wiltedflowerpot · 11 months
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wiltedflowerpot · 1 year
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Larry Tesler, inventor of the cut, copy, and paste commands, dies at 74
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wiltedflowerpot · 1 year
Every little princess has a line that separates pain and pleasure, marks the exact point where she can’t take anymore hurt. It’s her daddy’s job to find it. Strip her down,fuck her little pink pussy, spank her ass wrap your belt around her neck, do whatever you need to do until the line becomes clear. Then you know how much you can give before she breaks. Daddy’s little kitten.
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wiltedflowerpot · 1 year
all I want is to be babied. run me a bubble bath and tell me we have to keep the door open because I'm too little to be alone. pick me up and dry me off and put your big fuzzy robe on me. carry me over to the couch and put a kid show for me, bring me strawberry milk. kiss my forehead, hand me my favorite stuffie. ask me to color a picture for you. cut my food into baby pieces because I'm too small to do it myself. baby me. make me forget about the big, scary world when I'm home with you
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wiltedflowerpot · 1 year
Rubbing my face on your bulge like a little kitty asking for attention. ♡
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wiltedflowerpot · 1 year
Yes what silly?
Yes. Daddy.
Yes. Daddy. You are right. I am needy for your cock.
Mm. It's so fun making you repeat my words in your squirmy tone. Why didn't you say right first ?.
Because I am your silly fucktoy.
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wiltedflowerpot · 1 year
im a smol little baby that needs to be fucked hard. but be careful with my little cunnie, please, it's so smol
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wiltedflowerpot · 1 year
Just because I love you doesn’t mean I’ll let you win in Mario Kart. Fuck off
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wiltedflowerpot · 1 year
daddy please fuck me?
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wiltedflowerpot · 2 years
hello writing community! this is your daily reminder that you are fabulous, your plots are top notch, your characters are interesting af and that you should be writing right now-
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wiltedflowerpot · 3 years
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Follow for more tips like this, collected and posted daily! Handpicked and curated with love ❤
Do the task for just a few minutes – Not only do procrastinators spend longer distracting themselves doing the ‘wrong things’ but they also delay starting the ‘right’ things. This was the finding of a study into students who procrastinate. To combat this, Professor Richard Wisemanrachel talks about The Zierganick effect, which describes how once you start something, your brain remains alert until you finish it. Starting a task is often the hardest part. If you can persuade someone just to start it for a few minutes, the brain’s desire to see it through to completion should then take over.
Do the hard and important tasks first – Our daily biological clocks, known as our Circadian Rhythmrachel, ensure that we are often at our most alert at about 10am before we suffer a mid-afternoon dip. The harder the tasks are, the more energy and concentration we need to complete them. It therefore makes sense to do the hardest and most important tasks first because trying to start them when you are tired is difficult, often resulting in people putting them off for another day.
Improve self-regulation ability and beliefs – Self regulation is the ability to select appropriate strategies and self-correct them during a task. The Sutton Trust describes this as one of the most efficient and effective strategies to help Pupil Premium students. Procrastination has been described as ‘a failure to self-regulate’; however, procrastination researchersrachel state that knowing self-regulation is important is not enough to overcome procrastination on its own. To be effective, students need to have the confidence to implement these strategies and skills.
Manage your environment – If you can see temptations, you are more likely to be distracted by them, and therefore procrastinate. For example, a recent studyrachel found that having your phone out and in sight, even if you are not using it, can make you perform 20% worse than if you had put your phone away. The authors of this study state that ‘the mere presence of a cell phone may be sufficiently distracting to produce diminished attention’. Consider your working environment; is it conducive to the task at hand or one where procrastination can flourish?
Set yourself a short deadline – In his meta-analysis on procrastination, researcher Piers Steel notes that ‘it has long been observed that the further…
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wiltedflowerpot · 3 years
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Countdown Rule: Count down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and on 1 force yourself to work. And no, you can’t stretch the countdown forever.
3 Minute Rule: Start working on the Thing for three minutes, which is barely the amount of time it takes to brush your teeth, and if by the end of it you still HATE YOUR LIFE then see what’s wrong. The hardest part is getting started- if you’re still struggling once you start, your problem isn’t procrastination.
The Absolutely Nothing Technique (TANT): if you’re scrolling on YouTube or whatever and procrastinating, stop and stare at the ceiling. Do absolutely nothing. Don’t pick up your phone, don’t sleep, don’t do anything but stare. Eventually you’ll realize how stupid this is and how you might as well work. verb: tanting ;)
Clean Your Room: similar to the previous one and very self-explanatory. Clean your room- if you don’t like doing it, eventually you’ll realize you’d rather just sit down and work. You’ll get a bit of your space clean as well!
Let me know if you want other posts similar to this! Like how to stay focused during studying or study motivation tips or apps for study help.
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wiltedflowerpot · 3 years
How To Stop Procrastinating
For all the procrastinators out there, here’s a list of tips that a fellow procrastinator has found very useful through the years to get her actually doing stuff.
Start studying from day one
I know you’ve heard this a million times, but seriously, before the panic of “I can’t possibly catch up with all of this’ kicks in. Once this happens, you won’t even want to try so you’ll just procrastinate even more. I know it seems overkill to study on the first day, but think of it this way, you’ve covered almost no material and it will take you no time. Also, it only takes 30 days to form a habit, I promise you revising every day becomes second nature after a while.
But I’m already in the middle of my academic year and I can’t possibly catch up!
I’ve heard that excuse a thousand times, from myself that is. So you can’t catch up? Well, don’t. If it’s a class where you don’t need to know the previous material to understand what you’re learning about right now, take it from that point and keep up with it. You can catch up on the previous stuff little by little when you have free time.
But it’s a cumulative class and I need to know the previous material to understand what the heck my profesor is talking about! 
Watch some youtube videos on the material or go to Khanacademy. You just need to grasp the basics, you can perfect your knowledge on those topics later on, if you have time.
I just can’t get myself to open the book 
First, what is it you need to do TODAY? Let’s say you need to study a unit that has x pages and you have three days ro study it. Today you will study x/3 pages. You get it, don’t just study aimlessly, give yourself a finish point. Then write down what you want to accomplish (it’s incredibly satisfying to cross things out) but don’t write more than 5 tasks (unless they’re really small ones) per day.
Now is when you find that you don’t actually want to do any of the things on that list, so what do you want to do NOW? Do you want to watch a youtube video? Read a book? Pee? What were you planning to do to procrastinate? Well you can still do it. That is, once you study a page (or x pages, whatever you feel up to). This can be repeated until you hit that finish point you stablished earlier. You can also add extra weekly rewards like ‘If I do all my studying this week, I can do x or I can buy y’ (think small stuff, x can be calling a friend to hang out and y can be a color pen). But remember, just as important as getting that reward if you do your work is NOT getting the reward if you DON’T do the work. I don’t mean like don’t indulge if you haven’t finished one or two tasks, but, if you’ve been slacking all week yet you get the reward anyway, what your brain understands “It’s ok, I don’t actually need to work”.
I just want to lie on my bed for a bit
Yes, studying on your bed is awful and you should avoid it. But you know what’s worse than studying on your bed? Not studying at all. If you’re like me and sometimes you just randomly get these urges in the middle of the afternoom to lie on your bed ‘for a bit’ and then you fall asleep, bring your study materials to your bed. DON’T lie down, just get into a slightly reclined sitting possition. I find that this kind of tricks your brain into thinking that you’re resting but you can still get work done.
I have to write a paper, not study
I was planning on telling you that I have literally no tips for writing papers and lab reports (these in particular are the bane of my existence, I literally feel such hostility towards them that I will refuse to even look at the document I’m sure it has nothing to do with being a failed writer) BUT luckily I’ve found something that kind of works. So, forget about your paper for a minute, open a text document, and just WRITE. You can literally write about whatever - your day, how adorable your pet is, or a random story that makes no sense whatsoever. Force yourself to write for about three minutes. Now look back at your paper. I find that once I’ve started writing, I am a lot more willing to keep doing it, even if it’s not about the same topic. This may not work for some people though. Also, write a SUPER rough outline or just bullet points of what you want to say like “Then we add HCl. Later decantation. Test for acid pH. Finally filter and evaporate”. Expanding on something is much easier than writing it from scratch.
Clean you desk the night before
I promise having a clean space to put your books on will motivate you the next day.
And finally, a little tip from a recent experience - YOU’RE GOING TO WISH YOU HAD DONE MORE 
Personally, every time “I can just cram for this” even crosses my mind, I remind myself of how stupid I felt last semester when it came to finals and how badly I wanted to go back in time and beat past me to a pulp. But also, I remind myself of how thankful I was to past me for every little thing that she HAD studied because it was one less thing to worry about. So, when you want to slack off, think of your future self thanking you for not doing so.
So, with this advice in mind, go hit your books right now and start becoming a better version of yourself!
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wiltedflowerpot · 3 years
can teachers fucking stop making covid-19 as the topic of the fucking year its depressing as shit, moreso when ur govt fucking sucked and its reminding u how poorly shit was managed, preventing normalcy for what, reaching almost 2 years now? god damn it
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wiltedflowerpot · 3 years
how to avoid the negativity of social media: abstain from it. ur life is not better by expending effort on arguing with a troll who wont even remember the interaction after
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wiltedflowerpot · 3 years
twitter needs to shut the fuck up
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wiltedflowerpot · 3 years
lmao how do i write an essay on patriarchy that wont just devolve into saying i hate men
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