whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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i miss them
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
why is this so cute...arrrggghhhh
Who worries about how they will look when they’re older
Neither of them worries about that now lmao or Yixing if only because he worries that he’ll never stop being cute and finally age into just being handsome like he wants to
Who makes the mix tapes/cd’s
Yixing, although he’ll start making a playlist and then abandon it halfway through for another playlist idea, leaving Kyungsoo with half a million partially finished playlists to sift through on their spotify account
Clings to the other during scary movies
Yixing, but you know to be fair he also clings to the stranger to the other side of him during scary movies. He’ll also lean forward to try and grab the person in front of him so he has 3 points of support but Kyungsoo will usually grab him before that happens
Gets into the shower with the other randomly
Kyungsoo, he likes to help Yixing wash up sometimes. He’s usually drawn when Yixing is singing in there. Sometimes he’ll just listen while he washes Yixing’s back and sometimes they’ll have an impromptu karaoke competition.
Flashes the other when they walk by after taking a shower alone
Kyungsoo. It makes Yixing laugh almost every time. When he doesn’t laugh he makes a confused expression that makes Kyungsoo laugh. 
Initiates hand holding while the other is driving
Kyungsoo. He initiates the majority of hand holding when they’re by themselves. 
Secretly tries to touch the other in naughty places during public/family events
I would say Yixing but he’s not really secret about it lmao. At family events he’ll keep his hands to himself because he knows it will make Kyungsoo the bad kind of irritated, but when they’re out shopping it’s fair game to grab some ass while they’re going up the escalator. He risks getting his own ass pinched later but it’s a risk worth taking.
Asks weird questions in the middle of the night
Kyungsoo. Yea, Yixing will ask some weird questions out of the blue during the waking hours, but Kyungsoo reigns in trying to start debates about weird shit at 2 in the morning while Yixing is passed out or trying to pass out. Then in the morning when Yixing has the energy to acknowledge the question Kyungsoo pretends it never happened. Weird Kyungsoo hours are from 1 am to 5 am.
Asks “what are you thinking about?”
Yixing and Kyungsoo equally. 
Always has to be touching the other, (if either of them do)
Yixing. He’s not clingy but he’ll find a reason to brush up against Kyungsoo when they’re out together or randomly fix his hair or his clothes. 
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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The fog in my heart slowly disperses Your outline becomes clear (Oh baby, yeah) All the scenery pauses in my eyes There’s only you breathing Please don’t allow me to not belong to you
One and only - laysoo as exo songs 1/?
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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Lay talking about kyungsoo?
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
hello! do you have some (preferably) kaisoo domestic!au fics? maybe ones that involve kids and/or pregnancy uwu thank you
I’m back in business (kind of). I’ve been sick for a long time, but I’m starting to feel better and I can start posting again now. I didn’t find a lot for this ask because of reasons like the one above, but since it’s been so long I decided to just give you what I got until now.
Morning Sickness
It’s me that loves you the most
Bye Bye Sadness (Hello My Love)
A homey moment
Beside Manner
I’ll Take Care of You
You can also check out my last post from 4000 years ago here, where I answered a similar ask.
- Admin ila
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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who needs hq pics when the content is this good 😔
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
(Laysoo) Finale
Kyungsoo’s never been good with compliments, but he has his own ways of making Yixing feel appreciated.
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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um, thanks i guess
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
i joined right before the universe era so I’ve yet to experience ot9 and laysoo/xingsoo who do I report to for emotional damage
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
What’s this?”
“My dream journal.”
Yixing took another curious look at the book in his hands, drumming his fingers up against the hardcover. He knew that Kyungsoo recently took to keeping a journal but he didn’t know that he had one just dedicated to dreams. This journal looked worn though, it might have been around longer than the other one.
“Can I look at it?”
“You can read it all if you want to.”
Yixing looked up at him in surprise. He’d expected Kyungsoo to try to get the journal from him and give Yixing an opportunity to tease him a bit or wrestle with him for a while. “I was just kidding.”
“I wasn’t,” Kyungsoo said as he tossed another suitcase onto his new bed. “Knock yourself out.”
Yixing gave Kyungsoo a minute to change his mind. He watched as Kyngsoo alternated his attention between the pile of underwear he had to refold and the TV that hung on the wall in front of the bed. When he opened the cover of it and Kyungsoo responded by throwing unpaired socks out of his suitcase Yixing pressed on, curious about the contents.
The first entry was dated a couple of years before they met, Kyungsoo had to have been just starting his 3rd year of college. I was a bear. Why am I always a bear? That was the entirety of it. Yixing chuckled.
“I’m not gonna call you cute right now,” Yixing said.
“Don’t fight what you feel,” Kyungsoo responded.
Yixing read more of the journal. A lot of the entries were just as short as the first one which felt very much like Kyungsoo: no frills, to the point. There were quite a few entries about being a bear.
“You dream about being a bear a lot.”
Kyungsoo sighed. “Yea.”
“You’d...you’d tell me if you were secretly a bear, right?”
Silence. Yixing looked up at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo grabbed the bag of toiletries he packed. “I should put these away.”
“I’d still love you if you were!” Yixing called after Kyungsoo as he made his way out of his bedroom.
Yixing thumbed through more entries. Even though they were brief they were so nice to see, the glimpse of what went on in Kyungsoo’s head. He had plenty of bear dreams but he also had a lot of dreams about open water, something he seemed to question just as much.
Hot guy on bus asked me to swim. Asked him if it was a trap. He laughed at me and left.
Yixing looked at the date on it. It was the year that they met. Yixing assumed he was the hot guy on the bus since Kyungsoo said that was where he saw Yixing for the first time. There was a hot waiter entry that Yixing knew was him as well, that was when Kyungsoo found out he worked at a Chinese restaurant near campus that his aunt owed. Eventually hot waiter disappeared in favor of Yixing’s name, just a while before their first date.
“You dream about me a lot too,” he said when Kyungsoo came back into the room.
Kyungsoo did not sigh. “Yea. Would you still love me if I was secretly you?”
Yixing wanted to laugh. Instead he asked, “are you still going to dream about me this year?”
Kyungsoo gathered some socks in his hands. “Apparently whatever you dream about is based on whatever you think about right before you fall asleep. If that’s true then yea, I won’t dream of anything but you. Also bears.”
Yixing wanted to laugh about that too, but the thoughts he tried so hard to avoid over the past months hit him full force. Yixing’s flight back home was tomorrow and then they were going to be apart for more than a year. Kyungsoo’s supervisor said they might have some communication but also told them not to get their hopes up for too much. This was what Kyungsoo wanted to do and Yixing wouldn’t dare be so selfish to hold him back from that but...a whole year and an ocean apart.
He was perfectly aware that he was crying now. He was aware of Kyungsoo’s hands on him, guiding him until they were tangled up together on Kyungsoo’s new bed. He was aware of telling Kyungsoo just how much he would miss him.
“I always carry you with me, but I’ll still miss you too.”
Yixing was aware crying a bit more, falling asleep listening to Kyungsoo’s soothing voice, waking up in his arms when the light outside had faded. He curled in closer to Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo’s arm tightened around him. Yixing hoped the year would blur by.
“I love you,” Kyungsoo said.
“I love you too.”
Yixing leaned into the kiss he was given. “So, do you think about bears a lot before bed or...?”
“I don’t judge you for flirting with the seals at the zoo you can’t judge me for this."
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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🌸 the softest 🌸
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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LaySoo was so cute😍😍☺️
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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university/college boyfriends!au?! 🎓 ✨ | © 向日葵般的温暖_兴x
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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i guess yixing’s video reached kyungsoo’s heart after all lol
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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Laysoo moments
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whynotxingsoo · 4 years
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Picture of innocence at the front and not so much at the back
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