whumptimebaby · 4 months
my bad 😭😭
Guys… I just recently read that fanfic where T dies and…
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whumptimebaby · 7 months
Another Whumptober fic for the 4*Townies!!
Helicopter helicopter
Turning Red | Taeyoung and Jesse | Whumptober Day 4 | Shock | "You in there?" | Post Plane Crash
CW: Post traumatic incident (Plane Crash)
Taeyoung and Jesse were taken from the scene first.
Taeyoung was shaking. Even with the emergency blankets, even with the attendants watching him closely, even when he was offered an extra layer.
He couldn’t look out the windows. Being up in the air never made him uneasy before, but each shutter of the helicopter threatened to throw him back into the ocean. He didn’t quite believe that such a horrible thing could be truly over, like he was bound to that island.
It wasn’t right to leave like this, with the fates of three of the members up in the air.
In sharp contrast, Jesse was not shaking. His eyes were hazy, unseeing, it put Taeyoung off.
“Jesse?” He whispered.
“You in there?”
Nothing. Figures. Such a horrible thing couldn’t truly be over.
He rested his head on Jesse’s shoulder.
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whumptimebaby · 7 months
This is me lol! I'm doing Whumptober this year! Not all writing is gonna be 4*Town related, but a fair few are, and this is the first of them.
This is part of the general WhumpTown canon by the way, soooo enjoy that I guess LOL
Looking forward to seeing all the amazing writing this month!!
Down with the sickness
Turning Red | Robaire and Aaron T | Whumptober Day 2 | Thermometer | Delirium
CW: Implied Past Child Abuse/Neglect
Robaire and Aaron T have been quarantined to Aaron's room (they each have a fever) and Robaire still somehow manages to take care of T.
The wee hours of the morning cast a light grey hue over Aaron T’s room. Robaire counted the seconds in each minute, too restless to actually sleep. Aaron T was a heater next to him, softly snoring despite how sick he’d seemed forty minutes ago.
They were both sick. That’s why they were together.
Robaire twisted under the covers and reached for the thermometer on the bedside table. It sat at a steady 20 Celsius, about 11 degrees hotter than it felt. He fiddled with the end of it, watching the little red line reach up higher and higher as his fingertips warmed it.
Aaron mumbled something, so Robaire turned back to face him again. His brows were furrowed. The bed shook along with him.
Robaire shuffled closer, wrapping an arm around him. Aaron nuzzled into him and mumbled something barely legible.
It took everything to stop himself from flinching.
“I’m cold.”
Robaire pulled the covers up higher, pulled him closer, did everything he could to make him comfortable. “I’ve got you.”
Aaron sighed into him, the tension leaving his face as he fell into deeper sleep. Robaire laid there, eyes open, and went back to counting the seconds in each minute.
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whumptimebaby · 8 months
Taeyoung was always attracted to all that glitters and glows. Pride was always going to be the perfect event for him.
Pride Fic is Out!
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whumptimebaby · 8 months
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Wow, I wonder what fic I'm working on
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whumptimebaby · 8 months
Working on the Pride fic right now! Hope y'all are ready for a look at Pride in the early 2000s 😎
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Another tiny little snippet for you to tide y'all over!!
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whumptimebaby · 8 months
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Anyways! I'm just over 2000 words into this fic, and I'm working on part 3/5. Kinda like the beach fic, this fic is more of a series of vignettes than a concrete story, it's just some silly moments of the guys at Pride! I think it's super cute 😎
This fic is super queer-positive, and even though there are mentions of unaccepting parents, it's not about the unaccepting parents, it's about being surrounded by other queer people and feeling that community. It's really an unexplainable feeling!
But yeah! Expect fluff and some sappy stuff! This has been a tiny update 😎
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whumptimebaby · 9 months
I don't know what I was expecting, but here's proof that I'm doing it 💅
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if one person likes this i'll finish the 4*town fic i started for pride 💀
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whumptimebaby · 9 months
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whumptimebaby · 11 months
just dropping in to say that i'm still here 😎
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whumptimebaby · 1 year
Gen question real quick, does anybody know what the DDP in DDPWhumptimebaby means? Is that something that is easy to find??
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whumptimebaby · 1 year
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whumptimebaby · 1 year
so how broken is my heart going to be after this??? i think hella
You know... that is a very good question 😭 there are some pretty crazy things that happen that definitely haven't been talked about publicly, but there's also a lot of fluffy moments!It's definitely gonna vary from year to year.
I think the ending is very bittersweet. Do with that what you will 😎
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whumptimebaby · 1 year
Happy One Year to Turning Red!
I can't believe it's been a whole year since Turning Red released to the public, that is actually crazy. There are no words for what Turning Red has done for me as a person, but you sure as hell know I'm gonna try to explain 😎
I went into Turning Red as a new University student, at a huge transitional period in my life. I had a whole four friends, and more emotions than I knew how to deal with. I'll never forget the feeling of sitting next to two of my IRL's in my Pixar class, and scream singing Nobody Like U as the credits rolled. It felt like middle school again. It felt great to be Canadian, and neurodivergent, and queer, and it felt especially great to be in fandom.
I knew from the moment I walked out of that room that I was going to write fic for 4*Town. I'm a sucker for a boy band, it was bound to happen, but God, I didn't know what was going to become of it. I thought I'd write one or two fics and move on to the next fandom, you know?
I wrote You Know What's Up (It's Us), and about halfway through I had another idea for a fic. It was a commitment, a 15000 word monstrosity that took a month's worth of planning and writing, but finishing it meant the world. To this day, I've never been so nervous to publish a fic.
The plane crash fic changed everything for me, because now I had a universe to play with, not just an interpretation of some characters, so I sat down to work out how everything worked. I created a story spanning from 1995-2014, and chipped away at little moments from it. There was the beach music video, that time Aaron T got kidnapped, that time Jesse got in a car accident, all little snapshots and character studies that were part of something bigger.
I've been wanting to tell the whole story for a while now. There are so many aspects of it that I've been so excited to share, but for a while I just... didn't know how.
I know I haven't been posting fics like I used to, but I promise it was for a reason. I've mentioned a super secret project a couple of times now, and I think today is as good as any to reveal what that is. I've been working on it since July for fuck's sake 😭 It's been killing me not talking about it.
But first! I want to say that the thing I'm most grateful for from this whole thing is meeting @5town and @wondero28. I love both of you so much, and you've really made this community a home for me. Thank you for putting up with my bullshit 🫶🫶
Now without further ado, have a teaser, a sneak peek, a tiny glimpse at 4*Town: The World's Most Tragic Boy Band
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A documentary on 4*Town's career spanning from 1995-2004, and taking place 10 years after they officially disband. The boys talk about the things they've gone through year by year, with behind the scenes footage from their tours, music videos, and rehearsals.
The current plan is to finish the damn thing (💀) and then release each year one at a time with releases twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays, which means the whole thing will be out over the course of five weeks. The format is... to be determined. I have a feeling formatting this for AO3 is going to be hell, but I'll figure it out!
So yeah! That's the super secret project! I'm so excited to show you all the whole thing, because I'm really, really proud of it!
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whumptimebaby · 1 year
Guess who finally wrote for the bingo sheet! 🎉🎉🎉
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Aaron Z and Robaire
Admittedly, Robaire had a hard time with breaks. It wasn't that he felt like he had to be working or anything, he just didn't have hobbies in the same way the other guys did. One day off could be used to catch up on sleep, but the two week break that came after a tour? He didn't know what to do with himself most of the time.
It had been raining pretty hard for the past couple days. The atmosphere in their apartment was extra homey when it rained. The drops pattered on their balcony, white noise to the warm lamplight Robaire was reading under. It was a book he'd read before, it almost always was these days.
Alas, he didn't mind reading on days like that, not most of the time at least. It was just something about that day...
"You're still up?" Aaron Z broke his concentration.
Robaire took a quick glance outside. With how dark the rainy days were, he hadn't noticed the sun setting. "I guess I am."
"You should get some rest."
"I'm not tired." He sunk deeper into his chair. "I'm too rested."
Aaron Z stopped just before reaching the kitchen door. "Me too."
They both stayed still for a moment.
Robaire got up to face the screen door. "What do you like to do when it rains?"
"Honestly? Play."
He hummed in affirmation, and joined Robaire by the door. "I liked shooting hoops when it rained, nobody else was around."
"I see."
"Let's go find a court."
Aaron Z gave Robaire a suspicious look. "Mhm."
"I'm serious."
"If you want to beat me in something, it's not gonna be basketball."
"I just want to do something fun."
He softened. "Okay. You can borrow one of my old pairs of shoes."
"Excuse me?"
The court smelled like rain and freshly mowed grass. It might've been the sweetest thing Robaire had ever smelled. He was seriously considering going back to the company that offered him a cologne deal, he wanted the whole world to smell that.
Neither of them were particularly dressed for the weather. Aaron Z had advised him to wear something with a hood, but he'd opted not to change. It wasn't like he couldn't handle the cold.
The rain had only grown harder since they'd left their apartment, but Robaire didn't care. While Aaron Z was shooting a few hoops to practice, Robaire hopped from puddle to puddle.
"Having fun?" Aaron Z asked without looking.
In all honesty? "Loads."
"You're a lot more relaxed." It was an observation, warm in tone.
Robaire laughed, real and high instead of his practiced chuckle. "I love the rain."
Aaron Z took a moment to watch him jump into another puddle. "I bet I could make it splash higher than you."
"It's on."
Robaire backed away as Aaron Z braces to sprint at it, basketball tucked in his arm. He bolted suddenly, leaping and landing gracefully. The splash was adequate, but Robaire could do better.
"Please," Robaire teased, kicking a couple times to shake water out of his shoes, "that was cute."
"Cute? I'd like to see you do better."
"Ask and you shall receive."
It was time to commit.
Robaire lounged, stretching his hips. Aaron Z crossed his arms. "You're stalling."
"Oh no, believe me." He stretched out his neck next, then his arms.
Robaire bent his knees, took a breath, and jumped.
His form was perfect, the ample angle for ultimate puddle splashage.
Or in other words, he landed flat on his ass. Droplets of water reached as high as his face. Giggling, he laid back in the puddle. The cold water seeped into his shirt, but that didn't matter when he could feel the rain on his skin.
"You're ridiculous."
Robaire sighed. "Thanks for coming out with me."
He sat back up. "Pass."
Aaron Z threw him the ball.
"Thank you." He hopped back onto his feet and dribbled a few times. "I missed this."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhm." He shot for the hoop. The ball didn't come close. "Used to play road hockey like this."
"Of course you did."
"Honestly? I just liked playing outside."
"Me too." Aaron Z scooped up the ball and tossed it back to him. "Go again, softer."
Robaire tried again. It came a little closer.
They never ended up actually playing any basketball. It might've been nicer that way, just chatting and shooting hoops in the rain. Robaire didn't get much better, but that didn't matter.
He was having fun. Innocent fun. A different kind of fun from the usual 4*Town stuff. It wasn't better or worse, just different. Refreshing. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this young.
He'd have to get the rest of the guys to do something like this soon. It was a feeling he wanted the whole world to feel.
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I have no clue what I'm going to do with it yet, but feel free to use it for whatever you want! I also have templates, but I'm gonna reblog with those so they aren't obnoxious 😭 (I'm on my phone right now LMAO)
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whumptimebaby · 1 year
hi it’s broken heart here and fuck im dead now, i keep re reading your fics and i won’t lie i’m absolutely sobbing, laughing, crying and giggling
mix of emotions but i love them
I'm not gonna lie, I really miss posting for 4*town 👀 It's not that I haven't been writing, I still have that one super big project on the way (teehee), but WOW I miss building up to a release :,)
Thank you for being so kind ❤️ It's always a joy to hear from you!
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whumptimebaby · 1 year
Heyyyy guess who wrote a fic
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