wildfoxtomoe-blog · 10 years
poop;; if you have a reply for me, just send it. I'll try my best to check on it. To start a thread, shoot me and ask and we can talk about a plot.
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 10 years
狐;; Taking the elastic hair tie from the blond man, Tomoe began to question the item. Tomoe didn't know what a hair tie was or why it was even stretchable; in fact, the fox was strangely amused by it's elasticity. "What is this? And how am I supposed to tie my hair with this? The hole is far to large to hold my long, luscious hair together." Tomoe inquired as he amusingly began to pull at hair tie in opposite directions.
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Adventure in Ingary || @howlingwizard
Oh what a sassy one indeed. He had quick a flaring temper. All Howl could do was chuckle at the man. In response, Howl calmly assured him. “Don’t worry, don’t worry. They mean no harm. They’ve only seen me be rather extravagant. Now seeing you around just piqued the crowds interest.” He beckoned him forward into the shop. Howl looked over his shoulder waiting to see if Tomoe would follow.
"Here," from his slender wrist he took off the elastic he had wrapped around from before. "Tie it up in a loose ponytail and you’ll fit in quite easily…" 
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 10 years
poop;; only one draft on here, so I'll quickly do it. Shoot me an ask or make a starter if you wanna rp.
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
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outofservitude;; Tumblr didn’t notify this message for me so it’s really really late, but THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH ; v ;
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
outofservitude;; Thank youuuu. Well this is my last year of highschool so I should have way much more free time when I'm in college and stuff. I will make sure that I will rp more often! That time will come soon, well... I do hope so! But hey man, if you wanna just casually talk to me, I do have my personal or skype if you want those two...
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artificial-reincarnation replied to your post: Notice
((Muuunnnn-chaaaannnnnn <3))
outofservitude;; Hii thereeeee 
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
artificial-reincarnation replied to your post: Notice
((Muuunnnn-chaaaannnnnn <3))
outofservitude;; Hii thereeeee 
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
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outofservitude;; Hey yo this is the really inactive mun of Tomoe. I see quite a bunch of new followers and I apologize for my inactivity. I'm in my last year of highschool and I'm stumped with AP classes and doing volunteer work so I probably won't be on here. From what I know, I spend at least an average of 5 hours just doing homework and I don't think I can or have the time for roleplaying. I really want to finish my last year of highschool strong so I am focusing on school only. If I have free time, I might roleplay so I will be on a blue moon. I'm sorry for this, but I hope that once I'm done with school or have time, I will come here and do replies.
If you want to start a thread, please just send an ask and I will try my best to make a thread for us. For ongoing threads, I will draft them and do them when I have the time. I'm severely sorry for this. If you wish to contact me, you can go on my personal which I am always on via mobile. Personal
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
outofservitude;; As I did rps I began thinking of things and it made me kind of depressed... I don't know I kept on thinking about it because I'm over it...
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
狐;;  'Look at me.' She commanded with her soft voice as the kitsune gazed at her, his golden hues looking directly at her chocolate ones. He tilted his head to see what she had wanted. As her soft lips touched his rough, long fingers the familiar didn't know how to react. He was bewildered by his master's kindness, her boldness to touch someone as lowly as he. Immediately a second after she had kissed his hands, Tomoe pulled them back and he proceeded to cross his arms, locking them away for any further interaction with her. "I know I'm probably not the best familiar, but I thank you for waiting for me."
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"Look at me," she spoke, still squatting. Tomoe held her hands and she flushed red once more. Hearing him say such things made her heart do somersaults. No one was ever there for her other than her mother. And now to know (and be assured of this fact) that Tomoe would be there for her always sent a rush of warmth and love over her. "Thank you so much Tomoe," she brought his hands up to her own lips and pressed a kiss to them. "Thank you. I’ll wait for you."
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
狐;;  "Being by people makes me quite moody and with all these eyes on me, I could do snap at anytime." He sighed as Howl led him out of the crowd and to a tailor. Tomoe stood behind him, his arms cross and his face which was in a pout, Tomoe wasn't that dense to notice that the foreigner before him was looking at clothes for himself rather than him. Hearing the choice of clothing, Tomoe could care less what he wore, but for his hair Tomoe backed away from him slightly. "I'd like to keep my hair the way it is. I don't you or someone's filthy hands getting all over my silky hair. If the length of it bothers you, get me a string so I can tie it up." He hissed at Howl being quite overprotective of his hair.
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Adventure in Ingary || @howlingwizard
"Oh someone’s a bit uppity. No worries." Howl responded as calmly as ever. Leading him into the crowd, the others shot them glances, some murmuring into each other’s ears. "Can’t you take a joke? You’re acting as if a thorn is stuck in your side, you know?" Now they were standing in front of the many tailors in Market Chipping. Howl cast his gaze over a few blouses, some slacks, and even a cape— Oh! He was supposed to be looking for clothing to give to the foreigner, not for himself! 
"A simple shirt, coat, and pants shall do for you… Now your hair, hmm." He rubbed his chin, brow crinkling in thought.
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
狐;; "I do not. Just being by you sickens me you dirty bird." Tomoe hissed at Kurama taking a few steps towards him. Tomoe strode past him and opened the closet and handed him a broom and dustpan, with a sigh, Tomoe said, "Get to work." Tomoe took a duster and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and covered his nose and mouth as he began dusting. As he proceeded to dust, he heard the crow ask a strange inquiry. "Do I ever regret the choices I made?" Tomoe repeated his question in confusion. The fox didn't know how to answer, did he really have regrets? He remained silent as he began to contemplate.
Hearing the crow call him out, Tomoe slightly turned and saw a rag being thrown right at him and with his fast reflexes he caught it with one hand. "That is true." Tomoe added as he walked towards the crow who was by the pail of water where they would dip their rags. As the two cleaned the floor, Tomoe decided to answer his odd, but rather interesting question. "I do have some regrets, but it's best not to let it drag you down. I sadly, don't really recall these undying regrets, but I know somewhere if I do think of them it will compromise my duties as a familiar. Why do you ask, Crow?"
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The Fox and the Crow (@wildfoxtomoe)
Seeing the fox enter through the door, he could see that he was grumpy as ever. With a sly smirk on his face, he happily took the broom that was handed to him by Tomoe. “What’s wrong? Does the fox feel lonely without his master?” He teased. Hopping off the desk he was sitting on, Kurama had walked to his own corner, away from the fox’s. Sweeping the scattered dust into the dustpan, Kurama had felt so nostalgic at the sight of the overview of the school. And beyond the overview, was the mountains. “Hey fox, do you sometimes feel regret from the past choices you make?” What a question to ask, especially on the terms they were on. But maybe, he could understand the position he was in.
Finishing up the dirty floors of the classroom, Kurama had then placed the broom in the corner and then picked up the rag that was in the bin of cleaning supplies. Picking up two rags from the box, Kurama looked at Tomoe and called him out. “Hey, catch.” As he threw the rag at the fox, he knew that capable kitsune would catch it with no problem. “The faster we clean, earlier we can both leave this joint.”
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
Send me a ‡‡ if you like how I portray my muse.
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
outofservitude;; I bet I won't finish replies even if it's only three...
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Ya know what, I can freaking do this! I WILL FINISH THESE DRAFTS
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
outofservitude;; I really want to rewatch Eva and write my stories/plan out my fanfic, but I too should focus on roleplaying. I will try my best to do all my replies by tonight, or if not tomorrow... That's if I'm not studying... 
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
狐;; [Off]line
outofservitude;; Let's see if I have the energy to do more drafts on my other accounts.
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
狐;; Just the thought of them being a couple made Tomoe slightly revolt. It wasn't the fact that it was Nanami, it was the fact that she was a human and how he was a kitsune. The thought of the two was taboo and out of the question in his standards of women and the fact the he, in a relationship seemed so... bizarre. Ignoring the fact that he was tugging her away through the supermarket, he began to look at prices of groceries to buy. 'This seems decent. Maybe I should buy a lot of these.' Tomoe thought as he picked a napa and began to search for a good, unwilted napa. He tried his best to keep his mind off of the fact of them being the couple, but nevertheless, he was still flustered from it. 
Finally hearing his name being hollered from Nanami, Tomoe was snapped back into reality. Looking back, he loosened his grip and the goddess was slipped through. He tilted his his head and looked at Nanami with confusion."What is it?" He asked his cheeks still flushed with tints of red.
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Together, You and Me || nanamisama
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wildfoxtomoe-blog · 11 years
狐;; Tomoe sighed at the position he was in. He had to stay with the most wretched person he despised so, Kurama. Escorting Nanami out of the school gates, he told her strictly not to wait for her, for her to head home and get started on her school work before doing the shrine duties. He quickly wrote a list of the shrine duties she must do after her school work. As he waved her goodbye, he walked back into the school and headed towards the classroom. Oh how he would hate these next few hours with him,
Arriving at the classroom, he already saw the tengu waiting for him at his desk. Tomoe closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. He took glances at the crow and sighs. The moment when Kurama spoke, made the fox angry, his tone sounded so, unamused. Standing up and grabbing a broom, he shoved it to Kurama. "Shut up and get to work. I want to leave too."
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The Fox and the Crow (@wildfoxtomoe)
Kurama was used to the people flocking to him, from the set where he worked to even the school he attended as a student. It was all part of the idol treatment, being complimented and asking his fellow classmates to do some errands. But he wasn’t that cruel, he needed his good image to be a friendly classmate up, so it could help with his publicity. 
Staring out to the window with his hand holding his head up, Kurama was approached by a teacher with a clipboard in his hand. Reading the fine print of the paper, it had said it was his turn to be in cleaning duty after school. Having the urge to say no, he couldn’t. It would destroy his image as a good student with a side job as an idol. So undoubtedly, he said yes. Kurama had nodded to the teacher, saying that he would meet his fellow cleaning duty partner in the classroom after school.
Afternoon classes were over and Kurama had headed over to the his homeroom in which the cleaning duty was taking place. Sliding the door open, Kurama had walked in without seeing who he was cleaning with. “Let’s get this over with so I can go to work…” Looking up, he had saw that his cleaning partner was a familiar face, but not one he was happy about.
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