whoisbillymiles · 3 years
Hey - West is definitely not and has never been a friend of MP's. Absolutely not. I have no idea if they've actually met or whatever. But they're definitely not "friends". Believe me.
mmm-kay, Anon.
As I said before, I don’t keep track on her but I do remember reading about friends in common when she showed up to rain on our parade. That was what, 4 years ago? Yeah, a lot has happened in my life since then like giving birth and rase l kid. There’s not enough space in my brain to share with MP’s biography.
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
MP always left the house when West was spending time at David's houses in LA, how can they be friends? I think she and Miller don't have any kind of relationship with her.
I don’t really keep track on her but I do remember people finding connections between them. Maybe they were never besties, but they did have the same circle of friends.
Makes you wonder why MP runs right out of the scene once W or M are around, huh?
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
Monique was photographed at the season 10 XF's premiere in January 2016. You know, the day Kimmel happened. Forgot about that, did you?
Was she photographed with David? Were people speculating any kind of relationship with David and her at that time?
Monique was (is still?) friends of West. Forgot about that or are you going to say you were there and saw they making out at a dark corner?
So let’s say they had something back there, anon. Must suck to see your boyfriend all handsy and flirty with his co-star on National Television, for the world to see, huh?
Do you think Monique got the kinks when David and Gillian made out and he grabbed her ass while he pulled her on top of him?
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
I came back in to say how much I love Gilovny and want to see them happy together. That is all. Is that so much to ask? ❤️
I hear you, anon. It’s never too much to ask.
Let’s throw it to the universe and hope they get back to their senses.
I mean... Look at them!
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
Didn't David start dating MP right after the divorce was requested? Curious, not trying to start rumors.
Where did this nonsense come from, anon?
MP got into the picture in...2017/2018?
From his official divorce until MP showed up a lot of water passed under that bridge.
Hello Cutting Room! 👀
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
gotta remind you all that People Magazine added 'Lunch Date' in that headline of David and Gillian's selfie (yes for the third time they've covered that selfie)
Oh anon... People Mag goes way back on Gillovny reports. They are the number one outlet to report official updates on Gillovny.
It’s no surprise. Not at all!
We first read about David’s official divorce on People Magazine website, right on G’s b-day (August 9, 2014).
People Mag also reported G’s split from Mark on D’s b-day (August 7, 2012)
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It’s all there, anon. Makes you think what kind of relationship David and Gillian have with People Magazine runners, huh? 👀
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
'Oh... and all that after Téa left the set... 🤷‍♀️' THE WAY I SPAT MY WATER READING AKLSJDKLA MILES WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
LOOOOL! I am sooo sorry!
I just can’t help it! 😅
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
Oh... and all that after Téa left the set... 🤷‍♀️
don't forget in that scene in unnatural, david's dry humping gillian for like 5 mins and she was giggling; there was even like i think reports where he cornered her in a fence and doing something or whatever and she was still giggling
I would never forget those reports, anon.
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
WTH, I was so hyped up about Gillovny once again, but after Davids recent interviews, what if they really haven’t seen each other for years and are just friends who did meet up while DD was working in London? One visit for two months he spent there😳. And Gillian making the pic, bc she knew people will love her for that on SM and she will get good press and David being clueless. Basically, I hate she really could be in a RS with PM for years and that David may still sleep with MP. I’m confused
Oh anon.... Do you really believe everything David says?
Remember this dialogue during NYCC 2013 panel? 
DD: I have to amend my answer. Because I realize now that Gillian and I occasionally exchange emails – how many a year? GA: I dunno. DD: Five? GA: Yeah, that’s what you tell people.
That really happened. 
I’m not saying I’m sure they did see each other... All I’m saying is that they do lie about their relationship.
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
Gillovny rises and let's drink to that :)
Cheers, anon! 
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
At this point they must know they are wrong, they just want to have the last word. There are schoolyards for that...
The last word seems to always be a selfie or a Gillovny interaction proving them wrong.
No matter what, Gillovny always rises from the ashes!
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
Haters just say you hate that Gillian is friends and possibly best friends with David and go damn. If Kim Manners is alive today (may he rest in peace), he could have echoed what he said before about David and Gillian and he would have shut down so much haters.
Kim Manners words are immortal, anon. It is on tape. It’s him talking and we can see through David and Gillian eyes that what he said is still very much true.
It doesn’t matter if they became distant for whatever reason this past few months, or years, or days - we have no idea what goes on in their private lives.
To me, they are family. You can be mad at your husband, parents, siblings...but the love and the roots of what and who you are, are still there. It’s part of you. That’s what they are too each other. Forever and deeply attached.
Haters see it too, and that’s exactly why they react. They just can’t accept David and Gillian are and always will be part of each others lives.
How can people feel hatred when they see this, is beyond me 👇
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
These haters are trying so hard, so Gillian didn't want to post about David anon, so why did she do it? I mean, she might as well have chosen not to post anything and we would never know that they met. I'm sorry for how stupid they are, Gillian really hurt them with this photo LOL
Didn’t you see that gun David was pointing at Gillian’s head, anon?
Of course he made her take that selfie. It was all his idea. Look how desperate she looks! LOL
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
Did GA drag DD for the shit he pulled in the 90's regarding the show, even when it affected her, like having to move her family from Canada to LA just because he wanted to be nearer to his wife? No. She didn't even trash him over the pay dispute, he trashed her in that disgusting Playboy interview in fact. And she didn't trash season 11, she just pointed out its failings in a measured way. She didn't call the writing shit like DD once did, literally.
Anon, a certain period on “Gillovny” timeline is called “The Dark Age” for a reason. David and GIllian were NOT in good terms at that time. There is no secret there.
Why would Gillian trash DAVID for the pay dispute? She made sure it was FOX’ fault. She made that very clear on every chance she got, specially during the last 2 season’s promo.
Oh, so pointing out a season “failings” while the season is ON (or even before it aired) is not trashing? She said she was going to leave the show even before S11 started. We now know her lack of excitement with the press was because she already had something in the works with Netflix. 
She did throw us some bread crumbs with behind the scenes snaps on her IG. But she didn’t have to sell the show to us - they already have our souls. 
Funny now her The Crown season is over, the press is all over “THE X FILES DUO”, “Bring the band back together”  BLAH  BLAH BLAH.
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
i love how even though david was in the photo, it was still all about stella - so much so that david was nearly cut out of the second shot 😂. oh, and that gillian posted about vanessa kirby's birthday straight after so that the david selfie wouldn't be the top post on her instagram 🤣. she ain't that fond of publicizing her friendship with david and it shows.
Oh, really anon? 
And Gillian is that stupid to post a photo with David even though she is “not fond of publicizing her friendship with David”.
She had no idea she was going to get all that press, huh? Do you really think Gillian is naive at that point?
Do you even hear yourself when you write this kind of crap? 
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
these anti gillovny ppl are just salty we got a selfie from the dorks themselves. also you 🤝 me still spiraling over that selfie and cannot get out of the hole
HARD SAME, anon!
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whoisbillymiles · 3 years
People still claim that Gillovny hates each other till now? I swear to god guys... it is 2021 y'all still think that shit? Come on now..
Yep... People are THAT obtuse, anon.
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