willowofbelief · 4 years
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willowofbelief · 5 years
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willowofbelief · 5 years
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willowofbelief · 6 years
5 Things To Do Every Morning
Express gratitude
Set your intentions for the day
Take 5 deep breaths, in and out
Smile for no reason just to flex the muscle 
Forgive yourself for yesterday’s mistakes
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willowofbelief · 6 years
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A crash course on Aspects.
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willowofbelief · 6 years
Stress Responses
Aries: racing thoughts, increased agitation to normal events. they can get the red eyes and they find it hard to sleep even with extreme tiredness and exhaustion. there can be headaches, migraines, or clumsiness and they can see their short comings in crystal clear black and white  
Taurus: heaviness and the feeling of carry extra body weight. appetite changes and an increased reliance on personal pleasure to the extent it becomes routine but there isn’t real satisfaction in anything. the voice is shaky, caffeine intake can increase 
Gemini: quietened into silence by the consistent loud banging of thoughts. less focused and animated during conversation and socialisation, they can become more argumentative and defensive. quickly diverts the subject off themselves. if they smoke it increases. it may be hard to maintain dietary intake, they can become easily panicked and impossible to follow
Cancer: reacts overtly and excessively to emotional provocation. everybody in the house knows they are ‘in a mood’. the appetite can change, increase in sugar cravings, its easy to gain weight, regressive patterns can re-emerge 
Leo: physical symptoms of exhaustion including heart palpitations, hot flashes, and sore muscles in the chest and lower back. stress can increase energy to untameable levels so they can become more frantic, more sacrificial, more of a people pleaser, more in need of recognition  
Virgo: a person running around in a frantic pace doing 20 different things at the same time, feeling unrealistic time constraints, looking ultra productive and constructive but is running around in directionless circles. the rituals can get out of hand, digestive discomfort, appetite changes 
Libra: they can care too much about the image people have of them to expose their concerns and worries. they can wait for close friends to pick up on this by some form of telepathy and feel disheartened and betrayed when they don’t. they can get a nervous or sensitive bladder and feel like everybody is personally agitated or ignoring them 
Scorpio: Becomes self-reclusive and shuts off from everybody. They can become very hostile or reactive to attempted intrusions into their inner space and get ‘those eyes’ everyone close to them knows well. Sexual desire can fluctuate  
Sagittarius: The pace of everything increases to uncontrollable rapid speed in the mind and body there can be unusual headaches, nerves, the feeling of breathing stale air, back pain, and restless legs. They can feel happy, but they overthink, doubt, and wonder how long it will last.  
Capricorn: Can become itchy and suffer jaw tension. Everything needs to remain the same and completely normal so they keep everything inside so that nobody changes their behaviour around them. they self seclude and spend a lot of time thinking, cataloguing stressors and working through them one at a time, purposefully and painfully on their own
Aquarius: the will to make a difference flatlines, there is little inspiration and a lot of frustration in a world they can’t seem to fit into. their thoughts become very sharp and cut them deeply, they can detach from everyone and everything
Pisces: They can become their own worst enemy, worries can inflate into disproportioned fears and they can actively live these out, like if they have an early alarm and frantically try to get sleep and agonise about tomorrow’s tiredness and keep themselves awake all night by playing out imaginative scenarios until the morning 
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willowofbelief · 6 years
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Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats / Recipe
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willowofbelief · 6 years
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- Trevante Rhodes . “Black” . 16′
Ph.Barry Jenkins .
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willowofbelief · 6 years
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willowofbelief · 6 years
so cute
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willowofbelief · 6 years
never let your loneliness drive you back to toxic people
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willowofbelief · 6 years
This is real
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willowofbelief · 6 years
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Even if you don’t feel like it, you are worth it. I promise.
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willowofbelief · 6 years
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willowofbelief · 6 years
“Make sure you don’t start seeing yourself through the eyes of those who don’t value you. Know your worth even if they don’t.”
— Thema Davis
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willowofbelief · 6 years
Don't let someone's opinion deter you from anything. Most people are temporary and so are their words
Keep ya head up and keep pushing
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willowofbelief · 6 years
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