whoslemonbugz · 9 months
it sucks that Jake didn’t shed a tear when he knew the Jomies much longer than the music club 😭
drew would lose his mind if he saw what jake did when he lost his friendship
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and how he reacted when he lost the club
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(i know they are very different situations, and it makes sense for him to react how he did for both of them!)
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whoslemonbugz · 9 months
★ Unpopular or maybe popular tmf/tmf fandom opinions. Thoughts? ★
I don’t think I’ll need to clarify anything, but if I do, you can give me an ask and I’ll most likely answer. (Not too sure how tumblr works since I’m new, but I’ll try my best!)
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Lia shouldn’t have sent the audio either way. Since her intention wasn’t to let the club know that they were being bad mouthed, it was because she was jealous.
EVERYONE was in the wrong one way, shape or form at least once.
Drew DID/DOES care for his friends. / DID/DOES care for Jake, and had good intentions that slowly turned into jealousy issues.
The club had every right NOT to hear him out, HOWEVER, the mature thing to do would’ve been to here him out a little after “recovering” to the right state of mind or not resorting to aggression.
BOTH sides—Jomies and Music Club—peer pressured Jake at one point.
TMF fandom opinion: people should stop making fun of people headcanoning Jake, Drew, Henry.. or ANYONE IN TMF that said character self-harms, passively suicidal, suicidal or tries to self die, 90% of the time it’s a projection from the creator.
I don’t think Jailey will be canon, and I like that they have a really nice platonic friendship. However, I do see why people ship them.
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