wholesome-smut · 2 years
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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tyler posey + that hair and that smile
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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MASON GOODING behind the scenes of filming “Pools”
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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#a lil throwback 🥺
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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MATTHEW LILLARD as Tim in DEAD MAN’S CURVE (1998) dir. Dan Rosen
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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Rohan Campbell as Corey Cunningham in Halloween Ends (2022)
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?; 1x03 - (2022)
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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charles_gillespie: it's all in the twist of the tongue 👅
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
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wholesome-smut · 2 years
🖤 thyrus and/or drewca 🥺
1) my muse’s initial impression of yours: cyrus’s first thoughts on theo were more than likely positive because his father had nothing but good things to say about him. when they did first formally meet their personalities clashed a bit, but it wasn’t long before he came to realize he liked his 'spunkiness’, as cyrus called it. 2) my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours: his eyes, for sure. cyrus could get high and stare into them for hours, with no other form of entertainment and be content (especially if it’s good stuff he’s high on).  3) my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours: his loyalty. in the business he runs, people can and will be as cutthroat as possible if they feel their own neck is on the line. there aren’t a lot of people like theo who would be a complete ride or die for him, and he recognizes that.  4) a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours: sometime after he first disposed of that guy’s body. as he thought it over, it would occur to him that if anyone else (save for a select few) were in the same situation, he would have left them to their own devices. it did benefit him too that no one found out, but i think a combination of that and his general favoritism towards theo would bring him to that conclusion. 5) something my muse never found the words to say to yours “you’re worth more than you ever give yourself credit for, and a bastard like me doesn’t deserve you.” 6) something my muse wishes they had never said to yours that could be quite a hefty list. cyrus can be downright rotten when the pressure is on, and with theo being his right hand man he does tend to get the worst of his verbal attacks. and when things blow over, he usually feels horrible about what he’s said.  7) something your muse does that makes mine feel safe protects him. cyrus is certain theo would put his life at risk for cyrus’s sake if it came to it -- not that he ever wanted things to come to that. the word safe is used a bit loosely considering how dangerous his life is, but he would be lying if he didn’t feel the slightest bit comforted with those big arms wrapped around him. 8) something(s) your muse does that makes mine smile a lot of things. the jokes he cracks, his constant desire to please cyrus (both in and out of the bedroom), even his own smile. 9) something my muse wants to protect yours from  the people he deals with. the constant risks that come with the lifestyles they both have led since they were young.  10) ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words in the way he looks at theo. in the way he treats him after they’ve gotten home from a long night at the club. in the way he spoils him for whatever he wants, whenever he wants it.
1) my muse’s initial impression of yours: drew thought he was breathtaking. a little snobbish, but that was just his brain’s way of saying he was nicely dressed. if he had known who his dad was, he probably would not have bothered approaching. so thankfully, he didn’t. 2) my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours: his face. it was a face he spent hours upon hours looking at, and one he could continue to look at forever. he really thought luca was gorgeous -- almost too gorgeous, but he’s yet to find a single complaint.  3) my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours: he sees a lot of his own personality in luca, despite the fact that they have near-opposite upbringings. definitely his caring, nurturing side when he sees it come out. 4) a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours: very soon after they first take the baby in. luca was the first person he went to during what was most definitely a top five scariest moment of his life. and he actually made it less scary for him. it’d really help him see that he really had his back a hundred percent. 5) something my muse never found the words to say to yours “my world is a dark and empty place without you. you give me a reason to actually try and not be killed on the job.” 6) something my muse wishes they had never said to yours any comments made about his family -- as if his was any better. a few of the harsher comments he made in reference to his drug use in an attempt to encourage quitting.  7) something your muse does that makes mine feel safe drew is usually more of the protector, as ‘safe’ wasn’t a common feeling for him. luca does have a way of knowing exactly what to do if he were to appear worked up in his presence.  8) something(s) your muse does that makes mine smile his accent. his attitude. the way he effortlessly takes care of the baby like it was something he had been trained to do. 9) something my muse wants to protect yours from  everything. his job, the drugs he sells him, his uncle. his whole life, basically.  10) ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words in his touch, drew is a very affectionate person even without realizing it. in the way he feels and acts protective over him.
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wholesome-smut · 3 years
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wholesome-smut · 3 years
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KJ APA Christopher Sherman × Interview Magazine › 2021
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wholesome-smut · 3 years
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wholesome-smut · 3 years
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MASON GOODING via Instagram
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wholesome-smut · 3 years
Missionary cus his eyes pretty and face is handsome 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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wholesome-smut · 4 years
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