willybillyme · 3 years
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willybillyme · 3 years
Im FUCKING more fat that , while I used to b like that
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willybillyme · 3 years
I will forgot the past thin me and I will be a new fat hoe , who need to lose weight.
I starting tomorrow, I will retake control.
Anyone to check if I lost weight every week ??
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willybillyme · 3 years
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willybillyme · 3 years
I feel terrible
I know I gained so much weight in comparaison to my lowest
I truly really don’t wanna eat, but when I’m hungry my fucking brain hurts and I fucking need to study, and an hour ago I felt hunger for a solid 1h because I haven’t eaten in 6hrs While I ate a Lot this morning.
I feel every part of me jiggling.
They say control , control is everything.
I wanna start a diet since tomorrow :
One meal a day around 1~2pm
Run or exercice every single day
Don’t watch any food video, and unfollow every recovery insta accounts
My goal is to be 45kgs in 3~4 weeks
I can do this
It’s a weight loss journey and when I say I will achieve something I FUCKING do.
And if I get to 45 kgs then I will put a new goal, to be 38 kgs.
It makes me happy losing weight.
The plan is :
For breakfast , a cup of lemon dark tea , and 3 (small)cups of coffee
For lunch:
-no carbs
-a toooons of veggies.
-only vegan meats
-no oil , at all
-no dessert (if i want a dessert so badly I will make it my only meal of the day)
-then study hard before hunger hits so I can relax at night
I don’t eat too much , I don’t need too much food to survive , food repulses me. I don’t like to eat a lot of things, I don’t think about food.
Processed food is literally disgusting
I will try to do 100 montains every day, 1min plank , 100 squats+ running or workouts.
I have a small appetite, I like to eat the same thing every single day.
I’m anorexic and I will let the whole world know it. Don’t eat when there’s no one around
Im in a weigh loss journey , I need to lose weight to be okay and happy .
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willybillyme · 3 years
I lost weight and that’s nice
I lost my period again
BUT those two last days I ate like I never did I think I went waaaay above 3000 cal but I don’t wanna know, I was stuck with 800 cal and that was fun
I have a pretty active life , running 1h two time a week, 2h of basket ball every week and 10 m-15min workout when I don’t do sports
But I wanna fast for at least 30 hrs I know I can do cuz I did it once where I fasted for 38hrs , and if I reach 30hrs I will try to go to 40hrs
Because I ate like hella waaay to much, only me is capable to know how much I can eat.
And I really wanna have a 400-500 cal a day , that I can eat only at lunch, but my friends are always looking after me , and that’s tiring, like I can’t control anything
Anyway my fast started at 16h06 and will end at (normally 20h06 tmrw) I think I can don it
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willybillyme · 3 years
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willybillyme · 3 years
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willybillyme · 4 years
I, for the first time, truly wanna fucking die.
I wanna be drowning deep in the ocean, no one can see me and no one can hear me , it’s getting cold and its a clean death, no mess no crime.
I wanna feel my latest heartbeat, the most silengone , i wanna feel myself slowly falling into the coldest spot in the ocean, and quickly flying to hell. Hell is probably where i belong, i mean in sure its not much worser than life.
The water hugs you and touchs you everywhere, he will be there and stay here for you, even after your death.
I truly wanna fucking die
Im tired of every single thing, every single SHIT.
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willybillyme · 4 years
I need to remind myself that it’s fine that I’m not skinny yet, that my expectations are too high. It’s not like I got this fat in one day, so I can’t lose it all in one day. It’s okay if it takes time to achieve my goal.
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willybillyme · 4 years
3months is enough to make some drastic changes
3months in a lifetime is nothing, go and lose those 30 extra lbs.
No one will notice you not eating, believe me.
Dont cry because you gained weight or beacuse your periods came back.
Cry because you’re out of control.
And the changes dont start tomorrow but NOW.
Listen to your stomach growling and love that sound
Live for that noise and feel it,enjoy it.
No one will notice you getting fatter but holy molly they will hold you and love you when you will be at your lowest weight.
The real you is the you that restrict food and fear food. Your brain is stupid and will believe you if you repeat to yourself that you’re anorexic.
Wait you ate 3679 cals yesterday? Well ask your friend how much they ate yesterday they wont and cant answer, because unlike you they dont count calories
Caloris are your control, dont lose it.
Please for god’s sake. Lose the weight you gained, please please please , we dont care if you die from malnutrition, we just dont want you to waste your time starving yourself to lose that extra weight.
When you’re not eating you’re losing weight. And thats a fact.you’re ALWAYS losing weight when you’re not eating.
Imma be real with you guys
I changed school and changed friends , my new friends are so cool that they force me to eat because i was so tiny, now im a big gurl, i gained SO MUCH weight in 3months, i hate it.
I wanna starve again because im not happy with who im , i control nothing.
My grades are bad, my boyfriend broke up with me and i gained SO MUCH WEIGHT.
I need a break from failing everything.
My source of joy is starvation, not food.
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willybillyme · 4 years
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willybillyme · 4 years
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willybillyme · 4 years
I literally can’t believe it, this morning I stepped on a scale and I was 102 lbs and my UGW was 105! I weighed myself yesterday and I was 110 so it must have been water weight but OH MY GOD! I’m so happy this is crazy I did it?? I’m finally as small as I wanted, now all I need to do is maintain ?? This is honestly euphoric. May 28, 2018 is the day I became the skinny bitch I’ve always wanted to be.
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willybillyme · 4 years
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Height: 164cm
Weight: 46,3 kg
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willybillyme · 4 years
Next year imma resctrict so bad, dont care.
I just hate myself rn.
Thx for ckecking in im still a piece of unlimited fat.
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willybillyme · 4 years
Rules to prevent it from going too far
🌹Don't lower your goal weight. Ever. Don't forget that it's enough.
🥀 When your stomach passes the flat point and starts caving in you've gone to far and you need to stop that shit.
🌷If you're passing out at work you need to eat more.
🌺 If it's too hard to lift normal things such as milk jug, PlayStation, table chairs, you need more calories.
🌸 Don't work out every day of the week.
🏵️ When you find yourself saying "fuck this" and eating everything in your house, you're restricting too hard.
🌻 Always drink lots of water throughout the day whether or not you're fasting.
🌼 Keep in mind that you may gain and loose the same 3 lbs of water or food weight throughout the week and it's not fat.
💮 If you really feel the need to eat, eat. And don't feel bad about it.
Please add more 💐
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