elfinexile replied to your post elfinexile started following you ...
Hey there! I’m TJ. I love your hair.
*smiles* Thank you! I love your...blueness? I hope that doesn't come across like an insult, or anything, because that's not what I meant.
But anyways, it's nice to meet you.
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elfinexile started following you
askgamersparadise started following you
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I'm Penny.
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You've never had coffee before? Hmm. It's...alright, I guess. I haven't had it many times before, to be honest. But it's pretty good with a lot of sugar.
Being a ghost? Well, like I said, it's a long story. I actually don't remember...um, dying. I've just been told a few different things about what happened. There was a Death Ray involved, I think. And...a friend of mine, the one who made the Death Ray, still blames himself for everything. Which he really shouldn't, but that's another conversation entirely.
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Hello! I’m Penny.
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[[cool. Psych is also on my to-watch list. :B ah, the wonders of Netflix Instant. Or, y'know, piracy, if it's not on Netflix/you don't have Netflix.]]
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willyoulendacaringhand replied to your post: ♔
[[IF ONLY I COULD LIKE THIS POST ANOTHER 1406733 TIMES. adhhdhkjsdf it’s a great...
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[[I have seen, like...four episodes 'cos a friend told me to watch it, and then I remembered I have >9000 other TV shows the Internet/friends/family tell me to watch so. I'll probably get to it after I watch Buffy. And Castle. And Firefly. And Battlestar Galactica. /shot
aaaaaaaaaa I am flailing so hard you have NO IDEA sdfjkhgdg. there would be a GIF here but I'm on my mobile so I can't post GIFs =(]]
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willyoulendacaringhand replied to your post: ♔
[[IF ONLY I COULD LIKE THIS POST ANOTHER 1406733 TIMES. adhhdhkjsdf it’s a great compliment to hear that I play Penny well, thank you so much!! you are amazetastic too, as is Clara :3 also, not gonna lie, you make me want to start...
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You just said the room was spinning, though. Lying down would probably help with that. If you keep standing, you'll probably end up...I don't know, maybe fainting.
Oh! You're drunk! Okay, that...explains a lot. You should definitely lie down, then. Just wait it out until whenever the anon wears off. I'd get you coffee or something that would maybe make you less drunk (I think coffee is supposed to do that?), but...well, it's a long story, but I'm kind of a ghost. Which means no touching objects for me. Sorry about that.
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Hello! I’m Penny.
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*frowns* That doesn't sound much like fine to me. Maybe you should lie down.
A Time Lord? Oh. I've met a few Time Lords! I'm sorry that an anon made you a human though. I guess it'd be pretty weird, being another species. But look on the bright side! It's got to have a time limit, right? So you'll be normal again whenever it wears off. *smiles*
the-master-of-your-fate started following you
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Hello! I’m Penny.
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... Um. Hi. Are you okay? You seem a little...not okay. No offense if you really are okay.
And I think you just called me "human," which is true, but...I guess that means that you're not human, or something?
the-master-of-your-fate started following you
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Hello! I’m Penny.
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the-master-of-your-fate started following you
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Hello! I'm Penny.
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On what would be an awesome sequel 
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I mean, not literally die, because - well, you know what I mean. But...can we not talk about that? Please?
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Or something….
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So...I've been gone awhile...
I - I had to think about some things. Let's just leave it at that.
Anyways, the important thing is that I'm back now. *smiles* So...hello. I missed everyone.
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[[ooc note: by the way, I apologize if I'm less active. My computer time's being limited, so if I'm RPing less, that's why. =(]]
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But it was me! Well, sort of. I-I mean, it wasn't really me-me, but...she's definitely part of me. And she's still in my head somewhere. Or at least, that's what Captain Hammer said when he was evil. 
Besides, even if she wasn't really me, I still have to take responsibility for what she did, which includes the possibility of...well, killing people. Because if I don't take responsibility for it, nobody will, which would be even worse.
So, um. She's gone. Again.
=/ I don’t know, then. Maybe Captain Hammer heard something that would point one way or the other about her killing people? Except he was evil too, and if it was the same thing I had, then he probably won’t remember a whole lot…
*sighs* I - I don’t even know what I’ll do if it turns out she did kill people.
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That's the spirit! Keep your head up and things will eventually turn out okay. That's what I like to think, anyways.
It's a great thing! I mean, before I was here, I was in this...other place, which was a lot grayer and lonelier. So this is much better than that. But I - I don't know if I can actually pass through walls. I think I can possess people...not that I would ever do that. And no, I don't try to scare people. Although people might get scared anyways when I say I'm a ghost. =/
alwaysrunningtohim started following you
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I’m Penny, and you are…?
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Doctor? As in the Doctor, or just some run-of-the-mill doctor? Because I've seen at least two or three different Doctors around here, and I've heard that there's a lot more, too. Something to do with alternate universes, plus he's an alien, and he's a time traveler. Or something like that. I don't know any of them that well. I'm sure you'll find your Doctor someday, though. *smiles*
Well, I'd never met a ghost either...then I became one, so. *shrugs* I haven't met any other ghosts, either. And no, I can't touch things. But it's not that bad! I mean, I can still talk to people, which is nice.
alwaysrunningtohim started following you
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I’m Penny, and you are…?
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