whoisdaisha · 4 years
I think this video is a great example of the protests that have been occurring this year and shine a small light on how powerful they have really been. 
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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a gifset of planet facts because i rlly love space!!
//please dont remove caption!
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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Scientists Find Vital Genes Evolving in Genome’s Junkyard
Quanta Magazine
Image caption: Inside the nucleus of a cell, most of the active genes are in the portion of the DNA called euchromatin (magenta). The more condensed DNA of the heterochromatin (black) is mostly genetically inert, but researchers are learning how new genes can evolve there.
Image credit: Dr. Gopal Murti / Science Source
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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The Rings of Saturn Observed by the Voyager 2 Space Probe as it Zoomed Past the Planet in 1981. 
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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Lower crime
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
Politics or Human Rights?
This past year has made quite an impact on U.S. citizens for a multitude of reasons. The reason that stands out to me the most is the Black Lives Matter movement. This movement started about five years ago with the George Zimmerman case. However, this year it has been more powerful than ever before. fThere were protests in every state for weeks on end, many riots broke out, and curfews were placed on cities due to the violence being inflicted at the protests being held. Due to the daily usage of social media there was constant live streams and updates on everything happening at these events which made it impossible to escape or turn a blind eye. It was everywhere on social media platforms. Everyone was posting or reposting about it. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. 
I believe the Black Lives Matter movement, and the protests heightened and pushed the importance of the election and ensuring all citizens were expressing their right to vote. The argument being, it is not about politics but human rights. The movement focused on revealing that minorities of all kinds do not receive the same human rights as the average white male in the U.S.. After making these claims and providing evidence, the Black Lives Matter Movement demanded that we collectively set aside our political views/political parties and fight for humans right. The movement caused a large division between the people who remained political and the people who said it was more than politics. Contrary to popular belief, I have a love/hate relationship with the statement because I don’t think that human rights should be political but I also do not think we can receive equal human rights without politics. 
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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2020 has shaken things up politically, mostly due to the simple fact that people wish to put an end to discrimination. I personally desire equal rights for all and it breaks my heart that there are people who think this is an extreme request. 
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
At the same time, the public as a whole expresses mixed views about the potential broader impact these sites might be having on political discourse and the nature of political activism. Some 64% of Americans feel that the statement “social media help give a voice to underrepresented groups” describes these sites very or somewhat well. But a larger share say social networking sites distract people from issues that are truly important (77% feel this way), and 71% agree with the assertion that “social media makes people believe they’re making a difference when they really aren’t.”
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
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“Eles combinaram de nos matar. E nós combinamos de não morrer.” ✊🏽
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
I thought this article was very interesting and it was neat to see a number put on the way social media can have an affect on one’s political/human rights views. 
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