wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
As soon as his shirt came off, Kitty decided to become more acquainted with his body. Her fingers ghosted over his bare chest, the pads of her fingers rubbing lightly against each ab muscle, impressed by how seemingly perfect they were. There was no way he did this himself - he must have been created by God himself.
Feeling his hand locating her zipper, she was grateful for wearing a dress with no bra. It would almost be a surprise for him - one she was sure he'd appreciate when he discovered it being so. "Hurry," Kitty whispered, eager to get on with the rest of their night. It was clear where they were heading that night and Kitty couldn't wait to feel what it was like to be with him.
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
As his chest pressed up flush against hers, she felt an intense desire course through her veins. It had been a couple of months since she'd last been with someone and as nervous as she was, Kitty was fully prepared for this experience. She could tell he was enjoying the moment and it was only the beginning for them. Sure, it was just going to be a one time thing, but she'd make damn sure that it was a one time thing he remembered from that moment on. No matter how many groupies he was with out on the road, he'd always remember his experience with Kitty Wilde.
Picking up the pace a bit, Kitty's hand traveled down to the hem of his shirt and she bunched the material up in a fist, tugging it up his body. She was eager to see those abs he was known for up close and in person and she was even more eager to feel his tight muscles beneath her delicate fingers.
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
She didn't waste another moment thinking it over when he spoke up and instead focused on the feeling of his fingers trailing up her thigh to her waist. It was different, so much so that it managed to drive a shiver down her spine, and from that point on she knew this would be the experience of a lifetime. One she'd brag about for years to come (or at least until the story got creepy or wore off in wonderment). Maybe Kitty should have been a bit more surprised by his openness to the situation, but it likely wasn't the first time he'd had a female fan come onto him - and it likely wasn't the first time he went through with it, either. She wasn't going to think about that, though, because Kitty wanted to imagine that she was special just this once.
Closing off the distance between them, Kitty pressed her lips to his and couldn't help but smile ever so softly as she kissed him. It was almost as she imagined it would be, only the sickening sound of her heart beating loudly in her chest caught her off guard. She didn't expect that, not at all, but she threw caution to the wind and continued to kiss him, even growing so bold as to climb into his lap to make them both more comfortable.
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
Kitty nodded her head in agreement that they were the same age. She was seventeen, just like him, though it wouldn't surprise her if he said that most of the girls he'd hooked up with were older. As weird as it might have been, most girls can't deny the rockstar image. "I guess you're right - this way we can do whatever we want without any rules," Kitty commented, watching as he gestured towards her bed and then took a seat. She remained standing, just to the side of him, with her hands on her hips.
"It's okay," she said honestly, because it was. In fact, she kind of found it all interesting. Kitty was always envious of those who became celebrities at such a young age; who had dozens of adoring fans that would do anything to meet them. She obsessed over the Kardashians, wishing she could have her own reality television show and knowing 100% it would be more entertaining than theirs. His comment brought a little chuckle from her lips and she finally moved in closer, standing in front of him now. Taking initiative, she leaned forward and rested one hand on his neck, the other on his thigh. "I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss you."
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
His question made her realize how her initial one might have sounded and she quickly shook her head. "No, I just meant, like, I'm surprised you didn't. When I met Nick Jonas he was surrounded by body guards and I wouldn't say he's anywhere as famous these days as you are," she shrugged. "You must be a pretty trustworthy guy, that's all."
Kitty wasn't entirely sure if her words were going to help ease any worries he was most likely experiencing then and there so she bit down on her lower lip and gestured around. "This place is safe, I promise... and I'm like your number one fan, so I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your career or your look." Sure, for a moment, Kitty might have thought how easy it would have been to put herself in the limelight by using him, but as horrible of a person she could be, she wouldn't ever do that. And she was no Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian. A sex tape was way beneath her.
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
With Kitty leading the way, she knew she had to put on a good show, so she purposefully let her hips swing from side to side a bit more than usual and she kept her posture pristine - shoulders down, head straight, chest upright. Heels were always helpful in situations like this, making sure her legs looked spot on each and every time she wore them. Her calf muscles were nicely poised, though not so much so that she looked overly muscular. All in all, Kitty didn't have to look back at Sam to know his eyes were trained on her.
When they finally reached her dormitory, Kitty turned back to look at him. "You're lucky I've got a private suite," she commented, thankful that her parents did one thing right when they sent her away to this place and paid the full price for private boarding. There was no way she'd be able to deal with a roommate, that was for sure. Of course, the fact that all of the prefects were down at the dance helped out as far as her not getting caught went - it's not like sneaking a boy into your room was exactly playing by the rules, after all. Pulling out her key, Kitty unlocked the door and pushed it open, heading inside and closing the door once Sam had followed her in.
"Now, are you going to tell me why you didn't call for your security guard when I met up with you earlier?"
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
She could tell from the way he avoided the topic that he didn't want to talk about the girl he wrote the song for and that was quite alright with Kitty. She didn't want to talk about other girls - in fact, she didn't want to talk much at all. Sure, Kitty was a little bit in shock that she was standing here with Sam Evans, but it didn't completely surprise her. She was good at getting the things she wanted and this was just another one of those things.
"I think you know why," Kitty muttered, preparing for a kiss a moment later as he leaned forward, though it never came. His action caught her off guard and her cheek practically tingled from his touch - which was weird because that didn't normally happen when a guy touched her like that. His words spark curiosity inside of her and she nodded, silently spinning on her heel to lead the way back towards her dormitory. Maybe it was a bit presumptuous, but what else could he possibly mean?
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
Kitty wasn't oblivious, so she definitely noticed the way his eyes flickered down to meet her lips before returning to look back up at her. It was a tell, usually, that a guy wanted to kiss her and right now, she couldn't say she'd mind if he tried to. How many girls could say they've made out with a famous rockstar? Not many. And for Kitty, it'd only raise her popularity at the school - not that she really needed him to help her do that. Her fear already instilled obedience in the other students, allowing her to rise to the top of the food chain. But having a hot hookup with Sam Evans couldn't hurt.
"Beautiful Girl," Kitty said, narrowing her eyes at him a bit. "I've always wondered who you wrote it for," she commented, licking her lips consciously, as an effort to draw his attention back towards them. "But let's be real, you're not here to talk, are you?"
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
JAKE: He'll learn.
JAKE: ...What? Oh no, please please don't tell me he thinks that big lipped hick is his dad.
JAKE: You joke about this now but flash forward 15 years right now and he'll still be securely attached to your umbilical cord,
KITTY: No, he doesn't think that. And don't call Sam that.
KITTY: You're such an idiot.
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
She couldn't help but be drawn to his lips as he licked them. It was a simple action, but it was incredibly sexy. Sam was pretty damn sexy no matter what he was doing, which was impressive because Kitty wasn't normally drawn to guys her own age; it must have had to do with the fact that he was a musician, especially since that was really all she knew about him.
As he stepped closer, Kitty could have sworn she felt her chest flutter. She moved in closer as well, somewhat testing out the water. "I think it really speaks to my personality," she commented, giving a little half shrug. "Let's just say I couldn't keep my eyes off you tonight," Kitty added on, reaching up to brush some hair out of his face, despite the slight sweatiness of his forehead. "I'm a big fan of you music."
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
She took a moment to appreciate his body - especially his butt. She had heard from others that he had a cute butt and now Kitty was able to confirm it. Placing her hands on her hips, Kitty grinned as Sam turned around to face her, offering a smile of his own. He was definitely as cute in person as he was on television and in magazines and she was definitely as flustered in person with him as she was when reading about him in magazines.
"Kitty Wilde," she said, giving him a little curtsy as a joke. "I'd tell you not to forget it, but I don't think that's something I need to worry about." She was confident, there was no doubt about it, and she only hoped he found it attractive more than an annoyance. Somehow, there were guys out there who had actually shrugged her off because of her confident attitude. In her mind, those were the men she wouldn't waste time on. A guy who wanted a girl who would be obedient, cook, and clean wasn't a guy she wanted at all.
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
Kitty wasn't an idiot. She knew exactly what she was doing and it was obviously working, with the way he kept making eye contact with her. It was almost like he was singing to her, which was understandable because who wouldn't want to see Kitty in her birthday suit? It was the perfect way to grab his attention, really, and she felt accomplished as he gave her a final look before exiting the stage. She knew that look. It meant he wanted to meet her, to talk to her, maybe do more with her - and Kitty was completely okay with that.
Sure, Kitty thought sex was a sacred thing that should only be shared between two people who were truly in love - which was mostly why she always chickened out before getting to that point. Most of the guys she'd been with had called her a tease because of the way she'd get them worked up and then ditch before fulfilling the deed, but she wasn't a total virgin, either. She'd been with a few guys who really meant something to her - and although Sam didn't know it yet, he meant something to her, too.
Acknowledging his expression, Kitty turned around and followed him to the punch bowl, unfortunately being stopped by her minions every so often to gossip about how cute their visitor was. Kitty engaged in conversation for a few minutes, before rolling her eyes and pushing through them, only to miss Sam by a minute. She watched as he left the room and quickly dodged other students in order to follow him out. When she finally caught up with him, Kitty was surprised to see there weren't any bodyguards or a manager around.
"Sam Evans. Just the boy I was looking for."
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
When Sam spoke up, Kitty's eyes widened. It was his last song, which either meant he was prepping to leave and go back to his hotel or maybe hop on a plane and high tail it out of there. She only had one last chance to get him to notice her and make her little dream of meeting Sam Evans come true. Obviously, it wouldn't take much. She was hot - way hotter than the other chicks in this place - and she had a feeling if she came onto him, he wouldn't be able to refuse. Sure, he was a rockstar which meant he likely spent his time with other celebrities instead of "normal" people, but Kitty was far from normal, at least in her mind. If she could have it her way, she'd be up there on that stage with him, putting her voice and dance moves to good use. Deep down, though, Sam was still a seventeen-year-old boy, which meant he appreciated girls as much as the next seventeen-year-old. Unless he was gay, in which case, Kitty was only metaphorically screwed that night.
Pressing her lips together, Kitty set her empty cup on the table beside the bowl and decided to give this her all. She gave her boobs a little bit of an adjustment and check her reflection in one of the spoons on the table, making sure she looked as good in real life as she did in her mind. Her make-up was still spot on and her curls had yet to fall out, so she definitely looked good enough to grab his attention. Pushing through the crowd, Kitty made her way towards the front, just at the edge of the stage. She began dancing, making sure to glance over at Sam every so often in an attempt to catch his eye. There was no way he wouldn't notice her - if he had half a brain, he'd know exactly what she was doing and he'd be all for it. The next step would be to get him somewhere a bit more private.
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
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wilde--atheart-blog · 10 years
To be honest, Kitty was completely against attending this dance. She hated her boarding school and she hated all of the stupid girls that attended it - most of all, she hated her parents for forcing her to be there. These dances - or 'mixers' as the school would call them - with the boys' boarding school were always the worst. Not only that, but they had a strict curfew of 10:30 PM which really wasn't all that great compared to their normal curfew of 10:00 PM on the weekends. It was all pathetic and safe and Kitty was growing sick and tired of it. Luckily, she was seventeen and a senior, which meant she only had this last year to go before she was out of there.
Even luckier, the entertainment for that night was the one and only Sam Evans. Most of the girls were screaming as soon as the news was announced, but Kitty had shrugged it off as no big deal, not wanting to seem like just another fan. Because she wasn't just another fan. She was his number one fan, really, self-proclaimed or otherwise. And tonight, Kitty was planning on meeting him in order to fulfill a lifelong dream of hers. Unfortunately, she'd have to figure out how to ditch her date first.
Chewing on her lower lip, Kitty stood by the punch bowl, slowly drinking a (thankfully) spiked glass of punch. It was enough to keep her sedated for the time being, but as she watched Sam plugging away at his guitar, it only made her want to meet him that much more.
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