windyre-acts · 5 years
Pandemic - is the earth’s anti-virus because like it or not we are destroying virus that’s killing the Earth slowly so yeah metaphorically speaking we are the virus itself.
An ironically self thought emerges
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windyre-acts · 5 years
Yeah I get the disappointment but atleast doing something and not giving up still gives us some hope 
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But also like what’s new?
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windyre-acts · 5 years
I currently cant remove this song out of head hahahaha
Lookie here! The Kaylor love child(Grace VanderWaal) covering Riptide 👀 haha nice coincidence;) making her moms proud😂😂
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windyre-acts · 5 years
THUG life hahah
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windyre-acts · 5 years
I think she prefers to have this weird looking flower hahahah 
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Stopping to smell the flowers 💚
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windyre-acts · 5 years
This is a fine looking flower
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Gelato 🍧
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windyre-acts · 5 years
Just an afterthought I am looking at this pandemic not as a disease but a anti-viral cure it’s a parallel metaphor that we as human might be considered virus by the earth we lived in slowly killing the body of life we live in, and that this Pandemic is just one of it’s defense mechanism to lessen the damage being dealt to his body. 
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Virus. Sniffles and Sneezes. 1955.
Internet Archive
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windyre-acts · 5 years
Before this Pandemic whenever you sneeze people still say “Bless you” now it’s a before leaves before saying anything hahah
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windyre-acts · 5 years
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My Top 11 Manga’s worth Reading:
I had never been a die-hard Otaku in terms of reading Manga but because of my nerdy cousin who even has a mix tape of all his favorite Anime theme songs I came to like so much that I became a fan, I am fond of the this particular anime that’s both a mix of nostalgia & teenage years many of you might find some Manga in this list as not worthy but I would like to mention that this top 10 has impacted both my preferences in Manga & what attracts to a a certain degree and to make things clear these Manga doesn’t necessary have an Anime some of them have, but most of are:
TOP 11: Dragon Ball
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For me you are haven’t read or watch this iconic anime then you might had missed what is the most iconic manga’s that’s so impactful that I doubt you never saw the influence in the newest anime’s or Manga’s of today. It paved the way what Shonen Manga it is today funny,whimsical & action packed I doubt that anyone who knows this one has not yelled Ka-me-ha-me-ha!!!!! in your childhood.
Top 10: Yu Yu Hakosho / Ghost fighter
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If you are a fun of Hunter X Hunter then you shouldn't have missed this Gem this manga is full of surprises but if you are a fan of the author then you would also know his flaws, as he is always prone to cut his story short or have too much hiatus but hey this Manga is full of character development that even the most annoying Character is worth the read.
Top 9: Slam Dunk 
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I don’t about you guys but this ironic may it seems but this nerdy anime made me fell in love with basketball today’s generation may compare it to Kuroko's Basketball but to me this is the original that more worth it, it doesn’t give you unrealistic skills or overpowered skills but the growth of a delinquent student re-directing his athletes-ism towards something more productive is a really worth of your time, but it’s strengths is I think it’s also weakness the character development is too much focused on each player that the flow of the story is at times too slow, but it also makes every victory wonderful & felt even at times they are losing it feels much more grounded & satisfying to see them win by every unexpected turn. It’s a bonus that it’s really really funny. 
Top 8: As the God’s Will / Kami sama no iutoori 
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If it weren’t for the ending that I still can’t get to accept this would had been one of my top 5 but nevertheless this one for me is one of the most surprising & unexpected manga that I ever read, because it’s like the author is toying with you all the characters are like chess pieces non are safe, this is a not a typical shonun manga & it’s full of lovable characters that makes you hate the author for toying with your feelings, it’s a must for those who are sick with the recycled hero type manga that’s so predictable nowadays, reading this was a journey but it feels lackluster when you reach the ending it feels like you expecting something to happen and it didn’t deliver but hey beggars cant be choosers this one is still one of the best. If you are fan of cat & mouse battle of Deathnote then this is a must read for you.
Top 7: I am A Hero 
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Oh boy this manga is good & lame that I can’t put in anywhere reading this Manga feels like a roller coaster it has ups & downs then when you finally get to finish it you feel like that was it? I know there’s so much more, why did it end there, are you looking for a manga that doesn’t feel like you are reading but rather watching what’s happening panel by panel & it feels to realistic to some degree that it amazing to see how the creator manages to make a masterpiece like this, like the details of the background & characters feel surreal that it feels like you are watching a movie than reading a manga, there’s no anime for this manga because it’s for adult but there’s a live-action & it doesn’t disappoint I think the movie had a better ending than the manga itself, and by the way this is perfect for adults who can relate to the hero in some degree, I don’t know which part but like I said to some degree hahaha.
Top 6: Solo Leveling 
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Oh boy, this is a manga that I love the story & the art but hates the main character, I am sure for some fan they love the overpowered overrated characters but for me it lessens the connection to the character, it feels like Dragon Ball that you loved the until Dragon Ball Z then ignores the rest because you only enjoyed the journey but became bored because you don’t feel the struggle of the character anymore, I always love an underdog story but hates it when a story becomes unrelatable well maybe most fan doesn’t have the same concerns but like I said it’s so good but it when you want something different you it falls on your expectations but hey this manga is still good, it’s more focused on the gaming experiences. Like having a character level 10 to 99 haha like I said his journey is what made me love this Anime, but the Shōjo type Main Character made me a bit off. 
Top 5: Death note 
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A manga full of moral ambiguity it makes you question your own moral ethics & somehow makes it think the definition of good and evil. Because the main character is a perfect gray character he is not a hero nor a villain, and his rival is not even the Hero or Villain, it’s a manga that makes you feel you are watching a chess match,. the bonus art is so beautifully made that it makes you clamor for more.It’s Timeless & bold. 
Top 4: Naruto 
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Ah Naruto, it makes you do the hand seals and run with your hands at your back, this manga was basically part of my teenage years until adulthood same as the beloved character, this Manga has the qualities below the list but more, you feel like Naruto is your childhood friend not a hero, because you had been through that Journey that seeing him finally achieving his goals make the sequel for me irrelevant, the Anime has made me listen to this band  Asian Kung-Fu Generation why? because my cousin made me loved their songs with his mixtapes I love this Manga all in all but the bromance of Naruto & Sasuke not so much hahaha.
Top 3: My Hero Academia
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Plain & simple if you love Marvel & DC comics then reading this manga will never fail you, plus if you love Dragon Ball & Naruto then I bet this manga again won’t fail you, I though Shonun Manga won’t be enticing anymore but this Manga felt like I was a still a child inside “Smash”!!!!
Top 2: One Piece
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Do I need to explain why? A lot of people had made a lot of theories about his Manga & never never had they made the correct theory or anticipated what happens, this Pirate Adventure is more fun than all the Pirates of the Caribbean combined I just wish that whenever they do make it’s live action it would be as diversed as the original content it’s a complete manga full of humor & adventure but when it gets serious you will get confused on why you are crying for a freaking ship.. 
Top 1: Gantz
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Hmm one of the most underrated manga’s of all time for me this is the most complete manga I ever read, it has dark humor and a very mature content it’s character are what I’ve always wanted a reluctant character that grew to a understandable hero, while the sub characters are still a must read, it’s just so weird and action packed that an anime or live action adaptations cannot replicate, it’s very original & doesn’t shy away from shining on it’s own, even the author said it himself that he can’t replicate Gantz or make more explosive than this, I tried looking for something similar but even after ending since 2013 for me no one has surface how good it was for me. Oh and bonus you get to see Angelina Jolie here hahaha.
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windyre-acts · 5 years
#quarantine #disneyprincess #introverts #boredom #queenofboredom #brush and brush and brush my hair
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TANGLED 2010 | Dir: Byron Howard, Nathan Greno
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windyre-acts · 5 years
Writing is something you do alone. It’s a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don’t want to make eye contact while doing it.
John Green (via introvertlifestyle)
Have you ever wonder why you sometimes feel more at peace with yourself ? Well you are not alone it’s called being an introvert.
#Solitude #corona-virus #introverts #self-quarantine #quarantine
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windyre-acts · 5 years
Indie/Pop/Folk Compilation - February 2020 (1-Hour Playlist)
Humanities greatest creation is music because it transcends time, it doesn’t judge,it doesn’t discriminate, it talks to your soul if you ever really have one?
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windyre-acts · 5 years
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