will-in-the-wild · 4 years
“You mean for food?” Divya asked, turning away from the very sad sand castle she was trying to build. It was less sand castle and more sand mound to be honest. “We’ve no shortage of rocks.” Though the animals… Divya hasn’t seen any of them but she swore she always heard a creature of some kind when she happened to be close to the jungle and needed a wee. “Do we really need to hunt? I mean, we have–” She looked to their ‘inventory’ then and went quiet at the sight of the very sad and small pile of food they had left. Barely enough to keep the girls sustained for another day if rescue didn’t happen show up on this one. Divya sighed and turned back to Will. “Okay, even if we did find an animal or something, like say a squirrel or a bird, don’t they move fast? What makes you think we have aim like that? Is this where you tell us you’re like an expert ball thrower or something?”
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“Yes. For food.” Will cocked her head, wondering what else she could’ve possibly meant. Wasn’t the right time or place to go off on a Disney animal sidekick recruitment tour. Judging by the state of Divya’s creation (ant nest?) she wasn’t exactly in the best head space. Poor thing. Will cleared her throat. “We have to try,” she said. “Maybe we can find one with a dodgy leg or something. Am no expert in balls of any kind, but I’ll give it a go.” 
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
As time went on, Jenny found it harder to hang onto the idea that they simply had to stay alive until rescue came. They didn’t know when rescue was coming, they weren’t going to say out loud but they had started wondering if rescue was coming. Survival was only going to get harder. They needed to start thinking bigger than simply waiting for rescue. They didn’t know how to say that though, they didn’t want everyone freaking out and they didn’t want to freak themselves out either. So when someone else said something about hunting, they were fucking relieved.
But confusion came when Will mentioned rocks. “ Rocks? ” They repeated, head tilting to the side a fraction. What the fuck where they going to do with rocks. In their head, hunting for food involved more broken and sharpened sticks for spears. “ There’s gotta be animals around though, ” they hadn’t seen any yet themselves but they looked to the jungle off the beach and nodded in its direction. “ If there were no animals, that’d be completely and utterly overgrown. ” Not that it was neat, but there was space between the trees, you could see the dirt on the ground. “ You’d hardly be able to see the ground ‘cause of plants taking over. ” They couldn’t exactly remember where they’d picked that up right now, but some show, somewhere. Probably one of the ones with a load of white dudes in plaid. “ Plus, maybe there’s water in there. Like, fresh water, shit we can drink. A spring, or a river, or something. ” They didn’t want to suggest going into the jungle, but it was certainly what they were thinking. Hopefully Will would do them the favour of being the one to suggest it.
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Out of everyone, she’d decided Jenny was the most intimidating purely because she couldn’t quite get a read on them or immediately dismiss them as bitchy. Didn’t help that they were actually making sense and forced Will to think for real rather than waffling until somebody stopped her. Right. Science. Animals would eat the plants and all that other circle of life stuff she’d doodled her way through in high school. 
“That’s... sure.” Will nodded, turning to eye the woodland. Unknown territory, hopefully no Fangorn. Though an army of treeple would probably be more helpful than Bozo the boppable clown. She shook off the thought, determined to get serious. “So if that’s the case, it would be dumb not to look. Walk around a bit, see if there’s any tracks or... Not like it could make things any worse.” 
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
She hoped that her words hadn’t sounded quite as toxic as she feared but the moment Will responded, Jocelyn realised that they most certainly had. She exhaled, rolling her eyes swiftly- at herself more than at her company, though that was likely lost in translation as well - “I didn’t mean it like that, obviously,” she used the word ‘obviously’ like she had used the phrase ‘no offence’ to stipulate something that otherwise had no grounds. She shook her head, “It doesn’t matter,” she decided, as if she had some sort of wisdom filled hypothesis that was lost on Willow, rather than the truth; that she didn’t really know what sort of point she was trying to make and didn’t know quite how to verbalise it, even if she did. She let it rest in moderate silence for a few moments before the niggling irritation proved too much for her to ignore, “I’m from the country,” she announced, “Like, I live in the city but I didn’t always, is what I’m saying,” she continued, unaware of where her argument was actually leading, “I just mean, I’m not like- I don’t live in some gated community in a big mansion somewhere, unaware of the rest of the world,”  there it was, she’d finally landed on some semblance of a point now, she thought.
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“But you still think it’s fun to take the mick out of anyone who couldn’t buy their way into this shit?” Will rolled her eyes, disappointed but not entirely unsurprised. It wasn’t an argument she wanted to have, nor one she really had the energy for. She just-- “Whatever. It’s not like having a credit card makes a sod of difference right now.” Points for Joss for trying, she supposed. Half-arsed effort was better than none. “So, what, you a farm kid or something? ‘Cause you say country and I think Dolly Down Under.” 
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
The hunger and general sense of ennui had really started to get to Jocelyn now and instead of finding things to do with her time, she had succumb to laying flat on her back on top of her puffer jacket, half dressed and spread eagle as she warmed herself in the sun, aware that she would probably be nursing sunburn that evening.  She’d hoped to nap, to pass some time more than anything but the chatter of the other girls, the sound of the ocean waves lapping at the shore and the immovable feeling of hopelessness swelling in her stomach had kept her awake.
“Yeah, what about it?” Jocelyn asked, raising her forearms over her face to shield her eyes from the sun above when she opened them for the first time in at least half an hour. It was funny, she considered. These girls had been complete strangers just forty-eight hours prior but now, she could identify each of them by their voices alone.
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Unbelievable. Will narrowly refrained from asking if the girl was actually as dense as she looked-- a, because she knew the answer was yes, and b, because she didn’t want to watch her struggle to understand the question. Instead she plastered on a broad, sunny smile that scarcely covered the irritation. 
“I’m saying, what if we don’t have to sit here waiting for more mouldy ham to wash up on the beach?” She shrugged. “It can’t be that hard to catch it, kill it, char it on the fire... If it was, they wouldn’t make reality shows out of this shit.” There. That had to be something Barbie would understand, sure they were no Kardashians, but everyone had heard of Bear Grylls right?
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
reyna was inclined to degree, and she tilted her head slightly to show as much. there were a hundred thousand other reiterations of being fucked that she could think of - and this might just be the worst one. how lucky. although perhaps jillian had had it worst of all. watching the other girl sit down, she wondered what about her current position made her seem inviting. maybe she shouldn’t have spoken - but she let it go and ventured to even make small talk. “if we ever get off this stupid island, i’ll never go to a beach again,” she decided.
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“Too right.” Will groaned, running a hand through hair that was far more tangled than she’d like. It hurt where her fingers snagged. Just another point in her anti beach, anti sun, anti sand argument.  “Those poor Aussies are going to have to move to Alaska or something. Igloo therapy.” 
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
shane was always pretty hot headed, but god, this girl was rubbing her the wrong way. logical, she understood it. they just crash, they were in shock, this was a fucked up situation. but with every passing moment, shane felt herself getting more and more irritated with this girl. she stopped walking and turned to look at the other girl. “oh yeah because you sitting alone with a possible head injury is so smart. maybe i should have left you there, pass out with no one knowing where you are. i’ll happily go back to doing what i was doing and leave you here if you want,” shane snapped back at her. 
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running her hands over the baby hairs that had fallen out of her pony tail, shane sucked in a deep breath through her nose, trying to get her anger under control. “getting everyone together helps us keep track of everyone,” she said through gritted teeth, finally walking again. “if we’re together, we can make sure everyone is okay and not, you know, dying.” it was harsh, but it was the reality. there were no doctors here, they needed to look after each other. “plus, when rescue comes, i’m getting my happy ass out of here and not waiting around to make sure everyone is there.”
In situations like these (ones of her own making, to be completely honest) Will’s mouth and brain had a disconnect. What she thought wasn’t what she said because what she said was total horse shit, defence against the nasty feeling of being attacked. Criticised. Thank gods she wasn’t thirteen an still prone to hissing like a feral cat at people who pissed her off. 
“And how do I know you’re actually trying to help me? Or anyone, for that matter?” Will scoffed, folding her arms protectively across her chest. “Pretty fucking shady, somebody wanting to play the hero. Who says you’re not dragging us off one by one for some kind of cult-y ritual?” Everybody, she reasoned internally, this kid’s not even remotely threatening, not nearly as interesting as all that. 
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
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Hi, I’m Will, and I’m suggesting we go throw pebbles at squirrels for food. Please, be my friend. / @will-in-the-wild
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
Another one. These so-called jokes were becoming exhausting and Jocelyn wondered if this was how Will was going to be for the remainder of their time on the island or whether she would realise that she was not performing for a consenting audience. “Is that like, a nervous thing?” she asked finally, having already spent her ability to force an awkward smile or pretend she’d understood Willow’s quip. “No offense,” she added a moment later, totally ensuring that the other girl couldn’t regard Jocelyn harshly for her question.
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She thought about what Will had said, excluding the weird shit and remained silent for a handful of seconds. “-but it’s not just about who can afford it,” she was confident of that fact, based on how some of her peers were dressed, “So, there must be some kind of method to picking candidates. It makes sense that they’d pick a few-” don’t say charity cases “-girls from each like, part of the world that’s involved and help them get there for free. You know?” 
No offence. No offence, she said, like that meant anything. Will reasoned that Barbie was probably the type to tell you she loved your new ‘do to your face, then call you Uncle Fester the second you were out of earshot. Coward, maybe? Or just a bit of a bitch. A lucky one at that. Twice in as many minutes she’d stumbled onto a few choice phrases that bordered on uncomfortable. Maybe next time Will ought to forgo the eau de pauper. 
Will shrugged off the nervous thing, rolling her eyes like it didn’t matter. If her nervous tic was having an actual sense of humour--unlike the plasticine queen in front of her--that was fine. She smiled, almost pleasant. “Yeah, I get it. Guess they must actually believe in all that equality business. Cunts.”
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
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reyna was positive that this was what it felt like to have reached the end of the world. she was sitting by the edge of the water, propped up against a rock, staring out at the ocean. it didn’t fill her with the same calm that it usually did. usually, the ocean made her feel connected. she could stick her feet in the water and feel content to be dragged under by the heavy blanket of a wave. now there was nothing she wanted less. her knees were drawn up to her chest so she was curled in on herself. she closed her eyes and tried to remember how to breathe. now all she saw was jillian’s body. she could feel her warm skin beneath her fingers. no pulse. nothing but soft, lifeless flesh. she had to open her eyes again, her nails digging into her calves.
this was the end of the world. it had been for jillian and she was struggling to change her mind when it seemed the rest of them weren’t far behind. she looked up when someone’s shadow cast over the sand in front of her. “it’s so fucked.” her tone was slightly less abrasive than it had been before. but not quite as kind as it could have been. she was only just beginning to process.
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Sad looking people were marginally easier to talk to, if you considered that there probably wasn’t much you could say to make things worse. Which, in Will’s case, there probably was. But she couldn’t sleep, and she couldn’t stray too far alone, and really there wasn’t a single thing she could think of that would be even moderately helpful. So she’d picked the loner. 
“We’re so fucked,” Will amended. “And not even in the fun way.” What she wouldn’t have given for a beach towel. The coarse grit of the sand beneath her feet was bad enough, she didn’t really want to park her arse in it any more than she wanted to swallow a bucket of the stuff. Beggars couldn’t be choosers. She wrinkled her nose, avoiding the bite of the water as she picked a spot to crouch into. 
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
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Will hadn’t expected anyone to do anything as stupid as fucking die. Especially not the would-be-dictator with the bad attitude. A twinge of guilt twisted in her gut at the thought, speaking (or thinking) ill of the dead not high on the list of things she ought to enjoy. But it was the way she’d figured to rationalise the whole thing. It was a better explanation than saying she’d been avoiding the group because she was cranky, and tired, and hungry. And her skin was peeling and it sorta hurt to move and she hated that nobody seemed to have the answers. 
She sighed, reluctant to leave the semi-shade she’d constructed from her jumper and a handful of sticks. Will wouldn’t have bothered if not for the restless twitching in her legs, the disappointment every time someone walked by and she couldn’t think of a single thing to say to them. She wasn’t going to get anywhere pulling shit like that. 
Slumming it in the camp, it was. 
“What about hunting?” she muttered, having to clear her throat no less than three times before any sound came out. “If we found some smaller animals--has anyone checked for those? And rocks or something.” Hi, I’m Will, and I’m suggesting we go throw pebbles at squirrels for food. Please, be my friend.
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
Jocelyn furrowed her brow a little, offering what could only be described as a ‘what the fuck’ expression as she responded, in silence, to Will’s joke. It was a joke, right? She thought a moment later. She deduced that Will might have been the weird girl in class, the kind that didn’t roll her skirt up to make it shorter but wore it at full length instead. The kind that made those sort of jokes in class and instead of scoring laughs for her wit, girls like Joss snickered at how weird she was. She didn’t snicker now, however. Jocelyn considered herself a team player but really, she was a pack animal. She thrived on the energy and confidence of her friends, needed it, perhaps. Looking over at Will, she suddenly felt like she’d been dogged in a group assignment, paired up with the weird girl instead of one of her mates.
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“I don’t think so,” she shrugged casually as she spoke, “I don’t know the other girl, never met her before. Maybe it was just conincidence,” she conceded, “There’s that English girl though, maybe she’s your pair?” she suggested, aware that Scotland and England were pretty close, though the exact geography and geo-political relationship between the two were foreign to Joss.
Will curled her lip in a scowl, irked by the comparison. By the girl in general, really, who was proving just as droll as a mashed avocado. She opened her mouth--thought to explain the misstep--then shut it just as promptly. Not worth the aggro. It was just a shame Will didn’t have much experience with the cut-and-paste comments that she figured would actually land with this one rather than fly straight over her head. 
“I don’t bloody think so, pal. Unless your own little group’s made up of hobbits and a particularly effeminate elf.” She scoffed. At least she could keep herself entertained. “I doubt they gave a shit where we’re from. It was a retreat, right, not some stupid Model UN shit.”
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
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the sound of a voice behind her made blair jump slightly. she had to keep reminding herself that she wasn’t alone out here – and that she would probably never know privacy again. “it’s fine,” she mumbled as she stood up from where she was crouched. honestly, the pain had subsided and it wasn’t bleeding anymore, so there wasn’t really anything left for her to do. except maybe put a bandage over it, but she doubted any of that was just lying around in everything that had washed up from the wreckage. “um, wanna’ help me find a first aid kit? one had to have been on the plane, right?” she started farther down the beach to where some of the supplies had washed up. “i’m blair, by the way.”
Will held up her hands in surrender. She couldn’t not worry, though her usual brand of first aid with the Hello Kitty plasters wasn’t going to work here. “Fine, but if it starts getting green or purple, you’re fucked.” She shrugged. “You’d think, but for all we know it could’ve been eaten by a shark or something.” A shark with a specific hunger for cheap bandages and antiseptic? More likely than you’d think. The beach was a treasure trove and if so far nobody had come across something that had a nice, big white cross plastered across it... Yeah, Will didn’t think it was happening. 
She raised a hand in a half wave, arm rubbing uncomfortably against the tube stuffed into her bra. Mascara. The only thing she’d managed to find so far and it was completely useless--she’d forgotten about it until then. probably not the time to bring it up. “Will.” 
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
“yeah, definitely not tents here. maybe we can have a team go out and look for a cave or something,” shane thought out loud. not that she enjoyed the thought of staying here for more than a day or two, but if there was a storm or something, shane did not want to be stuck out in it. it was best to find some type of shelter before that happened. she just kept telling herself that they were going to be rescued and then they could all go back to their normal lives and try to pretend this never happened. would that be possible? to forget? she didn’t want to think about that either. “i don’t like sitting around,” shane said simply. “laziness pisses me off and this is not the time to be lazy.” the comment was a little backhanded considering this girl was just sitting around, but she also couldn’t blame her, she was clearly in shock. “once i know everyone is okay and together, i’m sitting my happy ass down and passing out until rescue finds us, that’s for sure.”
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Touched a nerve there, had she? No surprise. She’d never been a dab hand at all that friendship is magic crap.  Nor did she care for bullshitting that there was some to do list, or schedule, or anything to say what they should and shouldn’t be doing. Will plastered on a wide, fake smile. “Well, excuse me. Didn’t realise taking ten minutes to myself to get knocked out and y’know, react like a fucking human being was lazy. Will see if they can get rid of those pesky little quirks on the next patch update.” 
God, she hoped she got that right. Computers, robots, too niche. A button had been pressed, a well of emotion she’d not anticipated bubbling under the surface. “What makes you think bringing everyone together is gonna fix anything?” she added. Deep breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. Fuck anger management, but sometimes it made sense. “Hope you’ve got your fucking magic conch.”
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
                       ⠀  ⠀←     ♡      ・     →  
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 “ um, considering your temper tantrum it looks like i’m doing a shitty job at babysitting. ”      wow.    that in itself had helped solidify cherry’s fears; there are definitely some age-regressors stranded on the island with her.  which has already been proven to be a lot more frightening to her than the serial killers she’s pretty certain she’s stuck with as well (ie: jill and cora).    “  and i’m saving the day, you’re welcome. ”   a hand is used to gesture towards the cans of sparkling water she  found, a look of pride on her visage, as if she were entitled to more than a simple nod of acknowledgement.     “ look,    you do you     but if  i hear you start replacing the letter R with W’s you’ll have to be exiled. for the safety of our mental health, no shade.  ”
Will curled her hand into a fist by her side, feeling the bite of too-long nails on her palms. Nice, grounding, probably better than choosing to actually hit someone and risk breaking something. She eyed the cans, their contents a mystery that definitely couldn’t be worse than drinking sea water or pee or whatever it was survivalists did. 
“Sowwy, daddy.” Will stuck out her lower lip a little, the way she’d seen those creeps who did it to be uwu cute might. Instant regret--must’ve been how those poor door knockers in the Labyrinth felt. “Touch it again and I’ll fway you alive.” A pause. She shuddered. “Nice find--what is it?”
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
“Care Bear Braveheart? What?” Jillian made a face and shook her head. “Whatever. Just–” The blonde made an irritated shoo motion, clearly not in the mood to entertain the Scot’s antics before she turned around and started to address theothers again.
“Shirt– shirtless?” Divya bumbled on her way to grab Will’s hand and stand. “Can’t we just find a giant leaf or something?” She suggested instead. “We wouldn’t to get like, like hypothermia or something.” A strange thing to say considering it was blazing hot and she swore some of the others’ skin was going pink. Divya just wasn’t a fan of shedding layers. She liked her big over-sized shirt thank you very much. It was her dad’s and it was comforting to her.
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Unbelievable. “Zero culture around here.” Will followed the shoo with a single finger salute, more than happy to take her leave.  She didn’t waste all that much time in pulling Divya along behind her. The objections, yeah, she’d kind of expected those. Everyone seemed to have their guard up to one degree or another. 
“A leaf could tear, get eaten by bugs... It’s a no go. Praised be the gods of fast fashion for giving us all this goddam plastic.” Will’s logic was sound. If it wouldn’t crumble into jack shit in the bottom of a landfill pit, it could last a few hours (days? weeks? couldn’t think like that, but somebody had to) on a stick in the sand. She eyed the girl curiously. “I’m taking that as you’re not gonna volunteer?” 
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
Divya hadn’t a clue what the name of the blonde beside her was but she couldn’t help but smile at the cheek of the other. She held in the chuckle that threatened to slip past her lips, not wanting to get any further on Jillian’s bad side. She didn’t have the energy to bumble out a clever explanation for herself if the cheerleader got cross.
“You know what?” 
Divya held her breath, not knowing what Jillian was going to say next. Would she go off on them? God, please no. The day’s already been bad enough.
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“Not a shit idea,” Jillian finished. She then turned away to address everyone in the circle. “Someone find a big stick and sacrifice a shirt. In fact,” Jillian spun back around, looking at Divya and the Scot again, “since you’re all for teamwork, why don’t you do it, Braveheart? Clumsy here can go with you. You guys can bond and shit since you both clearly have so much to say to one another.”
“Shit, I hope you mean Care Bear Braveheart, ‘cause I forgot to pack my blue war paint.” Will rolled her eyes, unsurprised that of course the comparison had come up. Why not? It wasn’t as if she hadn’t done the exact same thing to everyone else. Well, at least it’d sorta come with a compliment. And an escape route from the world’s worst pep talk. 
She stood, snapped a hand to her forehead in mock salute and regretted it immediately: moving too fast, still not a great idea. “On it, Sir.” Will glanced briefly at their tiny gathering, shrugged, and offered a hand to Divya. “Guess we get to pick who’s gonna look best shirtless.”
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will-in-the-wild · 4 years
shane couldn’t help it, but she was getting real annoyed with this girl. she understood that they all went through something traumatic, but god, all the questions and weird things she was saying was getting to her. but starting fights wouldn’t help them, so shane clenched her jaw and stayed quiet. this was no time to let her sharp tongue get the better of her. 
she waited as the girl got to her feet, half expecting her to fall over as soon as she did. she tried to not thing about how they were going to take care of everyone if they were all hurt. shane’s medical knowledge was pretty limited to sports injuries, not those that would happen in a plane crash. with a nod, she started walking in the direction of where she and joss left the raft. “it’s just on the other side of the beach, around that bend,” shane pointed where they were headed. “we figured it was best to go up the beach a bit, have a little shade.”
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Right. The sun. Will hadn’t considered that, and not out of any confusion or reluctance to accept the facts for what they were, but because she fucking hated it. Factor 50 and a wide brimmed hat made summer just about tolerable, in small doses. Anything less and she’d turn into a human lobster and--while she didn’t care all that much how she looked--it’d be nice not to itch, and burn, and shed her skin like a goddamn snake in front of all these stupid strangers. 
“No tents, I guess. Or caves.” Points for stating the obvious. That kind of luck just didn’t apply given that they’d been in a literal plane crash. Will had to work twice as hard to remember that the laws of fiction didn’t work here. She shook her head. “So why’re you out here helping? I mean, is it your thing or something?”
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