wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
friendly reminder that even if i take ages to reply, i still want to roleplay with you
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
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✿ Underneath the oppressing blanket of tension hanging in the air, Mio said nothing and simply hung her head, gaze fixated on the scuff marks adorning her loafers. She knew it, and her suspicions had been all but confirmed; she was going to die. They were going to kill her. “…” She couldn’t stop trembling even now as she bit down on her bottom lip so hard that she broke through her own skin, leaving her with the taste of iron flooding her mouth.
    ‘We should find you somewhere for you to sleep’, their leader said. ‘I think there’s a spare room somewhere’. He was going to slaughter her like a pig, wasn’t he? He was going to isolate her in a separate room, and then– well, she’d be left sleeping with the fishes tonight. And there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. These men outnumbered her five to one, and even if she were to try and run, they’d be able to catch her using their ‘Stands’.
   The struggle had ended before it could have even begun. Between snivels and choked-back sobs, Mio managed to croak out a weak ‘yes’ in reply. This was the end; she was never going home. Goodbye, Mama. Goodbye, Papa. They were never going to meet again. “Y-You’ll make it quick, r-right…?” Quick and painless, that’s how she’d prefer to go out. But was that even possible? “I-I’m scared…. I-I don’t want… I don’t want to d-die like this…”
   She hadn’t even noticed that she’d said that last part out loud. “I don’t… want to die…”
  Harper was confused, taken back even, what was she going on about? Kill her? When did they ever mention something like that? “What? What the hell are you going on about?” He got back down to her level and put his hands on her shoulders with a firm but comfortable grip “Kill you? What gave you the idea that we were going to kill you?”
  The white haired man shook her ever so slightly, urging a response out of her “We don’t have a reason to kill you, not one it’s not how we handle th-” His attention was drawn behind him, another member of the group had left and now returned with a large blanket, the bearded man walked around to Mio and placed the soft, kitten decorated sheet over the girl with Harper tugging it around her body.
  “Good idea Danylo.” Harper responded, looking back to the fearful girl before him “We... We don’t hurt innocent people only threats and look at you, how the fuck could you be a threat to us? Seriously.”
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
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✿ A coincidence? Or was it fate? The girl knitted her brows, foraging through her memories- yes, she had come down with a terrible fever around the age of four or five, as her mother had recounted to her time and time again. She’d been left bedridden by her illness, and every doctor they visited would hand out a different diagnosis; fever, flu, pneumonia… at one point, she’d even been hospitalized.
   For a while, her family feared that she was dying, and there was nothing to be done about it, no treatments that would bring her relief. It was practically a miracle that she’d survived at all. Mio nodded slowly, “Yes, I have.” Even if she couldn’t remember those days that had long since passed her by, her family would never be able to rid themselves of those scars. 
   They’d also told her that she’d made up an imaginary friend to cope with her own loneliness at the time, since she was unable to play with any kids around her age. Even after she’d made a full recovery, she still clung to「UNDER PRESSURE」fervently. And if Luca was to be believed, this mysterious illness very well could have been the source of all her woes.
   “Is that… a bad thing?” Mio questioned aloud beneath the bespectacled man’s cold gaze. “To have a Stand, I mean.” Her polite way of asking whether or not they were going to kill her.
  Luca almost decided to leave her without an answer, he simply couldn’t be bothered answering a question he didn’t have a straight answer to. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses around as he did. Eventually he came up with what he thought would be a half decent answer.
  “Yes, it would be a bad thing.” He started bluntly, giving Mio is typical hard glare “Our stands have been handy in some cases, but they draw too much attention and now we’ve been finding people who also have these abilities and many haven’t shared our, motivations...” Luca had clearly had enough of dealing with the girl, after he had finished talking he promptly left without another word, almost like a disappointed parent.
 An Air of discomfort fell over the group for a moment, Harper eventually breaking the silence, “Well, looks like its getting pretty late we should find somewhere for you to sleep.” His voice was tired, of all things dealing with this girl had exhausted him. “I think there’s a spare room somewhere, it’s probably small though.”
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
At his last words, she huffed through her nose.
“H-Hey, I’m not a coward! It just seems like you’ve been doing this stuff for a while…” What was the point of playing with someone who could just possibly cheat their way to a victory? Well…he hasn’t walked off with everything yet, and he seemed…disappointed when she said she wouldn’t? Masumi sighed, looking at the man in front of her. 
“Alright, I’ll play…but if by chance I do win,” she spoke, a brief and determined–even a bit playful–glint in her eye, ”I still want that free lunch along with my case back!”
  Harper cocked his head back, hiding his excitement by clasping his hands together, now impressed by such a strong motivation and her determination didn’t go unnoticed either, after that look Harper knew he was going to have some fun.
  “Good, good. You got me a little sad there.” He took off into the cafe just before Masumi, but as quickly as he walked in he turned and blocked her way in. “Ah, we can’t do anything before we know each other’s names.” He offered his hand out towards the girl “You can call me Harper.”
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
Cont. from x @softgalaxygirl
Harper’s look shifted from a slight anticipation to disappointment, he was hoping for someone new to have a game with, at least a change of pace from other suits and people looking to make a fortune, this time he just wanted an honest game or perhaps to even teach someone how to play.
  “Well if you’re going to give up so easily why not play, huh? You haven’t got anything to lose, right? Except maybe a free lunch.” He waggled the case around in the air again hoping to draw some kind of response.
  He searched his mind of anything that could compel her further, perhaps pride? She had already proven him wrong by confronting him in such a way, perhaps she would defend her own ego. “I lied about the lunch thing, you could lose your pride too, if you don’t play, huh? I won’t think any less of you if you take up my offer and get beat, but if you just walk away like a coward...”
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
Send me a ♡ +ship (or url!) and Ill answer...
Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection 
Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex 
Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates 
Would my character… 
Marry them? Yes | No  Have sex on the first date? Yes | No Confess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
The girl took out her phone after seeing a familiar looking phone cover in the other’s hands. It had a cute ocean scene with cute-ified marine animals on it along with a squishy 3D seal laying on the back. The same one she had changed out to about a month ago. Seeing her device now naked and vulnerable, she looked quite surprised.
“H…How did you do that?!” Masumi stuttered, looking in disbelief yet again. She should be upset about this man just picking her pocket like that…but a part of her was admitedly impressed. She didn’t even feel the guy take it off of her phone.
  This time her response actually managed to pull a smile from Harper, however more of a cocky smile this time. It was rare he got this kind of reaction, usually it was a lack of interest or a suspicious look, rarely impressed however.
  “You were just so focused on what you were doing before that you were an easy target.” He offered her the phone case before a thought jolted into his head, causing him to pull it back hold it closer to himself, “I, uh, Suppose you realize this could have been a wallet, a purse or the phone itself right? Could have kept it for the cash, right?”
  A almost sinister smirk replaced the confident smile, he tapped the item against his chest in thought before giving the girl a proposition, “Actually this is a pretty cute case, my sister knows someone who would absolutely love this. How about we play a game of cards for it? You win i give your case back and buy you lunch for your trouble. If i win? I keep this case for myself. Deal?”
“Are you stupid or something?”
Wait, what? The young woman looked towards the source of the voice with an expression leading to disbelief. He was–admittedly–a good looking man, but that didn’t matter at the moment. Who the hell talks to someone that way? Especially considering she had never seen this guy before in her life!
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Even if his stare was intimidating and she was one to avoid conflict, she wasn’t going to let some guy she didn’t even know just call her names, at least not without saying something. Her expression changed to something displeased before she spoke up.
“I know I’m not the brightest bulb in the bunch compared to some, but at least I don’t go around calling people I don’t know ‘stupid’ like that…” 
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
  It was a weekend afternoon and Harper was at his usual spot outside of a main street cafe. He was waiting for people who looked like they weren’t focused or too focused on something else, anyone who looked like they wouldn’t notice a purse, wallet or any kind if valuable item going missing for a second. He wasn’t planning on keeping them, rather giving them back to the person, using it to strike up a conversation.
  He almost laughed when he got a response, nearly cracking a smile. Harper wasn’t expecting someone like that would even consider talking back to him in such a way, perhaps she shouldn’t have misjudged the girl. He took a few steps towards her, brushing hair out of his face.
  “Yeah you’re right, huh.” He started “But maybe you should have been listening to me before it called you an idiot right?.” He flashed an item he had stolen off of her, cocking his head to the side “Look familiar?”
“Are you stupid or something?”
Wait, what? The young woman looked towards the source of the voice with an expression leading to disbelief. He was–admittedly–a good looking man, but that didn’t matter at the moment. Who the hell talks to someone that way? Especially considering she had never seen this guy before in her life!
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Even if his stare was intimidating and she was one to avoid conflict, she wasn’t going to let some guy she didn’t even know just call her names, at least not without saying something. Her expression changed to something displeased before she spoke up.
“I know I’m not the brightest bulb in the bunch compared to some, but at least I don’t go around calling people I don’t know ‘stupid’ like that…” 
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
This man was lucky he wasn’t getting punched in the face right then and there with how he was acting. shoving cards in his face and asking him to play a game of cards for his wallet like it was some sort… trap… At the realization of this trap, Ombra glared at the man, no one, no one fools the master thief.
Sorry, I don’t think I’m going to be humoring you in your little card game. There’s too much to lose for that. Quite frankly I don’t care if you have a condition, you’re going to give me back my wallet.  
Vincenzo opened his coat and took out a pistol. He wasn’t about to play into this man’s childish games if he didn’t have to  Slowly, he raised the gun to the man’s head and stepped back. Tell me. His hands were pull, he couldn’t talk to the man, but this could be fairly convincing. Ombra wasn’t willing to kill the man, he didn’t do murder, but the gun might be a good enough warning for the man to give him back his wallet. There was a lot of money in there.
  A gun, Harper had to think fast, a word flashed in his mind. Run. He took a slow step back, glancing behind himself for some kind of getaway route. Perfect, an alleyway.
  “Listen, i think you should think about what you’re doing, just for a second, i didn’t want trouble like this I...” He was talking quick, thinking of his plan as he did, “I...just.” And with a lightning fast action Harper’s stand「TINT LITTLE ROBOTS」sprung forward, a fist crashing into his victim’s arm. 
  The russian was already running by the time the stand had disappeared, sprinting towards the nearest gap between buildings, stolen wallet in hand.
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
New 👏 better 👏 tags 👏 dump
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
Because these get around quicker than normal promos Reblog or Like this post if you want to interact with a part 4/5 Stand gang.
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
This man was lucky he wasn’t getting punched in the face right then and there with how he was acting. shoving cards in his face and asking him to play a game of cards for his wallet like it was some sort… trap… At the realization of this trap, Ombra glared at the man, no one, no one fools the master thief.
Sorry, I don’t think I’m going to be humoring you in your little card game. There’s too much to lose for that. Quite frankly I don’t care if you have a condition, you’re going to give me back my wallet.  
Vincenzo opened his coat and took out a pistol. He wasn’t about to play into this man’s childish games if he didn’t have to  Slowly, he raised the gun to the man’s head and stepped back. Tell me. His hands were pull, he couldn’t talk to the man, but this could be fairly convincing. Ombra wasn’t willing to kill the man, he didn’t do murder, but the gun might be a good enough warning for the man to give him back his wallet. There was a lot of money in there.
  Suddenly this whole situation had taken a turn, not many people would be so aggressive over pretty theft. Usually this would deter most weaker willed men, but this only confirmed to Harper that there was something valuable in that wallet, something worth such a substantial threat.
  “Well... I wasn’t counting on a gun of all things.” Not even a hint of nervousness leaked from Harper, his gut told him it was a bluff and the Russian was going to call the man out of it. “But who the hell carries a loaded gun with them anyway? Mobsters? Government agents? Or just some fuckin nutcase?”
  He was sure in his judgement, there was no way the gun was loaded, nor was the man going to shoot, however there was always a chance Harper was staring back at a crazed man, hell, the contents of the wallet mightn't even be worth it, but it was about the gamble. Though, in the back of his mind, no, intellectually, wicked resting was summoned, if only partially a ethereal arm hovered close to his side.
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
{ @wicked-suits continued from X}
Absolutely wrong. Ombra signed, he was quite a bit faster with his hands than he usually was, but he was completely livid with this man who had stolen his wallet. Not even as much that the wallet was stolen as much as the man was lying about stealing it upon getting caught. This was a clear sleight of hand. Don’t think for a second I didn’t know what you were pulling when you bumped into me like that. Ombra didn’t seem to care much that the man might not understand him. He was to angry for anything else.
  This guy was seriously gonna keep going, he was smarter than most people in the area, at least smart enough to call Harper out. The Russian man attempted an act, he lowered his head and turned around to the other man. “I-I am sorry, it’s just I’ve got a condition, im compelled to steal all the time.”
  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out not the wallet he took, but a deck of cards, “But I’m not the kinda guy to let someone get their shit back for free.” Harper waved the expensive looking package for the deck in front of his victim, “If you prove your worth you get you wallet back.” he motioned an ‘X’ motion over his chest “You’ve got my word, just a game of cards, whatever game you choose.”
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
Friends? She wanted to be friends, she could have asked for anything, but she asked to be friends with someone like Harper? Now this was something he wasn’t expecting. “Uh friends? Are you sure, wait no, i doubt your mind will be changed at this point.”
The man rubbed his eyes and thought for a second, the girl just wanted to be friends with him, that’s all she was asking for, it would be cruel for him to deny her. Though he thought it would be a challenge to become fast friends with someone so innocent, he gathered it might be good for him sure.
“Okay, sure we can be friends.” He gave her the nicest smile he was capable of. “Mio and Harper, new friends.”
"I feel late on this one but its your birthday, huh? Name something and I'll get it for you, no questions asked. Call it a birthday and sorry gift, for, y'know."
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✿ Mio swallowed hard- it was such a tempting offer, really; but Mio couldn’t accept it in good conscience. After all, they barely knew each other, and there was no way that she could ever allow a complete stranger to waste their hard-earned cash on her pitiful self. Yet still, it would be rude for her to immediately turn down his offer, would it not?
   Oh, what a hedgehog’s dilemma! Mio pursed her lips, lost in thought- maybe there was something that she could ask for? Something simple and cost-free, something that could be beneficial for the both of them. The girl glanced up at Harper, eyes alight with determination- “I’d like for us to be able to put the past behind us and become friends.”
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
‘ you’re lying. ’ (If you're still taking these)
Harper was scorned, insulted even, how dare someone question his flawless lie, there was no weight behind the accusation. “I do not know where your wallet went, and before you even ask i didn’t take it, you just need to keep an eye on your shit.”
Kleptomania had been an odd condition for Harper to pick up, he had never needed to steal anything in his life, but usually he was sly enough for it not to be a problem. However, Harper had appeared to have his run in with fate.
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
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                        We got bills to pay
                                          We got mouths to feed
                                                        Ain’t nothing in this world for free
JJBA Part 4 OC
Promo By faustium
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wicked-suits-blog ¡ 6 years
✦ for the whole gang
My muse cannot lie 
They all exchanged looks between each other, they all knew someone’s guilty pleasure because they all shared the same one, Harper rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“It’s, uh, Well all like, um...” Promptly Kirill cut Harper off, folding his arms and looking away.
“Saturday morning cartoons, that’s it, that’s what we enjoy believe it or not none of us miss em. It’s pretty much a routine for the gang at this point. Teenage mutant ninja turtles are the group favorite if you want to know.”
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