wildyonderwillows · 11 months
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
Look all I'm saying is Aziraphale "tried" the meat and then he ate an entire ox.
I'm pretty sure that when they "do it again" it's going to fry the power grid all the way to Tadfield.
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
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Day 75 of posting Good Omens memes Everyday until Season 3
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
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thats such a miserable meal im crying
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
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OFMD S2 Ep3-5 + Edward "Heart-Eyes" Teach
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
i still laugh at crowley saying “and when i’m off in the stars, i won’t even think about you” cause babe. no one said that you would. stop exposing yourself
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
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Day 65 of posting Good Omens memes Everyday until Season 3
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
he stressy depressy
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
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this how i would look at the sky everyday if homelander was real
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wildyonderwillows · 11 months
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good omens, s2 e1 // mhairi mcfarlane, you had me at hello
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wildyonderwillows · 1 year
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wildyonderwillows · 1 year
So, just to verify, in Season 3, will we have a plot, and stories, and characters?
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wildyonderwillows · 1 year
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wildyonderwillows · 1 year
Law of Destiny
Chapter 5: Damsel in Distress
Who is the damsel in distress? Will Jaskier and Ilaria make it to Aretuza? (Thanks @my-jokes-are-my-armour for helping me find the jaskier photo for my moodboard!!!!)
Taglist: @tastyfiddle @wildyonderwillows @ceres27
Ao3 Masterlist
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Jaskier woke up to the sun glaring into his eyes. He groaned at the intrusion from his sleep as he sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Yawning he put a hand on the bed searching for Ilaria to wake her up but to his surprise she wasn’t in the bed. Wondering if she had abandoned him, Jaskier quickly scanned the room looking for her. Not seeing her in front of him he turned around to find Ilaria sitting by the window clearly lost deep in her thoughts. 
Jaskier cleared his throat loudly to get her attention, "Good morning. Did you sleep well?". 
Ilaria jumped at the sound as she snapped out of her thoughts. She looked over and realized Jaskier was awake finally, "Good morning sleeping beauty. I slept okay enough, minus your snoring.". 
"Yeah alcohol does have that effect on me. Perhaps you should give it a try sometime. But are you sure you slept okay? Because I hate to say it but you look like you haven't slept in days. Is everything okay?" Jaskier inquired, stepping closer to her. 
She shrugged, "Just some nightmares. But we should probably think about getting on the road if we want to make it to the next town before nightfall.". 
"Listen, I won't judge you. If you want to talk about anything at all." He reassured her. 
"I appreciate it. But right now let's get some breakfast and some supplies for the road. We got lucky last night with nothing attacking us. I don't want to push our luck.". 
Jaskier nodded solemnly as they got up and packed the few things that they had. They left the inn and went into the town in search of some breakfast. They found a small diner where they quickly ate their breakfast. Afterwards Ilaria decided it was best if they went separate ways, her looking for food easy to eat on the road and him looking for water and whatever else he fancied. They agreed to meet back at the inn in an hour before they parted. Ilaria got lucky and found food fairly quickly and made her way back to the inn where she waited by the horses for Jaskier. Anxiously she began to pace around the horses since it had been over two hours and he was nowhere in sight. She was debating leaving him behind since it was getting so late. After a moment Ilaria sighed and grabbed the small blade she had stashed in her saddle bag and made her way in the general direction she saw Jaskier head earlier that morning. 
"Now sir really I am not here to see her. I am really just trying to gather some supplies and get out of this town." Jaskier stammered, backing up against the wall staring down the sharp blade currently pointed at his throat.
"I don't care why you are here. I told you to keep your filth away from here or I would kill you." The man snarled. 
Ilaria walked in on the scene, Jaskier backed against the wall, hands up in the air, his whole body in a defensive position. She rolled her eyes and groaned of course he would be in some form of danger. Pulling the small blade she had concealed in the folds of her dress she approached the man from behind and pushed it gently into the man's back.
"I'm going to only ask you once to let this man go." Ilaria whispered into his ear. 
"I'll let him go once he is dead." The man spat.
"I'm not here to bargain sir. You're going to let him go alive or I'll ensure you're the one who ends up dead. Do not tempt me." She cautioned, sticking the blade a bit deeper into his back. 
"I would not test her." Jaskier warned.
The man glared at Jaskier before he groaned in pain as he felt the blade begin to pierce his skin. After several moments, and more groans of pain as Ilaria dug the blade deeper into his skin, he slowly lowered the blade at Jaskiers throat, "You're lucky this broad is here. But I swear to you Julian Alfred Pankratz if I see you near my house or in this town again. You won't see the next light of day no matter who is with you." The man grumbled before he sulked off. 
"Oh thank you so very much. I honestly forgot about him and this threat. He is crazy. I never actually slept with his wife, he just thought I did." Jaskier stammered as he ran over to Ilaria hugging her. 
"Julian Alfred Pankratz? Is that really your name?" Ilaria questioned giving him an awkward hug in return. 
"Yeah you really didn't think my name was just Jaskier did you?" He inquired, looking at her quizzically. 
"Well even Radovid calls you Jaskier so I just assumed. Does he know your name? Wait, are you ready to go? At this rate it'll be well past nightfall again when we reach the next town." 
"Yes I am ready. No, I don't think Radovid knows my name. I haven't had a chance to tell him yet." Jaskier replied as they began to make their way back to the inn, "though I'm surprised that you have a knife princess. May I ask if you know how to use something more hefty like a sword?". 
Ilaria put the knife back in the bag and got on the horse, "Yes, somewhat. I am not really a skilled fighter though. Couldn't take on your witcher but definitely could take on that idiot here in town easily.". 
"So why just a small blade and not a sword?!".
"Why a lute and not something more useful like a dagger or a sword?".
Jaskier glared at her, "I'm a bard…..".
"Well I'm a princess. Who with that small blade just saved your butt." Ilaria grumbled.
She heard Jaskier mutter an apology as he got on his horse. Ilaria rolled her eyes as she gently squeezed her thighs to get her horse moving forward. After a moment she could hear Jaskiers horse behind her. She gave a small tug on the reins and began to guide them away from the town. Once out of town Ilaria could hear Jaskier trying to come up with a song or at least humming along to lyrics as he strummed on his lute. Sighing and enjoying finally being able to focus on her thoughts her mind began to wander to Emhyr. The closer they got to Aretuza the more certain she felt that she would get the answer of why she was so drawn to him. 
"Okay so who is the guy?" Jaskier finally remarked. 
"I'm sorry what?" Ilaria questioned. 
"You have a look on your face that most women seem to have when they are in love." He observed. 
She blushed, "I am not in love. I barely know the man.". 
"But yet you are blushing." Jaskier teased. 
Ilaria tried to move her blonde curls in front of her face as she blushed harder, " It is none of your concern bard. I am not in love. I don't think so. It is complicated and it is not for you to worry about.".
"Again I won't judge. I've had my best friends bring me terrible people to help and I have done it. You can tell me." Jaskier tried to reassure her.
"Let me see how things go here at Aretuza. Then maybe I will." Ilaria sighed.
"Wait, is it me?!" Jaskier gasped.
Ilaria laughed, "Please tell me you are joking!". 
"Then why are you waiting until after Aretuza to tell me?!" He demanded.
Ilaria rolled her eyes; he was almost as dumb as Radovid she felt," It is hard to explain. But honestly involving this man and this situation I have this feeling I can get answers at Aretuza. Ones that will explain how I am feeling and if they are worth telling anyone.". 
"As long as it's not me." Jaskier sighed. 
"You are all Radovids. Trust me." Ilaria retorted. 
They both fell silent again but Jaskier felt the guilt from earlier beginning to eat at him. He knew he should apologize to her since she did save him. Maybe she would be more open with him if he did. But they got lucky with the rest of the trip being uneventful. The rest of the inns had two rooms and they were able to get on the road easily in the morning. At the last inn before they got to Aretuza Jaskier decided he needed to make things right finally with her before they left. As they got up that morning and got ready to leave Jaskier stopped Ilaria before she got on her horse. 
"I didn't mean what happened at the beginning of the journey.". 
"Oh and what are you referring to?" Ilaria retorted. 
Jaskier sighed, "You know what I mean.". 
"Do I?". 
"Fine, I'm sorry for what I said. Thank you for saving me." Jaskier blurted out.
Ilaria looked at him a bit shocked, "You're welcome. Thank you for accompanying me on this journey. I do appreciate it.".
Jaskiers jaw dropped, "Of course. I'm just glad I could help so you didn't have to be alone.".
They smiled at each other before getting on their horses and making their way towards the Thanedd island where Aretuza was located. It wasn't long before Aretuza came looming into their view. Ilaria was gripped with a sudden fear of being face to face with the brotherhood and the various mages at Aretuza. 
"You okay?" Jaskier inquired, seeing that she had stopped and looked pale. 
Ilaria took a deep breath, "Yes I will be okay. Just a small hit of nerves.". 
"I get that." He replied as they got off the horses. 
"Wait, are you just going to walk in? Aren't there guards?" Ilaria questioned, as Jaskier started walking towards a rather large door menacing looking door.
"I mean I've been here before and we generally just walk in. No one's killed me yet. So I'll assume we are okay." Jaskier shrugged. 
Ilaria shook her head and hung back some just in case the mages had their guards up and decided to attack. 
"Welcome back to Aretuza Ilaria, daughter of King Vizimir." A friendly female voice greeted them as the door opened 
"Didn't think I would be able to get in unnoticed especially by you." Ilaria smiled. 
Jaskier looked at Ilaria confused just as Tissaia came into view, "Ah and the bard. Don't worry I've let Yennefer know you are here. She should be here to collect you soon. Please try not to touch anything until she gets here.". 
"Yennefer?! Oh honestly I'm probably better off getting out of here. Maybe I should just……" Jaskier started to panic looking around nervously before darting out of sight. 
"I'm afraid to know what that was about." Ilaria laughed. 
"From what Yennefer has mentioned he's in a bit of trouble with his friend Geralt. Now my goodness look how you have grown you have turned into such a beautiful young woman. Come let's sit down and you can tell me what brings you here." Tissaia said, gently putting a hand on the small of her back and guiding her in towards her office.
Ilaria sat down as Tissaia poured them some wine. 
"I must ask why the bard?" Tissaia inquired, as she sat down across from her. 
"He actually volunteered to bring me. Didn't know that I knew people here. But I didn't want to turn down the company for such a long journey." Ilaria chuckled. 
"Volunteers to bring you and then hides when he arrives and I mention the person he knows. What a strange man. So are you here to finally see if you take after your sister?". 
"No, not quite yet." Ilaria chuckled. 
"Shame your sister was such a great student and you do show a lot of potential. Well may I ask what brings you all the way to Aretuza from Redania then?" Tissaia inquired. 
"Well since unfortunately I was busy and unable to attend the conclave it appears my idiot brother lost our advisor Dijkstra and our mage Phillipa. Since they were last seen here I was hoping perhaps someone would at least be able to point me in the direction of where they may have gone. My father is convinced they are responsible for the death of my mother so the goal is to find them and bring them home for justice.".
Tissaia looked at her and pondered the story for a moment as she sipped at her wine. 
"Odd that he sent his daughter and a bard to find them. I personally do not know where either of them went. They were not at the conclave long. I would recommend talking to Yennefer as she spoke to Phillipa that evening and her witcher Geralt spoke to Dijkstra so he may know where he went. As for your brother I don't recall seeing him at the conclave at all so not really sure how he lost them here.".
"You can thank the bard for the reason you didn't see my brother. He distracted him. That's how they managed to sort of vanish." Ilaria sighed. 
"May I ask why you weren't here?" She requested.
Ilaria froze but smiled and looked up at Tissaia, "I was away trying to help form an alliance for my father and was unaware of the conclave happening so I do apologize for my absence.".
Tissaia looked at her with a skeptical look on her face. Ilaria knew she was trying to judge everything that was being said. Quietly she sipped at her wine and waited for a response. 
"Well you have the freedom to go and ask questions and see if anyone knows about Phillipa. I'll have one of the girls go set up a room for you since I'll assume you're going to be spending the night." Tissaia finally responded coldly. 
"Thank you. I appreciate it." Ilaria replied, finishing the wine before she stood up and left the office.
She was anxious as to why Tissaia was all of a sudden so cold. Ilaria wasn't sure but it felt like it was a bad sign. As she began to wander the halls she hoped to run into Jaskier since it seemed Yennefer would probably be with him. 
"Is that who I think it is?" A male voice inquired. 
Ilaria stopped dead in her tracks grinning from ear to ear, "Istredd?!". 
She turned looking to see where he was. Once her eyes landed on him she ran over to Istredd and gave him a hug
"Ilaria! What brings you here? Don't tell me Tissaia finally talked you into testing your magic." Istredd teased. 
"Not yet. I'm here fixing my brother's stupid mistakes." Ilaria laughed. 
"I don't think that is actually possible." Istredd chuckled 
"Don't tell me that is Ilaria with you Istredd?" Another familiar voice questioned. 
"Triss! How good to see you!" Ilaria exclaimed. 
"It is so wonderful to see you as well. May I ask what brings you here?" Triss smiled, hugging her.
"Mostly to fix my brother's mistakes. Have either of you maybe seen Phillipa or Dijkstra when they were here at the conclave? They've vanished since and my father is convinced they killed my mother and wants to bring them in to question them about it. This was the last place they were seen so I wanted to start here." Ilaria explained.
"Sadly no I don't think so. I do wish you had been at the conclave though." Triss replied. 
"They seemed suspicious. I was trying to keep an eye on them but unfortunately other things came up. I'll ask around and see if I can find out anything for you." Istredd offered.
"I do appreciate it. I was going to find Yennefer but it is getting kind of late. Perhaps once my room is ready I should just go to bed." Ilaria sighed, realizing how tired she was.
"Well I will wish you goodnight then." Istredd smiled, giving her another hug. 
"I'm sure the room is nearly ready. I am so sorry for your loss. Are you doing okay? You seem exhausted." Triss inquired. 
"It's been a long month honestly. I feel constantly on the go. Sleep hasn't been easy. But hopefully soon I'll be able to again." Ilaria sighed. 
"Oh goodness. You need sleep. I could try to give you a potion or something that may help for tonight? You could have a clear mind for tomorrow?" Triss offered. 
"I appreciate the thought but not tonight. How have you been though?".
"I have been better and I have been worse. A lot has been happening.". 
A girl in a blue dress approached both of them, "Your room is ready. I can show it to you when you're ready.". 
"Well I will also let you get some rest. We can catch up more tomorrow." Triss hugged Ilaria before walking away. 
Ilaria sighed as she watched Triss leave. She then followed the girl down a long hallway. After several minutes the girl stopped at a door. Ilaria entered the room. 
"Will you be needing anything else?" The girl inquired. 
"No but thank you." Ilaria responded. 
The girl disappeared and Ilaria closed the door. She flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. It was beginning to hit her how much danger she was in if Tissaia learned about her being in Cintra with Emhyr. Cahir had briefly mentioned once being tortured while in Aretuza. What would they do to her? Ilaria sighed and covered herself in the blankets and tried to silence her thoughts and get some rest. 
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wildyonderwillows · 1 year
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wildyonderwillows · 1 year
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