willimannarai-new · 2 years
The gift exercise / Invitation 7: Swiss National Park
AIR-  Fundaziun Nairs, Scuol /CH 2022/5/1 - 2022/6/30
Hosted by: Fundaziun Nairs, Scuol /CH
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willimannarai-new · 3 years
History in Lecture Performance. The gift exercise / Invitation 4.2: Taroko National Park
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12.04.2022 Willimann/Arai, History in Lecture Performance. The gift exercise / Invitation 4.2: Taroko National Park
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willimannarai-new · 3 years
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Registration: [email protected]
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willimannarai-new · 3 years
A Forest of Many Worlds, la_cápsula, Zurich/CH
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A Forest of Many Worlds October 9th - 30th, 2021 la_cápsula (Anwandstrasse 9, 8004 Zürich, CH)
with Paula Baeza Pailamilla, Aldir Polymeris, Willimann/Arai, Sarina Scheidegger, Dominik Zietlow and Paloma Ayala. Opening on Saturday, 9th October 2021, from 6 pm. Wood is needed to heat the exhibition – Please bring a piece of firewood.
How do we inhabit the forest? We walked in the forest. Under the sun, a storm, and rain, we walked. On soil, mud, and trails, we walked. By river, streams, and puddles, we walked. With plants, animals, and insects, we walked (consciously or unconsciously). We walked for months in the Sihlwald, a forest between the Sihl river and the Albis hills, which for centuries was called the city forest, der Zürcher Stadtwald. The histories of the Sihl Forest are a complex entanglement of human and nonhuman cycles, materialities, and agencies. As we walked in the forest, we touched, played, and narrated with the multiplicity of beings; we enacted multiple relations, perspectives, and temporalities. We walked (with) the forest into being, into question: Which forests carry our languages? Where does the city come from? Which histories does death tell us? What knowledges are embedded in the forest? Is there a wilderness? How are forest beings interconnected? How does the forest animate the river? What does the materiality of water evoke in me? What pleasures do we find in the forest? How can we ground our sensibility? What does our body become in the forest? A Forest of Many Worlds is an attempt to answer such questions - not completely, mostly fragmented. At the same time, the exhibition would change and transform during the following four weeks to recognize the fluidity of our relation to the forest. We do not propose to solve these questions but to encourage potential and speculative sensibilities, readings, and connections in more-than-human worlds. A Forest of Many Worlds is the first project of the School of the Forest, coordinated by Jose Cáceres Mardones, Paula Baeza Pailamilla, and Domenico Ermanno Roberti. A Forest of Many Worlds was made possible with the generous support of School of Commons, Kanton Zürich, and Pro Helvetia.
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willimannarai-new · 3 years
The gift exercise / Invitation 7: Swiss National Park
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AIR-  Fundaziun Nairs, Scuol /CH 2021/10/1 - 2021/11/30
Hosted by: Fundaziun Nairs, Scuol /CH
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willimannarai-new · 3 years
Avatar tours #3: Zurich Altstadt
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Avatar tours #3: Zurich is a part of the contribution to the exhibition "The next day the sun rose" at the Helmhaus Zurich by Willimann/Arai.
Due to the Corona restrictions, the city tours unfortunately could not take place during the exhibition period, and we are happy to be able to catch up on this now! 
The city tour is based on mappings of the surroundings of Helmhaus, which were done in Tokyo via our common avatar willimannarai. As a "guided tour guide" and in her function as a translator of space, time and bodies, in Avatar tours #3 willimannarai will offer the audience a view from afar on the well-known surroundings of the Helmhaus.  
Avatar tours take place on the following dates: Friday 25 June 2021 17:00 Saturday 26 June 2021 14:00 Sunday 27 June 2021 14:00
Meeting point: In front of the entrance of the Helmhaus (Limmatquai 31). Duration: ca 90 min. The tour is in English, participation is free.
Die Avatar tour #3 ist diesen Winter als Teil des Beitrags zur Ausstellung „Am nächsten Tag ging die Sonne auf“ im Helmhaus Zürich von Willimann/Arai entstanden. 
Leider konnten die Stadtrundgänge während der Ausstellungperiode aufgrund des Veranstaltungsverbots nicht stattfinden. Umso mehr freuen wir uns, sie jetzt nachzuholen!
Der Stadtrundgang basiert auf Kartierungen der Umgebung des Helmhauses, die über unseren gemeinsamen Avatar willimannarai in Tokyo entstanden sind. Als „guided Tourguide“ und in ihrer Funktion als Übersetzerin von Raum, Zeit und Körpern wird willimannarai in Avatar tour #3 dem Publikum einen Blick aus der Ferne auf die wohlbekannte Umgebung des Helmhaus’ eröffnen.
Die Avatar tours finden an den folgenden Tagen statt: - Freitag 25. Juni 17:00 - Samstag 26. Juni 14:00 - Sonntag 27. Juni 14:00
Treffpunkt: Vor dem Eingang des Helmhaus (Limmatquai 31) Dauer: ca 90 min.  Die Tour findet auf englisch statt, die Teilnahme ist umsonst.
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willimannarai-new · 3 years
Artist Talk about Willimann/Arai work
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講師:新井麻弓 (Willimann/Arai) 日時:2021年6月1日(火) 14:00~16:00 主催:慶應ABR 三田哲学会 場所:慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 大学院棟343D
講演会の概要: 新井さんは、東京芸術大学後期博士課程にて博士号を2020年度に取得し、一貫して、コミュニティに関わる作品を発表している。その中では、作者自身が「なる」という体験を芸術実践として追究し、オートエスノグラフィーを博論では展開している。今回は、他者、自己をテーマに、社会に関わる芸術実践について講演をしていただく。
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willimannarai-new · 4 years
Reflection fig. 4: Self
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言語文化教育研究学会主催 第7回年次大会  2021年3月5~7日(※感染症対策のためオンライン開催に変更) 「アートする」教育 http://alce.jp/annual/2020/ 
Reflection fig.4: Self
2021年3月6日(土)15:30~17:30(定員60名) 講師: Willimann/Arai インタラクティブ・レクチャーパフォーマンス
それぞれのプロジェクトごとの設定やその中で出来上がったつながりにおいて,「他者」との対峙は,繰り返しいくつかの疑問を投げかけます:「私たちはどのように「他者」を認め,また,それは⾃⼰⾃⾝にどのようなことをもたらしますか?」「他者と向き合うことへの不安や恐れをどう対処できますか?」「どのようにエキゾチシズムとステレオタイプを扱いますか?」「混乱と⾮理解の可能性とは何ですか?そして,どのようにしてそこに辿り着くことができますか?」「(どのようにし て)私たちは「他者」になれますか?」
講師プロフィール Willimann/Arai。スイス⼈演出家・コンテンポラリーダンサーであるニナ・ウィリマン(チューリッヒ拠点)と⽇本⼈美術家の新井⿇⼸(東京拠点)による,2015年に結成したアートユニット。さまざまな国や地域で,常に変化し続ける流動的な現象としてのアイデンティティや⽂化を探り,そこにある「馴染みのあるもの」と「馴染みのないもの」の重なりや混成に焦点を当てる。それぞれの環境,地域社会,専⾨家とともに,⽂脈に応じた枠組みの中で,経験と知が⽣成され共有される共同空間を創り,パフォーマティヴな実践を展開する。
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willimannarai-new · 4 years
Avatar tours # 2: Tokyo Ueno
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(English is below.)
Willimann/Araiは、世界的に移動規制がかかるなか、ともにチューリッヒと東京の街を歩き、物理的・身体的移動を超えたアナログとデジタルの旅の可能性を探ります。2018年より、独りが何役をも演じる落語を参考に、willlimannaraiという二人の共通のアバターを介したプロジェクトを展開させてきました。本作は「Guided tour guide(ガイドされるツアーガイド)」 として機能し、いくつかの場所、時間、もの、歴史、空間とともに、時に身体をも翻訳し重なり合いながら、上野公園を参加者とともに歩きます。
本プロジェクトは、チューリッヒにあるHelmhaus美術館にて2020/12/4-2021/1/24で開催される展覧会«Am nächsten Tag ging die Sonne auf »(あくる日、太陽が昇ってきた ) で同時開催されます。
(記) 2020/12/12(土) 15:30- 17:00 (注: 12日だけ時間帯が違います。ご注意ください。) 2020/12/13(日)  14:00- 15:30 2020/12/19(土)  14:00- 15:30 2020/12/20(日)  14:00- 15:30
・集合場所: 東京芸術大学美術学部上野校舎正門前 (〒110-8714 東京都台東区上野公園12−8)・日程:(下記)・ツアー開始時間:12日のみ15:30 / 以降、毎回 14:00
・持ち物:暖かく歩きやすい服装、マスクの着用をお願い致します。飲み物や傘のご用意をお勧めいたします。 ・雨天決行 ・所要時間 :1時間半程度を予定。(野外ツアーのため、所要時間が延びる場合もございます。予め、お時間には余裕を持ってご参加頂けますと幸いです。)
※ 当日は出発前に、学校側の感染症予防のガイドラインに則り、検温させていただきます。
※ 本パフォーマンスは予約制ではありませんが、参加人数の事前確認のため、ご参加頂ける日程を本メールにご連絡くださますよう、お願い申し上げます。
In the midst of the global pandemic, the artist duo Willimann/Arai explores the possibilities of journeys beyond the limitations of physical mobility.
Since July 2020, Willimann/Arai have been exploring the global connections of their local environments in the cities of Zurich and Tokyo. Connected via the Internet, they guided each other and mapped the unknown territory of the city on the respective other side of the globe.
The vehicle of this practice of “traveling without traveling” is the common avatar figure willimannarai. Following the traditional Japanese entertainment form of Rakugo, in which a single actor plays several roles, willimannarai can be embodied or hosted by both artists and thus manifest in different places at the same time.
In the series „Avatar tours“ willimannarai functions as a „guided tour guide“. She invites the visitors for city tours in which she acts as a translator of languages, spaces, times and bodies.
Since October 2020, willimannarai has been mapping and exploring Ueno Park in Tokyo and the surroundings of the Helmhaus Museums in Zurich.
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willimannarai-new · 4 years
Avatar tours#1-3: Zurich-Tokyo
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«Am nächsten Tag ging die Sonne auf »
Helmhaus Museum, Zurich/CH
4. December 2020 - 24. January 2021.  20. December 2020 -  2. March 2021 - 5. April 2021 
With: Ali Al-Fatlawi, The Bad Conscience (Veru Loremipsum & LS Grave), Seraina Dür & Jonas Gillmann (in collaboration with the Theater Neumarkt Zürich), Philip Matesic, Teresa Pereira, Silvia Popp – Insel Institut, Alicia Velázquez, Guido Vorburger, Wassili Widmer, Willimann/Arai, Mirjam Wirz, Druckatelier Thomi Wolfensberger – curated by Nadja Baldini, Vreni Spieser, Simon Maurer and Daniel Morgenthaler
Next Day The Sun Came Up – that could be the opening sentence of a novel. The exhibition at Helmhaus is all about breaking out and starting afresh – with the rising sun. It is about the capacity for resistance and regeneration – having overcome sheer exhaustion. It is about the possibilities of renewal. A dozen or so collectives and individuals, idiosyncratic, unconventional and compelling artists from Zurich, are putting themselves and their work out there at Helmhaus.
We actually came up with this title Next Day The Sun Came Up back in 2019. With its interwoven allusions to past, present and future, it could easily be the title of a novel or even of a rom-com. Today, we are all aware that the whole world is like some penny-dreadful. There is no guarantee of a happy ending. The only thing we know for sure is that the sun will come up next day. No matter what happened last night. The relentlessness of time, passing as it does, even over masses of dead bodies, under radiant blue skies, is both a blessing and a curse. Time goes on. That is the only certainty there is. Not for everyone, but for those who remain. Its unpredictable, inexorable advance right across the entire world defines the present. No algorithm can fully help us to prepare for the future, through growth and depression, whether economic or healthwise. And so we stumble along, lightheaded and breathless. What we suppress comes back to haunt us.
Even before the virus began to circulate, we had already chosen circulation as our theme for 2020 and the participating artists had already been exploring concepts of circulation in their art. The participating artists keep on going, producing, creating, heading reflectively into each day. They take the light with them and make something of it. No matter what may come – next day. They weave a web of threads between continents and cultures, between past and present, between day and night, banality and dream. They exchange viewpoints, address their counterparts and opponents. They speak with pigeons.
Four examples: Next day the sun came up – but what was Zurich like the day before? Artist Philip Matesic always develops his works in collaboration with exhibition visitors and passers-by. In this instance, he wants to find out, as part of a collective, whether a city such as Zurich has a memory. In doing so, he uses techniques inspired by American author Joe Brainard’s I Remember, unleashing a veritable stream of memory that inexorably sweeps us along, churning memories of our own to the surface. Zurich? Now, that somehow reminds me…
Mayumi Arai is always eight hours ahead of us and far away, while Nina Willimann explores the area around the Helmhaus: time, space and body overlap on encountering the avatar willimannarai. A flesh-and-blood creature speaks to us, here in Zurich. And yet there is a nagging uncertainty about whether or not we are maybe talking to Tokyo after all. Visitors have the opportunity of accompanying the avatar live on walks through the Old Town, through Altstetten, and even through Tokyo’s Ueno district, near the main station, in Zurich.
Mirjam Wirz’s sound system reaches all the way to the ceiling of the exhibition space. The loudspeakers stacked one on top of another blare out fragments of music and voices from Mexico City, which is where the artist began her research project Sonidero City. Following the traces of cumbia music, Mirjam Wirz brings together people’s stories, music, everyday life, the world around us and the knowledge within us, and combines them to form a mosaic of image and text. Her work bears the title Ojos Suaves (Soft Eyes) and her gaze is correspondingly open, seeking some undefined moment in which everything seems possible. Making things possible is also the key to a project involving twenty Zurich artists. During the first wave of the coronavirus, Martin Senn got ten artists to produce a portfolio of ten lithographs in collaboration with Zurich printmaker Thomi Wolfensberger. We liked the idea so much that we would like to continue the project during the second wave with prints by another ten Zurich artists. Lithography is a new medium for all of them. But why not take advantage of these exceptional times by starting something new?
Events (for dates and details, see the enclosed invitation card, and for updates see www.helmhaus.org) Even the sun has a corona. And so, for Next Day The Sun Came Up, our focus is not so much on big events, but more along the lines of direct – and safe – encounters between visitors and artists. Almost all the artists are present from time to time during opening hours. Teresa Pereira will be continuously working on her wall sculpture to create a radiant body, while Ali Al-Fatlawi will be lending form to the memories of visitors. Alicia Velázquez will be reflecting their dreams in drawings and writings, merged with her own dreams, to create a collective dream. The pigeons are always there for Seraina Dür & Jonas Gillmann and the duo will join them now and again, perhaps singing or dancing. Islands expert Silvia Popp produces chairs in her workshop and reflects on transformation, Wassili Widmer lends rhythm to all these spaces – and all sorts of stuff can happen besides – while Guido Vorburger quietly works on his next painting in his studio.
Discussions will continue at the Helmhaus – we hope – beyond the turn of the year. Speakers will be there as ever, with masks of course, to engage with visitors in reflecting on what has been seen, heard or felt. And, as ever, we’ll be announcing three events that will take place at the Helmhaus sooner or later. The book launch relating to the Neu-Oerlikon Performance Series presents a new publication covering a decade of performances in the public space. Edited by Maricruz Peñaloza and published by Amsel-Verlag Zurich, the book not only documents the contributions made by 150 performers from all over the world, but also addresses wider social, political and cultural issues (Thursday, 10 December 2020). How Swiss museums handle Diversity is the question for our panel discussion on Thursday, 14 January 2021. Based on a research project at the Hochschule der Künste Bern, and moderated by cultural scientist Anke Hoffmann, this is an opportunity for the guest panellists and the public to discuss representation, dependency/dependencies and quality with regard to the topic of diversity. Finally, we welcome a guest who has seen the sun come up for nigh on a century: Fritz Senn, Director of the James Joyce Foundation in Zurich and internationally renowned authority on Joyce, will be speaking with Daniel Morgenthaler in our 5 O’Clock Theses series, this time under the Beckettian title The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new (Wednesday, 16 December 2020). And besides: we can all look forward to the curiosity in the eyes of children, and adults too, putting the everyday behind them for an hour or so at the Helmhaus, thanks to the expertly led and thought-provoking Guided Tours – as well as Studio Tables for children.
For further information and visual material, please contact Nathalie Killias, tel. +41 (0)44 415 56 77, email: [email protected] Information on the exhibition and visual materials are available for download on our website: helmhaus.org.
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willimannarai-new · 4 years
How to disappear (completely): Practice 7
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willimannarai-new · 4 years
How to disappear (completely): Practice 5
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4. Schwamendinger Kurzauftritte Freitag und Samstag  2. / 3. Oktober 2020 Wirtschaft Ziegelhütte Schwamendingen 
How to disappear (completely): Practice 5 Willimann/Arai  SA 3. Oktober 2020 
Reservationen: [email protected] Angaben der Kontakdaten erforderlich. Name, Anzahl Plätze, Telefonnummer. Limitierte Platzzahl.
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willimannarai-new · 4 years
Avatar tours #1: Zurich Altstetten
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Artist in residency Gleis70 Open Studio 2   "Quartierführung (Guided tour in the neighborhood)" with willimannarai 
Thursday, 10. September Meetingpoint at the ramp 6 pm. 
During their Corona-related online collaboration, Nina Willimann (Zurich) and Mayumi Arai (Tokyo) trained their joint avatar willimannarai. In reference to the traditional Japanese theater form Rakugo, in which one actor portrays several people simultaneously, willimannarai explores the analogous possibilities of a hybrid identity and acts as a translator of spaces, bodies and languages. During her stay at the guest studio Gleis 70, willimannarai explored and mapped her surroundings and explored the global interweavings of the neighborhood. https://willimannarai.net
Gastatelier Gleis70 Hermetschloostrasse 70 8048 Zürich www.gastateliergleis70.ch https://www.facebook.com/artistresidencegleis70/
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willimannarai-new · 4 years
[AIR] Avatar tours #1: Zurich Altstetten
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AIR Gastatelier Gleis70, Zurich/ CH July 6, 2020- September 30, 2020
Hosted by association Gastatelier Gleis70 /CH Supported by Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur, Pro Helvetia, Genossenschaft Gleis70
(english version below)
Open Studio 1  Mittwoch, 15. Juli, ab 17.00 bis ca. 21.00 Uhr Nina Willimann und Mayumi Arai stellen ihre Arbeit vor. Beginn pünktlich um 17:30. Dachterrasse 6. Stock Danach Grill
Wir sind um social distance bemüht. Je nach Wetter kann es deshalb Änderungen geben. Diese würden auf unserer Webseite gastatelier.gleis70.chpubliziert.
Willimann/Arai (Zürich/Tokio) untersuchen in ihrer Arbeit Identitäten als vielschichtige, fluide und sich ständig in Transformation befindende Konstruktionen. Dabei interessieren sie sich insbesondere für Konzeptionen und Techniken des „Selbst“ in Abgrenzung vom „Anderen“ oder „Fremden“, sowie für die daraus resultierenden Paradoxien und hybriden Arrangements. Im Rahmen kontextspezifischer Settings schaffen Willimann/Arai in Zusammenarbeit mit Besuchern, lokalen Gemeinschaften und Experten temporäre, kollektive Erfahrungsräume, in welchen Wissen generiert und geteilt werden kann.
Open Studio 1 Wednesday July 15, from 5pm til 9pm Nina Willimann and Mayumi Arai will present their work. Start on time at 17:30. Roof terrace 6. floor Afterwards barbecue
We are concerned with social distance. Depending on the weather, there may therefore be changes to the program. We would publish these on our website gastatelier.gleis70.ch.
In their work Willimann/Arai (Zurich/Tokyo)  investigate identities as multi-layered, fluid constructions that are constantly in transformation. They are especially interested in concepts and techniques of the "self" in distinction to the "other" or "foreign", as well as in the emerging paradoxes and hybrid arrangements. Within the framework of context-specific settings, Willimann/Arai, in cooperation with visitors, local communities and experts, create temporary, collective experience spaces in which knowledge can be generated and shared.
Wir freuen uns über euren Besuch! Nina, Mayumi & das Gastatelier-Team
Gastatelier Gleis70
Hermetschloostrasse 70
8048 Zürich
Gastatelier Gleis70 is financed by:
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willimannarai-new · 4 years
Book Publishing: The gift exercise / Invitation 2.2: Zurich
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The gift exercise / Invitation 2.2: Zurich
Amsel Verlag
ISBN 978-3-906325-47-7
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willimannarai-new · 5 years
The gift exercise / Invitation 4.2 : Taroko National Park in Liouguei Police-guard Line, Kaohsiung
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Willimann/Arai will show their lecture performance The gift exercise / Invitation 4.2 : Taroko National Park in collaboration with Nac Hijiyu and Shang Chiao Li.
26. Feb. 2020, 8pm- 六龜警備線Liouguei Police-guard Line, 高雄Kaohsiung
人類世與當代藝術論壇:步道.古道.警備線 Anthropocene Laboratory School: Trails, Old Ways, Policeguard Lines The Parliament of Things, If The Things Start to Talk On Their Trails……
演講劇場.樟樹/合歡越嶺與太魯閣戰爭 營火論壇.古道/隘勇線與警備線物種發聲 國際交流.台日瑞士藝術家 警備缐踏查.登山術/追蹤術/帝國治理術
地點:高雄六龜警備缐 時間:2020年2月26日27日 主辦:國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所.國立高雄師範大學跨領域藝術研究所.國立臺南大學視覺藝術與設計學系.台南藝術公社.森人-散步計畫 (感謝圖片提供:july pi)
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willimannarai-new · 5 years
The gift exercise / Invitation 4.2 : Taroko National Park in Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Willimann/Arai will show their lecture performance The gift exercise / Invitation 4.2 : Taroko National Park in collaboration with Nac Hijiyu and Shang Chiao Li. 
16. Feb. 2020  14:00- 臺北市立美術館Taipei Fine Arts Museum
2019臺北美術獎│2019 Taipei Art Awards  7. Dec. 2019 - 16. Feb. 2020 
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