wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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“I forgot how exhausting training could be. I guess it’s time for a break.”
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
Accumula Town
“We all have two pokemon!” Bianca’s cam Bianca’s excited cheer. Apparently, Hotaru opting out of the contest didn’t work. She smiled at her anyway.
“Okay you two, I need to show you the PokeCenter and everything,”Hotaru called. She lead them through the Center, explaining everything, before letting them do whatever.
Hotaru went back to where she had first seen Team Plasma. People and pokemon were playing, enjoying the spring day. She sighed and turned away. Maybe she should look one more time where she left her old team. Since she was in the area.
They weren’t there. She knew they probably wouldn’t be, but she had to check. She left the area in a worse mood than she had came. Not wanting to spend anymore time in the area, she made her way to Straiton.
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
wow, that’s really pretty.” He placed a hand on his chest and tilted his head, “What does that mean? Does it have a meaning?”
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“Ho..ta..ru. Hotaru.” He mumbled her name to himself, letting the name imprint upon his memory from his tongue.
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“Thanks! It means firefly,”She explained,”Like Volbeat or Illumise. Does Ellis have a meaning?” She knew names in other languages didn’t have as obvious meanings.
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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“It’s certainly a possibility.” A grin of her own broke out, only broadening further at that enthusiastic reaction to Hoenn’s mention. “I love Hoenn dearly. I suppose it’s that special sort of attachment you develop to the place where you grow up. 
Warm weather’s definitely a plus, though. I don’t fare well in cooler climates.”
Diana, larger size aside, was glad to play along with the pup. Let herself drop when pounced at, and followed it up with a roll across the floor before she gracefully popped back up to her feet. A second was taken to sniff at the air again. Then she was gently swatting at her new playmate, giving low growls of enjoyment as she went.
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“Cold weather doesn’t really bother me, but Hoenn has some definite great things! Like Secret Bases and the entierty of Mauville! And and a bunch of fun beaches!”
Gidget crouched that the swats and pawed back, letting out playful growls and barks.
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
“It’s only boring if you make it boring.” Is his simple response to that, and he states it almost matter-of-fact. “Honestly, the only reason I managed to get through it was because I tried to make it fun and interesting; I asked questions that would get the teacher willing to talk for longer, I made quips and jokes about things
 it’s all about how you make the experience.”
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Gah, I got all preachy there, didn’t I? Sorry, sorry
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“School can be fun?” Even with all those suggestions, she was hesitant to believe him. “I guess I can try it...” She perked up,”And then I’ll be really smart, right?”
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
“Would you like me to help you look further?” Her response is almost immediate after Hotaru finished speaking, stepping forward and looking down at them with a clear purpose. If they lost their bag, it would only be fair to help look for it.
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“I am sure it cannot be far from here, if you believe it is around here. It is possible it is within Lost Property, for example.”
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“That would be so great, thank you!” She said with a relieved sigh. The thought of looking through this area on her own was daunting.
“Let’s check there first, then?”
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
“O-Of course I was surprised, haha! I mean, I just thought it was going to reflect a few things and then set on fire, to be honest
That would have infinitely cooler, though not quite as profitable, he imagined. Still, he was glad that it had turned out the way it had; it gave him a plentiful income, it helped him help others
 what wasn’t there to like?
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"I-I won’t sit here and say I’m a genius, but
 education definitely helps if you’re wanting to find a way to help people around you. Hell, not even just people around you; it can help people all around the world.”
“That would’ve been cool for a moment, probably,”Anything with fire was at least a little cool to her,”But the Holocaster is cooler longer.”
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“Aw really?” Was her response to education,”But isn’t sitting through classes and stuff boring?” 
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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“Huh? Oh yeah! I forgot repels were a thing! Is there a PokeMart around here?”
No Random Encounters
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“Then you better buy some Repels to keep wild Pokemon away.”
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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“Of course! There’s plenty of fun to do around!” Rosie smiled at the stranger.
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She smiled back,”Yeah? Like what? Can you show me?”
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
“A bag
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She pauses as she takes in the details that are given to her, index finger tapping to her chin in thought before she offered a resolve.
“I do not believe I have seen such a bag around here. Have you considered retracing your steps?”
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“Drat...”She huffed,”I thought if I left it anywhere, I’d be here...I’ll keep looking, thanks...” 
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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“I’m certain that there are more. I myself haven’t come across any, though. I ran into a fair few of them back over in Hoenn, and she was the only one with a majorly differing colour. And she is shiny, yes.”
Diana paused, listening for the pup’s movement. Following a final sniff at the air she gave a slow blink, and her own tail began to wag. Any reservations about the other dog were either gone or just less important than play time. She didn’t hesitate to get herself into the mood for a game, lowered herself into a play bow and kept her tail wagging.
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“That’s so cool! I wonder if I’ll run into any different colored pokemon,”She broke out into a grin,”Hoenn? Isn’t it like the best region you’ve been to? What was your favorite part?” She loved her home region, not sure if you could tell.
Gidget pounced at the other pokemon after she got into a play bow, and gave a yip.
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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((That feel when you wanted to do hand drawn icons for this blog, but you’re realizing you might not have a lot of time to draw icons until May....))
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
“Ah, r-really?” He wouldn’t say he was doing great; he felt like he was still stuttering and stammering like an idiot, even if part of that wasn’t controllable by any means. Still, he had to appreciate the effort that Hotaru was showing in keeping him happy, and a hand moves up to run through the front portion of his beard in thought.
“I-It started as a project for my degree, a-actually; uhm, it was meant to be all theoretical but, when we put it to the test, it actually kinda
 worked. And, when it worked, I just kept at it until we got the first prototype, and the rest kind of snowballed.”
There’s a pause, and a soft giggle.
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 always kinda makes me happy and
 warm? Knowing that so many people like it even now
 It means a lot to me knowing that it makes you and so many others happy.”
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“Yeah!” Though she probably would’ve said the same even if she didn’t believe he was doing well. She listened to his story intently, though she did have to wonder if she would find something that held her interest like that. “Woah, really? Awesome! Were you surprised when it worked, or were you hoping it was gonna?”
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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hey, thanks!”
He smiled, “You have really pretty hair, I like your ponytails~! My name is Ellis! What’s your name?”
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“Thanks!” She fidgeted with her hair a bit,”I’m Hotaru! I’m a little new to Unova. Well, I’ve been here a year, but I’m just now starting to explore it!”
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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A quick check found her Caster signalless too,”Nope.... Maybe if we clear the trees? Like wander out or climb to the top of one?”
“We are a bit stranded.”
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“You’re telling me
” Clovis sighed. “You got a working Caster on you, by any chance? Mine lost signal, so I can’t even use it to figure out where we are.”
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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cutest chibi maker
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wildfirescarlet-blog · 7 years
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You are the type of person who wants to get ahead in life, and you're willing to compete to achieve your goals. You don't see people as rivals necessarily, but you also won't let anyone stand in your way. You are very driven. You may want money, status, power, or freedom. Or even just to leave your mark on the world in a big way. Some may say that you're self-centered, and while you can be, you're also the type of person who changes lives for the better!
TAGGED BY: @unovatrainer TAGGING: @hel-angelos @bluedragonoforre @vilesofvenom & of course anyone who wants to <3
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