wingedherald-blog · 6 years
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
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         “Who is there? Who lurks in the darkness?”
a   quiet ,   tinkering   laugh   rings   out   through   the   night     /     thuringwethil ,   unseen ,   watches   from   veil   of   shadows .
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❝     you   ask   many   questions .   are   you   lost ?     ❞  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
LIPS  PURSE   ――    CLOAKED  FORM      shifts  to  pick  the  voice  from  the  shroud  of  green  and  dark,  darkened  hues  falling  ‘pon  one  similar  to  her  own.  another  being  lurking  beneath  the  moon.
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❝    should  I  be?   ❞     perhaps  a  bit  cold;  she  dare  say  no  good comes  from  this  hour.  fleur  knew  so  well,  fingers  tracing  the  carvings  of  her  daggers’  handles  fondly  beneath  the  drape.    ❝   the  wood  becomes  rather  dangerous  at  this  hour.  perhaps  we  should  both flee.   ❞
❝     perhaps .   ❞   drawl   tinged   with   amusement ,   annoyance   shifting   to   interest   ────   this   one’s   a   confident   one ,   whether   naive   or   justly   so .   cloaked   form   edges   closer   into   the   half-light .
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a   quiet   laugh   bubbles   forth ,   &   nonchalance   is   unfeigned   ────   the   woods’   greatest   danger   is   none   but   she .   ❝     ah .   frightened   of   these   old   trees ,   are   you ?     ❞  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
so   wandering   verse   thu   is   basically   just   a   bat   cryptid   huh .  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
"I learned that nothing in this universe is what you think it is." (From elvenfair)
                                                                     「   @elvenfair   」       /       🌙 ! 
❝     no .  it  is  music ,  ever-changing .    ❞   an  elder  creature  such  as  she  should  be  stranger  to  surprise ,  &  yet   ────  doubt ,  a  present  companion  in  her  shadow .  celestial  heavens  seem  to  have  changed  over  the  ages ,  patterns  foreign  to  once-familiar  gaze .  the  mortals  have  new  names  for  them ,  now    /     &  she  hums  them   ‘neath  her  tongue .
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an  illusion  of  a  smile  blossoms .  ❝    it  is  frustrating .    ❞    
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
my   activity ...   a   completely   dismal   motherfucker .  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
❛ leave it to me: i’m always top banana in the shock department. ❜ ( I dont even think this is crack just genuinely something he would say )
                                                                      「   @bglir   」       /       🌙 !
❝    i   ────    ❞  nonplussed  voice  cuts  itself  off ,  abrupt    /     &  when  the  darkest  of  dark  lords  confides  to  you  of  that ,  what  can  you  say ?  speech  fails  thuringwethil ,  exasperation  lined  in  edge  of  curled  lips  (    cloak  flutters   ‘round  her   ────   traitorous  bats  tittering  in  half-suppressed  delight     )   .  &  when  the  silence  has  gone  on  too  long ,  words  continue  in  almost  delicate  fashion ,  straining  in  its  attempt  at  civility . 
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❝  ────  i  am  aware  of  that .  try  not  to  be  too  shocking .  it  could  prove  fatal .    ❞  LIKE  YOU  JUST  DID ,  NOW .  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
With her dark mantle worn to hide her presence, it must have been the soft sound of her footfalls or perhaps the flowery scent of Lúthien that revealed her presence to the vampire. She draws back her hood, her face and twilight-grey eyes luminous even in the shadows, dark hair spilling out and falling around the smooth skin of her throat. Barely standing taller than Thuringwethil, she acknowledges the other’s presence with a polite nod.
“My woods they may not be, but my path is my own, and I shall tread wherever I desire.” She speaks in the harsh syllables of the Valarin tongue, alien to the Elves and uttered so well by no other child of Ilúvatar. Her voice is sweet and musical even without singing, though there is a sort of power that hums beneath it.
Lúthien is a strange presence in the tenebrous wood in her blue gown with its golden flowers, the fine circlet on her brow, delicate feet bare even on hostile ground. Despite the Girdle of Melian, some news escapes Doriath to the outside world - and it is obvious exactly who she is, and she is very far from home indeed.
❝     i   never   said   anything   otherwise .   your   presence   is   merely ...   out   of   the   ordinary ,   it   seems .     ❞   a   half-lie    ────   thuringwethil   remains   shadowed ,   approaches   only   in   small ,   wary   steps .   she   knows   of   luthien ,   if   only   in   whispers   (     she   is   herald ,   dealing   in   half-truths     )   . &   there   is   no   mistaking   the   other ,   now ,   in   the   flesh .
even   her   voice   holds   a   certain   tangible   energy     /     &   she   speaks   in   the   eldest   tongue !   rarely   ever   heard ,   in   this   doomed   land .   head   tilts   in   curious   regard ,   &   thuringwethil   responds   in   kind ,   in   forgotten   speech . 
❝     well ,   suppose   i   should   ask :   WHY   ARE   YOU   HERE ?     ❞  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
——     truman capote.
❛  never love a wild thing.  ❜
❛  you can’t give your heart to a wild thing: the more you do, the stronger they get.  ❜
❛  it’s better to look at the sky than live there. such an empty place; so vague.  ❜
❛  you call yourself a free spirit, a “wild thing”.  ❜
❛  you’re terrified somebody’s gonna stick you in a cage.  ❜
❛  no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.  ❜
❛  it may be normal, darling; but i’d rather be natural.  ❜
❛  the answer is good things only happen to you if you’re good.  ❜
❛  anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot.  ❜
❛  i don’t want to own anything until i find a place where me and things go together.  ❜
❛  you know the days when you get the mean reds?  ❜
❛  suddenly you’re afraid, and you don’t know what you’re afraid of.  ❜
❛  you can love somebody without it being like that.  ❜
❛  home is where you feel at home. i’m still looking.  ❜
❛  everybody has to feel superior to somebody.  ❜
❛  i told you: you can make yourself love anybody.  ❜
❛  a girl doesn’t read this sort of thing without her lipstick.  ❜
❛  we don’t belong to each other.  ❜
❛  leave it to me: i’m always top banana in the shock department.  ❜
❛  i’m very scared. yes, at last. because it could go on forever.  ❜
❛  you’re wonderful. unique. i love you.  ❜
❛  it should take you about four seconds to walk from here to the door. i’ll give you two.  ❜
❛  i’ll never get used to anything. anybody that does that might as well be dead.  ❜
❛  love should be allowed. i’m all for it. now that i’ve got a pretty good idea what it is.  ❜
❛  nothing very bad could happen to you there.  ❜
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
                                                                     「   @myrkvae   」       /       🌙 !
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A   CONTEMPLATIVE   HUM ,   directed   at   the   other .   ❝     better   to   look   at   the   sky   than   live   there .     ❞  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
MOTION    AS   SWIFT    AS    COILED   SPRING    !        bow   slides    between    fingertips    as   arrow    follows    leaden   path    like    petals   through        grace    of   breeze      ;            gaze    is   focused    upon    her   form    .    though   you    have    no   intent    to    wound   ,    shiver    climbs   up        centre    spine       at    tone    of   words    ,    brittle   state    you    cannot   halt    and    it   is    a    familiar   shade    of    hesitance      (    the   way    wild    woods   of    dol    guldor   shape    the    very   essence    of    your   bones        /        leave   you    hard    edged   and    aching    ,       WAR    TORN    AND   FRAYING      )    .    
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brusque    tone   may    be    forgiven   ,    if    only   for    the    knowledge   you    desire    ;       friend    or    foe  ?        ice    or   warmth    ?
❛    and   how    is    it   you    know    which   direction    i    am   headed    ?    these   woods    have    many   trails    ,    perhaps    i    merely    wander    through    their    leaves    .     ❜       of    silken    web   and    darkened    trees   ,    how    it   has    left    you   tense    as       battle   drawn    beats    ,     ❛    PEDO    !    ❜
&   VERDANT   SILENCE ,   INTERRUPTED   ────   a   familiar   metallic   tang   of   bloodshed   looms   in   the   air .   you   can   taste   it .   she   regards   the   drawn   bow ,    parts   amused   &   wary   (     it   would   be   amiss   to   feign   complete   indifference !     ) .   hands   come ‘   round   from   shadowed   cloak   in   placating   gesture ,   sharpened   nails   painted   red   in   dying   light     /     she ,   a   creature   of   hidden   lies ,   smiling   in   anticipation . 
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❝     a   guess ,   NOTHING   MORE .   most   travellers   leave   the   woods   with   haste ,   not   LINGER   IN   THEM .     ❞    cadence   brims   with   ceaseless   humor   ────    mouth   quirks   briefly ,   a   flash   of   gleaming   teeth .   ❝     what   makes   you   stay ?     ❞  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
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no    ────   gene   kelly .   remember   the   way   he   danced   down   there   next   to   the   river   in   ❛ american   in   paris ❜   ────   without   a   care   in   the   world ?     /     reggie   lampert   of    ❛ charades ❜   as   told   by   som .   dash   only .  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
                                                                      「   @elvenfair   」       /       🌙 !
grim   smile ,   surprise   lining   its   edges    ────   familiar   faces   are   hardly   a   comfort   nowadays . 
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❝     it   has   been   a   while .     ❞  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
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UPRIGHT !    ────    &   with   fell   relinquished   to   maiden   bright ,   you   fall .   this   is   your   doom     /     no   herald   but   one   own .   but   tol-in-gaurhoth   pities   not   the   wingless   creature .   beneath   stars   &   the   slain , you   crawl   your   way   out , an   indistinct   shadow ,    ‘til   silence   of   death   becomes   one   of   fluttering   leaves .   an   old   hurt ,   soothed .   for   a   moment   you   forget ,   &   you   wonder     /     you   wonder ,   amidst   raging   wars   ────   perhaps   this   is   what   it   means   to   be .
REVERSE !    ────    name ,   remains :   still   of   the   shadows ,   secrets    ‘neath   cloak .   remove   thyself   from   whispers     /     from   camaraderie     /     from   another   darkness   (      cling   not   to   old   loyalties .   fear   them     ) .   you   are   a   shapeshifter   unchanging ,   wandering   without   purpose     /     with   eyes   turned   from   the   world .   &   ────   but   a   self-reinvention   in   obscurity .   
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
                                                                     「   @adunxphel   」       /       🌙 !
shadow   meets   shadow ,   &   comes   with   a   it   familiarity   that   thuringwethil   does   not   appreciate .
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❝     dark   days   ahead .   are   you   part   of   it ?     ❞  
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wingedherald-blog · 6 years
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AES :       HERALD .
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