wilddolphin · 1 year
It hurts when ur own best friend doesnt understand you
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wilddolphin · 1 year
I was giving my daughter some advice, telling her how tough life was for me and she should be grateful to have understanding parents. I told her how bad i was treated by my parents but despite all that, i never wish to hate them. They are still my parents.
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wilddolphin · 1 year
Struggling with illness that only you can understand. Even doctors cant really give a definite diagnosis. Am still fighting and hoping that i will not give up. God please give me the strength to carry on.
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wilddolphin · 2 years
I am a disappointment of my own device. I wish i could die now. No one will understsnd the rage and frustration i suffered all these years.
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wilddolphin · 2 years
It’s suffocating to feel that burden deep inside you.
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wilddolphin · 2 years
Have i ever had a weird scary dream? Yup. When i was about 5 years old, i dreamt of my mom, walking a long skirt, looking very beautiful. In her hands, she was holding a head. Human head. I was scared shit. And woke at that instance
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wilddolphin · 2 years
It is My golden jubilee today and stumbled with my old flame while he was watering the plants . 🫢🫢🫢
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wilddolphin · 2 years
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wilddolphin · 2 years
Abusive parents is real. That is why i dont want my child to suffer as i suffered before. I was body shamed, beaten, screamed at , and unloved for reasons untold. Even till now, i never felt loved by my parents but i always try to do good even tho i know, they dont love me. Mental and physical abuse scarred people.
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wilddolphin · 2 years
No matter how much u wanna avoid that feeling of being abandon…. It still fucking hurts. Being left out, being second in everything no matter how hard u tried. How ur mom feels that she’s not close to you… that she prefers ur sister… it hurts. It hurts mom… it really hurts. You said that ur not bias… but for real mom. U are bias at some point no matter how much u deny. Ur biased. … and i give up being nice… i really couldnt be bothered now. Its just me and myself.
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wilddolphin · 2 years
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wilddolphin · 3 years
24/1/2022- harrased by a parent but luckily my hubby answered the call. 25/1/2022 again she made 4 calls which of course was blocked by me. This is rude meh
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wilddolphin · 3 years
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Received messages through fb messenger on the 9th october 2021, . He claimed that he was a student from my previous teaching. little did i know that he was a pervert asshole. But it was taken care of. What a low-life f'ckin asshole
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wilddolphin · 3 years
Received a pervert chat from someone (7/10/2021) who claimed that he was my ex student. Get a life man. What a lowlife piece of shit you are.
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wilddolphin · 3 years
I despise looking back at the past…It hurts no matter how u tried to make it positive. My childhood was not a glorious one, as teenager, the hurt and torture went on up to my marriage. It was an easy one… my marriage is filled with ups and downs. The divorce and reconciliation. And now covid.
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wilddolphin · 3 years
Dear Zai, tomorrow is the 1st day of the long awaited holy month of Ramadhan. Welcome it with a heart filled with peace, harmony and joy. May the divine blessings of Allah protect and guide you and all dear to you.
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarak dan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.
Got this on April 12. What a snake he is. Thinking that his sweet talk would let me play along with his nuisance act. Come on, step up ur game. If u really believe in Allah, u shud embrace islam from the very beginning. Too bad man. A snake only sheds its skin but not its manner. Behind those sweet words lie a hidden agenda. Sorry, but not sorry.
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wilddolphin · 3 years
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11 APRIL 2021 (Sunday)
My mother in law passed away. She had been bed-ridden for quite some time. Hope she will be at peace. I didn't shed any tears. Well, that certainly shows my relationship with her. I was never in the best picture in her life, I guess, vice versa. Too bad. Life goes on. Hope she will be at her best.
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