dying.) He has moments in fights where he feels something under his skin and tries to lean into it, only for nothing to happen other than a low rumble in his chest. It scares him when he meets Jaskier, his joyous nature steals his impatience away and replaces it with longing. He shouldn’t be surprised, not with how much the man has already effected who he is and everything he values, but when Jaskier is pinned down by something as simple as a Drowned… Geralt had seen shifts before but never realised how painful and satisfying they were, like finally getting that itch that’s below your skin and feeling each joint pop back into place despite taking moving into whole new ones. He’s bigger than most considering he’s somewhat short for his kind, with snow white fur and giant paws that dig into dirt then the flesh of that filthy Drowned.
That night Jaskier holds his giant head in his lap and strokes his fur, promising him he’s safe and whispering words of praise for finding the wolf within himself.
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Betting here and now he gets betrayed by that little twinky cunt, he’s being put up to be secretly smart and I hate it
Guys i have bad news please keep scrolling if you want to see my theory from season 3
Okay so Jaskier is TOO happy im sorry hes wayyyyy to happy. Hes (seemingly) in a relationship, him and Geralt are in a great place, Ciri loves him and Yennefer cares for him. Hes too happy this man is gonna either die or go through SHIT. Either way its gonna be bad.
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Someone or something hits Geralt with a spell that causes his inner wolf to become a real, full bodied, wolf. The animal come sup to his shoulders and is covered in white fur, big yellow eyes and sharp teeth and claws. Luckily for Geralt, the wolf answer to him easily and obeys just as it did when it was an inner part of himself. The problem shows itself it two ways, one that Geralt is now left without that vital instinct he tells so heavily on and the second problem… well, the wolf is a good hunter, but as soon as it sees Jaskier it might as well be a puppy. It licks over his face, whines and nips at him, jumps on him at any given moment and worst of all, it listens to Jaskier better than it ever has to Geralt. In a fight, it will obey him, but when they are camping and he ask the wolf to help him hunt? Not a chance, not when Jaskier is braiding part of its fur and beating its tail so hard there’s a dent in the dirt. Jask just laughs and gives the wolf a kiss on the forehead before telling it to be a good boy and fetch some supper. Geralt has to actively stop himself from moving before he realises he’s talking to the dog and not him.
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Jask takes all of a two weeks to realise that the brave and scary White Wolf Witcher doesn’t just avoid talking but seems to actually struggle with it. It’s not all the time, he does like to have petty arguments and could be a poet himself with the insults and quips he creates, but there are times when he seems to shut down a little. He goes quiet but only in voice, he still grunts and hums and scoffs, but no words follow. Jaskier pushed it at first, thinking the other was either brooding or trying to rial him up, but then he saw the look of desperation in the others face as he tried to communicate without his voice. It’s not always caused, it can be seemingly random, though he does note that the moments of silence usually come after a nasty hunt or when someone makes passes at him that he clearly doesn’t reciprocate. So, just as he takes every other form of care for his Witcher, he takes it as a challenge to learn new ways to help him. He learns what different grunts mean, how to do basic tasks so Geralt doesn’t have to explain it to him, only ask question that he either knows the other can’t answer or ones that he’s only asking so he himself can respond. As time passes, Geralt starts to warn him before he goes non-verbal by tapping his lips then closing two fingers together. Jask always responds with a smile and a nod before going on about whatever else is on his mind. As their relationship grows, Geralt’s nonverbal communication grows to whines and when he’s truely upset, whimpers. Jask has to resist the urge to treat him like a kicked puppy and still keep his respect for a well worn hunter, but he starts to suspect when Geralt leans into his touch that the other doesn’t mind. Petting, cuddling and other forms of touch seem to be much more appealing to the other when he can’t talk, and Jaskier is always happy to treat his Witcher.
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Geralt takes Jaskier to his home to meet his family. He wants their approval before he makes any kind of decision that could either bring him closer to his bard or forever drag them apart. It goes well to start with but then he watches as his bard slinks away in the night with Lambert. It’s a heartbreak he’s never experienced before, something so soul crushing he actually feels as something physically twist and tightens inside of him. The next morning Lambert goes to see his brother and ask if he wants to spare, an activity they both love to challenge each other in, only to find his brother cold and blank. He’s confused before realisation hits and he stumbles back, whispering an apology that does nothing but take up space in the room. Jaskier finds him later, curled into himself in the freezing cold and sobbing dry. He worries over him only for Lambert to push him, telling him that he fucked up. Jaskier obviously doesn’t understand so he explains, “with us, us wolves, there this sort of… code. A code that when someone takes someone they are spoiled, either free to use or protected by the wolf who claimed them. Geralt, he-he bought you here to show you to us! To show us he found the one he wanted and I-! Oh fuck, I ruined it. I tainted you.” Jaskier can’t even process the fact that the man he loves had bought him to meet his family so they could be together as the others sobs only grow worse, “I don’t… can’t I just be with him anyway?” Lambert shakes his head, “no. Mates cannot be shared. He could never be with you knowing that I claimed you first. I took you from him and now he can only see you as his brothers mate.”
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
Geralt takes a surprisingly long time to notice the more unnatural parts of his companion. He’s always seen Jask as annoying but strangely commendable, both obnoxious and calming at once. Geralt doesn’t remember how old he is, just that he’s watched his few human friends grow old and wither and if he’s lucky, he’s been able to know where they were buried. He knows he should of notice how Jask doesn’t really age, his hair grows and his body scars, but his eyes are always bright and his skin smooth. It’s not until he’s talking to Yen about him that she wonders allowed how he’s still so young and if he made some kind of deal to keep his youth that he realises that, by Geralts estimate, Jaskier should be in his later eighties by then. He manages to recall that the bard had once claimed to of had an elven ancestor and that could be the cause, but it’s hard to focus on that when an overwhelming realisation hits him. The only reason he had never fully let Jask in, why he never let himself devote what life he could to the man, was because he assumed he would die long before Geralt. The fact that he could of wasted years of his life not spending time loving and praising the man who reminded him that his heart still beat… luckily for him, Jask was willing to wait.
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
For as long as any of them have known him, Geralt has worn a small silver ring that holds a green rock no smaller than a that the width of the band. None of them, Yen, Ciri or Jask, ask him about it as it seems rather unnecessary. He never brings attention to it and his necklace has always been more interesting. It’s not until they are captured by a group of men set on revolting against some king and they strip Geralt of the ring that any of them really take not of it. At first they assume it’s his necklace or possibly his sword being taken that causes him to slaughter all of the men. Even Ciri’s pleading to slow down or to question him go ignored. It’s when they enter a room, blood soaking Geralt’s body, that he rushes over and throws around their things until he finds the ring. They watch a relief wash over him as he holds it in a fist before shakily putting it back on. He continues like nothing happened and the others follow until they set up camp, where none of them have to ask as he explains before they can pester him.
“We were taught to be nothing more than wolves, but I didn’t listen. I held onto my past by hiding this ring for years, only wearing it outside the mountain. It was my mothers. I don’t know anything about her nor do I care to find out, I keep this as a reminder… a reminder that no matter how strong I am, I’m still human. Still weak.”
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whittlewitchypoo · 1 year
While it would be extremely difficult for people to notice, it was impossible for Geralt’s family to not notice the way he felt for the bard he traveled with. He doesn’t dote or praise, but the way he gives the other first meals, protective gear, as well as his limited patience, might as well be him shouting that he’s falling in love. No one says a thing, it’s their business and while Geralt is letting the bard stay by his side, it’s obvious he’s not letting anything else happen. He’s hurting himself, but not to a point that he won’t survive. It’s fine for the first few days of winter, until Lambert arrives. His brother is already pissed about several things and once again not caring that his teasing and hearing upsets those around him. But the few other brothers he had and his faux-father are all shocked and even upset on Geralt’s behalf as he makes passes at his obvious love. They watch as Lambert takes Jaskeir to his bed and gives a cruel grin at Geralt. None of them say anything as Geralt leaves, taking Roach in the middle of winter and leaving the bard behind. He doesn’t return for the rest of winter, nor ever again.
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