winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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I was listening to Eat Me, Drink Me by Marilyn Manson and this picture came to mind. His lyrics somehow always remind me of KS, especially in this song. 
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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Does sangwoo ever say this in the beginning.? I tried to find it but couldn’t . 🤔
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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Ima just…
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
Yoonbum: I may be socially awkward, mentally unstable, abused, and insane
Sangwoo: But?
Yoonbum: Nothing. That’s it.
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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Tag yourself meme, season 3 edition.
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
Sangwoo died with that ugly ass haircut
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
The Killing Stalking finale never happen. Ya’ll still sleeping.
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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Sangwoo & Yoon Bum
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
The saddest thing is that Sangwoo was absolutely aware of the fact that he wasn’t attracted to Bum. When he confesses to him that he isn’t gay but he still gave him oral, that’s so painful because he’s literally telling Bum that he’s the most important person for him, but he will never be able to love him in the same way Bum does. He even tells him that the only reason why he’s still alive is because he’s a man. Sangwoo is attracted to women but his relationship with his mother fucked him up so badly that he is condemned to never find real, genuine love, because whenever he gets too comfortable with a girl the memories trigger him and he can’t help but start hating, harming and killing her.
He realized that the only chance he has to feel a bit of affection is through a person who is so deep in love with him but that he knows is condemned to be disappointed by him because their sexualities don’t match. And I bet Sangwoo felt guilty of this, of loving Bum so much but being unable to reciprocate his feelings the way Bum wished.
Bum was the most important person to him, yet Sangwoo was condemned to let him down forever because he just couldn’t feel that same kind of attraction for him. He tried and tried to give Bum what he wanted, but he also decided to be honest with him and tell him how he truly felt about it. This is how much he ended until loving him: he felt the need to be completely honest with him about their relationship.
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
The FoodPorn I Wanted:
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The FoodPorn I Got:
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
A quick analysis of the end of Chapter 56
Sangwoo wakes from a rather unpleasant dream and finds Bum sucking him off (Side note: don’t have sex with unconscious people). 
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Bum is taking an active role, while Sangwoo is in a passive role. This dynamic that Bum has put them into angers him, and he grabs Bum off the floor and  onto the table, reestablishing him in the dominant position and Bum in the submissive position.
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Bum is either too drunk or too horney realize how ticked Sangwoo is. And Bum, just going with the flow, stares moaning out “Babe.” This is clearly triggering for Sangwoo, and so he finds the most practical why to shut Bum up: shoving a corncob in his mouth.
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Bum, who’s not type to judge you on your cornkink, continues to go with the flow and decides he’s gonna ride that dick, because yolo.
However, doing so, reverts Sangwoo back into a more submissive position.
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Sangwoo starts to panic.
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His mind, responding to the distress, reverts to old tacts that kept him safe/alive in the past, which is appeasing the ‘attacker’. He asks if the other feels good (assessing the other’s state, while mimicking positive engagement), and states that he feels good too (assuring the other that everything is okay, that there’s no reason for violent escalation). At the same time he’s demanding to see Bum’s face, to help ground him in reality, that right now he’s with Bum.
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But he slips up.
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Now a couple small predictions for the next chapter, Sangwoo doesn’t want to disclose what his mother did to him, and so if Sangwoo is going to tell Bum, he’s needs a really good reason too. Bum, I doubt would judge Sangwoo for what happened to him, if Sangwoo does tell him the truth. However, in the last two chapter’s Bum has stressed that he wants to feel like they are in a real relationship, that he is loved, and that this love is genuine. But Sangwoo wasn’t thinking about him while they were having sex.
When Sangwoo brought Bum up from the basement, he told him three important things:
1. Bum reminded him of his mom
2. That he loved his mom
3. And he asked if Bum wanted to be the mom
If Bum convinces himself that Sangwoo is just projecting his mother on him, that Sangwoo doesn’t actually love him, it will break his heart.
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
Now 6 AM, I dont know why I’m repost this memes. Just found it in internet. Credit to the creator @sangwoocookies.
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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You know,i think that's genius. The conception of "the most painful death" is much more frightening than if she said "you'll be buried alive" or "you'll be burned alive" or something else like that. It was one of the ways to kill Sangwoo without killing him. To let his deep fears engulf him.
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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Well ok, i think this must be said. This is one of the lessons of life Koggi gives. Be courageous enough to be yourself, don't be afraid of showing the world who you are. Because if not now, then when? Don't be afraid of other people's words, thoughts, opinions. They don't know the truth. They don't see the whole picture. They can't be the cause of you not following your heart. We live once and our life is too short to hide our real emotions and ourselves. We are who we are. We should be grateful for every freckle given us.
So please, don't be afraid of yourself.
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
I think the author should have warned us at the beginning with the words " this fucking genius manga is going to break your heart and you won't be able to mend it again" GOD DAMMIT
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winewhinevine-blog · 5 years
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I was happy for about ten seconds,,,,, but then I remembered what I was reading.
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