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3 rd Aug '22 happening day
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22 aug '22
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14 July '23 its mission to moon India
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Afraid of wall 15 June '23 not fall
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2 June '23 back from the post office Shankar chowk
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2 June '23
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2 June '23
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Exactly, more than pics, writing is having more salutary effect. Eton the best boarding school. Truly. Edited 09:13 2 Jine '23.
“My writing is done in railroad yards while waiting for a freight, in the fields while waiting for a truck, and at noon after lunch. Towns are too distracting. Now and then I take a day off to “put myself in order.” I go through the notes, pick and discard. The residue is usually a few paragraphs. My mind must always have something to chew on.”
— Eric Hoffer
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I asked dry clean where was that charpoy pic, drew a blank yesterday on the run. Edited 2 June 09:16 nothing is wasted, timeless.
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Alexander Jensen Yow by George Platt Lynes.
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Marked as true, whole thing is short lived drama. Trending and then taken off.
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Clearly a mud solution 10 Sept 2020.
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That was something i did unknowingly with the dealer when i took the papers today.
10 Sept 2020.
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He had the brains, the ambition, the good looks. And he was hungry; with his background, he had to be. He was married, and that was mandatory. The firm had never hired an unmarried lawyer, and it frowned heavily on divorcee, as well as womanizing and drinking.
Drug testing was in the contract. He had a degree in accounting , passed the CPA exam the first time he took it and wanted to be a tax lawyer, which of course was a requirement with a tax firm. He was white, and the firm had never hired a black. They managed this by being secretive and clubbish and never soliciting job applications.
Kumud Dec 2010
Edited 6 Jan 2020
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"Human concept of time. We made that up. Did you know if you dropped a clock into a black hole and somehow kept track of what it read, the time on the clock wouldn’t match your time but from the clock’s perspective, time is passing as normal? Time is meaningless. You’re going to wake up on January 1st and it’s going to be just another day. Who cares what you’ve accomplished in the last ten years! You’ve got a whole life ahead of you. Decades are arbitrary and time is flexible and the labels we put on it are meaningless numbers that we decided on at some point in our history. The earth will go around the sun again. The moon will complete another tidally locked, synchronous orbit. In the center of our galaxy is a black hole so big that it’s impossible for it to have formed in the normal way and we have no idea how it did form. If you look back far enough, you can see the start of the visible universe, and it looks like noise on a tv screen. Time is meaningless. 2020 is just another year, and January 1st is just another day. Tomorrow is not the last day of anything. Things will go on. Stop stressing and go drink martinelli’s sparkling cider out of a champagne flute. You’re doing fine." This excerpt is not a learned view of somebody famous. So chill out!
I sent the above post to my group. Situation changes as we move forward. Movement is necessary i agreed with my daughter. I let her go for the meeting as she wished to go after the ofice.
31 dec '19
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