Days 4-7
I woke up at 8 AM and started by day with a weak ass cup of coffee. I have a French press and it takes quite a bit of trial and error to get it right! I suffered through the morning in a groggy state and then gave up at went to Tim Hortons for an iced coffee right before my small group at 3:30. I was so happy this was the last small group of the week! I don’t really enjoy them, because they’re so drawn out and slow, so I end up zoning out and then feel lost. Trying to stay more engaged but its hard, especially on Zoom! 
I had a volunteer orientation in the evening, but managed to still go to the library until closing and then come home and relax. That delineation between work and home is so important, especially when working from home.
I woke up at 7:30 today! I had a dermatology appointment across town at 10:30 and even managed to study a bit before it! They did a skin biopsy which hurt A LOT after the local anesthetic wore off. Since I was near IKEA, I decided to make a stop and buy the things I forgot to last time. Can you believe I had been drinking coffee out of a glass for 2 weeks because I had no mugs? It felt so good to unpack all of those essentials! I got the prettiest light blue mugs! Also, I finally got the coffee ratio exactly right! I managed to do most of my anatomy prep on Friday afternoon before taking the evening off. 
I woke up at 8 am despite sleeping at midnight! Super proud of myself. Went for brunch with my family and hung out with them in the afternoon. I did a little bit of studying but nothing remarkable. Since another training session came up for Sunday, I decided to do grocery shopping Saturday night. I don’t know why, but grocery shopping stresses me out! It tests my patience, having to hunt for items or look for the best unit price and I’m always a teensy bit worried I’m forgetting something or paying way too much for something. Finished it in an hour and then went straight to bed! At 5 AM though, the fire alarm went off and I was standing outside in my PJs for an hour while the fire department came. They didn’t find anything big, so thats good! 
I guess I was super tired from the events of the night, so I woke up at 9:36 AM. I was a bit disappointed but realized I needed the rest! Didn’t get much studying done before my volunteer session, and then assembled a dining room table and chairs and then did meal prep. It took me close to 5 hours to make 4 dishes, which is way longer than I was expecting. Granted, it was my first time meal prepping and I made 3 new recipes, but still! And so much cleaning had to be done after: 2 rounds of dishes, vacuuming (corn starch goes everywhere), cleaning the stove top and counters and organizing the fridge! I’m glad its done and I have food for the whole week! 
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Day 2 & 3 Combined
Day 2: Tuesday
I woke up at 8 AM sharp and began my day with a trip to Starbucks for a Grande latte with an extra espresso shot, definitely a treat for me! 
I was super tired because I decided to bake cookies at 10:30 pm on Monday night (in typical night owl fashion), they burned and the smoke alarm went off, delaying everything. I went to bed in a terrible mood. I’m so glad I still woke up at 8 am and didn’t sleep in! 
It was a productive day but it ended stressfully when I got overwhelmed with all the studying I have to do. The small groups really get me! They require so much prep and focus. I made a plan and went to the library where I did an hour of solid work! I got home and was happy and content. I picked up a book I’ve been waiting to read for a while, so I read from 10 to 10:40 and then went to bed.
I think this is a good habit for me, to go to the library around 7 and stay until 9, then come home and not study! Studying at home in the evening makes it hard for me to stop and go to bed. Its nice to get home, be content with what I’ve done, and call it a day on a good note.
Day 3: Wednesday
I woke up at 7:40 AM, before my alarm! The bigger accomplishment for me is that I did not go back to sleep! But then the troubles with making a simple cup of coffee began. My french press coffee was super bitter, so I did some googling and made “cowboy coffee” in a pot which also did not taste great. With all these shenanigans, I didn’t start studying until 10 AM! Its almost 2 pm and I still feel tired. It hasn’t been the most productive, and I’m in a small group now, so I’m tied up for the next 2 hours. Hopefully after that it’ll get better! 
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Day 1
I woke up at 8:22 AM this morning after running to the bathroom to check the time several times throughout the night! I was so worried I’d sleep through my alarms, and I did sleep through 3, but woke up early enough! I’m hopeful that I’ll be up at 8 AM sharp tomorrow! 
Didn’t do the walk to Starbucks, it was too long. The closest Starbucks to me is still closed due to covid but once it opens I’ll have that luxury close by! 
Lets go, day 2!
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Starting a challenge
Tomorrow, August 10th, I will be starting a 30 day challenge to wake up at 8 am for the next 30 days! My goals are: 
* Start a habit of waking up earlier and consistently
* Feel good about myself at the beginning of every day, no shame for sleeping in! 
* Create new traditions and routines in my new place!  
* Create more study time
Every day, I will post about my progress! So far, my ideas to make this work are: 
* Put my phone in the bathroom. As soon as my alarm goes off, brush teeth and wash face right away.
* Reward myself every week
* Have a purpose for the morning hours, set aside some tasks that need to get done
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