the ball's in my court now. unless I hallucinated you hitting it my way. maybe I'm just watching a figment of my imagination. just standing here, watching it roll, and roll...
I think sooner or later it'll roll though the tear in the chain link wall and disappear for good. I don't want that at all; the thought kind of makes me panic, but I don't want to hit it back either, cuz then we'd be playing tennis. I don't want that.
I think I'd much rather we sit across from each other with our legs splayed and our feet touching and we just roll the ball back and forth. what would that even mean? I don't know. but I know that it wouldn't be enough for you. I know you wanna play tennis. and honestly, I want you to play tennis. I want you to play the kind of tennis that's exhilarating and solid, keeps you on your toes yet never falling behind and leaves you breathless and that tired-kind-of-satisfied; leaves you sprawled on your back, looking up at the sky with a big, dopey grin on your face. I want you to experience that.
but I'm not a tennis player. I walked in here by accident and the damn door locked behind me. so now I'm watching the ball with this small, sad smile because I know I just have to let it roll where it rolls, no matter how much I want to run and catch it. I have to remember, once again, how to let things be; leave it to the tennis players. but after all our false starts and failed passes and never quite being able to find our footing, you know...
it means a lot that you sent the ball my way.
if I didn't hallucinate that.
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remember. you can't know things you don't know. you have to find them out. by doing things.
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 6 months
my username is in no way affiliated with jk rowling
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 6 months
you don't need their forgiveness to be a better person
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 6 months
moral injury is not uniquely isolating but it's isolating in its own unique way. feels like most people only know how to respond to another person's moral injury with "you're right, you're an asshole" or "you're wrong, what you did was justified". where is the fucking nuance. i want "you fucked up, but there needs to be a way forward for you, so what now? you still get to keep trying to be good"
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 8 months
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 8 months
There's this perception on here among neurodivergent people that neurotypical social behaviour is all fake and arbitrary. That it's a cruel, baseless game played to "weed out" ND people or to cause pain and complicate things on purpose.
This is wrong. All of those social rules and nuances ARE communication. Sorry if this is rude but it's not the NTs' fault if things don't gel- the gap goes both ways. Just because communication doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean it's random or purposeless. Remember this post?
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Every interaction in an NT conversation has purpose, and communicates something, and I don't understand why nobody ever explains this to ND people. There's information on basic stuff like facial expressions, but never what any of it actually means.
Small talk about the weather isn't about the weather. It's about how nice it is to be around the people you're talking to, or feeling out their understanding of the world, or just saying that you're both present and people and you're being people together. It's not literal. The words are, but the broad scope isn't.
A conversation is not just an exchange of words, it's an exchange of acknowledgement, attention, and emotional understanding. Of course it confuses people when their part in that exchange is met with flat affect or unembelished words. It's like looking in a mirror and not seeing your reflection.
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 8 months
fair isn't always splitting the work 50/50. sometimes it's filling in eachother's gaps
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New Crow Time 🐦‍⬛🦊🌟
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 8 months
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This response on Quora
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 9 months
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why none of them got into The Good Place
#it doesnt lessen the negative impact of their actions but that doesnt mean they dont deserve compassion and empathy#how are they supposed to be better ppl if you equate them to their past and dont help them grow#ppl get hung up on a persons past actions even when they arent that person anymore and wouldnt do the same types of things anymore#abd it rly frustrates me bc that way of thinking just encourages ppl to not change. bc whays the point if theyll still be viewed the same?#im not trying to dismiss the past actions as unproblematic but like. isnt th goal of punishment to deter a person from repeating those acts#so if a person already wouldnt repeat them then. how is persecuting them productive?#someone i had this debate w said it was for the people who got hurt. so they could heal#they didnt agree w me when i said healing shouldnt rely on someone else bc that person may never face justice or feel remorse#altho if ur a changed person you presumably /would/ feel remorse. but ig for some ppl thats not enough; they demand vindication#but the person gets punished and then what? its not gonna change wht happened. ur not gonna be healed#bc at the end of the day healing always has to come from within. even if someone apologizes its you that lets go of the pain#and causing more pain rarely puts a soul at ease. its not closure its just a cycle of hurt. so vindication doesnt solve anything#even if it feela good for a bit#...can ypu tell by my rant that i wasnt able to change this persons pov
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wingardium-leviohsnap · 10 months
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thinking about this
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just wanna put it out there that you don't have to know somebody's past to know them.
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cruelty is so easy. youre not special for choosing it
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forgive yourself again and again and again and again and again
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i love one (1) disaster wizard
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Ok hear me out-
I think the universe is shrinking.
Nonono listen hear me out so according to modern astronomy, space is expanding, with no point of origin. The universe is spreading through vast, infinite nothingness, with it being the only thing really defining space.
Now I know reality isn't based in human perception, but the only way I can picture bodies getting further away from eachother uniformly, with no focal point, would be to view like a grid of dots and then have the dots shrink. Keeping in mind tho that size is relative and that space is an undefined variable which is only given value in correspondence to its contents, it would then appear that the dots themselves don't change size; the change would be transferred to the variable, thus defining space as expanding.
So while space is ever growing, I think at the same time you could argue that the universe - that is, celestial bodies relative to space - is shrinking.
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