whoischurchboy · 11 months
wassam whores… we back on this weird app with more non-weirdness lol nah deadass idk how to work this shii no mo but we gone get it back jumping
#idk #whostillonthisapp #ineedfollowers #music #hiphop #artist #texas
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whoischurchboy · 8 years
Midterms were okay. Most of my classes didn’t have a midterm but we had tests the week before. Two had their tests that week. Ms. Caviness quiz for my midterm wasn’t bad, remembered most of the stuff. Dr.Paul gave us a 5 page paper due that week, but I got the only B, which to me was good starting off. Dr. golden didn’t give a midterm, which was a stress reliever, gym was nothing, and English got a B+ on my paper. Everything was good until I took my math test. WORST DECISION EVER! I got a 58 on the test thus having the 2nd lowest grade in the class on the test and a C in the class. Now, no matter what I do unless I ace the next test, I will have a C in the class. So I’m studying more, going to more tutoring sessions, and paying more attention in class. I can’t afford a D, I lose my waiver for school doing that, so I have to make the sacrifices to achieve my goals and maintain my comfortable lifestyle in school. I just hope I can do better. 
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whoischurchboy · 8 years
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whoischurchboy · 8 years
1st 2wks at HT
My first two weeks at Huston-Tillotson were interesting. I realized that HT is much like my high school, not only on size and circumstance, but even how I start school. In my high school my first couple of days I only knew my roommate Blake Hutchins, at HT the only person I knew was Blake again. Though by the time this bi-week period ended I became known on campus and gain new friends. I learned that professors live and die by the syllabus and you have to be organized to meet deadlines and keep everything in order. Also learned that 6th street gets boring after while. I can’t really speak too much since I haven’t been here long enough but I’ll soon be back with more HT blogs.
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whoischurchboy · 8 years
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Tom Tomorrow
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whoischurchboy · 8 years
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Cambridge, Maryland, 1963.
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