wiinestories · 16 hours
let me change your mind tonight || angelo&eden | @elpida
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wiinestories · 4 days
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Roxanne feigned a hurtful expression, her brows furrowing as if his words had wounded her deeply. In truth, she was neither hurt nor offended; she knew Alejandro was too upset to think straight. Her giggle, light and mocking, was designed to stoke the fires of his anger further “Perhaps, but don’t flatter yourself!” she shot back, her tone dripping with condescension. “These cases aren’t about you, they’re about the people involved. You’re so self-centered, and that’s a surprise. I’m not sure law school would be pleased to learn a pupil is making their cases his own, and losing them, leading him to be so aggressive with his own words.” Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and challenge as she watched his reaction. Roxanne thrived in these verbal sparring matches, and Alejandro’s irritation only fueled her more. She took a step closer, her voice dropping to a near whisper, making sure her words hit their mark “You see, Alejandro, this isn’t about you or me. It’s about justice, about right and wrong. And if you can’t separate your ego from the case, maybe you’re in the wrong profession.” She straightened, her demeanor cool and collected, a stark contrast to the fiery words she had just delivered. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a victory to celebrate. Maybe next time, you’ll think twice before underestimating me.”
Hearing her words Alejandro couldn't help but roll his eyes. This was exactly what he was dredging for and wanted to avoid. But it seemed that fate had other plans. The moment she approached him he knew exactly what she wanted from him and why she was after her. But still he had done the courtesy to ask her. Though her words didn't exactly bring confidence to him. He scoffed slightly at her for a moment. "Oh don't give this justice bullshit will you. You and I both know that you don't care for it. If I had taken the case of the defendant today then you would have happily taken the case of the prosecutor and tried to do everything you can to prove me wrong. So don't act like you suddenly care about justice now. " He responded to her. He knew very well that his words were true and no matter how hard she tried to deny it she admitted it deep down too. At her next words he snarled at her before slowly walking towards her. "Darling I know a lot more about law than you. Today was just one of the rare occasions you got lucky. We both know I can defeat you as I have done so in the past. And I am certain sooner rather than later I am going to win again. Then I am going to wipe that smug smile of that pretty little face of yours. " He responded to her.
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wiinestories · 4 days
Lorraine was amused. Dozens of times she’d been involved in situations like these where a gun was pressed against her, and she had been trained to disarm the person before her by simply measuring where they had pressed the muzzle of the gun. The location was a given on how she had to act. She heard his words, her gaze narrowing at him as she mirrored his smirk, a hum leaving her.ñ “Filthy? That’s not on my file. I’m flattered you figured that out,” she teased, her voice dripping with dangerous allure. Her eyes never left his, a silent challenge dancing in their depths. Hendrix was a formidable opponent, but Lorraine thrived in the chaos of moments like these.
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In the world of espionage, alliances were fluid, and everyone had their own agenda. To the secret service, Hendrix was an enemy, a threat to be neutralized. To Lorraine, he was a stepping stone, a man with a reputation that preceded him in the criminal underworld. She was playing for personal gain, and her dual allegiances to MI6 and the CIA were merely tools in her arsenal. "You're an interesting puzzle, Hendrix," she continued, her voice soft but laced with steel. "But I've played this game long enough to know that everyone has a weakness. Even you." She shifted her weight slightly, a subtle preparation for any sudden moves. "So, what's it going to be? A dance of bullets, or do we find a way to make this mutually beneficial?" Her smirk widened, a predatory glint in her eye. "I have a feeling we might be able to come to an understanding. Unless you want yourself down on the ground, incapacitated by a woman.”
Brian watched how her face didn't change at all. Even after he pulled out his own gun he saw the way she didn't even flinch or look surprised. He certainly liked that about her. Made her more interesting he thought to himself. Hearing her next words he couldn't help but chuckle softly at her. "Next time I will. " He responded shooting her a wink. Hearing her next words he couldn't help but laugh softly his eyes trained on her and her gun. His own fingers twitched around the trigger of the gun as he eyed her. The man gritted his teeth and smirked softly at her. "Sure darling you are aware of everything I did whatever. I don't care about that. I own this fucking town and everyone in here. And the same thing goes for you. One wrong move and the next thing you know your brains will be splattered on the floor. Oh how fun. " He called out to her. "I am not letting some filthy agent come to my town and think she can just do whatever the fuck she wants. And try to order me around. I am not scared of bloodshed either especially after the things I have done. So we shall see who gets taken down by whom. " He said with a smile.
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wiinestories · 4 days
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movie gallery: atomic blonde
“We don’t mistrust each other because we’re armed; we’re armed because we mistrust each other.”
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wiinestories · 4 days
Agatha didn’t have the energy to argue with Cade anymore, nor did she want to bring up the topic again. It was clear he wasn’t open to hearing anything else about it, and she didn’t have the strength to keep pushing. She took a deep breath, her hand instinctively moving to rest on her belly, seeking some comfort from the life growing inside her, before she went over to sit down beside him on the sofa to grab a snack.
A month had passed, and Agatha's pregnancy had progressed significantly. Her bump had grown larger, making it increasingly difficult for her to manage chores without Cade's assistance. After discussing it with him, she decided to arrange a dinner to celebrate the impending arrival of their baby. Weeks of planning went into the event, and Agatha invited her parents, arranging for them to stay at her old apartment, and Cade's mother, whom she had grown to love, the one she had when she dated Ryan. On the evening of the dinner, Agatha busied herself with final preparations, despite her physical limitations. The table was set with care, adorned with flowers and fine china. The aroma of fresh home-cooked meals filled the air, mingling with the anticipation of the evening.
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Catherine’s enthusiasm filled the room as she raised her glass of red wine, addressing Cade’s mother with a warm smile. "I'm nothing short of delighted to be back in my country with my daughter, her handsome boyfriend, and to witness the birth of my granddaughter. I see now where Cade comes from, and it's quite an honour to meet you, dear," she said, her eyes sparkling with genuine affection. "I knew the first moment I saw Cade that he was going to be the one." Seated on the sofa, Catherine radiated joy. Patrick, standing near them and holding a glass of beer in his hand, also looked pleased and content. The couple had arrived earlier, greeting Agatha and Cade with big hugs, and quickly made themselves comfortable. Catherine had brought her favourite wine brand to celebrate, a gesture that added a touch of elegance to the evening.
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Catherine's eyes travelled across the room, landing on her daughter with a frown. "Agatha, for the love of God, stop doing things! Take a seat. There's nothing to be done. Everything is prepared, and if there's anything pending, you tell me, and I'll get it done." Despite her mother's persistent insistence, Agatha continued to bustle around, determined to make everything perfect for dinner. She carefully placed the plates on the table before turning to her mother. "Mum, I need to have the cutlery on the table. There are two guests that have yet to arrive, and once they do, we'll start with dinner." Catherine sighed but relented, recognizing her daughter's stubborn determination. "Alright, but once the cutlery is set, you sit down and rest. Promise me that."
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Patrick shook his head as he watched the mother and daughter exchange before turning to Cade. "Stubborn as a mule, that one," he said, gesturing with his head towards Agatha. "I bet you have to put up with that a lot," he added with a light chuckle before bringing his glass of beer to his lips and taking a long sip. "So, Cade… How've you been? Anticipating the moment the little one arrives, I take it?"
Don't this and do that, he wasn't in the mood to hear any of it and the more he did the more infuriated he was getting. "The long ass shift I was on and you think yeah let me invite over this guy and let him drool over me in front of my baby daddy? Good one sweetheart. For god sake Agatha he insinuated it just fine but I may as well talk to a fucking brick wall." he was close to hitting something out of frustration, the wall, a mirror, anything and then she went and stood outside but that didn't fix this frustration, nothing was. He switched off the shower and went back to the front door to get his coat, grab his keys and leave, What he needed now was to blow off steam in a healthy way.
He went to the gym, there was one in town that had a few bags to throw punches at and whilst he'd never lay a hand to her, it helped him get the anger out of his bones. He threw punch after punch until it was out of his system and all that remained with hunger and an aching tiredness. He showered there at the gym, let the cool water run over his what frankly felt like burning skin.
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By the time Cade did go home it was late and he'd got take out from the local Italian place Eden had put him on to, he'd gone by her place too but as usual there was no light on and he already knew she wouldn't be at home. He dumped the remaining half a pizza on the table by the tv, along with the pasta, the soda he'd been drinking and made himself comfortable on the sofa. "There's food for you too." he spoke gruffly. Other than that, Cade didn't say a word but he was calmer that much was clear. "We're not talkin' about it anymore Aggie." he eventually grumbled. Times like this he wished that he still drank. An ice cold beer sounded great right now.
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wiinestories · 4 days
We love shipping in this house. 😍 Reblog if it's okay for partners to ask for a pre-established ship with your muse(s)!
Doesn't mean you have to accept, but you're totally down to discuss it!
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wiinestories · 5 days
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Lorraine was surprised by Hendrix's swift move, pulling out his gun and pressing the muzzle against her side with impressive speed. Despite this, she maintained her composure, not letting the surprise show on her face. Instead, a half-lopsided smile lifted the corner of her mouth. "Do try harder to deceive me next time, Hendrix," she taunted, her eyes locked onto his with a fierce intensity. "Trying to find? There's a lot of shit you got yourselves tangled in. I'd say we're aware of each one of them by now." She cocked her head to the side, considering his proposal to lower their weapons. "I’m not letting a mob boss influence me in any way, and I’m not planning to lower my gun. One wrong move, and you’re a dead man." Her resolve was clear, the determination in her voice leaving no room for negotiation. Lorraine's finger hovered near the trigger, her stance unyielding. "Bloodshed isn’t something I shy away from, Hendrix. Especially not when it comes to taking down someone like you."
It hardly took longer than a moment. In a blink of an eye from being in complete darkness and in complete silence of the place Brian found himself face to face with the woman he was following with her gun pressed against him. But he didn't seem surprised or shocked or even afraid of the current situation. No his face exceeded one of calmness. His breathing was slow and gentle as he gazed into the woman's eyes. A flicker of a smile spread across his lips. "Cute. " He muttered. What she hadn't noticed as soon as she got to him Brian had managed to pull his gun out and pressed it ever so gently against her side. It was like being touched by a feather and not a gun. But it would still hurt all the same if he pulled the trigger. But he had no intentions of doing that. At least not yet anyway. Hearing her questions he couldn't help but smile at her for a moment. "You ask a lot of questions. But I have some questions for you. Like why is the MI6 after my mob agent. What are you trying to find out here. And I know if you wanted to you can pull the trigger in a blink of an eye. But know this so can I. So why don't we put our weapons away and have a nice civil conversation. Just the two of us. And we can both get our answers. How does that sound to you, agent ?" He asked with a grin.
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wiinestories · 5 days
If Eden wasn't aware by now, then Angelo would remind her every single time that he was careless about people witnessing him carrying Eden over his shoulders or even in compromised positions. In the past, prior to meeting her, he'd practised sex in public areas at night such as parking lots where he didn't care if someone heard the moans coming from the woman he was pleasuring. Sex was his favourite sport, and he deemed himself an insatiable man with a constant need for it. He'd make sure to get it one way or another, regardless of the outcomes.
As Angelo's worked abdomen and hairy chest were exposed, he watched Eden's naive act with amusement. Her body betrayed her intentions, the dress lifting around her hips, revealing the lace of her panties. A glint of mischief shone in his eyes, and his lips pressed into a thin line as he took in the sight. "So you want to play, young lady?" he inquired with a husky tone, his head cocking to the side, his voice a low, provocative growl. He approached her slowly, his gaze never leaving hers, anticipation crackling in the air between them. He was wishing he had brought his toys to this trip, but it'd have been a risky move given the materials involved on them.
His eyes followed the movement of her hand down her soft body, watching how her fingers moved to her clit to begin pleasuring herself. Angelo released a low chuckle, satisfied with the sight he was having, despite his cock throbbing in his pants at how badly he wanted to fuck her. His hands moved to place flatly on each side of her frame, leaning forward and witnessing her panties being soaked. "Go on," He commanded, a hand reaching to undo the belt and push his briefs and pants down to expose his thick, large cock. His own fingers wrapped around his hardened length, beginning to work himself while watching her, eager to see how far she'd go. "I want you to thrust those fingers deep in you while you tell me how badly you want me."
"I have no idea what you mean, I was simply kissing you I had no ulterior motive at all, entirely innocent!" she heard how he sounded breathlessly, how she'd caught him off guard just like he usually did with her. Eden felt a little surge of power knowing she could do the same to him but in a second he'd grabbed her hips and pulled her only to lift her up over his shoulder. Her hands were automatically reaching to hold onto him tightly and though at first she squealed she couldn't help the floods of giggles that kept escaping her.
"Angelo! People might see- Angelo! Put me down!" she didn't mean it, she was giggling far too much to be put down, her legs wiggling a little. A laugh that only heightened at the way he smacked her cheek through the fabric that was barely covering her decency like this. Their room was beautiful, no doubt about it but she'd not been able to appreciate it fully yet and she wasn't going to get the chance right now because she was too busy appreciating him.
Eden was on the bed, that dress up around her hips, the lace trim of her panties showing. She propped up onto her elbows to look at him, hair windswept and out of place. God she already looked ready to have him and be roughed up, he'd leave her in a state, to the point that she'd beg him, make such pretty sounds for him, by the end she'd be spent. Eden bit into her lower lip lightly, teeth dragging the soft flesh whilst her eyes moved over his chest, the dark hair, the way he was stripping himself free of his shirt. "What do you mean?" she acted so naïve, so innocent but she knew exactly what she'd done. "I just wanted to kiss you, don't you want to kiss me?" she purposefully pouted, her legs moving so one was lifted, the other stretched, it pushed out the delicious curve of her hips.
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"See if I wanted to tease you and get punished for it I'd..." she shifted her wait to one of her propped elbows, the other hand.. well that hand snaked down her body, sliding between her legs and into her lace panties, fingers clearly moving in small, quickening movements on her clit, her arousal already coating her folds from excitement and anticipation. She let her lips fall apart, the softest hitch in her breath and the most sinful moan. Eden did all of this with her legs spread, right in front of him, letting him watch every little reaction of her actions but not see exactly what she was doing, the material of her panties still covering her pussy from his sight. She tilted her head back slightly, letting her back arch just enough for him to notice, two of her own fingers had moved down to push into her own tight walls. "Do you know how wet I am Angelo?" she was the breathless one now. "God I can get so wet just thinking about you.."
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wiinestories · 6 days
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❤️🎂✨🎉 I can't simply let this day end without making something for my lovely Serena @wrathfulmercy with whom I've been known for two years now! Crazy how time flies.
I just hope you've enjoyed this day to the fullest, and you continue to do so with the week ahead. Love you and your babies, bunches. I HAD to make this. All my love to you and I wish you all the best. ❤️🎂✨🎉
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wiinestories · 6 days
Roxanne wasn't inherently competitive, but she was driven by a desire to solidify her reputation as the top lawyer in her field. She was willing to tackle the most challenging cases to prove her skills and advance her career. As she began to establish herself in this position, she became aware of another lawyer in the same city and courthouse with similar ambitions.
Recognizing this potential rival, Roxanne strategically began to take on cases that aligned with the types of cases this lawyer pursued. She noticed that he often sought to win cases where the defendant had much to lose, particularly in major offences. By strategically selecting her cases, Roxanne aimed to assert her dominance and outmanoeuvre her rival in the legal arena, aiming to prove that no matter the offence, this lawyer would do anything to make their client win but oh, she had always the right tools under her sleeve to prove that different. Once the judge had given the sentence, she'd often tease him, darting her words towards his choice of clients.
After winning another case, Roxanne was ready to celebrate the fact that Alejandro's client had been sent behind bars. However, before leaving, she decided to have a word with her rival. She followed him out of the courtroom, meeting his glare with a chuckle. "Aren't you tired of losing?" the redhead taunted, her voice dripping with venom. "You should learn that justice will always be served, no matter if you sold yourself to the devil. That's not how this works, and you have yet a lot to learn about law. I assume your badge was given over watching YouTube videos and some pdf files on the internet, am I wrong?"
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Plotted starter for @wiinestories
Alejandro always had a knack when it came to legal proceedings. He didn't know what it was but he had always been very much into it. It attracted him and that was how he ended up being a lawyer. But just being a lawyer wasn't enough for him. He wanted more. He wanted to be the best of the best there was. And he had this mentality since law school. He didn't care if he ended up hurting someone else. As long as he won cases and his reputation started growing it was more than enough for him. Which was also why he didn't mind helping those who he knew weren't so great. People he knew who were rightfully charged but he still fought for them in court and won. The saying that to be the lawyer you have to sell part of your soul to the devil was right. And he had certainly done that.
While Alejandro was climbing up the ranks as one of the most successful lawyers someone else was doing it too. She seemed to be having almost the same strategy as him. And it was almost inevitable they crossed paths. But he hated her. Not only was she in his path of his success. She seemed to constantly take cases against him. Which also meant them having to fight against each other constantly in court. He also didn't like her attitude and how she always teased him. In all honesty they always seemed to clash against each other like fire and water. Or in this case two fires trying to burn each other down. And here he was again after finishing another case against her. But against all odds this time around somehow she had managed to beat him. Which was the last thing he wanted.
Right now he wanted to escape her and not have to look at her for another moment but it seemed fate had other plans when she was cornered by him. He glared at her with disdain. If looks could kill his certainly would now. "What do you want?" He asked her with an icy voice.
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wiinestories · 6 days
Angelo's concern for Eden grew further when her response hinted that learning the truth about her relationship with her parents could lead him behind bars... again. The way they both engaged in affection seemed as if the two had met in romantic circumstances when it was the opposite. It was the Big Bad Wolf hunting the Little Red Riding Hood. Time had passed since then, and a lot had happened between them that he had forgotten about the money and had begun caring deeply for her. Deeply enough that he wanted to find out about her background. The affection they displayed now was genuine, born from their shared experiences and the trust they had built over time. However, the shadow of her past loomed large, and Angelo couldn't ignore the uneasy feeling that had taken root in his mind. He'd noted the strained and distant dynamics that spoke volumes about their relationship.
Home. That's where she wanted to be, and that's where he'd lead her. Angelo gave her a small nod, his expression serious. "Alright," he spoke in a dry mutter. The alcohol in the champagne wasn't affecting his senses; he was keen to listen to her, to learn more about Eden, even if he'd find her background distasteful. With a gentle touch, he guided Eden towards the exit, his hand resting protectively on the small of her back. The night air was cool as they stepped outside, a stark contrast to the warmth of the party they had just left. Angelo withdrew his jacket and placed it over his shoulders to cover her from the night air before he resumed his way to the car. The drive was quiet, filled only with the soft hum of the engine and the occasional distant sounds of the city. When they finally reached her apartment, Angelo parked the car and turned to Eden. "Take your time," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "I'm here, and I'll listen." He wanted her to feel safe, to know that whatever she had to share, he was ready to hear it.
He closed the door behind them and loosened his tie before placing it on the coffee table. Taking a seat on the sofa, he leaned his elbows against his knees, fingers knotted together, his gaze fixed on the floor as he waited for Eden to begin. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the pictures of little Eden, tiny and fragile, looking more like a homeless child than one who should be cared for by her parents. The sight of her malnourished state was a brutal testament to her harsh upbringing. Angelo brought his hand to his lips, resting his index finger against them as he absorbed the reality of her childhood. Each photograph spoke volumes about the suffering she had endured, the neglect and abuse that had left its mark on her. "Prick," Angelo muttered under his breath, his jaw clenching in anger. The thought of Harold harming Eden, of attempting to assert any kind of control over her now that their paths had crossed again, filled him with rage. He struggled to keep his composure, to focus on being there for Eden rather than giving in to his anger. A man that was despicable didn't deserve to live, that much he knew. The story of the shards made his hand clench into a fist, finding it unacceptable and blatantly cruel.
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Angelo's words cut through the air with a mix of determination and disdain. "No, no... Bastards like that one don't change," he declared, his voice steady and resolute. He knew the type of man Harold was all too well—a man who loved no one but himself. Eden's confession about Harold's threat only fuelled Angelo's amusement. He let out a dry chuckle, leaning back against the sofa. "And he thinks I'm going to give in to his little theatrical attempt of pushing me to do business with him?" He shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. Then, his smirk faded, replaced by a hardened expression. "He doesn't know who he's dealing with. I’ve faced men like him before, and I know how to handle them." He leaned forward, reaching to brush the tears away from her face with his thumbs as he cupped her face gently. "Listen to me, angioletto [little angel]," His voice had softened for her, only for her. He wasn't a man that'd often use terms of endearment, but he'd let out a few occasionally with Eden. "The single fact your father is an asshole doesn't make you less deserving of anything. I understand that trauma you've faced, but you should know, that even if he's your progenitor... I'm not letting that fucking asshole lay a hand on you ever again, and if he does..." He paused, his lips twitching at the thought. It wouldn't be wise to let out to her what he'd do. "he'll face me. He'll learn who I am."
He listened to her words, absorbing the pain and vulnerability in her voice as she spoke about feeling unloveable. Angelo shook his head, his heart aching for her. Moving closer, he reached out and took her hands in his, his grip firm but gentle. "Eden," he began, his voice low and earnest, "you are anything but unloveable. Look at everything you've been through, and yet here you are — strong, resilient, and beautiful. Your past doesn't define you, and it sure as hell doesn't determine your worth." He squeezed her hands, his gaze unwavering as he searched her eyes. "You deserve to be loved, to be cherished, and to feel safe. Don't let that bastard's words and actions make you believe otherwise. I see you, Eden. I see the incredible woman you are, and I'm here to remind you of that." He couldn't openly confess he loved her, he was still attempting to define his feelings for her.
"I'm not going anywhere. I didn't sign a contract or anything, did I? You should be the one that's frightened. You're next to a man that's been in prison for over ten years," Angelo openly confessed, aware that perhaps it wouldn't come as a surprise to her or maybe the number of years would shock her. "I've grown to learn and live with the worst human beings can do. Fights were a daily thing, so were the knives and the shards... I've managed to have some... sent to the hospital in critical condition, but the wardens would beat me as punishment. The lawmen can be worse than the convicts themselves, Eden."
It was a few minutes of it being just her and her husband again but Lorelai turned to Harold with a happy smile, one happier than usual. Her daughter seemed happy, surely that was worth smiling about. "I like him, Angelo Santino, he seems good for you." Harold scoffed at her instantly. "Don't be so fucking naïve Lorelai." his tone was nasty, filled with a bitter sharpness. "Eden needs to be with someone balanced enough to control her, pliable enough for me to control them. He is not controllable... I couldn't give a shit if he's dangerous or violent, if he lives up to reputation, but if she can't pull off the business, I wont forget about it." he was grumbling now, low and muttering beneath his breath. "Harold... let her try, don't damn er before she's even attempted. I liked him." Lorelai meant it because in so many ways she saw the qualities that Eden had lost on fateful evening. She saw someone that'd protect her and keep her safe, it gave her a peace of mind. That is why she liked the man she'd chosen, despite any reputation he had. "
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Eden wasn't honestly sure what she expected when he guided her to the side but she knew her brows had pulled like she half expected the same treatment of harsh hands and scolding words, instead.. he held her cheek so gently that she could've burst into tears. She wouldn't, but her eyes did get a little more glossy. He was not the same as her Father, he'd never grip her wrists and frighten her. "I can't tell you here." her hand moved up to rest atop the one of his, the one cupping her cheek and she couldn't help but enjoy those moments where they just felt so.. normal. It felt like she was just the girl he loved and for now, she was happy to pretend that was blissfully them, that they met under lovely circumstances, that it was some romantic love at first sight. She always had that back thought of it is was really her he loved or was it her body and the joy of a pretty girl. That's why she'd rather just pretend... but then what he was asking, to know that part of her life that she kept behind closed doors? That she locked away? That felt like letting him in deeper than she should but after that, didn't he deserve to know? To understand her eagerness to leave and not think about Harold O'Connor again? Harold wasn't like Alessio and he never would be. He'd never be those loving Fathers you see in movies, protecting their daughters.
"If I tell you here, you'll be arrested for manslaughter with a lot of eye witnesses Angelo." she could feel his eyes burning into her from somewhere in that room, the stares of her Father, the looming pressure to feel like she had to wear a mask in front of him. "I feel.." she started and this was a start, a good start, her admitting when she wasn't comfortable. She moved her head, pushing it more into his hand so her lips could briefly press to his palm. "Lets go home." Home, because it could be her apartment or his grand estate and either one would be home if it was a night with him.
Tonight it'd be a night at her apartment and when she unlocked the door she was hanging the jacket he'd placed around her shoulders up to keep it nice and not creased and moving to shield beside her tv unit to slide out two books, one of which was tatty, clearly old, full of photographs. "I think it'd be easier to show you, for a start at least... and Angelo? I need you to understand that I made my peace with never wanting to know him or go back to it, anything done know doesn't change what he did.. okay? You are going to want to go on some.. well some rampage and I don't want you to because I've never told anyone about this. It isn't easy to talk about, it isn't nice to hear but.." she flicked through the pages looking for one thing specifically.
"You know that I came to live with my Gran, but this was me, this was a week after we came here." she looked over the photo herself, a little hesitance in her actions but she turned it and held it out to him. In the photograph, they stood outside the bakery, Eden was sat eating a slice of classic sponge cake, plain and simple, her Gran and Ben were watching her in awe, seeming so proud that she was just sat eating but that wasn't the shocking part.. the shocking part was how tiny she was. She didn't look her age, she looked frail, fragile. Her hair thin, her wrists almost like they'd snap lifting a metal fork. It wasn't cute, if anything it was revolting to see her so clearly malnourished.
"Did I ever tell you that I had a stutter growing up? Harold always wanted so much.. Ben was his golden boy, could do no wrong. Most younger siblings would hate an older sibling for that but not me, and not Ben. He just tried to make it easier for me but my Father he.. well those events? He had no choice sometimes but to take me and that stutter embarrassed him, he said I made a fool out of him, that people would thing his daughter stupid and illiterate to stutter. It both infuriated him and embarrassed him that I wasn't as perfect as Ben but that stutter.. it was from nerves, I couldn't get the words out, I'd stammer over them, trying to say the right thing to please him and make him happy." she felt her mouth going dry already, she wasn't even at the hard parts. "At first when I was really little, it was this grip on my wrist, dragging me along, smacks when nobody was looking, it was either be silent or speak when spoken to, I could never get it right." she was fidgeting with her fingers, staring down at them because how are you meant to tell someone all the things you still had nightmares about?
"Food was the first thing that was more cruel than his hands. If I'd humiliated him, if I'd not done as good as Ben despite being half his age... then I didn't get to eat. If Ben tried to give me what he had with them then I got less the next day so.." she huffed some air. "Sandwiches for the most part.. if I was lucky, leftovers and if I wasn't.. nothing. Sundays were chore days, the big chores and if I didn't do them all? No food until they were done.. have you ever seen a five year old try to mop a floor?" and yet, to appease her Father she'd tried. "Every year it got worse, this punishment of food was the constant and I know you've always thought it was just me not taking care of myself but-.. but and i know trust me I know it's so stupid but even now I.. if I don't get everything done, I don't deserve it." she admitted in a shallow hush. Eden hated even admitting that out loud, forever that little voice Harold had created to taunt her mind, telling her she had not done enough and was not enough.
"It always got worse and I was just a little girl, I thought it was just... tough love, I wanted to believe that my parents were the one in the movies, the happy family but he wasn't strict, he was neglectful and abusive. I once broke a vase he liked, so he had me kneel in the shards of glass whilst he went out for a new one... who does that to a kid? Who looks at their children and thinks about hurting them like that?" she was picking idly at the skin around her nails now, she felt her eyes welling but god she didn't want to cry. "My Mother wasn't bad, but she wasn't good either.. she stood by, she didn't stop it.. just like she didn't stop him having a party at home, and guess who he didn't want making him feel idiotic? His answer was to take me to the shed. We had land and this shed right in the far back corner. It was the middle of Winter, you might remember the year that we had thick snow and snow storms? A really bad winter and he uh.." her fingers ghosted to her wrists. "Out of sight out of mind." Eden mumbled. "Nearly two days.. left in a shed with my hands bound and the door locked. Ben called my Gran and when she came for me, I was almost dead Angelo. I was to the point of cold where my whole body felt numb, I'd wet myself I was that scared... but Granny? Well she never let me go back there, she was fierce, tough as old boots... took me straight to a hospital. I had to stay in for a while and I couldn't believe how they just.. gave our food, how I could play and have toys and speak, be heard... it was so nice to be heard."
"I always thought hey, maybe this time he'd change... maybe now he'd love me like he should. I remember each hurdle, graduating, the bakery.. I wanted so badly to think he'd suddenly see I was good enough but I know now that.. Ben kept him away. He knew then what I know now and that's the harsh truth that's he is only interested when I can offer him something...which is you. He wants to do business with you so badly and I... am a convenient route to that. Tonight he threatened me, pressured me into convincing you to do business with him and I felt like a little girl unable to say no, but I know that nobody has that power over me anymore thanks to you, so Angelo? Don't do it. Don't shake his hand, don't call him up.. don't let him into your life. Don't do business with him." She felt the warmth on her cheeks, unsure as to when she started crying but she had and was not turning her head, hiding her face. Eden could've told him nothing, made an easy lie... she could have betrayed his entire trust for her Fathers approval, after wanting it for so many years but it wouldn't be real, it never would. He might be her biological donor but he'd never be her Father really.
"Sometimes I wonder if.. well if it's me, if maybe I have some curse to want to give everyone else the love I couldn't have and if maybe I'm just-... just unloveable." she whispered, sniffling, and trying not to look like such a mess. "Sorry. Gosh I am sorry I've had years to get over it I shouldn't be crying over broken vases and old stutters." It became more obvious why Eden was as she was, the way she tried to reduce food waste, the charity work she did to help feel low income families... she knew what hunger had been as a growing child. "It's a lot of baggage and... I'd really understand if you wanted to leave, it's.. I know it's a lot. I know it's not what you signed up for."
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wiinestories · 8 days
Busy weekend is over, but tomorrow is hubby’s birthday so I won’t be home until late afternoon to catch up with everything. I also have a job interview and I’m crossing fingers it happens or that at least I get a call from somewhere. Thank you for your patience darlings ❤️
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wiinestories · 9 days
Agatha winced slightly at the raised voice Cade had given her, his anger palpable even as she tried to understand his point and find a common ground. She swallowed hard, her jaw clenching as she narrowed her gaze at him, placing a hand on her lower back while the other rested on her bump. "Don't raise your voice at me, Cade," she asked, her tone calm and measured despite the discomfort she felt from arguing with him. "I'm not doing that with you." She maintained her composure, her eyes locking with his, silently pleading for understanding.
"If it gets to a point it gets obsessive, fine, I can understand your point, but it seems you're insinuating I'd be fine with someone complimenting me to get anywhere with me." Agatha scoffed at the thought, her frustration growing as she processed Cade's words. Hearing his comment about how she was blind to James' intentions, her lips pressed into a thin line, and she shook her head slowly. "For Christ's sake! I. invited. him. over because I told him I wanted him to meet you. Do you even believe for a second he stands a chance?" She paused, taking a breath to steady herself. "It doesn't mean I'll talk to him every day or even make him a best friend or anything. He was in my class back in the day, and he never insinuated he was into me in the first place."
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Agatha watched as Cade turned on the shower, his words laced with cussing, an attitude that grated on her nerves. His behaviour was becoming increasingly unpleasant, and she felt a knot of frustration tightening in her chest, heightened by the pregnancy. Deciding to silently agree with his request to let him shower and sort out food, she turned and left the room. She walked straight to the balcony, the cool night air hitting her as she stepped outside. Leaning on the railing, she took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts and calm her emotions. The city lights below flickered like distant stars, and she focused on them, her hand caressing her bump gently. "Forgive us," Agatha whispered to the growing life inside her, feeling a wave of emotion wash over her. Her gaze glistened with unshed tears as she stood on the balcony, the cool night air doing little to soothe her troubled heart.
"No clearly 'coz I just fucking walked away but here you are, all determination. I walked away for a goddamn reason, Agatha." his voice had raised, it wasn't a shout but it was definitely not calm and collected either. "Shall I go call a few of the women I know, friends, beautiful? Would you like that? I'm sure you'd be totally fine with that and hey, I'll bring them home, you can just walk in to me callin' women you don't know but I do that."
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Cade couldn't help the way he snapped, he'd had a long day already a bad one at best and now being nagged when he'd wanted to leave it be? It wasn't helping. "Anyone else Agatha, any other person in the world and you'd be using a detective brain, knowing the intentions men like him have but you're being blind because he was a friend once. I can jump to whatever conclusion I fuckin' want! You stand with your hands on your hips demanding answers, I mean look at how you followed me in here, what do you think it is, a kids bedroom?"
He pushed a hand through his hair with one hand, turning the shower on with the other to get the water running hot and then turned to her "I told you I'm not arguing, I told you I'm showering and sorting some food because this is tedious so can you let me fucking do that? Preaching all this listen to me, listen to me bullshit well have you heard a goddamn word I fuckin' said? I just did a fourteen hour work day n' given the option I'd still treat him the same way for being a cunt and I wouldn't apologise for it given the chance the do it all over again either, so if that is what you're waiting for you are shit outta luck, beautiful."
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wiinestories · 9 days
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wiinestories · 11 days
Angelo listened intently as Lorelai recounted a memory from Eden's childhood. He took in the details, piecing together an image of Eden as a little girl, an innocent soul viewing the world through rose-coloured glasses, eager to spread love and kindness. The story painted a picture of a child full of hope and dreams, untouched by the harsh realities of the world. Angelo's heart softened at the thought, feeling a deeper connection to Eden as he learned more about her past. His brows raised slightly when Lorelai mentioned Eden's long-standing wish to have a dog. It seemed like such a simple, innocent desire, and yet, for some reason, it was one her parents had never fulfilled. He wondered why they hadn't allowed her this small joy and what impact that had on her, but the thought of calling a kennel for one or adopting one for her came to his mind. Despite how he was able to afford an animal with how wealthy he was, he was against making profits off animals. "That's quite interesting. It must've been hard for her to see the world for what it really is," He expressed his thoughts out loud, feeling a pang of sympathy for that child that was once Eden.
Something was off, and Angelo couldn't shake the uneasiness gnawing at him. Eden had never spoken directly about her parents, which now seemed even odder given that he had taken her to meet them and warned her about them prior to their encounter. Despite Lorelai's warm recollection of Eden's childhood, there was a stiffness, an underlying tension that made him wary. He couldn't help but feel there was more to the story than what was being shared. As Lorelai continued talking, Angelo kept his polite smile, but his mind was racing. What was it that Eden hadn't told him? Why did she seem so uncomfortable around her own family? He needed to get to the bottom of this, but without causing a scene. "Thank you for sharing those memories, Lorelai. I appreciate your honesty, as well," Angelo said to Lorelai, his voice steady but his mind still turning over the situation. "You have a delightful daughter, and I never gave a single fuck about what people said about anything surrounding me and those closest to me." The corner of his lips tugged upwards into a small smirk, careless about cursing before what could be considered his mother-in-law to many. "Many of these men that you see here have done business with me and hold me in high regards for many reasons." Have friends anywhere, even in hell. Angelo had learned that from his time in prison all too well.
When they returned, Angelo's icy gaze briefly pierced into Eden's before wandering to study the body language of her parents. Beneath his polite facade, he scrutinized every detail. Harold's eyes, in particular, held a sinister gleam that set Angelo on edge. Harold's choice of words had been telling. Draining? Poor choice of words. Angelo thought. It was the key to the game. His mind worked swiftly, analysing Harold's demeanour. "Any good businessman knows these are the prizes to our hard work or simply the means to an end, Mister O'Connor," Angelo replied, his voice smooth and laced with elegance, charm, and wit. His words were carefully chosen to counter Harold's insinuation, subtly asserting his own position and prowess. Angelo hummed in acknowledgment at Eden's words regarding her progenitor, but she lacked knowledge on how he was selective with whom he made business with, mainly because there were many stakes at play, like a poker game. Angelo was a perfectionist, and he needed things to work out and run smoothly. He took Harold's business card, giving it a quick view before slipping it into the pocket of his expensive tuxedo. "I'll make sure to contact you if anything comes up." It wasn't a reassurance or a denial, just something left hanging in the air. He was weary of this man, and he wasn't about to involve him in his next project regarding the entertainment industry. That investor was Adelaide's husband, much to his dismay, but he hoped his investment would be valuable enough to make the project a reality.
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Eden excusing herself to her parents confirmed Angelo's initial suspicions about their strained, odd relationship. The lack of affection between Harold and his daughter was glaringly obvious, and Angelo could tell that Harold had something to do with it. "Pleasure to meet you," Angelo lifted his hand to wave a small goodbye before Eden lead the two away from her parents. The forced politeness, the underlying tension, and the peculiar distance all pointed to deeper issues. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Eden had been hiding a significant part of her past from him, and now he was beginning to understand why. Once they were led away, and she'd spoken, Angelo gently but firmly guided Eden to a quiet corner away from the crowd. He needed answers, but he also needed to approach this delicately. "Eden," he began, his voice low and filled with concern as they were far from prying eyes. He wasn't ignoring her subtle attempts of making them focus on intimate topics, but he wanted to approach the topic first before they made their way back home. "I've noticed the tension, and it’s clear there’s more to this," He set the flute of champagne aside and gently placed his hands on her shoulders before a hand raised to meet her cheek. "You know if something is bothering you, it's best to tell me."
"She always wanted that kind of romance, to be swept of her feet." she was smiling softly, watching Eden from a distance... very much like she couldn't bring herself to approach her properly or to be as close as a Mother should, always watching from the side lines. "She was watching the television one day, rainy day and ended up watching titanic.. we were in another room but she came in after watching it in oh, floods of tears, absolutely heart broken that Jack was lost at sea." she started to explain. The detail she was skimming over was quite how long Eden had been left alone. "She spent two whole days trying to tell me that if we just took her to the ocean she'd be able to find Jack and take him to Rose. I've never seen quite so much determination but after that, she seemed in love with the idea of love especially when it came to how much she wanted a dog to love." she never got one, no, Harold found reasons to deny her anything she truly wanted. Eden had wanted a dog to feel like she had someone other than Ben, someone to talk to, something to take care of that was... entirely hers and something that'd love her for it. A friend when she felt isolated.
"Oh I'm proud, I've been by her bakery, her Grandmother would be especially proud if she could see it but I doubt she will leave the care home now." To be told she was fine, that was at least something... she knew they'd been the closest of siblings but Eden herself seemed to be so much more pained over it than her own parents, Bens own Mother. She was distanced from them and yet part of her wished to be closer but how could she? Harold would never have that, no situation where he wasn't in control. Her smile however shifted to something a little more sad. "I know she might not talk about us and I'm very aware many parents wouldn't approve of you, or the age difference, but I'd like to think she is happy and she looks incredibly happy and at ease with you so... well, thank you for that Mr Santino." at least in that, she sounded genuine.
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As much as she'd blushed at Angelo's homemade video remark she was or had been on cloud nine over the flattery he showed her, not to let someone flirting with him embarrass her, he just.. lifted her up in the most sultry way she'd ever been flattered. She'd be the star of his show but her Father wanted to make her the villain of it. She already knew that. She'd kept glancing her gaze back over her shoulder to where he stood and how her Father led her enough that she couldn't see him clearly. They were loitering near a table with a pyramid of champagne flutes. "You're going to convince him to go into business with me." he spoke in a hushed voice, low and discreet and Eden kept up the appearance of it being a normal conversation. "No, no I wont." she retorted back immediately and as she went to reach for a champagne flute his hand snapped around her wrist and brought it to be more hidden between them but his squeeze was vicious and sharp on her delicate skin. She stiffened, suddenly a little girl with her hand gripped and dragged, not a woman capable of making a scene but a silenced child living in constant fear.
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"You are going to and it is no request, am I making myself clear? You do whatever it is you do but you convince him a deal with me is a good thing. You tell him how it helps your family and tell whatever lie you need to, or so help me Eden I will take that bakery from you even if I have to burn it down myself. One visit and I could change everything for your grandmother too, would you enjoy that? I'd tell her how it's your fault, these decisions, a room without a window.. and I mean really, do you think I'd stop there?" he laughed and turned her away from any prying eyes, leaning in. "Business with him would change everything for our family and here you are in his pocket. What is it, did he pay for this dress you're wearing, did he tell you that you're pretty and you fell at his feet?" Her brows pulled, worry starting to show. "No- No he- he's nice to me-" he wasn't letting her get the words out, interjecting so quickly. "Nice to you." he laughed, how childish she felt for her choice of words. "What about your Mother Eden? Do you want her to struggle for the things she wants? She will, if you can't convince him into this. You wouldn't want her to be denied the things she wants would you?" the blackmail was dripping from every word and yet he still had hold of her wrist, dry fingers squeezing her tender skin. "All you have to do is tell a little lie, how great a business man I am when we walk back over there. Am I making myself clear?" his tone slowed to more of a vicious drawl, his forefinger pressing into the pulse where his fingers met and her face scrunched with the pain it sent up her arm. "Yes. Crystal clear." she squeaked quietly and he eased his grip. "Good. Maybe you can be a proper O'Connor now. Do not disappoint me Eden."
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A short while later they came back, each caring and extra drink, she offered one to Angelo and Harold held Lorelai's for her and waited for her to shuffle back to being at his side like some well trained pet. Her hand instantly wanted to find Angelo's again but already she felt safer, just being stood at his side. She knew how tall he was would intimidate most for her, the way he towered, the way he shadowed her? That made her feel sheltered and safe now. "These events are always so draining aren't they? Such a performance to simply discuss business." his eyes flashed from Angelo to Eden, clear in what he wanted from her. "My Father he's been a reliable business man for a lot of years now... you know I'm not good with business that's why I let an accountant do half the hard work for me but it uh, clearly runs in the family!" as she smiled, fake as ever, her parents did to. "You flatter me." he didn't talk with his hands gestures like she did, she hadn't learned that from them. "Angelo I'm looking to broaden my horizons, new locations, maybe we could be of interest to each other." he reached into his jacket. That one motion of bringing his hand forward had her flinch. Her hand reaching behind Angelo, holding the back of his sleeve. All he'd done was offer out a business card. "Plus what better than keeping business in the family?" he beamed, trying to seem ever the approachable and reasonable. "Call me, we could arrange a meeting, talk."
Nothing seemed worse to her, the idea that her Father would claw his way in to Angelo's home which is something Eden greatly considered a safe space for her. He'd tarnish that, as he did everything. "We really do have a lot of people to speak to, I'm sorry ." Eden spoke up, her thumb rubbing along the back of Angelo's arm, that's when Lorelai pulled her for what looked like a very stiff hug on Eden's part. Her Father did nothing more than nod his head at her, he'd said all he needed to, he'd made his threats. They moved, Eden was happy to take them across the room and realistically as far away as she could get from them. "I'm sorry, I didn't know my parents were going to be here." she finally said something, just happy for them to just be them again. "I can explain, when we get home?" she offered, knowing exactly how it looks. "Can I just.. I don't want to leave your side, is that okay?" she asked softly but finally Eden showed a hint of a smirk, shuffling more to being leaned into his side than an arms length. "Maybe I can be the... what was it you said Angelo?" her ease was returning, cheeks lightly blushing. "The star of your show?"
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wiinestories · 12 days
Cade's reaction caught Agatha by surprise, her brows furrowing in response to his unexpected outburst. His remark about not being her child stung, adding confusion to her frustration. "What is with you, Cade?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and irritation. "Why are you so defensive with me?" Was he expecting that she'd protect James? No, but she didn't agree with Cade's behaviour either.
Agatha took her time listening to Cade as he expressed his discomfort with her friend James, describing James' behaviour as flirtatious, something she hadn't noticed. As she listened, her arms fell to her sides, and she lifted a hand to rub her forehead, a sigh slipping from her lips. She waited until he finished talking and then followed him into the bedroom, determined to address the situation. "I'm not letting this pass, Cade," she said firmly as she entered the room.
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"I'm not seeking an argument; I just want you to listen to me," Agatha's gaze fixed on Cade, her head cocking slightly to the side. "The moment you stepped in through that door, you judged him. Don't you believe you were perhaps overreacting? What's wrong with calling a friend beautiful? Can you care to explain that to me?" Agatha narrowed her gaze at him as she spoke, keeping her voice normal and soft. "You didn't give him a chance. You straight up made a face whenever he spoke. How is that handling a situation better?" Agatha sighed, her expression softening slightly. "I understand that you feel the way you do, but you have to trust me. If James ever crossed a line, I would be the first to set him straight. He bloody knows this is your home, we're having a baby together and we're together. But you can't jump to conclusions. It only creates unnecessary tension. You just jumped to conclusions now with me, and you're acting as if I'm about to scold you like a child when the only thing I want is to reason with you."
Let him try, let him interfere, that's all he kept thinking because that man could try all he wanted, it wasn't going to ruin Cade's life, he wouldn't let it. He watched her arms fold over her chest and raised his own brows slowly. "I think it was a nice offer after a fucking long day, that's what I think." Cade moved past her, head shaking. "I 'aint your kid Aggie, stop crossing your arms like you're a Mother scolding a child." he groaned. The day really had been long enough and now what, they were going to argue? Over some asshole that'd been flirting with her?
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"You know what Agatha, if you want to argue go ahead, start shouting because I don't like him, I don't want him in this house and if you can't see how he was behavin' was wrong then fine, you can believe what you want but if you were uncomfortable with someone in this house I'd make 'em leave straight away, not ask you to sit through it or essentially get over it. I offered to go you weren't even happy about that but if I don't want to be near someone then I don't want to be near 'em, can't you give me that? It really isn't asking for a lot now- before you go off on one, I'm not going to argue with you, I'm going for a shower and then I'm sorting food."
It was in the doorway of walking away that he turned, a hand pointed her direction. "Oh and don't call me Mr Sabelle like I'm some version of my Father. because I didn't agree with you, that's some immature shit n' I do not appreciate it." he left it at that, walking into the bedroom to get clean clothes to change into, loosening off the shirt that'd been tucked into his smart work pants neatly.
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wiinestories · 12 days
Hello guys! Just letting you know that until Monday, I'm gonna prioritize 1-2 most likely given that I'm busy with social events, gatherings and also waiting for the result of job offers in between. <3 My mind is mostly set on that and the events I'm looking forward to this weekend. Much love to all!
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