wias-blog · 4 months
Remember Pride Month activates all queer folks Advantage Rolls on every single check, so watch out.
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wias-blog · 5 months
Are you being a good girl?
no I’m chewing on electrical cords
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wias-blog · 6 months
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wias-blog · 1 year
and to add to that, why did Ichikawa make them "apologize" to Welegato in Party at the End?
Wait there's people that genuinely hate Ghost Quartz? Like, the only thing I can actually think of that would make people dislike Ghost Quartz is the way they talked to Cairngorm while the Lunarians were shredding them off of Cairngorm. Even then, Ghost Quartz wasn't hateful of Cairngorm themselves, just the way they so carelessly put the two of them in danger because Cairngorm was still grieving over Lapis Lazuli's abduction. Plus, Ghost Quartz never actually held Cairngorm back, that was literally misinformation spread by Aechmea to get Cairngorm to detach from Phosphophyllite in whatever way he could, which also meant lying to Cairngorm entirely.
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wias-blog · 1 year
wouldn't it be dumb if I accidentally let my bf use my phone on a date and he accidentally found my notes app and found the notes I have of him and read all fifteen paragraphs I jotted about him yeah that would be so dumb and stupid and this is all TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL-
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wias-blog · 1 year
although I hate the lunarians for all the problems they've caused, and being able to get what they want and all, I do appreciate Ichikawa making the party at the end artwork, it's absolutely stunning and I love the fashion. Just a life of pure luxury I wish phos was able to experience.
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wias-blog · 1 year
I don’t agree with everything you say, but I’m so glad there’s a person that doesn’t hate Cairngorm and sees the problematic things in their relationship.
from what I’m seeing most of the fandom is like this:
-knows they got groomed, but still hates them
-victim blaming
-“the relationship is healthy and Cairn is a trans allegory!”
I’m completely fine with trans ppl but cairn is not the character to headcanon as trans.
Also I barely see any talk about cairn now soooo, thanks! (sorry for the long text)
Omg no you're totally fine! But I notice that too, where people just hate Cairngorm entirely and thinks they're a bitch for no reason or think what happened to them is a positive transgender story and don't even realize the implications of their statements matched with that specific character. I HAVE seen some people just straight up Hate Cairngorm entirely when...like, I can understand why you may hate them, but their reasons just kind of start to sound like they blame Cairngorm and not Cairngorm's oppressor.
And honestly I hate people that wanna paste Cairngorm with the transgender girlboss wifegirl label because holy shit that is far from a transgender allegory story. It's insane to see a story about somebody who struggled with their image get actively groomed and brainwashed into become a "wife" of all things, with extremely revealing outfits, a shiro to "help" them "practice" with being a "mother" (iirc), and even being completely isolated from everybody else (done so by their oppressor, Aechmea) and then see people say it was a "transgender awakening" for them. This is supposedly the "good ending" for them (afaik), so the way they were groomed is seen as Good and Fine and Endgame by EVERYONE...except Phos? And Phos was just painted as the "jealous ex" even though they technically lost a partner...and losing a partner as a gem can be extremely traumatic. And it was extremely traumatic for Phos, as it was for them to lose Antartc, its just that now people can just say "well Cairngorm is happy why can't Phos be happy for them" when there's a REASON why Phos wasn't happy for Cairngorm.
I don't hate Cairngorm at all, but I DO hate what became of them as a result. It genuinely got extremely uncomfortable for me to read a story about a character get so deeply groomed that they're no longer the same character they started out as, and not even for any good reason. I really wish more people would warn for that bit, since it seems to be a huge oversight when people recommend this story to others.
I also just miss what Houseki was before the Moon Arc. I think that part is still relatively enjoyable...Cairngorm was extremely interesting and moments we got with them and the other gems that weren't Phos were very nice little breaks from them being simply a narrative tool. We got to see them for how they were and not just for the relationship they have with Phos, and that should have been explored more honestly. Imo.
Sorry this got really long! I'm extremely autistic for this series and its characters.
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wias-blog · 1 year
Some thoughts on houseki no kuni: mainly focused on Welegato/Cairngorm- Enma's toxic relationship and theories on what will happen to Phos
TW!!!: abusive relationship and phos wishing to die
So to start off, I've been checking in on HNKs page here and some of yall really like to argue and threaten others over fiction characters, like please stop and act civil these characters AREN'T REAL. it is not okay to threaten or insult others based on their opinion on fiction.
Okay, now to the story. As someone who has been in an abusive relationship, I see the same resemblance in Welegato's relationship with Enma. Enma acted like a "savior" to Welegato. and to all who say, "He wasn't manipulating Cairn" fail to notice the panels in which he states that he got Cairn away from phos on purpose to make phos a divine being to pray.
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It is vague, but it is enough to realize Enma tricked Welegato and all the other gems to stay away from Phos. If you look at other parts of the story, you can see how Enma pushes himself onto Cairn, using their innocence and naivety to his advantage. Cairn/Welegato became a glorified trophy wife. In all honesty, I pity them more than I hate them because they never realized what was going on. They complied to whatever Enma said and wanted because they thought he truly loved them. For example, the scene in which he says Ghost is controlling him through Cairn's eyes. This made Cairn have a full-blown panic attack and shatter. What did Enma do to help them calm down? Nothing, he stood there, putting his plan into action. He did this because when He took out the quartz from Cairns eye, he knew Cairn would see him as someone who saved him from his long gone outer shell. Now to Ghost Quartz, in my opinion, was never abusive towards Cairn. they did the things they saw that were needed to stay in control of their body. Ghost may not have cared about Cairn inside them because they saw them as someone who got in the way of their life. Cairn was very violent, numerous times, we've seen them punch and break Phos out of anger. Even on the moon, they become cruel towards Phos and insult them numerous times. Enma just made Cairn/Welegato more spoiled and violent. That's the main issue. Bad relationships are hard to recognize until you see for yourself what you've become. In this case, Welegato never got to see how bad this was and stayed that way until they turned into nothingness. I'm very sad at this fact because Welegato had so much potential as a character. They have a good back story about identity and becoming something great, but it was washed down to a babied brat who turned their back on someone who needed them most. I think Welegatos' story is a story where the happy ending was never actually happy. They never got to realize who they could actually become, instead becoming controlled by another person.
With all that said and done let's move on to the next topic: Phos
Phos has said in the latest chapter (102, ps. spoilers ahead!!!) that they wish to eradicate their own existence. This can go either of two most likely ways. Phos fails to do this and learns to live with the human inside their inclusions or successes and goes into nothingness. There is a third was this can go, where all the lunarians are brought back or he finds out nothingness is an afterlife where all the others are. (knowing Ichikawa, this will NEVER happen :/). My next question is, how will this happen? Will Adamants brother be able to help Phos or will it not work? Until the next chapter we can only theorize.
that's all. Feel free to comment on what your theories are! - Autie
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wias-blog · 1 year
If Cairngorm’s personality on the moon was entirely 100% completely nothing but the product of grooming, then… what do people even think she’s like? What is Cairngorm like? Just an essentially unhappy person who naturally hates being alive, and hates doing anything? That’s the best way for them to be? I really don’t get it.
No wonder people don’t like her, if they think she literally has NO personality. Doesn’t explain why she gets so much MORE hate than the guy who supposedly groomed her, but I have some theories on that one…
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wias-blog · 1 year
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wias-blog · 2 years
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wias-blog · 2 years
some of yall dont seem to get that an agender person acquiring an interest in dresses, adopting feminine terms, and making other changes to their personal style does not mean they’ve become a woman 
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wias-blog · 2 years
I'm gonna say something controversial, but I would have preferred to have Cairngorm be straight up destroyed by Aechmea rather than have us watch them be fully groomed for two whole volumes. Giving Aechmea a "wife" was the WORST thing Ichikawa has written and its one of the most infuriatingly horrible elements of her entire story
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wias-blog · 2 years
I hope I'm not the only one obsessed with Lunarian fashion in Houseki no kuni.
#Houseki no kuni #lotl
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wias-blog · 2 years
I had a dream that I was playing with crystal slime with a fluffy cow in some outdoorsy place, it was so PEACEFUL and NICE and CALM and do you realize how angry I was when I woke up to find out it was a dream.
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wias-blog · 2 years
Sooooo, were just not gonna bring up Phos becoming A LITERAL GOD IN HOUSEKI NO KUNI???
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wias-blog · 2 years
forced memory
I think somewhere along the line
I burned your image in my mind
keeping it till I know you're okay
but not even the sun can burn
as brightly as it did dimly on your face
that lonely morning
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