wiitchkiller · 4 days
Anytime you need me - Rewrite
Summary: Mason gets a call to pick his girlfriend up from the club
Words: 3k ish
Note: this is a rewrite of my first ever fic! It’s doubled in length and has been changed slightly so hopefully it’s a bit better than the original! As always, feedback is appreciated 🩷
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Mason awoke with a start at the sound of his phone continuously buzzing on his bedside table. Rolling over and reaching to grab it, the time 2:06 am flashed up on the screen.
Squinting at the bright light, he flicked his messages open, clicking on your name as numerous notifications filtered down the screen.
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He smiled to himself, rolling his eyes at your blatant drunkenness but pleasantly surprised that the messages were entirely coherent, half expecting you to have blown his phone up with nonsense. He slowly sat up and stretched as he clicked the call icon beside your name, eyes still too full of sleep to attempt texting you back.
You picked up on the first ring, some rustling coming down the line before he heard you speak, “Maseyyy, hiiii baby!” Your voice was slurred, a faint thumping from the bass of the club's music could be heard in the background but not so loud he couldn't hear you. Mason frowned slightly, assuming you couldn't have been inside the venue if the music was so distant.
It wasn't often you rang Mason in the middle of the night to pick you up from a night out, when you went out for drinks with friends it would usually end at a much more civilized hour, Mason more often than not acting as your taxi. But on the rare occasion you were out beyond midnight, you would avoid disturbing Mason at all costs, not wanting to wake him up when he had a match or training the following day. You had always promised to ring him in an emergency though, so his heart jumped at the thought of you potentially being unsafe.
"Hi pretty girl, are you okay?” He tried to keep his voice level as his anxiety spiked.
“Yeah baby I’m okay,” your wobbly voice echoed into his ear, “I was wondering if you could pick me up? Lana has found a random bloke so isn’t going home now. I was gonna get a taxi home because I can’t stay at hers like planned but since you're off tomorrow I figured you'd get mad if I did.”
“Yeah of course, I'm just getting ready to come and get you now,” he couldn't help but feel irritation swell in his chest and the thought of your friend abandoning you but was relieved that you had asked, “Where are you?"
He stood from the bed, walking to the chair stood in the corner of your bedroom and yanked on his hoodie and joggers that he had thrown on it a few hours prior.
“outsideeee", you giggled down the line after a pause and another rustle in the background.
He sighed deeply, coming to the quick realisation that you weren't as sober as your messages had led him to believe, "I know that baby, what club are you at?"
In between drunken giggles you revealed the name of the club that you had ended up in that night, quietly whispering down the line that it smelt like sweaty feet in there and that was why you had taken it upon yourself to wait outside.
Furrowing his eyebrows at your response he quickly grabbed his keys from the dresser and jogged down the stairs, "Wait, are you on your own?"
"Noooo, there's a man being sick next to the lamppost and I think his friend is asleep on the floor right by my feet!" You giggled, resulting in another deep sigh from your boyfriend.
"Y/n how many times have I told you not to wander off on your own?” He grumbled out as he slid into his car, his half asleep body shivering from the cold.
The call dropped for a second as he started his engine, connecting through his car causing him to wince as your voice echoed through his speakers.
"I'm not on my own baby, I just told you, I'm with new friends!"
Mason couldn’t help but laugh at your cheer before quickly remembering his drunk girlfriend was standing outside a sketchy club, "Two random drunk men do not count as friends love, where’s Lana?”
“I told you Mase, she left with a man just now!”
“You didn't say she had already left!” He chastised, “just she wasn't going back to hers.”
Mason couldn't help but feel his anger grow towards your friend, pissed off she had ditched you in favour of hooking up with a stranger from the club. Lana was a nice girl, but Mason had seen straight through her from day dot and was forever reminding you Lana’s friendship was only there until a man came on the scene. He never anticipated she would be one to desert you on a night out when you had plans to stay at hers, otherwise he would have stayed awake and kept tabs on you.
Mason sighed yet again, “please go and wait inside until I get there baby, I'll be 10 minutes.”
“It’s okay Mase, I’ll stay with my friends!” You smiled as the man on the floor beside you began to stir.
Mason could hear the man muttering in the background of the call, panic growing by the second. He didn't mean to sound so sharp, but knew it would be the only way to get you to pay attention through your drunken haze, “Get back inside. Now, Y/N."
Mason pulled off the driveway and began his drive through the quiet streets of Surrey as you mumbled down the line in protest but followed his instructions, the music now coming through the line louder and clearer than before, "Good girl, I'm hanging up now you're inside. Just wait there, I'm only round the corner."
Mason pressed his foot to the accelerator a bit harder, praying silently there were no police cars roaming the streets as he sped to your location.
A few minutes later the club came into sight and Mason pulled up in an empty space across the street. The two men he presumed you had been standing beside were still outside on the pavement, though two more men, who he suspected were bouncers, had now joined them.
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Mason looked up from his phone to see your dress-clad figure stumble from the front entrance, rolling down his window to give you a wave as he spotted you scanning the road in front of you in search of his car.
Your face broke into a grin as you spotted him, quickly darting across the empty street to his car, but not before throwing a "Bye guys!" to the two partially unconscious men you had 'befriended'.
You reached his car, leaning in through the drivers window, pouting your lips to ask for a kiss which Mason granted, pressing his lips to yours in a quick peck.
"Hi baby, I missed you", you giggled into his neck as you leaned further into the car and cuddled into his warm body.
Mason reached up to stroke your hair back, gently lifting your head so he could see your face, "missed you too pretty, did you have a good night?" He asked.
You grinned back at him, slowly nodding your head and letting out a dragged out "Yesss, the best!"
"Good, now get in the car please before someone sees and thinks I'm soliciting you", he teased, aware you weren't in the nicest area and having a half dressed woman hanging through his car window down a dark street may have looked a bit suspicious to onlookers. He leaned across the car to open the passenger side door ready for you as you let out an offended gasp.
"Hey! I'm not a prostitute! I'm your girlfriend!" You laughed, lightly smacking his chest before stumbling around to the passenger side.
He hummed in response as you slid into your seat, throwing your bag at your feet with a tired sigh. He leaned across to plug your belt in after watching you struggle, giving you another quick kiss before starting his engine and pulling away.
He spent the entirety of the short drive home quietly chuckling in response to your drunken ramblings, animatedly giving him a play by play of your night's adventures.
"And then, as I was waiting to order my drink, this guy came over and I think he might've been flirting with me, Mase!" You gasped, "he offered to buy me a drink and he kept looking at my boobs, which I thought was pretty rude. But anyway, I told him I wasn't interested and 5 minutes later he was necking on with some other girl on the dance floor so I really don't think he was that interested either!"
Mason couldn't help but burst out laughing, reaching his hand across the center console to grasp your hand in his, giving your fingers a light squeeze.
“Why are you laughing at me?” You frowned, head tilted in confusion, “That is not very nice. I haven't said anything funny.”
His lips trembled as he tried to contain his chuckles, pulling your hand up to place a kiss to it in apology, “sorry baby, you're right. Did you have a good time apart from that?”
“Yesss!” You nodded animatedly, “I had to make new friends though as Lana was sitting at the bar with this bloke most of the night.”
Mason sighed in response, reminding himself in the morning to speak to you about being careful around your so-called friend. He would never tell you what you could or couldn't do, but he couldn't help but itch at the thought of you going out with just her again. His brain was in overdrive imagining the position you may have been in if he wasn't there to come and pick you up.
“I’m glad you had fun baby girl,” he kissed the back of your hand once again, holding it against his lips for a moment as he focused on the road ahead.
He looked across at you as he pulled onto the drive, innocently staring up at him with a soft smile making his heart clench at how much he adored you. Mason turned and pressed a kiss to your softly pouted lips, pecking you one, two, three times before turning to climb out the car and walk round to the passenger side to help you out. You'd made it as far as unplugging your seatbelt as he pulled the door open, reaching down to grab your clutch and heels that you had slipped off during the journey before scooping you up from the seat and carrying you bridal style up the driveway.
"Thank you for coming to get me," you whispered into his neck as he carried you to the front door, glancing back to check the car had locked as he placed you carefully on the doorstep.
"Anytime baby" he breathed against the side of your head as he unlocked the door.
The house was dark as you made your way in, the both of you heading straight for the stairs to take you up to your bedroom, fatigue setting in as the warmth of your house consumed you. You took the stairs slowly, Mason’s large hands wrapped around your waist to guide you from behind. You leant heavily into Mason's grip as he guided you through the bedroom door and directed you into your ensuite.
"C'mon baby, sit up on the counter,” he instructed, turning you and lightly lifting you from the hips until you were settled in front of him beside the sink.
He reached into the draw to his right, pulling out some wipes and gently beginning to wash away your makeup, softly tugging the false lashes from your lids as he stood between your thighs.
You stared up at him as he worked away, brows furrowed in concentration as he attempted to wipe away every trace of makeup on your skin.
You hadn't even realised your eyes were fluttering shut until the fingers that were cupping your jaw tapped lightly against your skin, "don't fall asleep on me just yet, pretty girl, you'll be annoyed if you wake up in the morning with makeup on."
You grumbled in response, eyes shutting completely as you felt your head beginning to spin, tiredness settling deep in your bones. You heard the click of a lid, flinching slightly as Mason wiped a cold blob of what you assumed was moisturizer onto your forehead, his gentle fingers massaging the cream into your skin making you sigh in contentment.
Reaching across behind you, fumbling around until you located your toothbrush and the tooth paste, eyes too blearly to properly see what you were doing. You squinted slightly as you squirted a blob onto the head of the brush, quickly wetting it and shoving it into your mouth.
"Good try babe,” Mason paused, a chuckle leaving his mouth, “but that's my brush.”
Glancing down to the toothbrush in your hand, you shrugged, continuing to scrub your teeth as he shook his head, muttering under his breath that he would just get another one tomorrow. You rolled your eyes, figuring he had shared enough of your germs throughout the years to be that concerned but settled down when he flashed you a cheeky smile.
Carefully unwrapping your legs from his waist, he ducked out of the bathroom, returning moments later with your pajamas in his hand.
“Spit,” he murmured after stepping back between your parted thighs.
Leaning to the side, you spat the tooth paste from your mouth as instructed and turned back to look up at your boyfriend who wiped the excess foam from the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
Holding onto your hips, he gently slid you down from the counter and settled you on your feet, lifting your dress and slowly pulling it over your head. He worked in silence, unclipping your bra and sliding your knickers down your legs, quickly slipping his old t-shirt over your head before helping you step into your sleep shorts.
Once you were suitably dressed for bed and make-up free, he pressed another kiss to your lips and nodded his head towards the toilet, "go for a wee quick, otherwise you'll have us both awake again in an hour.”
You nodded in response, doing as you were told as Mason busied himself filling you a glass of water to take to bed and clearing away the used make up wipes. With a sideway glance, daring you to make a comment, he grabbed his toothbrush and gave his own teeth a quick refresh.
Flushing the toilet and shimmying your shorts back up, you joined him at the sink, knocking your hip into his as you washed your hands. He smiled with a shake of his head, watching as you skipped past him back into your bedroom and dove head first into the pile of sheets that had been left unmade from his previously disturbed slumber.
You sat up and watched him as he placed the glass of water on your nightstand, pulling your phone from your discarded clutch and plugged it in to charge. It was small actions like that that made your heart leap with affection for your boyfriend, knowing you would always be looked after and doted on as if it was second nature to him.
Mason stood back after helping you under the duvet, walking around to his side of the bed. Your eyes locked onto his bare body as you watched him pull his jumper over his head, admiring the way his back muscles moved under his soft skin. There was something so sexy to you about the way he undressed himself, roughly grabbing the collar of his top and seamlessly pulling it over his head, a sight that had you brain running away with itself as you thought back to all the times he had done that same action before having his way with you. The sight made you shiver and your skin heat, your alcohol fuelled hormones making your head spin.
Mason kept his back to you as he dropped his joggers over his narrow hips, sitting down on the edge of the bed to yank them off before settling in beside you, reaching to turn his bedside lamp off and engulfing the room in darkness.
You groaned in protest that the show had ended, rolling onto his chest as he laid back, gently scratching your nails across the light smattering of hair. He moaned in contentment at the feeling, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head and wrapping his arms around you to pin you against his chest.
"I love you," you whispered into the dark, tucking your head into his neck, hooking your leg over his hips to cuddle into him impossibly closer.
"I love you too baby," Mason hummed, rolling himself into you so your bodies were pressed against each other, lips finding yours in the dark for a loving kiss. His lips molded against yours with ease, the kiss slow and gentle, Mason eventually pulling away to let out a tired yawn.
“We better get some sleep,” he sighed, settling into the pillow, nose brushing against yours as you had decided to share his for the night, not wanting to part from his embrace.
“Night Masey,” you whispered, pecking his lips one more time for good measure, “thank you for looking after me.”
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wiitchkiller · 1 month
my favourite animal is me when i see a shirtless pic of mason
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wiitchkiller · 1 month
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fuck my life
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wiitchkiller · 1 month
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wiitchkiller · 1 month
lord pls bigay mo na sakin to 😭🙏
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wiitchkiller · 2 months
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I fall more in love with him every day
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wiitchkiller · 2 months
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good morning to me 🤭
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wiitchkiller · 3 months
my favorite animal is me whenever i see mason shirtless
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wiitchkiller · 3 months
fyi i am a slut for mase
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wiitchkiller · 4 months
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I love you I love you I love you I love you
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wiitchkiller · 4 months
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wiitchkiller · 4 months
sg 2024 cutie hehe
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wiitchkiller · 6 months
the resurrection of jesus? more like the resurrection of mason mount! 🙏🏼
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wiitchkiller · 10 months
Everytime I read a post about someone leaving masonblr or the fandom in general, it's like a hunger games death cannon goes off in my head
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wiitchkiller · 11 months
headcanons about azriel’s wings because I can’t sleep and they’re all I can think about
- first of all, he definitely has the largest wingspan, but he’s not cocky about it and let’s his brothers think that theirs are bigger
- they twitch when he’s irritated, or pissed off, or even sometimes when he’s turned on
- he’ll shoot one out in front of you so you don’t walk away from him or to prevent you from going any further somewhere else
- he uses them to shield you from things or other people and it has you standing on your tippy toes to try and look over them but they’re so damn huge that you can’t
- he’ll curl one around you to guide you closer to his side
- they flare slightly to show his dominance whenever another male looks at you a little too long for his liking and it always has you rolling your eyes at him
- he’s so needy and when you’re not paying attention to him, he’ll flap them, sending a gust of air in your direction and he smiles when you finally address him, even if it’s just to scold him for ruining your hair
- he drapes one across you while you sleep and it’s just like a second blanket
- you’re the first and only one besides healers he allows to ever touch his wings
- you’ll sit at the edge of the bathtub and clean them for him because “you get all the hard to reach places”
- and don’t even get me started on wingplay…
- the first time you gently stroke a particularly sensitive spot, he whimpers, yes whimpers
- you like to dance your fingertips along the membrane just to see his eyes closed and face scrunched up
- you’ll lean to kiss them because they’re just so beautiful and he’s coming undone within seconds
- there are plenty of times that you’ve made him finish by just playing with his wings
- anyway…
- the first time he comes to your small studio apartment, they bump into everything and you’re giggling as he tries to catch all the things that are falling off counters and shelves
- they slump when you’re upset with him or just sad in general because he hates seeing you like that
- similarly, they perk up whenever he sees you or hears your voice or laughter
- he’ll reach out and gently stroke one down your spine just to let you know he’s there
- he likes to cocoon you in them often, because he says it feels like it’s just you and him in the whole wide world
there’s a lot more but you get the gist
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wiitchkiller · 11 months
mason mount x reader
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Liked by masonmount and others
yourinstagram A cozy Sunday 🫶🏼🫂⭐️
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masonmount ❤️
sophiaamelia Charlie looks so cute!!
yourinstagram Puppy play date soon?
sophiaamelia Yes yes yes!
izakova 🤍
masonandynnn MY PARENTS!!!!!
benchilwell Why wasn’t I invited for breakfast?
yourinstagram Sorry invite got lost in the mail 🤷🏻‍♀️
declanrice Charlie my favourite Mount🥰
masonmount Seriously?
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Liked by masonmount and others
yourinstagram This is basically a fan account for my dog and relationship 🥰🤷🏻‍♀️
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masonnnnnn19 mason wrote her a love note??? im gonna cry 🤧🤧
kaihavertz29 He also wrote me a love note so you’re not special
yourinstagram @/sophiaamelia come get your boyfriend please
masonmount He is actually my boyfriend
yourinstagram And Sophia is my girlfriend
sophiaamelia My girlfriend ❤️
masonfan3 I love this comments section
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Liked by yourinstagram and others
masonmount Family day out
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masonfan5 cutest family ever!!!!
yourinstagram 🫶🏼🫶🏼
jazbenham It was a good day ❤️
mason19 Charlie is a little lion
yourbestie The cutest 🥰
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wiitchkiller · 1 year
Maybe soft launch with Mason, arriving at the officialization of the relationship?🌺
mason mount x reader
enjoy anon 🥹
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Liked by yourbestie and others
yourinstagram Beach days are always good days 💛
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yourinstagram I LOVE YOUUUUUUU
ynfan3 umm miss is that a man?
ynfan5 IS THAT A HAND???????
yourmum 💛
sasha_rebecca Gorgeous 🫶🏼
sophiaamelia ❤️
masonfan2 sophia? what are you doing here??
masonfan8 i was wondering the same thing
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Liked by benchilwell and others
masonmount Summer.
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benchilwell ❤️
masonfan9 whose hand is that mason??
declanrice Oh mate that picture 👀
masonmount What picture? 👀
masonfan5 That looks like y/n’s hand because she had those rings
masonfan19 that could be anyone tho
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Liked by masonmount and others
yourinstagram The Pride of London
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masonmount 💙
masonfan2 ???
yourbestie This outfit is everything
ynfan0 🫶🏼
ynfan6 Y/N at a football game!!!
masonfan8 a chelsea game too
benchilwell Hi bestie
yourinstagram Hey bestie
ynfan1 what??
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Liked by masonmount and others
yourinstagram The photographer and her muse 🫶🏼
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masonmount The best photographer ❤️
benchilwell 🫶🏼
masonfan9 OMG OMG
yourinstagram 🤭
ynfan7 Our girl is a wag now
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Liked by yourinstagram and others
masonmount My soulmate ❤️
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yourinstagram I love you
masonmount I love you
mason19 boyfriend mase era
jazbenham ❤️
ynfan3 They are so cute together
kaihavertz29 Lovely
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