willamwrites · 1 day
I'm diagnosed with Cater Diamond in the brain and there's no cure for it
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willamwrites · 2 days
PTM is delightful and it gives me, just, so much brain rot. I wonder a lot about how exactly the Prefect's powers work and if it's just accepting signals coming in or if there's an active way to send signals (thoughts) out too. What a day it'd be if they were thinking (read: panicking) about Jade and he heard them. He'd either keel over and die immediately or turn into a pile of sugary mush because his crush is thinking about him, haha. Their power also is some excellent set up for hurt/comfort, swept off their feet because a crowd of people has them in so much pain they're about to faint? And oh, Jade is stronger and faster, he'll get them somewhere quiet in no time flat~! The panic would be real on all accounts.
Thank you very much for all your hard work in writing your story, it's a joy to read!
Ah thank you! I'm flattered about the brain rot lol, there are several ways the story could've gone, but I'm happy that the current plotline is being enjoyed! Though fun fact, in chapter 1, the Prefect does get overstimulated from the amount of thoughts flooding in their head. While I haven't given as much thought as to how receiving thoughts work, I have with sending them to someone else.
There is a potential for a scene of Jade helping them escape a particularly crowded room and soothing the Prefect as they faint from the massive amounts of information invading their senses. Their final sight is Jade hovering over them with a panicked look in his eyes. But rest assured, deep down they know they can depend on Jade (if only their conscious accepted this as well).
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willamwrites · 2 days
Imagine how, after both Jade and Floyd confess to their respective love, Riddle is just looking at Yuu like “Okay, how long did you fucking knew Floyd was into me”
I won't say what RIddle's exact reaction is later, as we will see in later chapters, but it amounts to this:
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willamwrites · 2 days
Ptm Yuu hyping themself up enough to give jade a quick kiss on the cheek only to have to immediately run away before bros thoughts just go insane.
Probably won't be able to run away the next day though. Now they're both locked in a closet and making out when they're supposed to be in PE but FUCK THAT! Why would jade go to flight class when he could be doing this!
Ah, they're so silly! What a silly goose to think they could ever escape from Jade 🤪
I imagine this happens right before they get together, maybe Yuu is trying to navigate their feelings for Jade, and they test it out by giving Jade a smooch on the cheek! They're immediately flush with embarrassment and feelings that they don't want to get into (it's love Yuu, it's just love). So they're too busy running off to really notice Jade's reaction. And they're too busy the rest of the day screaming in bed to notice the lack of Jade. You'd think that he'd go after them at some point, but no…
The next day, Jade still hasn't mentioned it, Yuu is quietly stewing in their seat until potions class is done and Jade does his usual walk with them to their next classes. Then he leaves, Yuu goes to class, and soon enough the day is done, and they're walking back to Ramshackle. But, Jade's there! He's come to escort you to the dorm! And...nothing is happening.
Yuu is a bit disappointed, as they arrive to the dorm, maybe Jade changed his mind about them now that he's gotten their affection. This thought last all of 10 seconds, when Jade pulls them up the stairs and into their room, corners them against the wall, and promptly begins making out with them. Tongue and all. Arms thrown around each other, slipping and collapsing into the ground, heavy petting over clothes, the works.
Jade just needed a business day to process that one singular kiss. He's ready now to claim what's his! Screw his remedial flight class, he's a merman he doesn't need to know how to fly!! He needs to make out with his crush! Much more important! Also, he didn't actually skip, he asked to take a day off to “take care of important personal matters.” Vargas is going to work him extra hard the next class to make up for what he missed, but it's worth it to see Yuu's lovely flushed face as they take deep breaths, right until he steals them away again with his lips.
Insatiable, he is.
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willamwrites · 2 days
Feel free to ignore this but i cant get this thought out of my head (its been here all month and during my calc test😭 no math only ptm!Jade lmao) okay. So, imagine mc and ptm!Jade are already dating and probably out of NRC. What if she took jade bra shopping with him? Would he find a mushroom themed bra that nobody else saw bc it was hidden? What would his tastes be if he chose smth? We already know he is canonically a fashionista and hates bright colors but would he like them on someone else? His beans camo say that he hates wearing bright colors bc they are too “loud” for him but would it be a different story for seeing them on Mc? How embarrassed would mc be with all those lewd thoughts running through Jade’s head? What would some of those thoughts be?
Can i be 💕🎀 anon plz?
See I wanna argue against the fashionista thing cause have you seen his Camp Vargas outfit? The leggings? Under the shorts???? Man's really pick that out himself???? That was certainly a decision…
Maybe let's assume he's better at dressing other's up than himself. I think that if the PTM future, Jade enjoys going out with Yuu to pick out cute outfits. If you couldn't tell from the fantasies he has in the fic, he loooooves the idea of dressing Yuu up in suggestive outfits and lingere. I think he'd get a kick out of shopping with them to pick out outfits.
He likes delicate, lacy items. Ones that he has to be careful with lest he tears them up in the excitement that comes with seeing the love of his life all dressed up for him. But he's conflicted.
On one hand, he loves being surprised by the outfits you come up with for him. It doesn't matter how flustered you get seeing his pleased expression or hearing his thoughts go a mile a minute praising you, he loves it. But there's something delicious about being out in public and doing the same thing in the dressing room of the store. You can't tell him off like at home, otherwise everyone else will look at you like you're crazy. But you swear, Jade is intentionally thinking about grabbing you, facing you in front of the mirror, and just taking you right there and then.
What's worse, you're actually considering it too…
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willamwrites · 2 days
I just thought of how chaotic bodyswapping with either of the leeches would be. Especially in PTM. We have Riddle swapping with Floyd which makes Riddles dorm confused and slighty scared with such a chaotic Riddle then a Floyd trying to calm him down and trying to still manage the dorm as best as he can. Then we have … Jade. I feel like he would seem pretty normal for the most part maybe mimicing Yuu as best as he can or just being very formal and polite. Nothing for Yuu to worry about until Jade figures that thus is a perfect oppurtunity to explore the human body and what better body then his mate (i can imagine this is before they get together), i can see jade dressing up in various outfits and admiring himself in the mirror and maybe even taking a few photos or two, you know for the memories like the freak he is. Not sure if he would go farther than that but I can see Yuu worrying about the possibilities and no one believeing they are Yuu until they can prove it to ADeuce and Grim (who might be more inclined to believe it if they saw Riddle and Floyd before hand). And maybe both Jade and Floyd take this opportunity to make sure they have no rivals, flat out rejecting anyone who they may know has a crush on their mate.
sorry for this long blurb just wanted to share
Aaaah, I get iffy about bodyswaps sometimes since they can get borderline uncomfy, but I am always down for funny stories. Especially in PTM, it's so full of potential for hijinks!
I am down for bodyswaps if it happens when everyone is aware, if that makes sense? For example, Riddle, Jade, and Yuu are all in their potions class working on their in class assignment. But as we know, Floyd likes to ditch class sometimes to go hang with Jade in his classes. It's a bonus that his Goldfishie is also there, makes for a fun time!
Maybe a bit too much fun...he's knocked over the potion the group next to them had been making. It splashed over him and Riddle, who was now steadily raising his voice, and spilled onto the floor, where you managed to slip and drag Jade with you as you grabbed on his lab coat for stability.
The two of you were now covered in the potion, you're mumbling about not having enough detergent for another load so soon, and Jade is clicking his tongue as he got up. He helped you up, gloves wet, shoes grimy, and you two made your way over to the eyewash and shower station in the corner.
Riddle follows, dragging an annoyed Floyd to the station as well so wash up, the latter complaining about not wanting to get wet. Never mind that he is already wet from the potion. It's when you and Jade are stripping your outer layers to wash up, that Floyd reaches to poke at Riddle's cheek.
A small shock of lighting bounced between them, a red one crackling over Floyd and a light teal one over Riddle. Floyd jerks away, tripping over himself and falling on his back. Riddle froze, hands out and eyes darting as he stared between Floyd and his own hands. Like he was processing something...
You're watching him, a bit scared at Riddle's sudden stillness, as Jade kneels down to Floyd murmuring to his twin as Floyd looks around disoriented.
It's when you finally ask Riddle, leaning down to try and make eye contact with him, that Riddle looks at you. He's wide-eyed, and looks a bit feral, as he shouts, “WHAT THE FUCK” at the top of his lungs (eerily similar to a certain twin) that you stumble back in surprise.
You trip, feeling Jade's arms catch you, and only have a moment to process Jade's bare hands against your skin, when an electric feeling, and gray and dark teal lighting dance across your body.
You feel your head split open, and your body feels off, like your gravity of center moved. A small body in your arms groans, shifting in your grasp, as you blink your eyes open. You don't register the person in front of you at first, though they look familiar.
Imagine your shock when their head turns to look at you and a familiar pair of eyes, just like yours, and blinks.
“...Floyd? Wait, no.” your voice sounds foreign to your ears, like a stranger speaking a different language. “That's—why is everything so tall?”
“Is this what it's like to be short? Oh whaaaat?” You snapped your head up to look at Riddle, or the person who looks like him anyways, as he twirled around, giggling. The tone of his voice was off, a lot like Floyd, as he grinned over at your little pile up, and skipped over to where Floyd was still on the ground, looking at Riddle with a horrified expression.
“Riddle leaned down, a teasing smile on is lips, as he cooed, That you in there Goldfishie?”
Floyd never really yelled, so hearing him was a shock to everyone scrambling around in the lab as they tried to figure out what was going on. Crewel, poor dear Divus Crewel, is so fucking tired.
Thankfully, he can whip up the remedy potion rather easily. Unfortunately, he has a very busy day with classes, and it will have to wait until later in the day. He sends a mass text to the faculty informing them of the accident, and advises that you all continue your day as normal.
“And please, for the love of all that is good in this world, let everyone else know. There's no reason to hide it, the embarrassment cannot possibly be enough that you need to pretend to be each other. Just, let your dorms know and continue as normal in each other's bodies.”
Despite this, hi jinks and pranks still ensue. Mostly initiated by Jade and Floyd, and mostly at yours and Riddle's expense. If you two notice that some of your peers, ones that were particularly soft on you and that others claimed had a crush, suddenly are avoiding you after the switch, the twins just tell you that they had to tell them off.
If the twins ask why one of their transformation potions are gone, you and Riddle better not tell them that you got curious about how being a merman felt like and didn't know how to transform back without using the potion. Unless you want to get teased about it, of course.
They'll find out regardless, and each twin with tease their respective human, asking them why they were so interested in the first place.
“Awww, is my lil Goldfishie interested in being under the sea? Don't worry, I'll make sure you're all prepped before taking ya back home with me!”
“If you wanted to know what being a mer is like, you could have asked me~ I'd be happy to make you a potion and take you to the depths with me. I have several lovely, private areas that I think you'd greatly enjoy.”
Maybe this is what you all needed to break the ice? Or maybe it just makes it thicker, I'll leave it up to you!
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willamwrites · 2 days
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Yeahh feeling this way rn ngl lol
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willamwrites · 2 days
Made this list while I was in the mood
Classical music pieces that I associate with twst characters
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* these pieces are available to listen to on youtube. Perhaps I will make a video with them one day. But I doubt it. * I apologize for any mistakes, it was a lot of information to digest
Malleus - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - "Summer" - 3 Allegro Non Molto (I mean of course this one. Add evil overblot laugh here too.) ok also Schubert - Erlkönig (The Elf King), D. 328
Sebek - Prokofiev - Romeo and Juliet, Suite No. 2, The Montagues and Capulets "Dance of the Knights" (it's just him. period.) or Rachmaninov - Musical Moment No.4 in E minor or Rachmaninov - Prelude in C Sharp Minor (Rachmaninov for Sebek in general lol)
Silver - Grieg - Peer Gynt, Suite no. 1 "Morning mood" or Debussy - Clair de lune (from "Suite bergamasque") (Yes, basic, but it fits so so much so)
Lilia - Chopin - Fantaisie impromptu in C-Sharp minor, Op. 66 (first notes - Lilia's evil grin, then whimsical nature and the whirl of memories of countries he has been to. When it goes hard, it's cooking, some violence, and then when it gets gentle, it's when he remembers Silver's childhood. Then he softens in general but also reminds us about his playful nature and strong character.)
Idia - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - "Winter" - 1 Allegro Non Molto (resembles how Idia speaks when he's getting confident and how his character, in general, opens up. And kinda gives me his genius vibes)
Ortho - Graun - Gigue in B-Flat minor (sounds like super-fast calculation is going on. But also, some notes sound like random signals and/or signs of creativity/sudden thoughts in AI) also Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 5 (Black Keys)
*Erik Satie for Octa in general. Gives me mysterious underwater vibes*
Azul - Satie - Gnossienne No. 1 and Gymnopedie no.1 also kinda Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 1 (pondering, deep in thought, underwater, calculating, but also melancholic…)
Jade - Satie - Gnossienne No.3 (such big Jade vibes)
Floyd - Liszt - Mephisto Waltz No. 1 (hehe)
Leona - Haydn - Symphony No. 49 in F minor ' La Passione ' (it's long, but it's worth listening. I just imagine Leona's character and lore in general here)
Jack - Händel - Suite no. 11 in D minor. Sarabande (not really sure about this one. But it gives me 'strength and determination and values' vibes today)
Ruggie - Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor, IV. Allegro assai (reminds me how he can adapt and be different if needed. Also, it sounds quite boisterous, like Ruggie is going fast, fast, fast and earning a lot, lot, lot!)
Kalim - Mozart - The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492: Overture (specifically wanting to throwa feast)
Jamil - Chopin - Waltz in E minor, Op. Posth. (he's so skillful and makes it look like he's not even trying, but he's super hardworking. Also, some parts sound like his occasional emotional outbursts) also - Chopin - Prelude in E Minor (I can't explain it, but it's just Jamil for me. I feel so sorry for him - he's such a cool and talented (and handsome) guy, and such destiny mgd. Or maybe I'm just in a melancholic mood today)
Vil - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - “Spring” - 1 Allegro (won't be original meh. like there're so many classical pieces that fit Vil but I don't really wanna bother here so)
Rook - Mozart - Le Nozze di Figaro: "Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso" (instrumental) (ookay it was hard with Rook because I think a lot fits him but I'll stop with this one or I'll never finish this list)
Epel - Litvinovsky - Pelléas and Mélisande: III. Galliard. Navire dans la tempête (Galliard. Ship in a storm) (unrelated but my life is divided into before seeing Epel in Book 7 dreams and after)
Riddle - Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 I. Allegro con brio (duh. basic but c'mon. it suits him)
Ace - Litvinovsky - Suite for Strings "Le Grand Cahier": IV. Nos Etudes (yes that's how I feel Ace)
Deuce - Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: March of the Toy Soldiers (Deuce the honour student edition)
Cater - Beethoven : Sonatina in F Major plus "a glimpse of a depressed real Cater" one - Chopin - Mazurka in A minor, Op.17, No.4
Trey - Beethoven - Sonata No. 8 in C Minor Pathetique, Op. 13 (Adagio cantabile) (I tried to find someting "normal" meh so went with this today)
Special mentions
Rollo - Mozart - Requiem, 3 Dies Irae Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565 Orff - Carmina Burana: Fortuna imperatrix mundi. O fortuna (super super obvious but c'mon it's basically canon)
Baul - Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries (ya Baul has big Wagner vibes for me)
Grim - Edvard Grieg – In the Hall of the Mountain King (the escalation lol)
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willamwrites · 2 days
imagine being this bored
so what if the guest room is just the beginning? what if they add club activities too? Let's see…
(a very silly post, proceed with caution)
(lots of gratitude to @alchemivich for the backgrounds, pngs, etc.!!!)
do you see it?
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wait, let me switch to night mode
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better (ch7?...)
you see that new feature? it says "club"
now, which will you choose?
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oh how cute
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go ace
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rook wrote a poem about this
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go epel
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oh hi there, who are you today a capitalist or an otaku(??) (lol idk just insert some games)
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there you are. dragon-kun. wait, are they...
(comment if you know where are those gargoyles from!😉)
that's it, no film research club or mountain lovers club today haha
------------------------------------------------------------upd: pt.2
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willamwrites · 2 days
some of you already know what happens when I am bored some also know how much I love the guest room feature lol
well here we go again, next level I was stressed and bored so I started…cleaning…......💀💀💀 and decorating……
idk this may be a new tag game? like, what will your/your OC's twst room look like? choose your dorm and decorate your room ?? (should I make a new post for that???)
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mine lol
and empty rooms
you can use them, but with credits please because it took a while to clean them
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willamwrites · 2 days
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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willamwrites · 2 days
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bring back zooterkins, the best 17th-century swear word
I don't normally do Just Characters Swearing, but. ...this kind of wrote itself and then wouldn't leave my head. it comes from both a piece of character-writing advice that has always stuck with me, and also my conviction that Leona is 1000% funnier as a character if his dialogue has to stay G-rated. let Kalim say fuck, but don't let Leona say bastard.
(I'm sorry)
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willamwrites · 2 days
But … how the staff swear? We Need to know that too…(of you want of course … love your art and your Amazing humor!!!)
(thank you! :D)
Trein: said 'damn' once when he was sixteen, still lays awake at night in embarrassment about his deplorable lapse in manners.
Vargas: swears like an old-timey carnival strongman. lots of "poppycock" and "what the devil" and an occasional "deuces!" (this makes classes very confusing for poor Deuce)
Crowley: doesn't intentionally swear, but every once in a while he'll, like...put together a presentation on the new staff policies or something that builds up to an acronym which, by complete coincidence, spells out something shockingly depraved.
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it happens often enough that you'd think he's doing it on purpose, except. it's Crowley.
Sam: swears in the text, gets away with it because the character reading is always something else
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(this is very specific to the Japanese version and probably too meta but I made myself laugh with it, I...I'm sorry)
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willamwrites · 2 days
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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willamwrites · 2 days
Serious question.
Do you think we’ll see the parents/family of each of the guys???
Like, We’ve been TEASED with Ace’s brother, that I’m starting to think it’s just a reference to that Alice in Wonderland park character in Japan and nothing else….
Jack’s family, Ruggie’s grandma, Falena, Maleficia, Ms.Rosehearts, Just now Vil’s dad is in the picture which I am really happy but now I’m wondering about his mom, and so Deuce’s mom.
I mean, some HAVE a silhouette!! It could mean they do have a design in the making/ready to show. They could’ve shown us Falena in the Tamashina (hope I said that correctly) event, but didn’t (prolly to make Leona not so σ(▼□▼メ) and it’s understandable)
Anyhow, any idea/headcannon about this? Who do you want to see first?
I'm wondering if everyone might eventually get a travel event? like they've now introduced with Vil's that it doesn't have to be specifically hometowns, so that opens things up a lot! (especially if they have to figure out how to do three separate Coral Sea visits) (how would that even work otherwise)
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but yeah, I hope everyone gets a chance! there's a lot of backstory characters I would LOVE to meet. :D :D :D though I do think some of them don't really suit the more light-hearted tone of the events (pretty sure you're right about that being why Falena wasn't in Tamashina-Mina, that would've just been. too much for Leona.) so like...we're probably not ever going to meet the Rosehearts. or Maleficia (although I maintain that this would be THE funniest possible way to introduce her outside of the main story, and actually I would love this a lot, can we please Twst) (I need to see her to put Malleus in a froofy little outfit and tell him what a handsome boy he is). but they've sprung surprises like Kifaji on us, and honestly anyone who shows up and tells embarrassing stories about characters' childhoods is good in my book!
characters off the top of my head who I most want to meet: literally any of the Zigvolts, Azul's mom, Ace's brother, Che'nya's grandfather (<- I think he would be a good one for Riddle) (please just any non-terrible adult in his life), any member of Rook's family because I need to see how they managed to produce him, and...really just whoever they can come up with for Silver.
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willamwrites · 2 days
Wait, did you put a photo of Vil and Neige as kids in Eric’s office??
oh good, I was afraid that wasn't going to read properly and people would just be like "what is this supposed to be". :') but yeah! I like to think Eric was pretty fond of Neige as a kid! single dad sees orphan child approximately the same age as his own son and goes "hmm. okay, you guys are going to be friends now." (this did not go as well as he'd hoped.)
(also I do love how it's kind of a running joke that everyone loves Neige except for Vil, who's standing over in the corner and just seething with furious irrational hatred. someday maybe he'll find someone who doesn't think Neige is the best thing since cinnamon rolls.)
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willamwrites · 2 days
Please elaborate on your twst Pokémon headcannons I’m very interested
I had planned on drawing everyone for this (I made a LIST!) but it. hasn't been going well. 💀 soooo here's what I have so far!
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Riddle - Roserade (I was going with 'no legendaries', otherwise I would've given him a Shaymin) (and I don't think Togedemaru is actually a hedgehog or I would've given him one of those too) (...they kind of do fit though. hmm.)
Trey - Alcremie (clover/mint cream + strawberry/ruby cream)
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Ace - Impidimp (I feel like there's probably a better one for him, but I can't think of it)
Deuce - Scraggy (meanwhile I KNOW deep in my heart that this is true)
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Leona - Pyroar (but like. a nasty Pyroar. just a grizzly old Pyroar with the shittiest attitude imaginable. they pretend to hate each other but secretly they are a bonded pair, do not separate)
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