whynotshaveme · 1 day
"Everyone watching will want to rub your head after. Let them."
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme content.)
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whynotshaveme · 1 day
She knew how ridiculous she looked without her hair or eyebrows, but she also knew that true pleasure required sacrifice.
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Despite the extreme humiliation of her latest punishment, a head and eyebrow shave, the girl couldn't help but smile when it was done. She knew that her next shower would feel amazing.
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme content.)
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whynotshaveme · 3 days
When Kelsey got home that night, she took a shower. As she looked at herself in the mirror for the first time, bald as a cueball, she thought, I deserve this. Then she picked up her razor to take care of the rest of the hair on her body, including her eyebrows.
Charity Isn't A Joke
By whynotshaveme
The annual county fair was in full swing, with laughter, music, and the clinking of game prizes filling the warm summer air. Brightly colored lights twinkled around the fairgrounds, casting a festive glow on the crowds that wandered from one attraction to the next. Among the various booths and stalls, one in particular drew a steady stream of attention—a charity head shave booth with a long line of men waiting to be shaved bald.
Kelsey, a teenage girl with flowing blonde hair, walked past the booth with her friends. Her long golden locks caught the attention of many in the crowd, wondering if she'd consider sacrificing her hair for charity. They had grown bored of just seeing men in the barber's chair.
As they approached the booth, one of Kelsey’s friends nudged her playfully. She noticed the stares. "Hey, Kels, why don’t you get in line? Give these rubes a show."
Kelsey rolled her eyes, laughing. "Yeah, right."
Her friends giggled, and another chimed in, "Come on, it would be hilarious! You wouldn't actually have to shave your head. You could just get in the line, take some pictures, and then back out before it’s your turn."
Kelsey smirked. It seemed harmless enough of a prank. "Alright, fine," she said with a grin. "I’ll get in line, but don’t think for a second I’m actually going through with it."
The crowd cheered as Kelsey joined the line, still smirking. As it moved forward, she watched as one person after another took their seat in the barber’s chair. The closer she got to the front, the more uneasy she began to feel. The barber was ruthless. Each head that left his chair left as bald as a cueball. She glanced back at her friends, who were still laughing and chatting, seemingly unaware of her growing anxiety.
When Kelsey was only a few people away from the chair, her unease turned into outright fear. Time to make my grand exit, she thought, before, this joke goes too far enough. She turned to step out of the line, but, as she did, she felt a strong hand clamp down on her shoulder.
"Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?" a deep voice rumbled behind her.
Kelsey spun around to find herself face-to-face with a tall, broad-shouldered man. It was one of the men who had already been shaved and stuck around to volunteer. "Uh, sorry," Kelsey stammered, trying to laugh it off. "I wasn’t actually planning on shaving my head."
The man shook his head. "You’re in line now, and you’re staying in line."
Kelsey’s heart began to race. "No, really, I need to go. I can’t do this! I've been growing out my hair since I was 8!"
The man’s grip tightened, and his tone grew colder. "I don’t think you understand. You’re not leaving this line until you've had your turn in the chair."
Kelsey’s stomach churned with fear as she realized she was trapped. Her friends were too far away to help, and the crowd around the booth had thickened. There was no room for escape.
Before she knew it, the man was pushing her forward, forcing her towards the barber’s chair. "No, please!" Kelsey begged, her voice trembling. "I don’t want to do this!"
The crowd began to laugh and cheer, their voices cruel and mocking. "Too late to back out now, bitch!" one of them shouted. "Time for a haircut!"
Kelsey was eased into the chair by the waiting barber. He grabbed a cape, draped it over her shoulders, and secured it around her neck. "Looks like we’ve got a fussy one," the barber sneered, "Don’t worry, princess, I'll take care of that attitude along with your hair." Then he picked up his clippers.
"Please, don’t do this!" she cried, trying to pull away.
But the barber was having none of it. He held her in place by grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking her head back. "Sit still," he growled.
Kelsey whimpered, her body trembling as the clippers were brought to her forehead. The barber drove them straight through the middle of her long, blonde hair as she squirmed and cried in his chair. The crowd erupting into cruel laughter and applause as her hair started to tumble to the ground. They were finally getting a good show.
"Look at her, she’s crying!" someone in the crowd jeered.
"She’ll be crying a lot more when she’s bald!" another shouted.
"Quit your squirming, girl!" the barber snapped, yanking her head to the side as he continued with the clippers. "You will just prolong your time in my chair!"
The crowd’s taunts grew louder, their laughter cruel and mocking as Kelsey’s hair fell to the ground in piles. Finally, the clippers fell silent, and she hoped it was over. Her cheeks burnt with shame as she became a public spectacle. But it wasn't over. The barber reached for a can of shaving cream.
"Can’t leave any stubble, now can we?" he sneered, lathering her head with the thick, white foam. "We need to make sure it’s nice and smooth."
Kelsey’s heart sank as she felt the cold cream being slathered over her head. The barber’s rough hands rubbed it in, coating every inch of her scalp. The crowd watched the teenaged beauty's continued humiliation eagerly.
"Please, stop," Kelsey whispered, her voice barely audible.
The barber ignored her, picking up a safety razor. "Hold still, or you’ll get cut," he warned, as he began to scrape the razor over her scalp.
When he finally finished shaving her, he rubbed her bald head roughly with a dirty white towel, used on everyone before her. Proclaiming her "makeover finally done", he smirked as he removed the cape, letting the remnants of her hair fall to the floor.
But the humiliation wasn’t over. When she tried to stand up, the barber grabbed her and bent her over his knee. "Oh no, you don’t," he growled, pulling down her shorts, "I promised you an attitude adjustment, and you're going to get one, missy."
The crowd cheered as he raised his hand and brought it down hard on her exposed backside, the sharp crack of the spank echoing through the air.
"That’s for making such a fuss!" he barked, delivering another stinging spank. "You’re not getting off that easy!"
Kelsey cried out in pain, her face burning with shame as the man spanked her in front of the jeering crowd. Each spank was harder than the last, her body trembling with humiliation. When he finally let her go, Kelsey collapsed on the ground, her body shaking with sobs and the crowd's cruel applause ringing in her ears.
"Serves her right!" someone shouted.
"Look at the princess now!" another taunted, "Shaved and then spanked."
One of Kelsey's friends emerged from the crowd to help her to her feet. From the guilty expression on her friend's face as they walked away, she knew that she wasn't the same girl anymore. As she felt her head, now as smooth as marble, tears dripped down her face. Her time in the chair had taught her that charity was no joke.
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whynotshaveme · 3 days
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The girl agreed to let her boyfriend shave her head. My hair's damaged anyways, she thinks, grimacing as her dark hair falls away. It will grow back nice. She doesn't know that he's planning on keeping her shaved and, within, a year, she will be his boyfriend, not his girlfriend.
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme content.)
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whynotshaveme · 3 days
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"I promised you that you'd be a changed woman under my care."
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme.)
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whynotshaveme · 3 days
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Despite the extreme humiliation of her latest punishment, a head and eyebrow shave, the girl couldn't help but smile when it was done. She knew that her next shower would feel amazing.
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme content.)
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whynotshaveme · 5 days
"It's a shame. You had such beautiful long hair when you came to me. But you knew what you were giving up when you acted out and didn't follow my rules."
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whynotshaveme · 5 days
"You have to be stern with your brats!"
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whynotshaveme · 8 days
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"Who knows where this fat slut's been? We just gave her the full head to toe shave and were just about to give her a good scrubdown."
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme content.)
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whynotshaveme · 8 days
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"Why are you crying, bitch? Your debts need to be paid somehow."
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme content.)
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whynotshaveme · 8 days
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The girl couldn't help but smile during her humiliation headshave. She had been planning it for weeks afterall. She even found a fetish movie producer willing to pay for the privilege. Also her friend, who agreed to come along "as moral support", would be forced into the barber's chair after her. She couldn't wait to see the look on her face when that happened.
(Check out more whynotshaveme content via my Amazon Kindle store.)
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whynotshaveme · 12 days
"This one cried when I cut off her long hair, but she keeps coming back to my clippers."
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whynotshaveme · 12 days
"She kept complaining that I was getting cum in her hair, so I needed to solve the problem."
(Check out more whynotshaveme content via my Kindle Amazon store.)
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whynotshaveme · 15 days
"Another transgression, slave. You know what that means. You're going totally bald and losing those eyebrows."
(You can check out more whynotshaveme content at my Amazon Kindle store.)
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whynotshaveme · 15 days
"Nothing like making a beautiful woman look like a new recruit entering bootcamp. It keeps them humble."
(Check out more whynotshaveme content on my Amazon Kindle store.)
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whynotshaveme · 17 days
"You're a skinhead girl now. You need to look the part, babes, or the boys won't want to date you."
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme content.)
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whynotshaveme · 17 days
"Head shaved, binder on. Finally looking sharp, lad."
(Check out my Amazon Kindle store for more whynotshaveme content.)
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