whumps-by-beast · 1 day
Hissing. Just... non-human Whumpees being backed into a corner, and they can't do anything but hiss as the other person comes closer. It's meant as an intimidation tactic, of course. 'Look at this, see how scary and dangerous I am? Don't come any closer!'. But they're trapped and flinch away, their eyes bright with fear, that it only really shows how scared they are, and how they have no options left.
Just the terrified hissing, to anyone who comes close.
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whumps-by-beast · 3 days
a bit of a longer thought.. however..
if you were to ask me how i felt about fearplay. I'd tell you it's really cool and It's one of my favorite tropes to play around with!
but if you were to ask me on a deeper level...
I love fearplay, especially hurt/comfort. I thank all of the g/t tumblr for posting about fearplay.
Someone having the capacity to hurt you with ease, but you've always known that they would never— could never hurt you. It puts you at ease, having one thing always assured; your safety.
But imagine one day, there's a moment where they have complete disregard for your safety. Typically, they were so careful and considerate.. Now? Their gaze doesn't hold much worry for your well-being anymore, and they become reckless. Whether it be with their strength, how they hold you, or how their actions may affect you.
They forget that one small movement is increased tenfold for you, and maybe they slam their hands on the desk you're sitting on. Maybe they shout too loud for your ears to take. Either way, it's dangerous..
And it must be excruciating for the giant.. i mean.. If this tiny little person is your friend, possibly partner, you would never intentionally harm them. Forgetting how much impact you have on them in the heat of the moment.
Now, you have to start all over again. Especially if the tiny struggled with trust issues in the beginning of the relationship. sighs...
now it's really up to the severity of the situation to see if they'll really reconcile. Maybe the tiny flees after such an encounter, without a chance for the giant to apologize...
Or, they talk it out. Maybe it can end well and all is forgiven.
How it goes is really up to you.. all i know is i have a deep appreciation for fearplay.
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whumps-by-beast · 5 days
i'm not the biggest fan of "character refuses to rest because they think they're too strong to rest" but what i AM a big fan of is a character who IS trying to rest and something necessitates that they pitch in. whether it's being trailed by the enemy or a big fight that requires all hands on deck, i love watching a character who was trying to be responsible have to run themselves into the ground because they have no other choice.
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whumps-by-beast · 8 days
im a fucking sucker for the “character gets so badly injured that they can’t think clearly and start calling for help in a distressingly vulnerable way.” characters who start using nicknames for their friends they haven’t used since they were kids. characters who start begging for their brother they haven’t seen in years to be there. characters who would usually use their parents’ names or call them mother/father/etc crying out mama when they go down. u understand.
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whumps-by-beast · 12 days
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Day 58. Flightless. Quick sketch break from working. 
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whumps-by-beast · 13 days
thinking about this thing v
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the "Man-Catcher", used throughout Europe in the 18th century. Despite the spikes, it was not used to harm. Thanks to the spring-loaded bits at the front, it had enough wiggleroom for a neck to slip through, but not escape. It was used to knock knights from their horses and keep them subdued, either to end a fight, or to ransom the knight off. Versions of it are still used today, but they look less cool in my opinion .
Holy crap that thing is CRAZY!!!!! WHAT!!! A Man-Catcher hahaha. But damn that would be great to incorporate into a whump fic! I like it.
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whumps-by-beast · 14 days
i really love a good "how have you been walking around like this?", especially from a rival or a gruff mentor. whether it's a concussion or a high fever, it's always satisfying to see someone torn between being impressed at how far they've made it in this state and angry at them for pushing so hard.
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whumps-by-beast · 16 days
GOD i am such a sucker for cinderella whump
all the possibilities for an awful home life. forced to work, vilified, beaten, starved, locked in isolation, you name it. and of course being denied a blanket and having to huddle close to the fire in winter.
then they're free for just one night, or maybe three. just a short little step into a world where all of it goes away.
and then there’s the stranger. god this perfect stranger, beautiful and kind, who sees something worthwhile in whumpee. when they catch whumpee looking sad, they actually care.
and then they go back. and that taste of freedom makes it all the more painful. and when they think of the rest of their miserable life their spirit starts to break.
but the stranger!!!!! dropping everything, maybe making a personal sacrifice of their own, just to find their missing friend, because they CARE. someone finally cares enough to make it stop. and they do.
and that's where the story ends a lot of the time but we don't do that here. the aftermath. the scars, all of the toxic shit whumpee believes about themself, the feeling of being indebted to their savior. i'll take all of it thank you <3
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whumps-by-beast · 20 days
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Murderbot doodle
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whumps-by-beast · 20 days
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Fontaine voice: alone on your first birthday? god youre pathetic
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whumps-by-beast · 21 days
A whumpee who’s out in the elements takes shelter in an animal’s den. The animal comes home and snuggles them. Bonus points for forehead licks.
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whumps-by-beast · 22 days
I love the concept of people playing with their weapons. Someone tossing and catching a dagger. Someone with a gun clicking the safety on and off or twirling it on their finger. A sword/bat user pretending their weapon is a baton and treating it as such. There's just something so interesting when people treat their weapons with such casualness and lack of caution because they know they wont hurt themself.
...now apply this to a living weapon whumpee. Handler purposely riles weapon up, just for some fun. Handler sparing with their weapon. Handler making weapon entertain them.
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whumps-by-beast · 23 days
"You know, I- I can still see what it looked like. In there."
She looks off into the distance - past her companion's eyes, past the grassy hill on which they lie, past the horizon. She doesn't know how to say it, how to explain the image that overtakes her mind.
It's as if she's still there.
The angle at which the walls met the ceiling. All 1,008 bricks, painted a dull grey. The muddy color of the concrete floors, the discolored spots in the shape of half-cleaned bloodstains. The grooves between the bricks, where she would run a finger in circles for countless, mind-numbing hours. The location of each metal hook - the ones she spent equally countless hours cuffed to. The solid metal door, a harsh, imposing rectangle standing between her and freedom.
She just doesn't know how to say it. The image is clear, but the words are not.
"I just spent so much time.. seeing it. It's.. it was.. all there was."
The shape of her prison cell is burned into her retinas like the afterimage of a camera flash. She can remember every inch - all harsh right angles and glaring fluorescent lights.
There are no harsh angles in sight, here, just dappled sunlight filtered through the trees. The world has never looked so unnatural.
"And-" she breathes - "you know, I used to imagine you were there with me. And it- it helped," she admits, ashamedly.
She blinks back tears as she stumbles over her words.
"but- but you weren't- you weren't there, and, and that's, that's good, you're safe and you're not there, it's just- you don't know, you never saw it, and I, it- it was all I could... all I could see for so long, and-"
With shaking hands, she reaches out, taking his hands in her own.
"Can I.. can I show you?"
Slowly, cautiously, she moves his hands to the temples of her forehead.
"I don't want to be alone in there anymore."
Through tears, she looks up at his face - his eyes full of shock and horror.
"Please, I.. I want you to see. Please."
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whumps-by-beast · 23 days
Whumpees who can't stop shivering, whether it's due to fever or the cold, no matter how many blankets are piled on top of them. Their lower lip trembles, their teeth chattering, and every muscle in their body is starting to ache from the repetitive movements.
Caretaker sits or lays right next to them, stroking their hair and holding them close, trying to squeeze some warmth into their bones, their shuddering breaths vibrating against Caretaker's side.
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whumps-by-beast · 26 days
Caretaker has finally found Whumpee, but they're in a bad state. There is no time to take care of anything right now, and they have to move quietly to avoid being detected.
The whispered "can you walk?" and "lean on me" as Whumpee tries their best to be helpful, and Caretaker half-dragging them through the dark hallways. Whumpees injuries hurt them as they move, and they can't keep the sounds of pain in.
They hear someone coming, and Caretaker quickly pulls them to the side, hiding in a small closet. Whumpee squeezes their eyes closed as they fight the pain of the sudden movement, and Caretaker pushes their hand over Whumpees mouth, apologetic, but needing them to be quiet.
Whumpee leaning forward and dropping their head on Caretakers shoulder as they muffle their groans in their jacket.
Bonus points if Whumpee is usually stoic or closed-off, and Caretaker's heart breaking to see them like this.
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whumps-by-beast · 28 days
ohhh we love a good “forced to torture your friend while undercover as a bad guy” don’t we
like. when you meet their eyes and you both know you have to do it and you have to do it well
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whumps-by-beast · 1 month
scared prey animal symbolism is fun and all but i LOVEEE like. really fucking aggressive prey animal symbolism. animal that straight up tears you to shreds because its scared of you. animal that attacks anyone in sight because it feels threatened all the time. animal that sees threats to life in kind gestures by beings it does not recognize. animal that will literally kill you because its so ungodly scared of everyone
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