windbreakerpics · 3 years
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8 notes · View notes
windbreakerpics · 3 years
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146 notes · View notes
windbreakerpics · 3 years
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68 notes · View notes
windbreakerpics · 3 years
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35 notes · View notes
windbreakerpics · 3 years
overnight [ windbreaker ]
summary: another interpretation of episode 45 from part 2.
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You should've noticed it was strange for Vinny to knock on his own door when you heard it. At least, then, you wouldn't be surprised by another familiar showing up at the door.
You could blame your own scattered mind, too worried about boiling the broth to care. Besides, there was no one else who could've been at the other end of the door. It was raining in the evening, not an optimal time to be out of the house.
"Hey, Vinny, where did you leave the—" At least, that was how it should be, until you saw him standing outside, drenched in rainwater. "Jay?"
Seeing each other was a surprise for both of you, neither expected to see one another. Both of you were hoping to see an absent redhead, the only bridge between you and Jay. You couldn't say that he remembered your name, but the two of you have met enough time to know about each other.
You hoped that was the case with him, at the very least.
"You're Vinny's..." Jay belatedly realized he didn't know which term to use, which left him no choice but to change the topic. "...Sorry for intruding, I didn't..."
"No, no, it's fine," you smiled despite his awkwardness, stepping aside for him to enter, "Vinny will be back soon, anyway, I'll tell him about you coming over."
He nodded glumly, "Thank you."
Closing the door behind you, suddenly, the opportunity hit you. Never before had you ever have to interact with one of Vinny's actual friends aside from Sung. At least, you knew Sung, you didn't know Jay at all.
You were eager to become closer with one of Vinny's new friends, if anything. "Are you hungry? I'm already making dinner, eat with us, yeah?"
Jay looked at you, for a moment, he didn't know what to say until the answer came, quieter than expected. "All right... thank you."
You gave him another genial smile, hoping he'd relax but it was a miss with Jay. Without any other choice, you pulled your phone out to text Vinny, telling him about this new occurrence.
You: Jay came over, I let him in.
You: Do you mind if I lend him your clothes? He looks drenched.
Uchiha Vinny: ? Sure.
Uchiha Vinny: I'll be right back.
When you lifted your head from your phone again, you zoned in on his soaked uniforms. Concerns overwhelmed you, whatever had him out in this weather must have been serious. "Hey, you should get a change of clothes," you gestured towards the door at the corner of the room, "the bathroom is over there."
You dug into Vinny's closet, pulling out one of his spare t-shirt and pants. After handing them to Jay, you ushered him towards the bathroom, pointing out where the clean towels were.
Before you got the chance to return to the kitchen, you heard the door unlocked. Vinny stepped into the room, immediately scanning for the traces of Jay.
"Where is he?"
Vinny lifted the grocery bag and left it at the counter, you fetched the bottle of fish sauce from it, eager to return to cooking. "In the bathroom," you looked at Vinny, curious, "did something happen?"
"I don't know," he shrugged, peeling down his outer layer, "he'll tell us if he wanted to."
You nodded readily, agreeing with his assessment. "Okay... Can you hand me the spice? Open the window, too. I don't want the scent of food to cloud the room."
"Sure," he complied before returning to the counter area, peering at the pot you were brewing, "are you cooking for Jay too?"
"Yup," you said, "can you take an extra packet of noodles? I don't mind eating less, but you are both athletes, you should eat a lot."
"Huh... sure," Vinny shuffled around you, pulling open one of the cabinets.
Behind the both of you, Jay reappeared after putting on the clothes you. When you caught him looking your way, you smiled, but Jay only looked vaguely confused. Strange boy, indeed. You left him to his device when you saw him picking up an incoming call.
"Minu says he's coming over too." Apparently, that was the result of the call Jay was on. At least, you were more familiar with Minu than Jay, even if you didn't get the chance to interact with him often back when he and Vinny were with the Zephyrus.
It was nice to see another friendly face, although, you couldn't say the same to Vinny.
The pack of noodles in his hand immediately crumbled within his grip, the anger on his face was evident. "Goddamnit, what is this? Some kind of shelter for abandoned animals?"
You could only smile, it was nice seeing Vinny surrounded by his friends, even if he wouldn't admit that on his death bed.
Minu arrived not long after with his bike at his side, it made you wonder if these boys carried their bikes with them everywhere. Vinny did have that habit himself.
"Mm~this is damn good!" Even with two additional servings, Minu made quick work of the noodles, eating less wasn't even a choice for you after he arrjved. "Vinny, you really scored big with her, how did you manage to find someone who cooked divine food?"
"It's only instant noodles with toppings, but I'm glad you like it,” you beamed at him, glad to have some appreciating your cooking.
Apparently, Vinny didn't share the sentiments. "Ugh, what are a couple of rich di... douches like you doing here bumming ramen off me?" His disgruntlement was open to everyone in the room. "I want you gone as soon as the rain stops."
However, his little misstep didn't escape Minu. "Vinny, did you censor yourself because she's here?"
"Don't change the topic." Vinny threw a glare at him, but there was no denying his showing blush.
Leaving the other two boys to their own conversation, Vinny leaned towards you, keeping his voice low. "If you really minded them staying, I'll kick them out."
"You don't have to," you told him, "it's fine for a night, I think they need the help, anyway."
Even with your reassurance, he didn't look convinced. "You're not wrong but... I don't want them to make you feel uncomfortable."
"It's fine, they're good friends of yours, aren't they?" You pat his arm, soothing his worries. It was nice for him to worry about you, but you didn't want his friends to leave because of any minor inconveniences they will cause.
They needed the help anyway, you could leave anytime, but you knew Vinny would have somethint to say about that, especially when it was late and raining.
"Stop being nice for once," he fought to push down the surfacing smile, but your smiling back at him got him cracked. However, with Minu and Jay finishing their conversation, their entire attention turned towards the two of you.
"Vinny... you don't have to mind the two of us, be natural with your girlfriend."
That soured Vinny's mood immediately. "Don't make me kick you out, don't even think about getting sneaky and trying to stay here," he warned, "you're both dead if you're not out of here by tomorrow morning at the latest. Seriously."
There was minor ruckus when Vinny's mom came over afterwards, you insisted that she'd not push herself while you cleaned the dishes. She left after the rain subsided, sharing the same sentiment as you did.
Everything mellowed out for a few hours, although, once the sleeping arrangements came up, Vinny was back to his defensive mode again.
With you sleeping next to the wall, Vinny slotted himself between you and the other two boys as a barrier. If anything, you were surprised that there were enough blankets and comforters for everyone. At least, the room provided space for four people sleeping at the same time.
Even if Vinny did box you in. "Cross the line and both of you are dead," he warned the other two, sliding under the blanket next to you. It was funny to see how bossy he became at times, funnier when it did little to faze others.
"Vinny, it's very heartwarming to know you have a soft side," Minu bemoaned. "but do you really have to oppress us?"
"Do you want to die?"
"Chill, papa bear, nobody is stealing your girlfriend,” Minu narrowly dodged a pillow throwing his way. At least, it was the one he needed to lay on.
Both you and Jay could only look at each other in sympathy, having to deal with people whose personalities are too big to be cramped into the same room with each other.
The least you could do was pacify yours. "There, there," you rounded your arm around his waist, pulling him down with you, "time for bed."
Fortunately, Vinny mellowed out easily in your hold, sliding his own around you to put you in his embrace. Once you situated yourself nicely in his arms, Vinny pressed his lips on your forehead, the kiss was soft and sweet, easing the both of you into slumber.
“Good night everyone!”
"Good night Jay, good night [Name], no good night to Vinny."
"Shut up."
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windbreakerpics · 3 years
the beach trip [ windbreaker ]
summary: companion piece of the overnight beach trip with the hummingbird crew.
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The team squeezed into the last two rows of the bus, with you and Vinny sharing the ample space of a couple spots. He claimed the window seat for himself, with you following after. The whole time, Vinny didn't let go of your hand even once.
Even if he spent much of the ride staring out of the window, you could feel his attention on you when he rubbed his thumb on the back of your hand. A reminder that he was present should you need anything.
“Four on four couple trip, Vinny won't be the only one getting action!” Dom hollered, excited by the upcoming impromptu vacation.
However, his enthusiasm was shut out immediately. “Shut up.” Vinny snapped at Dom before squeezing your hand, the implication of Dom's words didn't go unnoticed.
You returned his squeeze, smiling. “Don’t you think this is nice? You get to travel often with friends around.”
He hummed. “Yeah... I’d prefer it if they’re less rowdy.”
“I think that's only Dom,” you mused, “it’d be nice to go alone, too, the two of us.”
Vinny turned back at you, his fingers threaded with yours. “Yeah? Let's do it next time.” For a moment, you thought you saw him smiling. Sincere but fleeting, and reserved only for you.
After the bus dropped the whole team at the stop, everyone began to take down their bikes. This, once again, reminded you of the inconvenience of sports bikes. Vinny will have to go on ahead with his team while you stayed with Minu and the girls for the cab.
You had grown used to it at this point. “You’re going on ahead then,” you stepped up behind him, peering at his neon pink bike.
He nodded. “Yup, come here,” and gestured you to walk over.
“Hm?” You paddled up towards his space, only now noticing how weird his hat placement was. “Hey, wear your helmet properly, don't wear it over your cap.”
“Don’t order me around,” Vinny grinned before taking down his black cap and refit his helmet.
You didn't get what he wanted to do until he pulled you over and leaned down. The kiss was short and sweet, a perfect diversion for him to drop his cap on your head. “There, keep it for me,” his grin remained, cheekier this time, you could even say he was patronizing you with how he pat your head afterward.
Really, he could've asked and you would've held it for him anyway, but you guessed you didn't mind either way.
You couldn't say you knew much about the other girlfriends of the team members, maybe it was because none of them held the same position as you. Give it time, you guessed, the situation could change for Yuna and Mia. While you knew what made Mia hesitated, you could only wonder what kept Yuna from making the move.
Not that you got much of a chance to think about it while in the cab, between catching up with the team and the driver's passionate droning about his team, Mia somehow managed to strike a conversation with you.
“Hey, you and Vinny...”
You were surprised to hear her approaching you. While you didn't know what happened in Sunny High, you always had an impression she was on the more reserved side even back during the mountain trip together.
Mia smiled at you, “The two of you are really open with each other,” she said, “I don't get to see that often.”
Suddenly hearing someone else mentioning your relationship was something you didn't expect, even less when it came from Mia. Maybe his earlier display inspired something, you couldn't read her mind to know, but you guessed that was the case anyway.
“Sorry about it, Vinny is a bit... I guess he's really forward sometimes,” you apologized, "hope that didn't make you uncomfortable?"
"No, no, it was really cute," she beamed at you, "I hope I can experience that one day, you two are lucky to have found each other."
Your cheeks couldn't help but warmed at that, there was truth to her words. It was not easy to find someone else to love you when each of you carried your own truckload of baggage.
Maybe you should remind him of your feelings more often. He'd appreciate that... you think.
Sometimes, you wished Minu was a bit smarter. If that was the case, then he wouldn't get the brick head idea of renting out tandem bikes under the blazing sunlight.
With how much luggage the four of you were carrying, you firmly believed he didn't think this through and there was no evidence disproving you. “Hey, Yuna, you mind if I kill your brother?” You asked from behind her, trying your best to cycle even while the weight dragged you down.
“Not if I get to him first," Yuna shouted over the wind, making sure that Minu heard exactly what she said.
The experience got infinitely worse when the rest of the team passed by, with Dom issuing the challenge of the last to arrive having to suffer jumping into the ocean.
Even with both you and Yuna speeding up past Minu and Mia, you wondered if you could get away with poisoning Dom in his sleep later in the night. Maybe you'd add Minu into the batch as a bonus.
However, while you were busy fantasizing about their demise, you missed Vinny slowing down to your side.
"Give it here," he gestured at the backpack you were carrying, catching you by surprise.
"Hm? Okay," then again, you should've known it would upset the balance when you shrugged the backpack down and gave it to him.
Lucky for you, Yuna had your back. "Careful!" She yelled when the bike wobbled, but it didn't last for long. Vinny had much better handling of your backpack than you, not even losing his own speed with he put it on him.
With the load lessened, you and Yuna got a better chance at increasing your speed, Vinny cruising at your side.
"I'm going on ahead, try to not end last," his speed increased as he said, already gaining a metre from you.
"Okay, thanks for the help! Love you!"
That got Vinny nearly losing control of the bike. "Tch," he grumbled, cheeks burned red not from the exertion, "don't say embarrassing things while I'm riding!"
Everyone didn't really expect you and Yuna to come out victorious. Under the afternoon sun, you could feel sweat drenching your clothes while your calves burning. At least, you won't have to enter the water in this state.
Mia, however, entered it with more energy than you expected, Minu following her with only a moment of hesitation.
“They really went in there...” You were captivated by their entire will before you noticed how distracted Vinny was. “What are you looking at...?”
“...Nothing,” he mumbled, but didn't stop what he was doing, “you always complained about how my bike has no back seat...”
You understood it when you follow his line of sight, he was staring at one of those bikes Minu forced the three of you to rent out of nowhere. While you couldn't say you preferred the sweat over the comfort of a cab, the experience was an interesting one in the end. “Is it the tandem bike? I never rode it before, it was fun to do it with Yuna.”
“...Damnit,” Vinny suddenly cursed, annoyed out of nowhere.
“What’s wrong?” You blinked up at him, surprised by his outburst.
Turned out, the reason behind his anger was stupider than expected. “I should have been your first.”
“Haha... I think your sense of priority is skewed.”
By the time the entire crew split into their own pairings, you were left to deal with Vinny who found the bottle of ginseng wine too interesting to pass on. "Seriously, you saw how it knocked Dom out and you're drinking, too?"
Vinny only shrugged, raising another cup before knocking it down. You really wanted to smack him at this moment but held yourself back with your insurmountable patience. “...you shouldn't abuse intoxicants to forget your problems,” you muttered while trying to plot a plan to snatch the bottle from him.
"Why don't you try to go on ahead and make mom stay in the hospital?" Vinny grumbled, "Maybe she'd listen to her daughter-in-law instead of her own son."
Guess Vinny had a case of alcohol confidence, you didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. He made you embarrassed either way.
"Daughter-in-law, look at you being bold," you tried to snatch the cup out of his hand, but somehow even while intoxicated, he managed to dodge you. "Give it here, you shouldn't be drinking to forget about your own problem."
Your ongoing battle with him somehow had you tripped over, dropping promptly into his embrace. Even in his drunken haze, he managed to secure you in his arm.
“...What else would I use? It's driving me crazy,” if not for his blush, then his slurring notified you of how smashed he was.
However, none of that compared to the stench of alcohol in his breath. It was time for you to remove him from the public space before anything happened.
You scrunched your nose, trying to not breathe it in. “I think sleep helps, come on, let's get you to bed,” you pushed yourself back up, at least, you tried.
Vinny's hold on your waist remained, and at your attempt to escape, he tightened it. “Don't wanna,” he grumbled, “want you here with me.”
“You big baby, don't get drunk in public,” you pushed at his chest again, this time more insistent when you suddenly remembered what happened earlier with Yuna, “don’t even think about throwing up on me either.”
“I won’t," he murmured, abandoning his cup altogether to keep you in his embrace, "stay with me, don’t leave me alone.”
Vinny fixed you to sit on his lap, dropping his head on your shoulder in his last-ditch attempt to keep you with him. You heard him muttering into your skin but you couldn't hear most of it when his words gradually grew quiet, giving into his sleep-addled state of mind.
No matter how much you strained to hear him, you only managed to catch the last of his words. “I don't want to... be alone again...”
And then, he grew quiet, falling asleep while holding you in his arms.
“Goodnight, Vinny.”
"...What are you two doing?"
"Listen... he's very cute when he's asleep, okay. Let him sleep."
"In that weird pose?"
"...Maybe I need a little help carrying him back...in a few minutes."
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windbreakerpics · 3 years
heyo it’s anon🦎 I’m kinda new here. But I would like to request something for our lovely Vinny.
So you know when they go with Mr Nam on a training trip. Well can you write about Vinny and reader sharing a tent together like Shelly and Jay did. Maybe sharing feelings or spicy stuff😏.
...I almost tagged this Lookism?
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Vinny only blearily came to his senses after you closed up the front of his tent. Seeing you this late at night roused him awake, even if it took him a minute to snap into clarity. “What... are you doing?”
At least, he had the common sense to scoot to the side when you shuffled in, even if he did nothing to assist you with making it comfortable.
“I thought you'd be lonely out here, I came to keep you company,” you snuggled underneath the blanket, trying to claim your own area in the limited space.
Vinny stared at you for a moment where he tried to process what had happened, and then another to determine his next move. It boiled down to him wanting nothing but sleep to recover from the arduous practice. Having you here might make that a problem.
You were distracting in both good and bad ways.
“Go back inside, sleep in a proper room,” he grumbled and turned his back to you when he flopped back down, pointedly pulling the blanket with him when he did.
You proved to be an equal match to him even with your meagre strength compared to his. Annoyingly to you, however, he had bulked up since he took up training. Not that it swayed you from trying. “While you freeze to death in this tent? No, thank you.”
“Everyone else sleeps in the tents fine, get back inside,” Vinny continued to pull at the blanket, wrapping it around himself.
“No, you,” you began to press the sole of your foot at his back use as the base, it did little to challenge Vinny, but it was the annoyance that counted.
“You’re impossible,” he muttered, not even angry but frustrated, “I’ll kick you out if you snore.”
With that, he released his hold on the blanket, you nearly propelled into a burrito of your own with the force of your strength. It required some fumbling, but you managed to untangle yourself and threw half of the blanket back on him.
He didn't even spare a thank of gratitude. Then again, it was your fault he lost his blanket in the first place.
“You know I don't snore,” you smacked his arm for the offence, which did pitifully little to move Vinny.
“Keep telling yourself that,” he snorted, not even flinching when your next whack made contact with his arm. “Don't start crying when I kick you in my sleep either.”
You gasped, indignant, "You wouldn't dare!"
"Try me."
"Damned Vinny, got a whole girl in his tent and they spent all night bickering."
"Well... he will regret it in the morning."
"Shelly, can you call Vinny up? We need to eat breakfast and begin morning training practice," June's request rang across the yard, earning him a few annoyed glares from his fellow teammates. None of them really fit the morning air except for Jay, who remained apathetic as always.
"Ugh, fine," Shelly's grumbles stayed low on energy while she trodded towards the last of the tents, undisturbed by the flock of cyclists waking up this morning.
She wasted little time prying open the tent, only wanting to get this over with. "Vinny, come on, time to get up," said Shelly, "we need to get breakfast."
At the mentioned breakfast, Vinny popped up with a zing, only half groggy in spite of the drool rolling down the side of his mouth. He was out of it, Shelly could see that, but what amused her more was the sight greeting her.
You were a mess of hair and blanket, cuddled up neatly in his arms. One of your arms wounded around his waist, securing a firm hold even while you were sleeping. It wouldn't have been anything had you not snuggled further to his side when Vinny moved.
Now, that was delightful.
Only when he noticed Shelly's amused grin that Vinny even noticed that sleep vanished from his eyes in an instant, leaving behind uninhibited panic and embarrassment.
Instead of waiting for Vinny to finish his sentence, Shelly smiled disarmingly, "I'll leave you lovebirds to it, but don't take too long!" With that, she retreated from the tent, leaving behind Vinny with you in his arms, more perplexed than anything.
"Wait a—Shelly!"
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windbreakerpics · 3 years
politely begging for horizontal tango with vinny 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
can i be the 🙇‍♀️ anon 😳😳😳 love all your work as always my lord 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️😻😻
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Be whoever you want to be 😂
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— He has a slower refractory period so he prefers to have one long session instead of multiple rounds. Even if you wanted to go multiple rounds with him, then you'd have to do through the day because Vinny won't want to go again immediately.
In fact, if you wanted, you can spend a few hours in bed with him after the first round. After cleaning up, he's content with laying down with you and cuddle.
He's pretty sleepy after every time he came, so he might just want to take a nap before anything else.
— He's not much of a groomer for what goes on down there, mostly because he's not hairy. Other than keeping himself hygienic, he pretty much lets it stay natural.
Yes... the carpet definitely matches the drape, the first time you saw it, you had to take a minute to be like... yeah, that makes sense.
Meanwhile, Vinny is freaking out because you accidentally saw him naked. Priority.
— His size is definitely proportioned to his body, have you seen his hands. His dick is in a darker shade than the rest of his skin, but he has a pretty dick, there are noticeable veins going down there.
Honestly, when he came, it's usually condensed and sticky, which is why Vinny dislikes coming outside. The cleaning up afterwards is always a chore if he got any on the sheet.
— The most handsy he became is during sex, it's like all of his needs to touch you accumulated into this moment. He will grab whatever is within reach to pull you even closer to him, your ass, your thighs, your hip.
He also has a thing for your breast, leaving marks all over them whenever they are in his view.
— Always accidentally (or intentionally?) leaves marks and hickeys where people can see. When you complain about it, he only has that little evil grin on his lips, not even pretending that he didn't do that on purpose.
Yeah... everyone will know exactly what the two of you were up to, and it's none of their businesses, stop gawking.
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windbreakerpics · 3 years
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patience-> joker
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pairing: joker x gn!reader
content: suggestive/ slightly nsfw but fluff
masterlist- series: windbreaker
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"do you really need groceries, y/n?"
it's ten minutes past six, the day is whining down as you stroll through the stocked aisles of the supermarket. you won't be shopping at this hour but because of the giant asshole behind you, who eats house to house and waits until the last minute to tell you, "oh by the way, there's no food..."
you were obviously pissed off but you decided to cool it because the giant a.k.a your "boy toy" joker will fund your impromptu shopping spree. but you hated grocery shopping with him because he has no patience whatsoever. constantly grumbling a bunch of curses behind your back or swearing if you didn't look good from the back, he would leave. you tolerate his existence while shopping until joker randomly gets turned on.
you can't explain why it's always when you grocery shop. he jokes that's its something about you looking so domestic, simply bending over and searching for what you need gets him riled up. you rolled your eyes when he said that but you believe when your legs are folded and pressed to your chest, as you sing mantras after he claims you to be his house[spouse].
"is that even question, you jerk?"
he shrugs and puts his weight on you like some big dog,"you can leave the cart full and all... c'mon let's go back to the car."
your eyebrow quirked up in the audacity of this six foot and above, horny man attempting to convince you into give him what he wants. your lips curl before you spat roughly,"you just need your dick wet right? why don't you handle in the car like a dog and just wait there until i get back." your fingers held the keys out for him but he laughs at your harshness.
"its not fun without you." he smirks, whispering in your ear,"m'not liking your tone towards me, you should remember what happened last time. from all that stress from work, you probably dropped a screw and forgot all about the consequences of that attitude."
your throat goes dry as the memories flood your mind. you could curse him with the vulgarity of a market vendor but you had a better idea, wanting to push his limits into getting what you want.
"mhm, maybe i did forgot but you can remind me if you are able to have self control and wait." your lashes flutter to hypothesize him into a bet.
"what are you trying to propose?" he questions.
"well-" you started," if you allow me to shop and put up the groceries, we can do the thing you mentioned."
his face glares straight into yours. there's a brewing tension like if you tested a beast but you aren't a little lamb either. he didn't verbal agree but the kiss on your temple sealed the deal. your smile big as a slice of orange, you won.
for the rest of the spree, joker was silent but the tension gotten thick and condensed. his hands in his pocket, shift his junk to curtail the print from public eye but his eyes bore into your back. the bit of peace you had was nice as it lasted until you guys finished packing up the groceries.
your car is parked in a darker and more secluded area of the parking lot. your biggest mistake was allowing him to drive back to your place because he held the car hostage.
"i did what i was told to do... now it's my turn."
you protested and mentioned that's not how the bet goes but joker's patience is practically non existent. that stupid smirk that makes your stomach churn in glee. his hands wasted no time to be on your body.
"h-hey! we are still in public!"
joker hums in a nonchalant tone," give 'em a show."
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531 notes · View notes
windbreakerpics · 3 years
beware: nsfw, smut, vanilla ig, just dirty talk and (1) daddy.
important: minors, ageless and blank blogs DNI!!
note: this acc was just a drabble that came to mind cause i needed to write for joker <3.i don’t think we know how tall joker is but i’m saying he at least 6’4 to 6’5.
twtyoongi 2021. do not repost/modify. do not recommend me on titktok or anywhere. reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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something about the sheer size of your boyfriend brewed something deep in your stomach. even if you were taller than others. his wide frame would still dwarf you.
laying beside him in your shared bed let you see the size difference between you both. he was laying on his back, one arm already secured around your waist and the other laying on his bare chest. letting you cuddle yourself into his side and drape your leg over his own. really making you feel small beside him.
he really did look so peaceful when he’s sleeping, his usual more angry expression now s soft content one. you were leaning on your elbow so you could hover over him just slightly to get him awake—which would be a challenge as he’s a very deep sleeper—. soft fingers moved to his face, first dancing over the dagger tattoo on his cheek and then down to the scar that ran from his lips to his jaw. two things you always found somewhat attractive. the soft trails of your fingertips cause his face to twitch slightly, causing you to laugh softly.
seeing how he still wasn’t waking, you ran a hand down his neck, onto his hard chest that had some tattoos and stopping on his abdomen, caressing the hard set of abs that’s at under your fingers. the only reaction was a groan and his hand scratching the skin that you just felt. sighing in defeat you decided you only option was to, not so seductively, shake him out of sleep.
“‘j, ‘j baby wake up, quick it’s an emergency,”
joker always liked it more when you called him that short nickname instead of the one that people now use more than his actual name; as he felt the nickname was associated with his underground fighting and he didn’t want you even more evolved and thinking about it more than you already were.
even after shaking his arm that was covered with a sleeve of tattoos all you got was another groan and him turning his head away. clicking your teeth you moved to sit up fully and shake him by his shoulders.
“joker i said wake up, it’s an emergency!”
it’s like the sound of the name falling from your mouth was what woke him, his eyes slowly opening and head turning to you. “what is it?” his voice was as deep as it gets anyway, but his groggy ‘just woke sup voice’ shot straight down to that twisty feeling in your stomach. “i need you, please.” looking at you puzzled you moved to slightly sit up against the headboard as if it would help him understand. “need me for what? did the toilet clog again?” laughing softly at his obliviousness you decided that hiking a leg over his waist and sitting down on the top of his thighs would help his groggy mind. “no no, i need you babe, y’know?”
looking at you like a lost puppy he turned his head to the side slightly. “no i don’t know,” groaning, you threw your head back ultimately thinking that last fight must’ve knocked a few braincells out. the feeling of his large hands resting on your waist, squeezing the skin to get ur attention. “i’m still confused,”
you smiled softly at his words, eyes flicking to the soft plump skin of his lips and back to his eyes before leaning down and closing the gap.
you don’t know if he’s gotten the hint yet, but you do know that he’s content with what your doing to him now, hands looking tiny as they rest and smooth over his broad shoulders. hell, your whole body looks tiny as you straddle him. your soft moans fly to his ears as you push your tongue to his parted lips, sucking on his own muscle. he definitely got the hint now, you think to yourself and start grinding down on his boxer covered crotch, straight away pulling a groan from the usually quiet man.
keeping at it until your underwear was nearly soaked through and his cock poking at your thigh you finally pulled away with a gasp to see your boyfriend panting aswell. “y’know what i mean now?” you teased with a small smirk and only getting a grunt in response before he started softly tugging your his t-shirt for you to take it off. he always got more on the nervous side when it came to intimacy, something you found rather cute. granting his cute wish you pulled the article of clothing over your head and let it fall beside you on the navy sheets.
like he’d never seen you bare before his hands instantly groped the flesh and brought another to his eager mouth. the rough skin of his palms added to the pleasure of his mouth, whines falling from you as you gripped his nearly white hair. even though he was making you feel so good with his mouth, the want for his cock was overshadowing the cloud of pleasure.
you pulled back from his touch leaving joker a bit confused. but falling back into your ways as you tugged his boxers down till they joined his t-shirt. with his height and build it would nearly be obvious that he’d be on the larger side. but the sheer size and girth of his length took you aback nearly every time. before you could bring your own hand to the erection he beat you to it and used his other hand to rub at your soaked folds. knowing what he was getting at you shook your head and moved the hand away. “need you now baby,” he heard your request and looked at the desperate expression and mirrored your shaking head. “but it’ll hurt if-” “don’ care, need you now”
not giving him a chance to intervene you let some saliva fall into your palm and brought it down to his hard cock, pumping from tip to base. it’s like nothing could top the soft skin of your hand, his own could never feel this could, he thought as his head tipped back. feeling that he was lubed enough you directed him to your nearly dripping hole and slowly sunk down on his cock. mouth falling open as well as your head dropping to his shoulder, the feeling was pleasurable but mixed with a slight burn of the stretch. sensing your slight discomfort, joker rubbed his hand up and down your spine in a soothing action while kissing at your shoulder softly.
finally, your thighs met his own making you both groan in usion. taking a few seconds you sat on his thighs, trying to get comfortable with the feeling of his girthy dick stuffing you till you swear he’s in your stomach.
“move-fuck-please move babe” he was just as desperate as you, sweat staring to form on his hairline and a sheen coating his inked body. giving your desperate lover a hum in response you gripped the skin on his shoulders and finally started bouncing on his cock.
moans, groans and skin slapping encased the once quiet room as well as the smell of sex and sweat. your head was thrown back, nearly making it seem like your porn worthy moans were louder than they actually were.
“fuuuck, mmhh! shit it feels so fucking good baby. fu-fucking love your cock~”
all joker could do was bite back a moan and move his hands down to the flesh of your ass, helping you impale yourself on his length. although you loved the sounds of his moans n groans, you do wish he’d be a bit more talkative during sex. “does it feel good ‘j? tell me baby, need to know,” you begged for even one word of reassurance that it felt just as good for him.
“nngh, shit shit, it’s so good, pussy’s so fucking good wanna ruin it. wanna ruin you”
his words mixed with the deep baritone of his voice nearly made you start release on his cock. but you couldn’t falter, not now, no. you needed him to cum with you, and cum hard. “yeah ‘j baby? wanna ruin my cunt?” he shook his head repeatedly while watching you grind your hips and lower your body so your chests were touching. “want you to fucking ruin my pussy and make me cum so hard for you sweetheart. please give it so me~” your voice whispering the dirty words by his ear and ending it with licking a stripe along the shell had his eyes rolling back and whole demeanour shifting.
joker gripped your ass for leverage and planted the heels of his feet into the messed sheets and wasted no time in fucking into your soaked cunt with no remorse. even if you wanted to you couldn’t try to let any kind of noise fall past your lips. his cock knocking the wind straight out of your lungs. everything grew louder; the skin of his thighs meeting your own, the mixed moans and groans right by your ear. you could feel and hear everything simultaneously.
“fuck! baby baby baby, oh my, fucking god! don’t stop!” “wasnt fucking planning to” joker grunted into your shoulder as he bit down on the sweat slicked skin.
for a short moment he stopped his movements and shifted his hips so he could hit deeper, but with the shifted movement it also let the trimmed hair at his base start rubbing against your neglected clit with every thrust. you would’ve nearly screamed out if it wasn’t for your mouth sucking on his neck where a tattoo dedicated to you rested. “fuck fuck, mmhh im gonna cum baby shit!” your boyfriend nodded against your skin and mumbled a “me too, gonna fill you up” quietly into your ear.
the feeling was building, and building and building in your tummy, you felt it start to get tighter and you moved your head to where both yours foreheads rested against each other’s, letting you look into his dark eyes. “let me cum ‘j, make me cum on your fucking cock daddy,”
the nickname you rarely let slip due to the fear of his reaction couldn’t help but fall past your lips in the moment. but it was all it took for joker to push harder into you till he felt you letting go on his cock and your squeals falling into his open mouth as he groaned over his own release.
whimpers and laboured breathing was all that could now be heard in the dimly lit room. you lay content on jokers chest until the icky feeling of his cum running out of your entrance was too uncomfortable. you moved to get a rag to clean up until your lover pulled you back down and got up himself, muttering a short. “let me, you rest.”
once all cleaned and tucked back into bed you lay in your previous positions, nearly about to succumb to the feeling of tiredness until you heard jokers voice grumble; “can i go to sleep now?” making you laugh and tell him to sleep tight with a kiss to his forehead.
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