Newly Released Police Body Cam Footage Shows Moments Before Rayshard Brooks Was Murdered by Police
For those who don’t know, Rayshard Brooks, 27 yr old father of, was shot and killed by an Atlanta police officer at a Wendy’s parking lot in Atlanta Friday night.
In the video, Mr. Brooks is seen calmly and politely speaking with Officers after falling asleep at a Wendys parking lot because he said he was “Too intoxicated to drive.” The officers could have done the right thing and stayed with him until someone picked him up, allowed him to walk to his home (which he offered to do) or even offered him a ride home, but instead they decided to escalate the situation and kill him.
The first pride was a riot, more specifically a riot against police violence. Trans women like Miss Major and other people of colour paved the way for the celebration of pride today. You cannot celebrate your pride this month, or any month if you aren’t also supporting Black Lives Matter and the riots going on against police violence right now. Us white LGBTQ+ need to stand up for our black siblings and their rights, their struggles. We need to amplify their voices and show any support we can. (Edited to add links and make the image clearer)
Extensive BLM Google doc including places to donate to, education resources, etc
List of 75 things white people can do right now
Simple way to donate to the cause if you have no money to