windkoh · 11 days
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#破界思维 01: 化繁为简,广而告之,再让市场验证。 #MAXITHOUGHT 01: BUILD IT SIMPLE, SHARE IT WIDE. THE MARKET WILL DECIDE. ꧁#IPA꧂ created with @Neighbours_IO Creative Tools by @Mycelium_IO on #StoryProtocol.
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windkoh · 19 days
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We may be small, but we can’t be ignored. 我们虽然很渺小,但绝不容被忽视。 ꧁REMIX꧂ of one of my favourite photos from #KBW2024. ꧁CREATED꧂ with @Neighbours_IO #CreativeTools by @Mycelium_IO on @StoryProtocol. ꧁BONUS꧂ Get 100 Welcome Points with my referral code ✨wind✨ at myceliumnetwork.io.
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windkoh · 22 days
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虽然我们各有不同,但目标一致。在差异中,我们找到马来西亚。 In our differences, we find strength. In our unity, we find Malaysia. Happy Merdeka! 🇲🇾 ✨Created and minted with #CreativeTools by @Mycelium_IO. ✨Get 100 Welcome Points with my referral code “wind” at myceliumnetwork.io.
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windkoh · 23 days
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It’s only been a few days since the $140M fundraising announcement by #StoryProtocol, and I’m already seeing ꧁IP꧂ everywhere. Created and minted using the #CreativeTools by @Mycelium_IO. Use my referral code “wind” to get 100 welcome points now at myceliumnetwork.io. Story Protocol 宣布筹集1.4亿美元的消息才刚过去几天,我已经到处看到 ꧁IP꧂ 了。 这是我刚刚通过 @Mycelium_IO 的Creative Tools创作和铸造的。马上使用我的推荐码“wind”在 myceliumnetwork.io 获取100点欢迎积分吧!
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windkoh · 4 months
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On our 16th Wedding Anniversary, I get nothing but @Azuki #NFTs for each of us. Now we can all chill together in the Garden!
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windkoh · 4 months
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你完全可以选择专注于屏幕,面对着墙壁享受你的戏剧。但与其如此,何不与他人一起探索和享受那些你还未发现的美妙环境,那难道不会更好吗? This is a space you're stepping into, it might not be the multiverse of your dreams yet. Sure, you can always focus on the screen and face one side of the wall to enjoy your drama, but wouldn't it be better to explore and enjoy the wonderful surroundings you haven't discovered yet, together with others? #BuilderDoBuilderThing #ApesTogetherStrong Ape by @RedRabit
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windkoh · 4 months
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尊重和轻蔑是通过行动赢得的。建设者继续着建设,而憎恨者则继续着摧毁。既然针对我没有任何好处,为何不探索一些有意义的事情来关注,并继续前进。 Respect and contempt are earned through actions. Builders persist in constructing, while haters persist in tearing down. Since there's no advantage in targeting me, I hope they can discover something meaningful to focus on and move forward. #BuilderDoBuilderThing #ApesTogetherStrong Ape by @RedRabit
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windkoh · 4 months
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公司常常调整他们的愿景以抓住更广阔的市场,而企业会改变他们的策略以适应市场。我们不会局限于旧计划;相反,我们会创新,创造出更出色的东西。让我们共同前进,确保每个人都不被抛下。 Companies frequently alter their vision to capture a larger market, while Enterprises will adjust their strategies to align with market demands. We won't cling to our old plans; instead, we'll innovate and create something even greater. Let's move forward together, whether it's a bull or bear market. #BuilderDoBuilderThing #ApesTogetherStrong Ape by @RedRabit
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windkoh · 5 months
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GM! It's MindblowON-DAY! 我用了500天才在第1个爆脑小子之后将第2个加入我的收藏。而从2个增加到123个则只花了222天。现在,我几乎每2天就能添加一个新的 #爆脑小子# 。来 #爆脑怪人# 们,让我们一起来庆祝所有的"2"。😉 It took me 500 days to get my 2nd Weirdo NFT after the 1st, and just 222 days to expand from 2 to 123. I'm now adding a new #Weirdo# almost every 2 days. Let's celebrating all the '2's. What's your #Mindblowon# Story? 🤭
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windkoh · 5 months
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八年前的今天,医生向我解释,吸烟者体内的血量较多,这有助于在手术中减少血液流失。因此,我的八小时手术过程异常顺利,未需额外输血。这次手术经历赋予了我第二次生命,使我得以珍惜这额外的八年。 重生快乐!大家一起戒烟吧。 Eight years ago today, my doctor explained that smokers tend to have more blood in their bodies, which can help manage blood loss during surgery. As a result, my eight-hour surgery went smoothly without the need for any extra blood. This experience gave me a second chance at life, allowing me to cherish another eight years to this date. Happy Reborn Day! Let's quit smoking together.
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windkoh · 1 year
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🇲🇾 Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! #BuilderDoBuilderThing
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windkoh · 1 year
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公司常常调整他们的愿景以抓住更广阔的市场,而企业会改变他们的策略以适应市场。我们不会局限于旧计划;相反,我们会创新,创造出更出色的东西。让我们共同前进,确保每个人都不被抛下。 Companies frequently alter their vision to capture a larger market, while Enterprises will adjust their strategies to align with market demands. We won't cling to our old plans; instead, we'll innovate and create something even greater. Let's move forward together, whether it's a bull or bear market. #BuilderDoBuilderThing #ApesTogetherStrong Ape by @RedRabit
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windkoh · 1 year
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你完全可以选择专注于屏幕,面对着墙壁享受你的戏剧。但与其如此,何不与他人一起探索和享受那些你还未发现的美妙环境,那难道不会更好吗? This is a space you're stepping into, it might not be the multiverse of your dreams yet. Sure, you can always focus on the screen and face one side of the wall to enjoy your drama, but wouldn't it be better to explore and enjoy the wonderful surroundings you haven't discovered yet, together with others? #BuilderDoBuilderThing #ApesTogetherStrong Ape by @RedRabit
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windkoh · 1 year
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好的意图可以带来积极的结果,但又未必是我们期望的成果。接受这些过程,才可能让我们从中找到智慧。 Good intentions can lead to positive outcomes, but they may not always yield the results we desire. It's in accepting this uncertainty that we find wisdom. #BuilderDoBuilderThing #Bapetaverse #WGM #WGB @Azuki @Bapetaverse
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windkoh · 1 year
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On our 16th Wedding Anniversary, I get nothing but @Azuki #NFTs for each of us. Now we can all chill together in the Garden!
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windkoh · 1 year
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I’m nothing but just a believer.
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windkoh · 1 year
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早安!我穿起了我的 #BAPE SHARK HOODIE 开始了我美好的一周。我不能告诉你接下来会发生什么,但我可以向你保证,无论如何我都会继续建设。愿你也有个美好的一周! GM! Starting off a wonderful week with my #BAPE Shark Hoodie. I can’t tell you what’s next, but I can assure you that I’ll continue building no matter what. #BuilderDoBuilderThing @Bapetaverse #WGM #WGB
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