wileys-things · 8 days
i think being a car tire would fix me like they're so structufally sound. triangle sand circles
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wileys-things · 14 days
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Out there monologuing DIRECTLY to the audience
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wileys-things · 7 months
you know how medical doctors can lose their license over malpractice? i think it would be funny if we did that for other types of doctors. this botanist fucked up so bad we're yoinking their phd
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wileys-things · 7 months
“Bushnell wrote a will in which he left his savings to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. Perhaps he had watched the hearing of a case in federal court in California, brought by Defense for Children International-Palestine in an attempt to stop the Biden Administration from continuing to aid the Israeli attacks on Gaza. Perhaps he saw the U.S. government argue that there is no legal pathway for citizens to stop the government from providing military aid, even if it can be shown that the aid is used to genocidal ends.”
from Khaled Beydoun, 28/Feb/2024:
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wileys-things · 7 months
white people stop talking.
and i don't mean stop talking about palestine or stop sharing news or information, i'm saying stop TALKING. you are not our white saviors. you should not talk over us. every single thing you guys are saying, palestinians have said it tenfold. stop feeling as though you are the spokesperson for all of palestine. you do not get to talk over palestinian voices. you must BOOST our voices. you must share OUR voices. you must speak OUT about SHARING our voices. we are and have been saying everything you're saying only now for 75 years. you don't get to prounce around all up here and claim you're suddenly a voice for palestinians. we have our own voices. we have said everything. stop taking the light away from us sharing our experiences and pretending as though you have a part or a role in talking about our grief.
we need people to share OUR voices. we need people to share OUR dreams. OUR lives. OUR strength. we do not need you to speak for us, we need you to help find a place for US to speak.
i'm so tired of the idea that "no one listens to the poc so we as white people must speak for them because everyone only listens to white people". i'm tired. MAKE THEM LISTEN TO US. do not speak for us, but share OUR voices. FORCE the world to LISTEN to US.
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wileys-things · 7 months
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wileys-things · 7 months
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Leila Khaled: Hijacker (2006, Lina Makboul)
-Could you be described as a terrorist? -Our enemies say so. Our enemies call any form of popular resistance terrorism. Who decides and defines what terrorism is? As far as l'm concerned, occupation is terrorism. My people and l have a right to fight it. l don't care what others call it. People have a right to fight those who occupy their country by all means possible, including weapons. That's what it says in the UN declaration. But Leila, if you look up ''terrorist'' in a dictionary?
You, the whole of Sweden and Europe and the USA can travel to Haifa. But l can't, I'm not allowed to. Not just me. 5 million Palestinians can't see Palestine. lsrael doesn't care about international law. Why should we accept that?
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wileys-things · 7 months
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wileys-things · 7 months
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wileys-things · 7 months
i did the barbenheimer double feature (FOR THE RECORD I HATE AMERICAN IMPERIALISM MY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL INTEREST WAS JUST NUCLEAR PHYSICS) and without spoilers, they form a shockingly resonant thematic duology about ownership of creation and ideas outgrowing their makers for better and worse
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wileys-things · 7 months
They need to stop taking all those photos of Cillian Murphy with the flash on bright as fuck until they give that man some brown contact lenses please you're hurting him he looks like a frightened animal forced out of its natural habitat for all the world to see
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wileys-things · 7 months
Both Barbie and Oppenheimer are going to be amazing movies and undoubtedly leave their mark on pop culture.
But they'll never top Goncharov.
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wileys-things · 7 months
it’s been a day since i’ve seen oppenheimer and i am convinced you bitches have no media literacy whatsoever how do you watch that film and think that it glorifies the bombs being made??? how is it pro america when it criticizes so much about america??? how is it pro fascist when it is about a jewish scientist who originally started his research so the nazi government wouldn’t have a bomb???
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wileys-things · 7 months
non spoiler barbie review: Allan was working on a gender spectrum that's only comprehensible by microbes
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wileys-things · 7 months
just saw a post on ig that said “thank god oppenheimer and Barbie came out during the strike bc now snl can’t make a barbenheimer sketch” and they are so right
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wileys-things · 7 months
I love when something trends on Tumblr for days or even weeks before it comes out because everyone is so hyped out about it, but the day it releases there's a brief window of time where it stops being among the trending topics because most people are too busy watching it to post about it
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wileys-things · 7 months
Love that Oppenheimer is a deeply disturbing horror movie about a man forced to accept that he is, in a person, the representative manifestation of mankind’s evil in committing one of the greatest horrors of human history - LITERALLY acting as the modern Prometheus, tormented by his sins for the remainder of time. Knowing that he will never be pitied and his actions will forever be utterly unforgivable because the blood of genocide and the potential of total human annihilation will eternally drip from his hands.
But also the simultaneous indictment by the film that to blame a single person for the Manhattan Project is to refuse to accept your own capacity for great evil if the ends ever seem to justify the means, and the culpability of every member of a species that lets itself create something so unspeakably terrible.
Hate that twitter’s take on such a nuanced and brilliantly handled examination of those issues is “movie bad because protagonist not evil enough.”
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